diff --git a/CMakeExternals/ITK.cmake b/CMakeExternals/ITK.cmake index cb7d3b828d..189edae339 100644 --- a/CMakeExternals/ITK.cmake +++ b/CMakeExternals/ITK.cmake @@ -1,81 +1,83 @@ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITK #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sanity checks if(DEFINED ITK_DIR AND NOT EXISTS ${ITK_DIR}) message(FATAL_ERROR "ITK_DIR variable is defined but corresponds to non-existing directory") endif() set(proj ITK) set(proj_DEPENDENCIES GDCM) if(MITK_USE_OpenCV) list(APPEND proj_DEPENDENCIES OpenCV) endif() if(MITK_USE_HDF5) list(APPEND proj_DEPENDENCIES HDF5) endif() set(ITK_DEPENDS ${proj}) if(NOT DEFINED ITK_DIR) set(additional_cmake_args -DUSE_WRAP_ITK:BOOL=OFF) if(MITK_USE_OpenCV) list(APPEND additional_cmake_args -DModule_ITKVideoBridgeOpenCV:BOOL=ON -DOpenCV_DIR:PATH=${OpenCV_DIR} ) endif() # Keep the behaviour of ITK 4.3 which by default turned on ITK Review # see MITK bug #17338 list(APPEND additional_cmake_args -DModule_ITKReview:BOOL=ON # for 4.7, the OpenJPEG is needed by review but the variable must be set -DModule_ITKOpenJPEG:BOOL=ON ) if(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS) list(APPEND additional_cmake_args "-DCMAKE_PROJECT_${proj}_INCLUDE:FILEPATH=${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CTestUseLaunchers.cmake" ) endif() mitk_query_custom_ep_vars() ExternalProject_Add(${proj} LIST_SEPARATOR ${sep} - URL ${MITK_THIRDPARTY_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX_URL}/InsightToolkit-4.13.1.tar.xz - URL_MD5 bc7296e7faccdcb5656a7669d4d875d2 + UPDATE_COMMAND "" + # ITK 4.13.2 + GCC9 patch + URL ${MITK_THIRDPARTY_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX_URL}/ITK_a092294.tar.gz + URL_MD5 5e3f39105917d992d5079be473994bc6 CMAKE_GENERATOR ${gen} CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM ${gen_platform} CMAKE_ARGS ${ep_common_args} ${additional_cmake_args} -DBUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF -DITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM:BOOL=ON -DGDCM_DIR:PATH=${GDCM_DIR} -DITK_USE_SYSTEM_HDF5:BOOL=ON -DHDF5_DIR:PATH=${HDF5_DIR} ${${proj}_CUSTOM_CMAKE_ARGS} CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS ${ep_common_cache_args} ${${proj}_CUSTOM_CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS} CMAKE_CACHE_DEFAULT_ARGS ${ep_common_cache_default_args} ${${proj}_CUSTOM_CMAKE_CACHE_DEFAULT_ARGS} DEPENDS ${proj_DEPENDENCIES} ) set(ITK_DIR ${ep_prefix}) mitkFunctionInstallExternalCMakeProject(${proj}) else() mitkMacroEmptyExternalProject(${proj} "${proj_DEPENDENCIES}") endif() diff --git a/Modules/IGT/IO/mitkNavigationToolStorageDeserializer.cpp b/Modules/IGT/IO/mitkNavigationToolStorageDeserializer.cpp index b01c8123d9..1b6751460d 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/IO/mitkNavigationToolStorageDeserializer.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/IO/mitkNavigationToolStorageDeserializer.cpp @@ -1,115 +1,115 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ //Poco headers #include "Poco/Zip/Decompress.h" #include "Poco/Path.h" #include "Poco/File.h" #include "mitkNavigationToolStorageDeserializer.h" #include #include #include "mitkNavigationToolReader.h" //POCO #include #include "mitkIGTException.h" #include "mitkIGTIOException.h" mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer(mitk::DataStorage::Pointer dataStorage) { m_DataStorage = dataStorage; //create temp directory for this reader m_tempDirectory = mitk::IOUtil::CreateTemporaryDirectory("NavigationToolStorageDeserializerTmp_XXXXXX",mitk::IOUtil::GetTempPath()); } mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::~NavigationToolStorageDeserializer() { //remove temp directory Poco::File myFile(m_tempDirectory); try { if (myFile.exists()) myFile.remove(); } catch(...) { MITK_ERROR << "Can't remove temp directory " << m_tempDirectory << "!"; } } mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::Deserialize(std::string filename) { //decompress zip file into temporary directory decompressFiles(filename,m_tempDirectory); //now read all files and convert them to navigation tools mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer returnValue = mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New(m_DataStorage); bool cont = true; int i; for (i=0; cont==true; i++) { std::string fileName = m_tempDirectory + Poco::Path::separator() + "NavigationTool" + convertIntToString(i) + ".tool"; mitk::NavigationToolReader::Pointer myReader = mitk::NavigationToolReader::New(); mitk::NavigationTool::Pointer readTool = myReader->DoRead(fileName); if (readTool.IsNull()) cont = false; else returnValue->AddTool(readTool); //delete file std::remove(fileName.c_str()); } if(i==1) { //throw an exception here in case of not finding any tool m_ErrorMessage = "Error: did not find any tool. \n Is this a tool storage file?"; mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException)<<"Error: did not find any tool. \n Is this a tool storage file?"; } return returnValue; } std::string mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::convertIntToString(int i) { std::string s; std::stringstream out; out << i; s = out.str(); return s; } void mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::decompressFiles(std::string filename,std::string path) { std::ifstream file( filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary ); if (!file.good()) { m_ErrorMessage = "Cannot open '" + filename + "' for reading"; mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException)<<"Cannot open"+filename+" for reading"; } try { Poco::Zip::Decompress unzipper( file, Poco::Path( path ) ); unzipper.decompressAllFiles(); file.close(); } - catch(Poco::IllegalStateException e) //temporary solution: replace this by defined exception handling later! + catch(const Poco::IllegalStateException&) //temporary solution: replace this by defined exception handling later! { m_ErrorMessage = "Error: wrong file format! \n (please only load tool storage files)"; mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << m_ErrorMessage; } } diff --git a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp index 2d14a067c3..b84f0d546b 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp @@ -1,1353 +1,1353 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkNDITrackingDevice.h" #include "mitkIGTTimeStamp.h" #include "mitkIGTHardwareException.