diff --git a/Modules/Core/include/mitkLookupTable.h b/Modules/Core/include/mitkLookupTable.h index 682fbcd3b4..96928a4b09 100644 --- a/Modules/Core/include/mitkLookupTable.h +++ b/Modules/Core/include/mitkLookupTable.h @@ -1,269 +1,270 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef mitkLookupTable_h #define mitkLookupTable_h #include "mitkCommon.h" #include #include #include #include #include class vtkColorTransferFunction; class vtkPiecewiseFunction; namespace mitk { /** * @brief The LookupTable class mitk wrapper for a vtkLookupTable * @ingroup DataManagement * * This class can be used to color images with a LookupTable, such as the * vtkLookupTable. * @note If you want to use this as a property for an mitk::Image, make sure * to use the mitk::LookupTableProperty and set the mitk::RenderingModeProperty * to a mode which supports lookup tables (e.g. LOOKUPTABLE_COLOR). Make * sure to check the documentation of the mitk::RenderingModeProperty. For a * code example how to use the mitk::LookupTable check the * mitkImageVtkMapper2DLookupTableTest.cpp in Core\Code\Testing. */ class MITKCORE_EXPORT LookupTable : public itk::DataObject { public: /** * @brief RawLookupTableType raw lookuptable typedef for convenience. */ typedef unsigned char RawLookupTableType; mitkClassMacro( LookupTable, itk::DataObject ); itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) itkCloneMacro(Self) /** * @brief GetVtkLookupTable Getter for the internally wrapped vtkLookupTable. */ virtual vtkSmartPointer GetVtkLookupTable() const; /** * @brief GetRawLookupTable Getter for the raw lookuptable array. */ virtual RawLookupTableType* GetRawLookupTable() const; /** * @brief SetVtkLookupTable Setter for the internal lookuptable. * @param lut The lookuptable. */ virtual void SetVtkLookupTable( vtkSmartPointer lut ); /** * @brief ChangeOpacityForAll Set the opacity for all table values. * @param opacity Opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. */ virtual void ChangeOpacityForAll( float opacity ); /** * @brief ChangeOpacity Set the opacity for a specific table index. * @param index The lookuptable index. * @param opacity Opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. */ virtual void ChangeOpacity(int index, float opacity ); /** * @brief GetColor convenience method wrapping the vtkLookupTable::GetColor() method. * * Map one value through the lookup table and return the color as an RGB array of doubles between 0 and 1. * @param value The value you want to map. * @param rgb RGB values between 0 and 1. */ virtual void GetColor(double value, double rgb[3]); /** * @brief GetTableValue convenience method wrapping the vtkLookupTable::GetTableValue() method. * @param index The index you want to get. * @param rgba RGB values between 0 and 1. */ virtual void GetTableValue(int index, double rgba[4]); /** * @brief SetTableValue convenience method wrapping the vtkLookupTable::SetTableValue() method. * @param index The index you want to set. * @param rgba RGB values between 0 and 1. */ virtual void SetTableValue(int index, double rgba[4]); itkSetMacro(Window, float); itkSetMacro(Level, float); itkSetMacro(Opacity, float); /*! * \brief equality operator implementation */ virtual bool operator==( const mitk::LookupTable& LookupTable ) const; /*! * \brief non equality operator implementation */ virtual bool operator!=( const LookupTable& LookupTable ) const; /*! * \brief implementation necessary because operator made * private in itk::Object */ virtual LookupTable& operator=( const LookupTable& LookupTable ); /** * Updates the output information of the current object by calling * updateOutputInformation of the data objects source object. */ virtual void UpdateOutputInformation( ); /** * Sets the requested Region to the largest possible region. * This method is not implemented, since this is the default * behaviour of the itk pipeline and we do not support the * requested-region mechanism for lookup-tables */ virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion( ); /** * Checks, if the requested region lies outside of the buffered region by * calling verifyRequestedRegion(). */ virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion( ); /** * Checks if the requested region is completely contained in * the buffered region. Since we always want to process the lookup * table as a whole, this method always returns true */ virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion( ); /** * This method has no effect for lookup tables, since we do * not support the region-mechanism */ virtual void SetRequestedRegion(const itk::DataObject *data ); LookupTable(); virtual ~LookupTable(); /** * \deprecatedSince{2014_03} Please use CreateColorTransferFunction() instead */ DEPRECATED(void CreateColorTransferFunction(vtkColorTransferFunction*& colorFunction)); /** * \deprecatedSince{2014_03} Please use CreateOpacityTransferFunction() instead */ DEPRECATED(void CreateOpacityTransferFunction(vtkPiecewiseFunction*& opacityFunction)); /** * \deprecatedSince{2014_03} Please use CreateGradientTransferFunction() instead */ DEPRECATED(void CreateGradientTransferFunction(vtkPiecewiseFunction*& gradientFunction)); vtkSmartPointer CreateColorTransferFunction(); vtkSmartPointer CreateOpacityTransferFunction(); vtkSmartPointer CreateGradientTransferFunction(); /** * @brief The LookupTableType enum for different predefined lookup tables. * * \li GRAYSCALE Our default level-window (sometimes referred to as window-level by other sources) setup for a test image looks like this: * \image html ExampleLevelWindowColor.png * \li INVERSE_GRAYSCALE Inverse LookupTable of GRAYSCALE. * \li HOT_IRON A LookupTable for red colors. * \li JET A LookupTable for JET color rendering. * \li LEGACY_BINARY A LookupTable for binary images. * \li LEGACY_RAINBOW_COLOR A rainbow-like LookupTable. * \li MULTILABEL A LookupTable for multilabel images. * \li PET_COLOR A LookupTable for PET color rendering. * \li PET_20 A LookupTable for PET_20 color rendering. * * The different LookupTableTypes can be applied in the MitkWorkbench via right-clicking * on an image and choosing a color map. */ enum LookupTableType { GRAYSCALE, INVERSE_GRAYSCALE, HOT_IRON, JET, + JET_TRANSPARENT, LEGACY_BINARY, LEGACY_RAINBOW_COLOR, MULTILABEL, PET_COLOR, PET_20 }; static const char* const typenameList[]; /*! * \brief Set the look-up table type by enum (or integer). * \details Returns if the given type doesn't exist. Only changes the type if it is different * from the current one. */ virtual void SetType(const LookupTableType type); /*! * \brief Set the look-up table type by string. * \details Returns if the given type doesn't exist. Only changes the type if it is different * from the current one. */ virtual void SetType(const std::string& typeName); /*! * \brief Return the current look-up table type as a string. */ virtual const std::string GetActiveTypeAsString(); protected: void PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const; LookupTable(const LookupTable& other); virtual void BuildGrayScaleLookupTable(); virtual void BuildLegacyBinaryLookupTable(); virtual void BuildLegacyRainbowColorLookupTable(); virtual void BuildInverseGrayScaleLookupTable(); virtual void BuildHotIronLookupTable(); - virtual void BuildJetLookupTable(); + virtual void BuildJetLookupTable(bool transparent = false); virtual void BuildPETColorLookupTable(); virtual void BuildPET20LookupTable(); virtual void BuildMultiLabelLookupTable(); vtkSmartPointer m_LookupTable; float m_Window; float m_Level; float m_Opacity; LookupTableType m_type; private: virtual itk::LightObject::Pointer InternalClone() const; }; } // namespace mitk #endif /* mitkLookupTable_h */ diff --git a/Modules/Core/src/DataManagement/mitkLookupTable.cpp b/Modules/Core/src/DataManagement/mitkLookupTable.cpp index 515a905005..fb57f17485 100644 --- a/Modules/Core/src/DataManagement/mitkLookupTable.cpp +++ b/Modules/Core/src/DataManagement/mitkLookupTable.cpp @@ -1,567 +1,579 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkLookupTable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* const mitk::LookupTable::typenameList[] = { "Grayscale", "Inverse Grayscale", "Hot Iron", "Jet", + "Jet Transparent", "Legacy Binary", "Legacy Rainbow Color", "Multilabel", "PET Color", "PET 20", "END_OF_ARRAY" // Do not add typenames after this entry (see QmitkDataManagerView::ColormapMenuAboutToShow()) }; mitk::LookupTable::LookupTable(): m_Window(0.0), m_Level(0.0), m_Opacity(1.0), m_type(mitk::LookupTable::GRAYSCALE) { m_LookupTable = vtkSmartPointer::New(); this->BuildGrayScaleLookupTable(); } mitk::LookupTable::LookupTable(const LookupTable& other) : itk::DataObject() , m_LookupTable(vtkSmartPointer::New()) { m_LookupTable->DeepCopy(other.m_LookupTable); } mitk::LookupTable::~LookupTable() { } void mitk::LookupTable::SetVtkLookupTable( vtkSmartPointer lut ) { if ((!lut) || (m_LookupTable == lut)) { return; } m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::SetType(const mitk::LookupTable::LookupTableType type) { if (m_type == type) return; switch(type) { case (mitk::LookupTable::GRAYSCALE): this->BuildGrayScaleLookupTable(); break; case (mitk::LookupTable::INVERSE_GRAYSCALE): this->BuildInverseGrayScaleLookupTable(); break; case (mitk::LookupTable::HOT_IRON): this->BuildHotIronLookupTable(); break; case (mitk::LookupTable::JET): this->BuildJetLookupTable(); break; + case (mitk::LookupTable::JET_TRANSPARENT): + this->BuildJetLookupTable(true); + break; case (mitk::LookupTable::LEGACY_BINARY): this->BuildLegacyBinaryLookupTable(); break; case (mitk::LookupTable::MULTILABEL): this->BuildMultiLabelLookupTable(); break; case (mitk::LookupTable::PET_COLOR): this->BuildPETColorLookupTable(); break; case (mitk::LookupTable::PET_20): this->BuildPET20LookupTable(); break; case (mitk::LookupTable::LEGACY_RAINBOW_COLOR): this->BuildLegacyRainbowColorLookupTable(); break; default: MITK_ERROR << "non-existing colormap"; return; } m_type = type; } void mitk::LookupTable::SetType(const std::string& typeName) { int i = 0; std::string lutType = this->typenameList[i]; while (lutType != "END_OF_ARRAY") { if (lutType == typeName) { this->SetType(static_cast(i)); } lutType = this->typenameList[++i]; } } const std::string mitk::LookupTable::GetActiveTypeAsString() { return std::string(typenameList[(int)m_type]); } void mitk::LookupTable::ChangeOpacityForAll( float opacity ) { int noValues = m_LookupTable->GetNumberOfTableValues (); double rgba[ 4 ]; for ( int i = 0;i < noValues;i++ ) { m_LookupTable->GetTableValue ( i, rgba ); rgba[ 3 ] = opacity; m_LookupTable->SetTableValue ( i, rgba ); } this->Modified(); // need to call modified, since LookupTableProperty seems to be unchanged so no widget-update is executed } void mitk::LookupTable::ChangeOpacity(int index, float opacity ) { int noValues = m_LookupTable->GetNumberOfTableValues (); if (index>noValues) { MITK_INFO << "could not change opacity. index exceed size of lut ... " << std::endl; return; } double rgba[ 4 ]; m_LookupTable->GetTableValue ( index, rgba ); rgba[ 3 ] = opacity; m_LookupTable->SetTableValue ( index, rgba ); this->Modified(); // need to call modified, since LookupTableProperty seems to be unchanged so no widget-update is executed } void mitk::LookupTable::GetColor(double value, double rgb[3]) { this->GetVtkLookupTable()->GetColor(value,rgb); } void mitk::LookupTable::GetTableValue(int index, double rgba[4]) { this->GetVtkLookupTable()->GetTableValue(index,rgba); } void mitk::LookupTable::SetTableValue(int index, double rgba[4]) { this->GetVtkLookupTable()->SetTableValue(index,rgba); } vtkSmartPointer mitk::LookupTable::GetVtkLookupTable() const { return m_LookupTable; } mitk::LookupTable::RawLookupTableType * mitk::LookupTable::GetRawLookupTable() const { return m_LookupTable->GetPointer( 0 ); } /*! * \brief equality operator inplementation */ bool mitk::LookupTable::operator==( const mitk::LookupTable& other ) const { if ( m_LookupTable == other.GetVtkLookupTable()) return true; vtkLookupTable* olut = other.GetVtkLookupTable(); if (olut == NULL) return false; bool equal = (m_LookupTable->GetNumberOfColors() == olut->GetNumberOfColors()) && (m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[0] == olut->GetTableRange()[0]) && (m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[1] == olut->GetTableRange()[1]) && (m_LookupTable->GetHueRange()[0] == olut->GetHueRange()[0]) && (m_LookupTable->GetHueRange()[1] == olut->GetHueRange()[1]) && (m_LookupTable->GetSaturationRange()[0] == olut->GetSaturationRange()[0]) && (m_LookupTable->GetSaturationRange()[1] == olut->GetSaturationRange()[1]) && (m_LookupTable->GetValueRange()[0] == olut->GetValueRange()[0]) && (m_LookupTable->GetValueRange()[1] == olut->GetValueRange()[1]) && (m_LookupTable->GetAlphaRange()[0] == olut->GetAlphaRange()[0]) && (m_LookupTable->GetAlphaRange()[1] == olut->GetAlphaRange()[1]) && (m_LookupTable->GetRamp() == olut->GetRamp()) && (m_LookupTable->GetScale() == olut->GetScale()) && (m_LookupTable->GetAlpha() == olut->GetAlpha()) && (m_LookupTable->GetTable()->GetNumberOfTuples() == olut->GetTable()->GetNumberOfTuples()); if (equal == false) return false; for (vtkIdType i=0; i < m_LookupTable->GetNumberOfTableValues(); i++) { bool tvequal = (m_LookupTable->GetTableValue(i)[0] == olut->GetTableValue(i)[0]) && (m_LookupTable->GetTableValue(i)[1] == olut->GetTableValue(i)[1]) && (m_LookupTable->GetTableValue(i)[2] == olut->GetTableValue(i)[2]) && (m_LookupTable->GetTableValue(i)[3] == olut->GetTableValue(i)[3]); if (tvequal == false) return false; } return true; } /*! * \brief un-equality operator implementation */ bool mitk::LookupTable::operator!=( const mitk::LookupTable& other ) const { return !