diff --git a/Modules/Multilabel/autoload/IO/mitkSegmentationTaskIO.cpp b/Modules/Multilabel/autoload/IO/mitkSegmentationTaskIO.cpp index b4b0bc09ea..bb5c3f0ef3 100644 --- a/Modules/Multilabel/autoload/IO/mitkSegmentationTaskIO.cpp +++ b/Modules/Multilabel/autoload/IO/mitkSegmentationTaskIO.cpp @@ -1,224 +1,238 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #include "mitkSegmentationTaskIO.h" #include "mitkMultilabelIOMimeTypes.h" #include <mitkSegmentationTask.h> #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> #include <filesystem> #include <fstream> namespace mitk { void to_json(nlohmann::json& json, const SegmentationTask::Subtask& subtask) { const auto name = subtask.GetName(); if (!name.empty()) json["Name"] = name; const auto description = subtask.GetDescription(); if (!description.empty()) json["Description"] = description; const auto image = subtask.GetImage(); if (!image.empty()) json["Image"] = image; const auto segmentation = subtask.GetSegmentation(); if (!segmentation.empty()) json["Segmentation"] = segmentation; const auto labelName = subtask.GetLabelName(); if (!labelName.empty()) json["LabelName"] = labelName; const auto preset = subtask.GetPreset(); if (!preset.empty()) json["Preset"] = preset; const auto result = subtask.GetResult(); if (!result.empty()) json["Result"] = result; } void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, SegmentationTask::Subtask& subtask) { subtask.SetName(json.value("Name", "")); subtask.SetDescription(json.value("Description", "")); subtask.SetImage(json.value("Image", "")); subtask.SetSegmentation(json.value("Segmentation", "")); subtask.SetLabelName(json.value("LabelName", "")); subtask.SetPreset(json.value("Preset", "")); subtask.SetResult(json.value("Result", "")); } } mitk::SegmentationTaskIO::SegmentationTaskIO() : AbstractFileIO(SegmentationTask::GetStaticNameOfClass(), MitkMultilabelIOMimeTypes::SEGMENTATIONTASK_MIMETYPE(), "MITK Segmentation Task") { this->RegisterService(); } std::vector<mitk::BaseData::Pointer> mitk::SegmentationTaskIO::DoRead() { auto* stream = this->GetInputStream(); std::ifstream fileStream; if (nullptr == stream) { auto filename = this->GetInputLocation(); if (filename.empty() || !std::filesystem::exists(filename)) mitkThrow() << "Invalid or nonexistent filename: \"" << filename << "\"!"; fileStream.open(filename); if (!fileStream.is_open()) mitkThrow() << "Could not open file \"" << filename << "\" for reading!"; stream = &fileStream; } nlohmann::json json; try { json = nlohmann::json::parse(*stream); } catch (const nlohmann::json::exception& e) { mitkThrow() << e.what(); } if (!json.is_object()) mitkThrow() << "Unknown file format (expected JSON object as root)!"; if ("MITK Segmentation Task" != json.value("FileFormat", "")) mitkThrow() << "Unknown file format (expected \"MITK Segmentation Task\")!"; if (1 != json.value<int>("Version", 0)) mitkThrow() << "Unknown file format version (expected \"1\")!"; if (!json.contains("Subtasks") || !json["Subtasks"].is_array()) mitkThrow() << "Subtasks array not found!"; auto segmentationTask = SegmentationTask::New(); if (json.contains("Name")) segmentationTask->SetProperty("name", StringProperty::New(json["Name"].get<std::string>())); try { if (json.contains("Defaults")) { segmentationTask->SetDefaults(json["Defaults"].get<SegmentationTask::Subtask>()); if (!segmentationTask->GetDefaults().GetResult().empty()) mitkThrow() << "Defaults must not contain \"Result\"!"; } for (const auto& subtask : json["Subtasks"]) { auto i = segmentationTask->AddSubtask(subtask.get<SegmentationTask::Subtask>()); std::filesystem::path imagePath(segmentationTask->GetImage(i)); if (imagePath.empty()) mitkThrow() << "Subtask " << i << " must contain \"Image\"!"; if (imagePath.is_relative()) - imagePath = std::filesystem::path(this->GetInputLocation()).remove_filename() / imagePath; // TODO: Does not work for loading from an MITK scene file since the input location is different! + { + auto inputLocation = this->GetInputLocation(); + + /* If we have access to properties, we are reading from an MITK scene + * file. In this case, paths are still relative to the original input + * location, which is preserved in the properties. + */ + + const auto* properties = this->GetProperties(); + + if (properties != nullptr) + properties->GetStringProperty("MITK.IO.reader.inputlocation", inputLocation); + + imagePath = std::filesystem::path(inputLocation).remove_filename() / imagePath; + } if (!std::filesystem::exists(imagePath)) mitkThrow() << "Referenced image \"" << imagePath << "\" in subtask " << i << " does not exist!"; if (segmentationTask->GetResult(i).empty()) mitkThrow() << "Subtask " << i << " must contain \"Result\"!"; } } catch (const nlohmann::json::type_error& e) { mitkThrow() << e.what(); } std::vector<BaseData::Pointer> result; result.push_back(segmentationTask.GetPointer()); return result; } void mitk::SegmentationTaskIO::Write() { auto segmentationTask = dynamic_cast<const SegmentationTask*>(this->GetInput()); if (nullptr == segmentationTask) mitkThrow() << "Invalid input for writing!"; if (segmentationTask->GetNumberOfSubtasks() == 0) mitkThrow() << "No subtasks found!"; auto* stream = this->GetOutputStream(); std::ofstream fileStream; if (nullptr == stream) { auto filename = this->GetOutputLocation(); if (filename.empty()) mitkThrow() << "Neither an output stream nor an output filename was specified!"; fileStream.open(filename); if (!fileStream.is_open()) mitkThrow() << "Could not open file \"" << filename << "\" for writing!"; stream = &fileStream; } if (!stream->good()) mitkThrow() << "Stream for writing is not good!"; nlohmann::ordered_json json = { { "FileFormat", "MITK Segmentation Task" }, { "Version", 1 }, { "Name", segmentationTask->GetProperty("name")->GetValueAsString() } }; nlohmann::json defaults = segmentationTask->GetDefaults(); if (!defaults.is_null()) json["Defaults"] = defaults; nlohmann::json subtasks; for (const auto& subtask : *segmentationTask) subtasks.push_back(subtask); json["Subtasks"] = subtasks; *stream << std::setw(2) << json << std::endl; } mitk::SegmentationTaskIO* mitk::SegmentationTaskIO::IOClone() const { return new SegmentationTaskIO(*this); }