diff --git a/Modules/CEST/src/mitkCustomTagParser.cpp b/Modules/CEST/src/mitkCustomTagParser.cpp index 50cd6fd1a6..3f93b2df20 100644 --- a/Modules/CEST/src/mitkCustomTagParser.cpp +++ b/Modules/CEST/src/mitkCustomTagParser.cpp @@ -1,581 +1,581 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkCustomTagParser.h" #include <mitkProperties.h> #include <mitkStringProperty.h> #include <mitkLocaleSwitch.h> #include "mitkIPropertyPersistence.h" #include "usGetModuleContext.h" #include "usModule.h" #include "usModuleContext.h" #include "usModuleResource.h" #include "usModuleResourceStream.h" #include <itksys/SystemTools.hxx> #include <Poco/Glob.h> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <map> namespace { mitk::IPropertyPersistence *GetPersistenceService() { mitk::IPropertyPersistence *result = nullptr; std::vector<us::ServiceReference<mitk::IPropertyPersistence>> persRegisters = us::GetModuleContext()->GetServiceReferences<mitk::IPropertyPersistence>(); if (!persRegisters.empty()) { if (persRegisters.size() > 1) { MITK_WARN << "Multiple property description services found. Using just one."; } result = us::GetModuleContext()->GetService<mitk::IPropertyPersistence>(persRegisters.front()); } return result; }; } const std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::m_CESTPropertyPrefix = "CEST."; const std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::m_OffsetsPropertyName = m_CESTPropertyPrefix + "Offsets"; const std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::m_RevisionPropertyName = m_CESTPropertyPrefix + "Revision"; const std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::m_JSONRevisionPropertyName = m_CESTPropertyPrefix + "revision_json"; const std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::m_RevisionIndependentMapping = "\n" " \"sProtConsistencyInfo.tSystemType\" : \"SysType\",\n" " \"sProtConsistencyInfo.flNominalB0\" : \"NominalB0\",\n" " \"sTXSPEC.asNucleusInfo[0].lFrequency\" : \"FREQ\",\n" " \"sTXSPEC.asNucleusInfo[0].flReferenceAmplitude\" : \"RefAmp\",\n" " \"alTR[0]\" : \"TR\",\n" " \"alTE[0]\" : \"TE\",\n" " \"lAverages\" : \"averages\",\n" " \"lRepetitions\" : \"repetitions\",\n" " \"adFlipAngleDegree[0]\" : \"ImageFlipAngle\",\n" " \"lTotalScanTimeSec\" : \"TotalScanTime\","; const std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::m_DefaultJsonString = "{\n" " \"default mapping, corresponds to revision 1416\" : \"revision_json\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[1]\" : \"AdvancedMode\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[2]\" : \"RecoveryMode\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[3]\" : \"DoubleIrrMode\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[4]\" : \"BinomMode\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[5]\" : \"MtMode\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[6]\" : \"PreparationType\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[7]\" : \"PulseType\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[8]\" : \"SamplingType\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[9]\" : \"SpoilingType\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[10]\" : \"measurements\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[11]\" : \"NumberOfPulses\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[12]\" : \"NumberOfLockingPulses\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[13]\" : \"PulseDuration\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[14]\" : \"DutyCycle\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[15]\" : \"RecoveryTime\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[16]\" : \"RecoveryTimeM0\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[17]\" : \"ReadoutDelay\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[18]\" : \"BinomDuration\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[19]\" : \"BinomDistance\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[20]\" : \"BinomNumberofPulses\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[21]\" : \"BinomPreRepetions\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.alFree[22]\" : \"BinomType\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[1]\" : \"Offset\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[2]\" : \"B1Amplitude\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[3]\