diff --git a/Core/Code/CppMicroServices/CMake/usFunctionEmbedResources.cmake b/Core/Code/CppMicroServices/CMake/usFunctionEmbedResources.cmake index edec0a7485..5c81741d65 100644 --- a/Core/Code/CppMicroServices/CMake/usFunctionEmbedResources.cmake +++ b/Core/Code/CppMicroServices/CMake/usFunctionEmbedResources.cmake @@ -1,97 +1,98 @@ #! Embed resources into a shared library or executable. #! #! This CMake function uses an external command line program to generate a source #! file containing data from external resources such as text files or images. The path #! to the generated source file is appended to the \c src_var variable. #! #! Each module can call this function (at most once) to embed resources and make them #! available at runtime through the Module class. Resources can also be embedded into #! executables, using the EXECUTABLE_NAME argument instead of LIBRARY_NAME. #! #! Example usage: #! \verbatim #! set(module_srcs ) #! usFunctionEmbedResources(module_srcs #! LIBRARY_NAME "mylib" #! ROOT_DIR resources #! FILES config.properties logo.png #! ) +#! \endverbatim #! #! \param LIBRARY_NAME (required if EXECUTABLE_NAME is empty) The library name of the module #! which will include the generated source file, without extension. #! \param EXECUTABLE_NAME (required if LIBRARY_NAME is empty) The name of the executable #! which will include the generated source file. #! \param ROOT_DIR (optional) The root path for all resources listed after the FILES argument. #! If no or a relative path is given, it is considered relativ to the current CMake source directory. #! \param FILES (optional) A list of resources (paths to external files in the file system) relative #! to the ROOT_DIR argument or the current CMake source directory if ROOT_DIR is empty. #! function(usFunctionEmbedResources src_var) MACRO_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(US_RESOURCE "LIBRARY_NAME;EXECUTABLE_NAME;ROOT_DIR;FILES" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT src_var) message(SEND_ERROR "Output variable name not specified.") endif() if(US_RESOURCE_EXECUTABLE_NAME AND US_RESOURCE_LIBRARY_NAME) message(SEND_ERROR "Only one of LIBRARY_NAME or EXECUTABLE_NAME can be specified.") endif() if(NOT US_RESOURCE_LIBRARY_NAME AND NOT US_RESOURCE_EXECUTABLE_NAME) message(SEND_ERROR "LIBRARY_NAME or EXECUTABLE_NAME argument not specified.") endif() if(NOT US_RESOURCE_FILES) message(WARNING "No FILES argument given. Skipping resource processing.") return() endif() if(NOT US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR) set(US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR}) set(US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR}") endif() if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR}) message(SEND_ERROR "The ROOT_DIR argument is not a directory: ${US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR}") endif() set(absolute_res_files) foreach(res_file ${US_RESOURCE_FILES}) set(res_file "${US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR}/${res_file}") if(IS_DIRECTORY ${res_file}) message(SEND_ERROR "A resource cannot be a directory: ${res_file}") endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${res_file}) message(SEND_ERROR "Resource does not exists: ${res_file}") endif() get_filename_component(res_file "${res_file}" REALPATH) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${res_file}" res_file) list(APPEND absolute_res_files ${res_file}) endforeach() if(US_RESOURCE_LIBRARY_NAME) set(us_cpp_resource_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${US_RESOURCE_LIBRARY_NAME}_resources.cpp") set(us_lib_name ${US_RESOURCE_LIBRARY_NAME}) else() set(us_cpp_resource_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${US_RESOURCE_EXECUTABLE_NAME}_resources.cpp") set(us_lib_name "\"\"") endif() set(resource_compiler ${CppMicroServices_RCC_EXECUTABLE}) if(TARGET ${CppMicroServices_RCC_EXECUTABLE_NAME}) set(resource_compiler ${CppMicroServices_RCC_EXECUTABLE_NAME}) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${us_cpp_resource_file} COMMAND ${resource_compiler} "${us_lib_name}" ${us_cpp_resource_file} ${absolute_res_files} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${US_RESOURCE_ROOT_DIR} DEPENDS ${absolute_res_files} COMMENT "Generating embedded resource file ${us_cpp_resource_name}" ) set(${src_var} "${${src_var}};${us_cpp_resource_file}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()