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // vtk #include typedef itk::MutexLockHolder MutexLockHolder; const unsigned char CR = 0xD; // == '\r' - carriage return const unsigned char LF = 0xA; // == '\n' - line feed mitk::NDITrackingDevice::NDITrackingDevice() : TrackingDevice(), m_DeviceName(""), m_PortNumber(mitk::SerialCommunication::COM5), m_BaudRate(mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate9600), m_DataBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits8), m_Parity(mitk::SerialCommunication::None), m_StopBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits1), m_HardwareHandshake(mitk::SerialCommunication::HardwareHandshakeOff), m_IlluminationActivationRate(Hz20), m_DataTransferMode(TX), m_6DTools(), m_ToolsMutex(nullptr), m_SerialCommunication(nullptr), m_SerialCommunicationMutex(nullptr), m_DeviceProtocol(nullptr), m_MultiThreader(nullptr), m_ThreadID(0), m_OperationMode(ToolTracking6D), m_MarkerPointsMutex(nullptr), m_MarkerPoints() { m_Data = mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataUnspecified(); m_6DTools.clear(); m_SerialCommunicationMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_DeviceProtocol = NDIProtocol::New(); m_DeviceProtocol->SetTrackingDevice(this); m_DeviceProtocol->UseCRCOn(); m_MultiThreader = itk::MultiThreader::New(); m_ToolsMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_MarkerPointsMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_MarkerPoints.reserve(50); // a maximum of 50 marker positions can be reported by the tracking device } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::UpdateTool(mitk::TrackingTool* tool) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { mitk::NDIPassiveTool* ndiTool = dynamic_cast(tool); if (ndiTool == nullptr) return false; std::string portHandle = ndiTool->GetPortHandle(); //return false if the SROM Data has not been set if (ndiTool->GetSROMData() == nullptr) return false; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&portHandle, ndiTool->GetSROMData(), ndiTool->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&portHandle, ndiTool->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; return true; } else { return false; } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetRotationMode(RotationMode r) { m_RotationMode = r; } mitk::NDITrackingDevice::~NDITrackingDevice() { /* stop tracking and disconnect from tracking device */ if (GetState() == Tracking) { this->StopTracking(); } if (GetState() == Ready) { this->CloseConnection(); } /* cleanup tracking thread */ if ((m_ThreadID != 0) && (m_MultiThreader.IsNotNull())) { m_MultiThreader->TerminateThread(m_ThreadID); } m_MultiThreader = nullptr; /* free serial communication interface */ if (m_SerialCommunication.IsNotNull()) { m_SerialCommunication->ClearReceiveBuffer(); m_SerialCommunication->ClearSendBuffer(); m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetPortNumber(const PortNumber _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting PortNumber to " << _arg); if (this->m_PortNumber != _arg) { this->m_PortNumber = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDeviceName(std::string _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting eviceName to " << _arg); if (this->m_DeviceName != _arg) { this->m_DeviceName = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetBaudRate(const BaudRate _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting BaudRate to " << _arg); if (this->m_BaudRate != _arg) { this->m_BaudRate = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDataBits(const DataBits _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting DataBits to " << _arg); if (this->m_DataBits != _arg) { this->m_DataBits = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetParity(const Parity _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting Parity to " << _arg); if (this->m_Parity != _arg) { this->m_Parity = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetStopBits(const StopBits _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting StopBits to " << _arg); if (this->m_StopBits != _arg) { this->m_StopBits = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetHardwareHandshake(const HardwareHandshake _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting HardwareHandshake to " << _arg); if (this->m_HardwareHandshake != _arg) { this->m_HardwareHandshake = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetIlluminationActivationRate(const IlluminationActivationRate _arg) { if (this->GetState() == Tracking) return; itkDebugMacro("setting IlluminationActivationRate to " << _arg); if (this->m_IlluminationActivationRate != _arg) { this->m_IlluminationActivationRate = _arg; this->Modified(); if (this->GetState() == Ready) // if the connection to the tracking system is established, send the new rate to the tracking device too m_DeviceProtocol->IRATE(this->m_IlluminationActivationRate); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDataTransferMode(const DataTransferMode _arg) { itkDebugMacro("setting DataTransferMode to " << _arg); if (this->m_DataTransferMode != _arg) { this->m_DataTransferMode = _arg; this->Modified(); } } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Send(const std::string* input, bool addCRC) { if (input == nullptr) return SERIALSENDERROR; std::string message; if (addCRC == true) message = *input + CalcCRC(input) + std::string(1, CR); else message = *input + std::string(1, CR); //unsigned int messageLength = message.length() + 1; // +1 for CR // Clear send buffer this->ClearSendBuffer(); // Send the date to the device MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Send(message); if (returnvalue == 0) return SERIALSENDERROR; else return NDIOKAY; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Receive(std::string* answer, unsigned int numberOfBytes) { if (answer == nullptr) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(*answer, numberOfBytes); // never read more bytes than the device has send, the function will block until enough bytes are send... if (returnvalue == 0) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; else return NDIOKAY; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ReceiveByte(char* answer) { if (answer == nullptr) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; std::string m; MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(m, 1); if ((returnvalue == 0) || (m.size() != 1)) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; *answer = m.at(0); return NDIOKAY; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ReceiveLine(std::string* answer) { if (answer == nullptr) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; std::string m; MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex do { long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(m, 1); if ((returnvalue == 0) || (m.size() != 1)) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; *answer += m; } while (m.at(0) != LF); return NDIOKAY; } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ClearSendBuffer() { MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex m_SerialCommunication->ClearSendBuffer(); } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ClearReceiveBuffer() { MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex m_SerialCommunication->ClearReceiveBuffer(); } const std::string mitk::NDITrackingDevice::CalcCRC(const std::string* input) { if (input == nullptr) return ""; /* the crc16 calculation code is taken from the NDI API guide example code section */ static int oddparity[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; unsigned