(*this == other); } /*! * \brief assignment operator implementation */ mitk::LookupTable& mitk::LookupTable::operator=( const mitk::LookupTable& LookupTable ) { if ( this == &LookupTable ) { return * this; } else { m_LookupTable = LookupTable.GetVtkLookupTable(); return *this; } } void mitk::LookupTable::UpdateOutputInformation( ) { if ( this->GetSource( ) ) { this->GetSource( ) ->UpdateOutputInformation( ); } } void mitk::LookupTable::SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion( ) {} bool mitk::LookupTable::RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion( ) { return false; } bool mitk::LookupTable::VerifyRequestedRegion( ) { //normally we should check if the requested region lies within the //largest possible region. Since for lookup-tables we assume, that the //requested region is always the largest possible region, we can always //return true! return true; } void mitk::LookupTable::SetRequestedRegion(const itk::DataObject *) { //not implemented, since we always want to have the RequestedRegion //to be set to LargestPossibleRegion } vtkSmartPointer mitk::LookupTable::CreateColorTransferFunction() { vtkSmartPointer colorFunction = vtkSmartPointer::New(); mitk::LookupTable::RawLookupTableType *rawLookupTable = this->GetRawLookupTable(); int num_of_values = m_LookupTable->GetNumberOfTableValues(); double* cols = new double[3*num_of_values]; double* colsHead = cols; for (int i = 0; i(*rawLookupTable)/255.0; ++cols; ++rawLookupTable; *cols=static_cast(*rawLookupTable)/255.0; ++cols; ++rawLookupTable; *cols=static_cast(*rawLookupTable)/255.0; ++cols; ++rawLookupTable; ++rawLookupTable; } colorFunction->BuildFunctionFromTable(m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[0], m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[1], num_of_values, colsHead); return colorFunction; } void mitk::LookupTable::CreateColorTransferFunction(vtkColorTransferFunction*& colorFunction) { colorFunction = this->CreateColorTransferFunction(); } vtkSmartPointer mitk::LookupTable::CreateOpacityTransferFunction() { vtkSmartPointer opacityFunction = vtkSmartPointer::New(); mitk::LookupTable::RawLookupTableType *rgba = this->GetRawLookupTable(); int num_of_values=m_LookupTable->GetNumberOfTableValues(); double *alphas = new double [num_of_values]; double *alphasHead = alphas; rgba+=3; for(int i=0;i(*rgba)/255.0; ++alphas; rgba+=4; } opacityFunction->BuildFunctionFromTable(m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[0], m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[1], num_of_values, alphasHead); return opacityFunction; } void mitk::LookupTable::CreateOpacityTransferFunction(vtkPiecewiseFunction*& opacityFunction) { opacityFunction = this->CreateOpacityTransferFunction(); } vtkSmartPointer mitk::LookupTable::CreateGradientTransferFunction() { vtkSmartPointer gradientFunction = vtkSmartPointer::New(); mitk::LookupTable::RawLookupTableType *rgba = this->GetRawLookupTable(); int num_of_values=m_LookupTable->GetNumberOfTableValues(); double *alphas = new double [num_of_values]; double *alphasHead = alphas; rgba+=3; for(int i=0;i(*rgba)/255.0; ++alphas; rgba+=4; } gradientFunction->BuildFunctionFromTable(m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[0], m_LookupTable->GetTableRange()[1], num_of_values, alphasHead); return gradientFunction; } void mitk::LookupTable::CreateGradientTransferFunction(vtkPiecewiseFunction*& gradientFunction) { gradientFunction = this->CreateGradientTransferFunction(); } void mitk::LookupTable::PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const { os << indent; m_LookupTable->PrintHeader(os, vtkIndent()); } itk::LightObject::Pointer mitk::LookupTable::InternalClone() const { itk::LightObject::Pointer result(new Self(*this)); result->UnRegister(); return result; } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildGrayScaleLookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetRampToLinear(); lut->SetSaturationRange( 0.0, 0.0 ); lut->SetHueRange( 0.0, 0.0 ); lut->SetValueRange( 0.0, 1.0 ); lut->Build(); m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildLegacyBinaryLookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetRampToLinear(); lut->SetSaturationRange( 0.0, 0.0 ); lut->SetHueRange( 0.0, 0.0 ); lut->SetValueRange( 0.0, 1.0 ); lut->Build(); lut->SetTableValue(0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildInverseGrayScaleLookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetTableRange (0, 1); lut->SetSaturationRange (0, 0); lut->SetHueRange (0, 0); lut->SetValueRange (1, 0); lut->SetAlphaRange (1, 0); lut->Build(); m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildHotIronLookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetNumberOfTableValues(256); lut->Build(); for( int