" : \"AdiabaticPulseMu\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[4]\" : \"AdiabaticPulseBW\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[5]\" : \"AdiabaticPulseLength\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[6]\" : \"AdiabaticPulseAmp\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[7]\" : \"FermiSlope\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[8]\" : \"FermiFWHM\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[9]\" : \"DoubleIrrDuration\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[10]\" : \"DoubleIrrAmplitude\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[11]\" : \"DoubleIrrRepetitions\",\n" " \"sWiPMemBlock.adFree[12]\" : \"DoubleIrrPreRepetitions\"\n" "}"; mitk::CustomTagParser::CustomTagParser(std::string relevantFile) : m_ClosestInternalRevision(""), m_ClosestExternalRevision("") { std::string pathToDirectory; std::string fileName; itksys::SystemTools::SplitProgramPath(relevantFile, pathToDirectory, fileName); m_DicomDataPath = pathToDirectory; } mitk::PropertyList::Pointer mitk::CustomTagParser::ParseDicomPropertyString(std::string dicomPropertyString) { auto results = mitk::PropertyList::New(); if ("" == dicomPropertyString) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not parse empty custom dicom string"; return results; } std::map<std::string, std::string> privateParameters; // convert hex to ascii // the Siemens private tag contains the information like this // "43\52\23\34" we jump over each \ and convert the number int len = dicomPropertyString.length(); std::string asciiString; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 3) { std::string byte = dicomPropertyString.substr(i, 2); char chr = (char)(int)strtol(byte.c_str(), NULL, 16); asciiString.push_back(chr); } // extract parameter list std::size_t beginning = asciiString.find("### ASCCONV BEGIN ###") + 21; std::size_t ending = asciiString.find("### ASCCONV END ###"); std::string parameterListString = asciiString.substr(beginning, ending - beginning); boost::replace_all(parameterListString, "\r\n", "\n"); boost::char_separator<char> newlineSeparator("\n"); boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> parameters(parameterListString, newlineSeparator); for (const auto ¶meter : parameters) { std::vector<std::string> parts; boost::split(parts, parameter, boost::is_any_of("=")); if (parts.size() == 2) { parts[0].erase(std::remove(parts[0].begin(), parts[0].end(), ' '), parts[0].end()); parts[1].erase(parts[1].begin(), parts[1].begin() + 1); // first character is a space privateParameters[parts[0]] = parts[1]; } } // determine what revision we are using to handle parameters appropriately std::string revisionPrefix = "CEST_Rev"; std::string lowerRevisionPrefix = revisionPrefix; std::string lowerParameter = privateParameters["tSequenceFileName"]; std::transform(lowerRevisionPrefix.begin(), lowerRevisionPrefix.end(), lowerRevisionPrefix.begin(), ::tolower ); std::transform(lowerParameter.begin(), lowerParameter.end(), lowerParameter.begin(), ::tolower); std::size_t foundPosition = lowerParameter.find(lowerRevisionPrefix); if (foundPosition == std::string::npos) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not find revision information."; return results; } std::string revisionString = privateParameters["tSequenceFileName"].substr(foundPosition + revisionPrefix.length(), std::string::npos); std::size_t firstNonNumber = revisionString.find_first_not_of("0123456789"); revisionString.erase(firstNonNumber, std::string::npos); results->SetProperty(m_RevisionPropertyName, mitk::StringProperty::New(revisionString)); std::string jsonString = GetRevisionAppropriateJSONString(revisionString); boost::property_tree::ptree root; std::istringstream jsonStream(jsonString); try { boost::property_tree::read_json(jsonStream, root); } catch (boost::property_tree::json_parser_error e) { mitkThrow() << "Could not parse json file. Error was:\n" << e.what(); } for (auto it : root) { if (it.second.empty()) { std::string propertyName = m_CESTPropertyPrefix + it.second.data(); if (m_JSONRevisionPropertyName == propertyName) { results->SetProperty(propertyName, mitk::StringProperty::New(it.first)); } else { results->SetProperty(propertyName, mitk::StringProperty::New(privateParameters[it.first])); } } else { MITK_ERROR << "Currently no support