int data; // copy of the input string's current character unsigned int crcValue = 0; // the crc value is stored here unsigned int* puCRC16 = &crcValue; // the algorithm uses a pointer to crcValue, so it's easier to provide that than to change the algorithm for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input->length(); i++) { data = (*input)[i]; data = (data ^ (*(puCRC16)& 0xff)) & 0xff; *puCRC16 >>= 8; if (oddparity[data & 0x0f] ^ oddparity[data >> 4]) { *(puCRC16) ^= 0xc001; } data <<= 6; *puCRC16 ^= data; data <<= 1; *puCRC16 ^= data; } // crcValue contains now the CRC16 value. Convert it to a string and return it char returnvalue[13]; sprintf(returnvalue, "%04X", crcValue); // 4 hexadecimal digit with uppercase format return std::string(returnvalue); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::OpenConnection() { //this->m_ModeMutex->Lock(); if (this->GetState() != Setup) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Can only try to open the connection if in setup mode"; } m_SerialCommunication = mitk::SerialCommunication::New(); /* init local com port to standard com settings for a NDI tracking device: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware handshake */ if (m_DeviceName.empty()) m_SerialCommunication->SetPortNumber(m_PortNumber); else m_SerialCommunication->SetDeviceName(m_DeviceName); m_SerialCommunication->SetBaudRate(mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate9600); m_SerialCommunication->SetDataBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits8); m_SerialCommunication->SetParity(mitk::SerialCommunication::None); m_SerialCommunication->SetStopBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits1); m_SerialCommunication->SetSendTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->SetReceiveTimeout(5000); if (m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection() == 0) // 0 == ERROR_VALUE { m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Can not open serial port"; } /* Reset Tracking device by sending a serial break for 500ms */ m_SerialCommunication->SendBreak(400); /* Read answer from tracking device (RESETBE6F) */ static const std::string reset("RESETBE6F\r"); std::string answer = ""; this->Receive(&answer, reset.length()); // read answer (should be RESETBE6F) this->ClearReceiveBuffer(); // flush the receive buffer of all remaining data (carriage return, strings other than reset if (reset.compare(answer) != 0) // check for RESETBE6F { if (m_SerialCommunication.IsNotNull()) { m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; } mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Hardware Reset of tracking device did not work"; } /* Now the tracking device isSetData reset, start initialization */ NDIErrorCode returnvalue; /* set device com settings to new values and wait for the device to change them */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->COMM(m_BaudRate, m_DataBits, m_Parity, m_StopBits, m_HardwareHandshake); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set comm settings in trackingdevice"; } //after changing COMM wait at least 100ms according to NDI Api documentation page 31 itksys::SystemTools::Delay(500); /* now change local com settings accordingly */ m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication->SetBaudRate(m_BaudRate); m_SerialCommunication->SetDataBits(m_DataBits); m_SerialCommunication->SetParity(m_Parity); m_SerialCommunication->SetStopBits(m_StopBits); m_SerialCommunication->SetHardwareHandshake(m_HardwareHandshake); m_SerialCommunication->SetSendTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->SetReceiveTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection(); /* initialize the tracking device */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->INIT(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not initialize the tracking device"; } if (this->GetType() == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) // if the type of tracking device is not specified, try to query the connected device { mitk::TrackingDeviceType deviceType; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->VER(deviceType); if ((returnvalue != NDIOKAY) || (deviceType == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not determine tracking device type. Please set manually and try again."; } this->SetType(deviceType); } /**** Optional Polaris specific code, Work in progress // start diagnostic mode returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTART(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not start diagnostic mode"); return false; } else // we are in diagnostic mode { // initialize extensive IR checking returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRINIT(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not initialize intense infrared light checking"); return false; } bool intenseIR = false; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRCHK(&intenseIR); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not execute intense infrared light checking"); return false; } if (intenseIR == true) // do something - warn the user, raise exception, write to protocol or similar std::cout << "Warning: Intense infrared light detected. Accurate tracking will probably not be possible.\n"; // stop diagnictic mode returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not stop diagnostic mode"); return false; } } *** end of optional polaris code ***/ /** * now add tools to the tracking system **/ /* First, check if the tracking device has port handles that need to be freed and free them */ returnvalue = FreePortHandles(); // non-critical, therefore no error handling /** * POLARIS: initialize the tools that were added manually **/ { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex std::string portHandle; auto endIt = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto it = m_6DTools.begin(); it != endIt; ++it) { /* get a port handle for the tool */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHRQ(&portHandle); if (returnvalue == NDIOKAY) { (*it)->SetPortHandle(portHandle.c_str()); /* now write the SROM file of the tool to the tracking system using PVWR */ if (this->m_Data.Line == mitk::NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&portHandle, (*it)->GetSROMData(), (*it)->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str(); } returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName()).c_str(); } if ((*it)->IsEnabled() == true) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&portHandle, (*it)->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + portHandle + std::string("' for tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } } } } } } // end of toolsmutexlockholder scope /* check for wired tools and add them too */ if (this->DiscoverWiredTools() == false) // query the tracking device for wired tools and add them to our tool list return false; // \TODO: could we continue anyways? /*POLARIS: set the