i=0; i<256; i++) { lut->SetTableValue(i, (double)HotIron[i][0]/255.0, (double)HotIron[i][1]/255.0, (double)HotIron[i][2]/255.0, 1.0); } m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } -void mitk::LookupTable::BuildJetLookupTable() +void mitk::LookupTable::BuildJetLookupTable(bool transparent) { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetNumberOfTableValues(256); lut->Build(); + int i = 0; + + if (transparent) + { + // Lowest intensity is transparent + lut->SetTableValue(0, (double)Jet[0][0] / 255.0, (double)Jet[0][1] / 255.0, (double)Jet[0][2] / 255.0, 0.0); + i = 1; + } - for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) + for (; i < 256; i++) { lut->SetTableValue(i, (double)Jet[i][0] / 255.0, (double)Jet[i][1] / 255.0, (double)Jet[i][2] / 255.0, 1.0); } m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildPETColorLookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetNumberOfTableValues(256); lut->SetTableRange ( (m_Level - m_Window/2.0), (m_Level + m_Window/2.0) ); lut->Build(); for( int i=0; i<256; i++) { lut->SetTableValue(i, (double)PETColor[i][0]/255.0, (double)PETColor[i][1]/255.0, (double)PETColor[i][2]/255.0, 1.0); } m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildPET20LookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetNumberOfTableValues(256); lut->SetTableRange ( (m_Level - m_Window/2.0), (m_Level + m_Window/2.0) ); lut->Build(); for( int i=0; i<256; i++) { lut->SetTableValue(i, (double)PET20[i][0]/255.0, (double)PET20[i][1]/255.0, (double)PET20[i][2]/255.0, 1.0); } m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildMultiLabelLookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetNumberOfTableValues (65536); lut->SetTableRange ( 0, 65536 ); lut->SetTableValue (0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // background lut->SetTableValue (1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (4, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.7, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (6, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (7, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (8, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (9, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (10, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (11, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (12, 1.0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (13, 1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (14, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (15, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (16, 0.8, 0.5, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (17, 1.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (18, 1.0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (19, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (20, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (21, 1.0, 0.5, 0.76, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (22, 0.76, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (23, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (24, 0.76, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4); lut->SetTableValue (25, 1.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4); for (int i = 26; i < 65536; i++) { if (i%12 == 0) lut->SetTableValue (i, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 1) lut->SetTableValue (i, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 2) lut->SetTableValue (i, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 3) lut->SetTableValue (i, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 4) lut->SetTableValue (i, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 5) lut->SetTableValue (i, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 6) lut->SetTableValue (i, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 7) lut->SetTableValue (i, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 8) lut->SetTableValue (i, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 9) lut->SetTableValue (i, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 10) lut->SetTableValue (i, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4); else if (i%12 == 11) lut->SetTableValue (i, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.4); } m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); } void mitk::LookupTable::BuildLegacyRainbowColorLookupTable() { vtkSmartPointer lut = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lut->SetRampToLinear(); lut->SetHueRange(0.6667, 0.0); lut->SetTableRange(0.0, 20.0); lut->Build(); m_LookupTable = lut; this->Modified(); }