for nested dicom tag descriptors in json file."; } } std::string sampling = ""; std::string offset = ""; std::string measurements = ""; bool hasSamplingInformation = results->GetStringProperty("CEST.SamplingType", sampling); results->GetStringProperty("CEST.Offset", offset); results->GetStringProperty("CEST.measurements", measurements); if (hasSamplingInformation) { std::string offsets = GetOffsetString(sampling, offset, measurements); results->SetStringProperty(m_OffsetsPropertyName.c_str(), offsets.c_str()); } else { MITK_WARN << "Could not determine sampling type."; } //persist all properties mitk::IPropertyPersistence *persSrv = GetPersistenceService(); if (persSrv) { auto propertyMap = results->GetMap(); for (auto const &prop : *propertyMap) { PropertyPersistenceInfo::Pointer info = PropertyPersistenceInfo::New(); std::string key = prop.first; std::replace(key.begin(), key.end(), '.', '_'); info->SetNameAndKey(prop.first, key); persSrv->AddInfo(info); } } return results; } mitk::PropertyList::Pointer mitk::CustomTagParser::ParseDicomProperty(mitk::TemporoSpatialStringProperty *dicomProperty) { if (!dicomProperty) { MITK_ERROR << "DICOM property empty"; } auto results = mitk::PropertyList::New(); if (dicomProperty) { results = ParseDicomPropertyString(dicomProperty->GetValue()); } return results; } std::vector<int> mitk::CustomTagParser::GetInternalRevisions() { const std::vector<us::ModuleResource> configs = us::GetModuleContext()->GetModule()->FindResources("/", "*.json", false); std::vector<int> availableRevisionsVector; for (auto const resource : configs) { availableRevisionsVector.push_back(std::stoi(resource.GetBaseName())); } return availableRevisionsVector; } std::vector<int> mitk::CustomTagParser::GetExternalRevisions() { std::string moduleLocation = us::GetModuleContext()->GetModule()->GetLocation(); std::string stringToModule; std::string libraryName; itksys::SystemTools::SplitProgramPath(moduleLocation, stringToModule, libraryName); std::string prospectiveJsonsPath = stringToModule + "/*.json"; std::set<std::string> JsonFiles; - Poco::Glob::glob(prospectiveJsonsPath, JsonFiles); + Poco::Glob::glob(prospectiveJsonsPath, JsonFiles, Poco::Glob::GLOB_CASELESS); std::vector<int> availableRevisionsVector; for (auto const jsonpath : JsonFiles) { std::string jsonDir; std::string jsonName; itksys::SystemTools::SplitProgramPath(jsonpath, jsonDir, jsonName); std::string revision = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(jsonName); // disregard jsons which contain letters in their name bool onlyNumbers = (revision.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos); if(onlyNumbers) { availableRevisionsVector.push_back(std::stoi(revision)); } } return availableRevisionsVector; } std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::GetClosestLowerRevision(std::string revisionString, std::vector<int> availableRevisionsVector) { // descending order std::sort(availableRevisionsVector.begin(), availableRevisionsVector.end(), std::greater<>()); int revision = std::stoi(revisionString); int index = 0; int numberOfRevisions = availableRevisionsVector.size(); while (index < numberOfRevisions) { // current mapping still has a higher revision number if ((availableRevisionsVector[index] - revision) > 0) { ++index; } else { break; } } if (index < numberOfRevisions) { std::stringstream foundRevisionStream; foundRevisionStream << availableRevisionsVector[index]; return foundRevisionStream.str(); } return ""; } void mitk::CustomTagParser::GetClosestLowerRevision(std::string revisionString) { m_ClosestInternalRevision = GetClosestLowerRevision(revisionString, GetInternalRevisions()); m_ClosestExternalRevision = GetClosestLowerRevision(revisionString, GetExternalRevisions()); } std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::GetRevisionAppropriateJSONString(std::string revisionString) { std::string returnValue = ""; if ("" == revisionString) { MITK_WARN << "Could not extract revision"; } else { GetClosestLowerRevision(revisionString); bool useExternal = false; bool useInternal = false; if ("" != m_ClosestExternalRevision) { useExternal = true; } if ("" != m_ClosestInternalRevision) { useInternal = true; } if (useExternal && useInternal) { if (std::stoi(m_ClosestInternalRevision) > std::stoi(m_ClosestExternalRevision)) { useExternal = false; } } if (useExternal) { std::string moduleLocation = us::GetModuleContext()->GetModule()->GetLocation(); std::string stringToModule; std::string libraryName; itksys::SystemTools::SplitProgramPath(moduleLocation, stringToModule, libraryName); std::string prospectiveJsonPath = stringToModule + "/" + m_ClosestExternalRevision + ".json"; std::ifstream externalJSON(prospectiveJsonPath.c_str()); if (externalJSON.good()) { MITK_INFO << "Found external json for CEST parameters at " << prospectiveJsonPath; std::stringstream buffer; buffer << externalJSON.rdbuf(); returnValue = buffer.str(); useInternal = false; } } if (useInternal) { std::string filename = m_ClosestInternalRevision + ".json"; us::ModuleResource jsonResource = us::GetModuleContext()->GetModule()->GetResource(filename); if (jsonResource.IsValid() && jsonResource.IsFile()) { MITK_INFO << "Found no external json for CEST parameters. Closest internal mapping is for revision " << m_ClosestInternalRevision; us::ModuleResourceStream jsonStream(jsonResource); std::stringstream buffer; buffer << jsonStream.rdbuf(); returnValue = buffer.str(); } } } if ("" == returnValue) { MITK_WARN << "Could not identify parameter mapping for the given revision " << revisionString << ", using default mapping."; returnValue = m_DefaultJsonString; } // inject the revision independent mapping before the first newline { returnValue.insert(returnValue.find("\n"), m_RevisionIndependentMapping); } return returnValue; } std::string mitk::CustomTagParser::GetOffsetString(std::string samplingType, std::string offset, std::string measurements) { mitk::LocaleSwitch localeSwitch("C"); std::stringstream results; std::string normalizationIndicatingOffset = "-300"; double offsetDouble = 0.0; int measurementsInt = 0; bool validOffset = false; bool validMeasurements = false; if ("" != offset) { validOffset = true; offsetDouble = std::stod(offset); } if ("" != measurements) { validMeasurements = true; measurementsInt = std::stoi(measurements); } std::vector<double> offsetVector; if (validOffset && validMeasurements) { for (int step = 0; step < measurementsInt -1; ++step) { double currentOffset = -offsetDouble + 2 * step * offsetDouble / (measurementsInt - 2.0); offsetVector.push_back(currentOffset); } } else { MITK_WARN << "Invalid offset or measurements, offset calculation will only work for list sampling type."; } if (samplingType == "1" || samplingType == "Regular") { if (validOffset && validMeasurements) { results << normalizationIndicatingOffset << " "; for (const auto& entry : offsetVector) { results << entry << " "; } } } else if (samplingType == "2" || samplingType == "Alternating") { if (validOffset && validMeasurements) { results << normalizationIndicatingOffset << " "; for (auto& entry : offsetVector) { entry = std::abs(entry); } std::sort(offsetVector.begin(), offsetVector.end(), std::greater<>()); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < offsetVector.size(); ++index) { offsetVector[index] = std::pow(-1, index) * offsetVector[index]; } for (auto& entry : offsetVector) { results << entry << " "; } } } else if (samplingType == "3" || samplingType == "List") { std::string listPath = m_DicomDataPath + "/LIST.txt"; std::ifstream list(listPath.c_str()); if (list.good()) { std::string currentOffset; while (std::getline(list, currentOffset)) { results << currentOffset << " "; } } else { MITK_ERROR << "Could not load list at " << listPath; } } else if (samplingType == "4" || samplingType == "SingleOffset") { if (validOffset && validMeasurements) { results << normalizationIndicatingOffset << " "; for (int step = 0; step < measurementsInt - 1; ++step) { results << offsetDouble << " "; } } } else { MITK_WARN << "Encountered unknown sampling type."; } std::string resultString = results.str(); // replace multiple spaces by a single space std::string::iterator newEnditerator = std::unique(resultString.begin(), resultString.end(), [=](char lhs, char rhs) { return (lhs == rhs) && (lhs == ' '); } ); resultString.erase(newEnditerator, resultString.end()); if ((resultString.length() > 0) && (resultString.at(resultString.length() - 1) == ' ')) { resultString.erase(resultString.end() - 1, resultString.end()); } if ((resultString.length() > 0) && (resultString.at(0) == ' ')) { resultString.erase(resultString.begin(), ++(resultString.begin())); } return resultString; }