illuminator activation rate */ if (this->m_Data.Line == mitk::NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRATE(this->m_IlluminationActivationRate); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set the illuminator activation rate"; } } /* finish - now all tools should be added, initialized and enabled, so that tracking can be started */ this->SetState(Ready); try { SetVolume(this->m_Data); } - catch (mitk::IGTHardwareException e) + catch (const mitk::IGTHardwareException& e) { MITK_WARN << e.GetDescription(); } return true; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InitializeWiredTools() { NDIErrorCode returnvalue; std::string portHandle; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected"; } /* if there are port handles that need to be initialized, initialize them. Furthermore instantiate tools for each handle that has no tool yet. */ std::string ph; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); mitk::NDIPassiveTool* pt = this->GetInternalTool(ph); if (pt == nullptr) // if we don't have a tool, something is wrong. Tools should be discovered first by calling DiscoverWiredTools() continue; if (pt->GetSROMData() == nullptr) continue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&ph, pt->GetSROMData(), pt->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + pt->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str(); } returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&ph); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize tool '") + pt->GetToolName()).c_str(); } if (pt->IsEnabled() == true) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&ph, pt->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + portHandle + std::string("' for tool '") + pt->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } } } return true; } mitk::TrackingDeviceType mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TestConnection() { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName(); } m_SerialCommunication = mitk::SerialCommunication::New(); //m_DeviceProtocol = mitk::NDIProtocol::New(); //m_DeviceProtocol->SetTrackingDevice(this); //m_DeviceProtocol->UseCRCOn(); /* init local com port to standard com settings for a NDI tracking device: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware handshake */ if (m_DeviceName.empty()) m_SerialCommunication->SetPortNumber(m_PortNumber); else m_SerialCommunication->SetDeviceName(m_DeviceName); m_SerialCommunication->SetBaudRate(mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate9600); m_SerialCommunication->SetDataBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits8); m_SerialCommunication->SetParity(mitk::SerialCommunication::None); m_SerialCommunication->SetStopBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits1); m_SerialCommunication->SetSendTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->SetReceiveTimeout(5000); if (m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection() == 0) // error { m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName(); } /* Reset Tracking device by sending a serial break for 500ms */ m_SerialCommunication->SendBreak(400); /* Read answer from tracking device (RESETBE6F) */ static const std::string reset("RESETBE6F\r"); std::string answer = ""; this->Receive(&answer, reset.length()); // read answer (should be RESETBE6F) this->ClearReceiveBuffer(); // flush the receive buffer of all remaining data (carriage return, strings other than reset if (reset.compare(answer) != 0) // check for RESETBE6F { m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Hardware Reset of tracking device did not work"; } /* Now the tracking device is reset, start initialization */ NDIErrorCode returnvalue; /* initialize the tracking device */ //returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->INIT(); //if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) //{ // this->SetErrorMessage("Could not initialize the tracking device"); // return mitk::TrackingSystemNotSpecified; //} mitk::TrackingDeviceType deviceType; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->VER(deviceType); if ((returnvalue != NDIOKAY) || (deviceType == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())) { m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName(); } m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; return deviceType; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::CloseConnection() { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { //init before closing to force the field generator from aurora to switch itself off m_DeviceProtocol->INIT(); /* close the serial connection */ m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); /* invalidate all tools */ this->InvalidateAll(); /* return to setup mode */ this->SetState(Setup); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; } return true; } ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ThreadStartTracking(void* pInfoStruct) { /* extract this pointer from Thread Info structure */ struct itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct * pInfo = (struct itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct*)pInfoStruct; if (pInfo == nullptr) { return ITK_THREAD_RETURN_VALUE; } if (pInfo->UserData == nullptr) { return ITK_THREAD_RETURN_VALUE; } NDITrackingDevice *trackingDevice = (NDITrackingDevice*)pInfo->UserData; if (trackingDevice != nullptr) { if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == ToolTracking6D) trackingDevice->TrackTools(); // call TrackTools() from the original object else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == MarkerTracking3D) trackingDevice->TrackMarkerPositions(); // call TrackMarkerPositions() from the original object else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == ToolTracking5D) trackingDevice->TrackMarkerPositions(); // call TrackMarkerPositions() from the original object else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == HybridTracking) { trackingDevice->TrackToolsAndMarkers(); } } trackingDevice->m_ThreadID = 0; // erase thread id, now that this thread will end. return ITK_THREAD_RETURN_VALUE; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::StartTracking() { if (this->GetState() != Ready) return false; this->SetState(Tracking); // go to mode Tracking this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking this->m_StopTracking = false; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); m_ThreadID = m_MultiThreader->SpawnThread(this->ThreadStartTracking, this); // start a new thread that executes the TrackTools() method mitk::IGTTimeStamp::GetInstance()->Start(this); return true; } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackTools() { /* lock the TrackingFinishedMutex to signal that the execution rights are now transfered to the tracking thread */ MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope if (this->GetState() != Tracking) return; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTART(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; bool localStopTracking; // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false)) { if (this->m_DataTransferMode == TX) { returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->TX(); if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors break; } else { returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->BX(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) break; } /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */ this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); localStopTracking = m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); } /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "An error occured while tracking tools."; } return; // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread and transfer control back to main thread by releasing trackingFinishedLockHolder } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackMarkerPositions() { MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope if (m_OperationMode == ToolTracking6D) return; if (this->GetState() != Tracking) return; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTART(); // Start Diagnostic Mode if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; bool localStopTracking; // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false)) { m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock(); // lock points data structure returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->POS3D(&m_MarkerPoints); // update points data structure with new position data from tracking device m_MarkerPointsMutex->Unlock(); if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors { std::cout << "Error in POS3D: could not read data. Possibly no markers present." << std::endl; } /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */ this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); localStopTracking = m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); itksys::SystemTools::Delay(1); } /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; // how can this thread tell the application, that an error has occured? this->SetState(Ready); return; // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackToolsAndMarkers() { MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope if (m_OperationMode != HybridTracking) return; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTART(); // Start Diagnostic Mode if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; bool localStopTracking; // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false)) { m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock(); // lock points data structure returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->TX(true, &m_MarkerPoints); // update points data structure with new position data from tracking device m_MarkerPointsMutex->Unlock(); if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors { std::cout << "Error in TX: could not read data. Possibly no markers present." << std::endl; } /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */ this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); localStopTracking = m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); } /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; // how can this thread tell the application, that an error has occurred? this->SetState(Ready); return; // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread } mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetTool(unsigned int toolNumber) const { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex if (toolNumber < m_6DTools.size()) return m_6DTools.at(toolNumber); return nullptr; } mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetToolByName(std::string name) const { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) if (name.compare((*iterator)->GetToolName()) == 0) return *iterator; return nullptr; } mitk::NDIPassiveTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetInternalTool(std::string portHandle) { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) if (portHandle.compare((*iterator)->GetPortHandle()) == 0) return *iterator; return nullptr; } unsigned int mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetToolCount() const { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex return m_6DTools.size(); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Beep(unsigned char count) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { return (m_DeviceProtocol->BEEP(count) == NDIOKAY); } else { return false; } } mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AddTool(const char* toolName, const char* fileName, TrackingPriority p /*= NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic*/) { mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Pointer t = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::New(); if (t->LoadSROMFile(fileName) == false) return nullptr; t->SetToolName(toolName); t->SetTrackingPriority(p); if (this->InternalAddTool(t) == false) return nullptr; return t.GetPointer(); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InternalAddTool(mitk::NDIPassiveTool* tool) { if (tool == nullptr) return false; NDIPassiveTool::Pointer p = tool; /* if the connection to the tracking device is already established, add the new tool to the device now */ if (this->GetState() == Ready) { /* get a port handle for the tool */ std::string newPortHandle; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHRQ(&newPortHandle); if (returnvalue == NDIOKAY) { p->SetPortHandle(newPortHandle.c_str()); /* now write the SROM file of the tool to the tracking system using PVWR */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&newPortHandle, p->GetSROMData(), p->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + p->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str(); } /* initialize the port handle */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&newPortHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize port '") + newPortHandle + std::string("' for tool '") + p->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } /* enable the port handle */ if (p->IsEnabled() == true) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&newPortHandle, p->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + newPortHandle + std::string("' for tool '") + p->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } } } /* now that the tool is added to the device, add it to list too */ m_ToolsMutex->Lock(); this->m_6DTools.push_back(p); m_ToolsMutex->Unlock(); this->Modified(); return true; } else if (this->GetState() == Setup) { /* In Setup mode, we only add it to the list, so that OpenConnection() can add it later */ m_ToolsMutex->Lock(); this->m_6DTools.push_back(p); m_ToolsMutex->Unlock(); this->Modified(); return true; } else // in Tracking mode, no tools can be added return false; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::RemoveTool(mitk::TrackingTool* tool) { mitk::NDIPassiveTool* ndiTool = dynamic_cast(tool); if (ndiTool == nullptr) return false; std::string portHandle = ndiTool->GetPortHandle(); /* a valid portHandle has length 2. If a valid handle exists, the tool is already added to the tracking device, so we have to remove it there if the connection to the tracking device has already been established. */ if ((portHandle.length() == 2) && (this->GetState() == Ready)) // do not remove a tool in tracking mode { NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHF(&portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; /* Now that the tool is removed from the tracking device, remove it from our tool list too */ MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex (scope is inside the if-block auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) { if (iterator->GetPointer() == ndiTool) { m_6DTools.erase(iterator); this->Modified(); return true; } } return false; } else if (this->GetState() == Setup) // in Setup Mode, we are not connected to the tracking device, so we can just remove the tool from the tool list { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) { if ((*iterator).GetPointer() == ndiTool) { m_6DTools.erase(iterator); this->Modified(); return true; } } return false; } return false; } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InvalidateAll() { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) (*iterator)->SetDataValid(false); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetOperationMode(OperationMode mode) { if (GetState() == Tracking) return false; m_OperationMode = mode; return true; } mitk::OperationMode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetOperationMode() { return m_OperationMode; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetMarkerPositions(MarkerPointContainerType* markerpositions) { m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock(); *markerpositions = m_MarkerPoints; // copy the internal vector to the one provided m_MarkerPointsMutex->Unlock(); return (markerpositions->size() != 0); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::DiscoverWiredTools() { /* First, check for disconnected tools and remove them */ this->FreePortHandles(); //NDI handling (PHSR 02, PINIT, PHSR 02, PHSR 00) => all initialized and all handles available //creation of MITK tools //NDI enable all tools (PENA) //NDI get all serial numbers (PHINF) /** NDI handling (PHSR 02, PINIT, PHSR 02, PHSR 00) => all initialized and all handles available **/ /* check for occupied port handles on channel 0 */ std::string portHandle; NDIErrorCode returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected on channel 0."; } /* Initialize all port handles on channel 0 */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { std::string ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&ph); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize port '") + ph + std::string(".")); } } /* check for occupied port handles on channel 1 (initialize automatically, portHandle is empty although additional tools were detected) */ //For a split port on a dual 5DOF tool, the first PHSR sent will report only one port handle. After the port handle is //initialized, it is assigned to channel 0. You must then use PHSR again to assign a port handle to channel 1. The //port handle for channel 1 is initialized automatically. returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected on channel 1."; } /* read all port handles */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(ALL, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected on all channels."; } /** 1. Create MITK tracking tool representations of NDI tools 2. NDI enable all tools (PENA) **/ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { std::string ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); if (this->GetInternalTool(ph) != nullptr) // if we already have a tool with this handle continue; // then skip the initialization //define tracking priority auto trackingPriority = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic; //instantiate an object for each tool that is connected mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::New(); newTool->SetPortHandle(ph.c_str()); newTool->SetTrackingPriority(trackingPriority); //set a name for identification newTool->SetToolName((std::string("Port ") + ph).c_str()); /* enable the port handle */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&ph, trackingPriority); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + ph + std::string("' for tool '") + newTool->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } //we have to temporarily unlock m_ModeMutex here to avoid a deadlock with another lock inside InternalAddTool() if (this->InternalAddTool(newTool) == false) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Error while adding new tool"; } } /** NDI get all serial numbers (PHINF) **/ // after initialization readout serial numbers of automatically detected tools for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { std::string ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); std::string portInfo; NDIErrorCode returnvaluePort = m_DeviceProtocol->PHINF(ph, &portInfo); if ((returnvaluePort == NDIOKAY) && (portInfo.size() > 31)) dynamic_cast(this->GetInternalTool(ph))->SetSerialNumber(portInfo.substr(23, 8)); MITK_INFO << "portInfo: " << portInfo; itksys::SystemTools::Delay(10); } return true; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::FreePortHandles() { /* first search for port handles that need to be freed: e.g. because of a reset of the tracking system */ NDIErrorCode returnvalue = NDIOKAY; std::string portHandle; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(FREED, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that need to be freed"; } /* if there are port handles that need to be freed, free them */ if (portHandle.empty() == true) return returnvalue; std::string ph; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); mitk::NDIPassiveTool* t = this->GetInternalTool(ph); if (t != nullptr) // if we have a tool for the port handle that needs to be freed { if (this->RemoveTool(t) == false) // remove it (this will free the port too) returnvalue = NDIERROR; } else // we don't have a tool, the port handle exists only in the tracking device { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHF(&ph); // free it there // What to do if port handle could not be freed? This seems to be a non critical error if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not free all port handles"; } } } return returnvalue; } int mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetMajorFirmwareRevisionNumber() { std::string revision; if (m_DeviceProtocol->APIREV(&revision) != mitk::NDIOKAY || revision.empty() || (revision.size() != 9)) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive firmware revision number!"; return 0; } const std::string majrevno = revision.substr(2, 3); //cut out "004" from "D.004.001" return std::atoi(majrevno.c_str()); } const char* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetFirmwareRevisionNumber() { static std::string revision; if (m_DeviceProtocol->APIREV(&revision) != mitk::NDIOKAY || revision.empty() || (revision.size() != 9)) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive firmware revision number!"; revision = ""; return revision.c_str(); } return revision.c_str(); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AutoDetectToolsAvailable() { if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AddSingleToolIsAvailable() { //For Aurora, only AutoDetecion or loading of toolStorage should be used. It is not possible to add a single tool. if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { return false; } //For Polaris, a single tool can be added, there is no autoDetection. else { return true; } } mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AutoDetectTools() { mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer autoDetectedStorage = mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New(); if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { try { this->OpenConnection(); this->StartTracking(); } catch (mitk::Exception& e) { MITK_WARN << "Warning, can not auto-detect tools! (" << e.GetDescription() << ")"; return autoDetectedStorage; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->GetToolCount(); i++) { //create a navigation tool with sphere as surface std::stringstream toolname; toolname << "AutoDetectedTool" << i; mitk::NavigationTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NavigationTool::New(); newTool->SetSerialNumber(dynamic_cast(this->GetTool(i))->GetSerialNumber()); newTool->SetIdentifier(toolname.str()); newTool->SetTrackingDeviceType(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()); newTool->GetDataNode()->SetName(toolname.str()); autoDetectedStorage->AddTool(newTool); } this->StopTracking(); this->CloseConnection(); } return autoDetectedStorage; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetSupportedVolumes(unsigned int* numberOfVolumes, mitk::NDITrackingDevice::NDITrackingVolumeContainerType* volumes, mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackingVolumeDimensionType* volumesDimensions) { if (numberOfVolumes == nullptr || volumes == nullptr || volumesDimensions == nullptr) return false; static std::string info; if (m_DeviceProtocol->SFLIST(&info) != mitk::NDIOKAY || info.empty()) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive tracking volume information of tracking system!"; return false; } /*info contains the following: (+n times:) */ (*numberOfVolumes) = (unsigned int)std::atoi(info.substr(0, 1).c_str()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (*numberOfVolumes); i++) { //e.g. for cube: "9-025000+025000-025000+025000-055000-005000+000000+000000+000000+00000011" //for dome: "A+005000+048000+005000+066000+000000+000000+000000+000000+000000+00000011" std::string::size_type offset, end; offset = (i * 73) + 1; end = 73 + (i * 73); std::string currentVolume = info.substr(offset, end);//i=0: from 1 to 73 characters; i=1: from 75 to 148 char; // if i>0 then we have a return statement infront if (i > 0) currentVolume = currentVolume.substr(1, currentVolume.size()); if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisOldModel().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisOldModel().Model); if (currentVolume.compare(0, 3, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisSpectra().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisSpectra().Model); if (currentVolume.compare(1, 3, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataSpectraExtendedPyramid().HardwareCode) == 0) { currentVolume = currentVolume.substr(1, currentVolume.size()); volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataSpectraExtendedPyramid().Model); } if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisVicra().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisVicra().Model); else if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarCube().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarCube().Model);//alias cube else if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarDome().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarDome().Model); //fill volumesDimensions for (unsigned int index = 0; index < 10; index++) { std::string::size_type offD, endD; offD = 1 + (index * 7); //7 digits per dimension and the first is the type of volume endD = offD + 7; int dimension = std::atoi(currentVolume.substr(offD, endD).c_str()); dimension /= 100; //given in mm. 7 digits are xxxx.xx according to NDI //strange, the last two digits (11) also for the metal flag get read also... volumesDimensions->push_back(dimension); } } return true; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetVolume(mitk::TrackingDeviceData volume) { if (m_DeviceProtocol->VSEL(volume) != mitk::NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set volume!"; } return true; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/OpenIGTLink/mitkIGTLMessageCloneHandler.h b/Modules/OpenIGTLink/mitkIGTLMessageCloneHandler.h index 30977ebb42..56a7433039 100644 --- a/Modules/OpenIGTLink/mitkIGTLMessageCloneHandler.h +++ b/Modules/OpenIGTLink/mitkIGTLMessageCloneHandler.h @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKIGTLMESSAGECLONE_H_ #define MITKIGTLMESSAGECLONE_H_ #include "itkObject.h" #include "mitkCommon.h" #include "igtlObject.h" #include "igtlMacro.h" #include "igtlSocket.h" #include "igtlMessageBase.h" #include "MitkOpenIGTLinkExports.h" namespace mitk { /**Documentation * \brief Base class for clone handlers for igtl::MessageBase derived message * types * * To enable new message types a clone function must be defined and added to the * message factory. * */ class MITKOPENIGTLINK_EXPORT IGTLMessageCloneHandler: public itk::Object { public: - mitkClassMacroItkParent(IGTLMessageCloneHandler, itk::Object); + mitkClassMacroItkParent(IGTLMessageCloneHandler, itk::Object) itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); itkCloneMacro(Self); public: virtual igtl::MessageBase::Pointer Clone(igtl::MessageBase*) { return nullptr; } protected: IGTLMessageCloneHandler() {} ~IGTLMessageCloneHandler() override {} }; /** * Description: * The mitkIGTMessageCloneClassMacro() macro is to help developers to * define message clone handler classes. It generates a chlid class of * mitk::IGTLMessageCloneHandler. * The developer only needs to implement Clone() after calling this macro. * The following code shows how to define a handler that processes IMAGE message: * * mitkIGTMessageCloneClassMacro(igtl::ImageMessage, TestImageMessageHandler); * igtl::MessageBase::Pointer * TestImageMessageHandler::Clone(igtl::MessageBase * message) * { * // do something * } **/ #define mitkIGTMessageCloneClassMacro(messagetype, classname) \ class classname : public ::mitk::IGTLMessageCloneHandler \ { \ public: \ mitkClassMacro(classname, mitk::IGTLMessageCloneHandler); \ itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); \ itkCloneMacro(Self); \ public: \ virtual igtl::MessageBase::Pointer Clone(igtl::MessageBase*); \ protected: \ classname(){} \ ~classname() {} \ }; } // namespace mitk #endif // MITKIGTLMESSAGECLONE_H_ diff --git a/Plugins/org.blueberry.core.jobs/src/internal/berryJobManager.cpp b/Plugins/org.blueberry.core.jobs/src/internal/berryJobManager.cpp index 507bf6ab28..dd47ed1933 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.blueberry.core.jobs/src/internal/berryJobManager.cpp +++ b/Plugins/org.blueberry.core.jobs/src/internal/berryJobManager.cpp @@ -1,1205 +1,1206 @@ /*=================================================================== BlueBerry Platform Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #define NOMINMAX #include "berryJobManager.h" #include "berryIProgressMonitor.h" #include "berryNullProgressMonitor.h" #include "berryIStatus.h" #include "berryJobStatus.h" #include #include namespace berry { /** * test class implementing ISchedulingRule to validate client defined rules */ struct NullRule: public ISchedulingRule { bool Contains(ISchedulingRule::Pointer myRule) const override; bool IsConflicting(ISchedulingRule::Pointer myRule) const override; }; bool NullRule::IsConflicting(ISchedulingRule::Pointer dummyRule) const { return dummyRule == this; } bool NullRule::Contains(ISchedulingRule::Pointer dummyRule) const { return dummyRule == this; } JobManager::JobManager() : sptr_testRule(new NullRule()),m_active(true), m_Pool(new WorkerPool(this)), m_sptr_progressProvider(nullptr), m_JobQueueSleeping(true), m_JobQueueWaiting(false),m_suspended(false), m_waitQueueCounter(0) { m_JobListeners.global.SetExceptionHandler(MessageExceptionHandler< JobListeners> (&m_JobListeners, &JobListeners::HandleException)); } // DEBUG VARIABLES const QString& JobManager::PI_JOBS() { static const QString id("org.blueberry.core.jobs"); return id; } bool JobManager::DEBUG = false; bool JobManager::DEBUG_BEGIN_END = false; bool JobManager::DEBUG_DEADLOCK = false; bool JobManager::DEBUG_LOCKS = false; bool JobManager::DEBUG_TIMING = false; bool JobManager::DEBUG_SHUTDOWN = false; const int JobManager::PLUGIN_ERROR = 2; JobManager* JobManager::GetInstance() { // we don't need to lock the creation of "instance" because GetInstance() is // called when statically initializing InternalJob::ptr_manager (which happens // in single-threaded mode) static JobManager instance; return &instance; } std::string JobManager::PrintState(int state) { switch (state) { case Job::NONE: return "NONE"; case Job::WAITING: return "WAITING"; case Job::SLEEPING: return "SLEEPING"; case Job::RUNNING: return "RUNNING"; case InternalJob::BLOCKED: return "BLOCKED"; case InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_RUN: return "ABOUT_TO_RUN"; case InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_SCHEDULE: return "ABOUT_TO_SCHEDULE"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } void JobManager::Shutdown() { JobManager* ptr_instance(GetInstance()); if (ptr_instance != nullptr) { ptr_instance->DoShutdown(); // ptr_instance = 0; // need to call the destructor of the static object .. } } //void //JobManager //::Cancel(Object family) { // //don't synchronize because cancel calls listeners // for (Iterator it = select(family).iterator(); it.hasNext();) // cancel((Job) it.next()); // } IProgressMonitor::Pointer JobManager::CreateProgressGroup() { if (m_sptr_progressProvider != 0) return (m_sptr_progressProvider->CreateProgressGroup()); NullProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_defaultProgressMonitor( new NullProgressMonitor); return sptr_defaultProgressMonitor; } Job* JobManager::CurrentJob() { //Poco::Thread* ptr_current = Poco::Thread::current(); //if (Worker* worker = dynamic_cast(ptr_current) ) // return ((Worker) ptr_current).currentJob(); // { // Poco::ScopedLock lockMe (m_mutex); // Poco::HashSet::Iterator it ; // for (it = m_running.begin(); it != m_running.end(); it ++) { // Job job* = dynamic_cast (it); // if (job->GetThread() == ptr_current) // return job; // } //} return nullptr; } //void //JobManager //::EndRule(ISchedulingRule rule) { //implicitJobs.end(rule, false); // } //Job[] //JobManager //::Find(Object family) { // List members = select(family); // return (Job[]) members.toArray(new Job[members.size()]); // } // // LockManager GetLockManager() { // return lockManager; // } // bool JobManager::IsIdle() { { Poco::ScopedLock m_managerLock(m_mutex); return m_running.empty() && m_JobQueueWaiting.IsEmpty(); } } bool JobManager::IsSuspended() { { Poco::ScopedLock m_managerLock(m_mutex); m_suspended = true; } return m_suspended; } // // /* // * @see IJobManager#join(String, IProgressMonitor) // */ //void //JobManager //::Join(final Object family, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, OperationCanceledException { // monitor = monitorFor(monitor); // IJobChangeListener listener = null; // final Set jobs; // int jobCount; // Job blocking = null; // synchronized (lock) { // //don't join a waiting or sleeping job when suspended (deadlock risk) // int states = suspended ? Job.RUNNING : Job.RUNNING | Job.WAITING | Job.SLEEPING; // jobs = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet(select(family, states))); // jobCount = jobs.size(); // if (jobCount > 0) { // //if there is only one blocking job, use it in the blockage callback below // if (jobCount == 1) // blocking = (Job) jobs.iterator().next(); // listener = new JobChangeAdapter() { // public void done(IJobChangeEvent event) { // //don't remove from list if job is being rescheduled // if (!((JobChangeEvent) event).reschedule) // jobs.remove(event.getJob()); // } // // //update the list of jobs if new ones are added during the join // public void scheduled(IJobChangeEvent event) { // //don't add to list if job is being rescheduled // if (((JobChangeEvent) event).reschedule) // return; // Job job = event.getJob(); // if (job.belongsTo(family)) // jobs.add(job); // } // }; // addJobChangeListener(listener); // } // } // if (jobCount == 0) { // //use up the monitor outside synchronized block because monitors call untrusted code // monitor.beginTask(JobMessages.jobs_blocked0, 1); // monitor.done(); // return; // } // //spin until all jobs are completed // try { // monitor.beginTask(JobMessages.jobs_blocked0, jobCount); // monitor.subTask(NLS.bind(JobMessages.jobs_waitFamSub, Integer.toString(jobCount))); // reportBlocked(monitor, blocking); // int jobsLeft; // int reportedWorkDone = 0; // while ((jobsLeft = jobs.size()) > 0) { // //don't let there be negative work done if new jobs have // //been added since the join began // int actualWorkDone = Math.max(0, jobCount - jobsLeft); // if (reportedWorkDone < actualWorkDone) { // monitor.worked(actualWorkDone - reportedWorkDone); // reportedWorkDone = actualWorkDone; // monitor.subTask(NLS.bind(JobMessages.jobs_waitFamSub, Integer.toString(jobsLeft))); // } // if (Thread.interrupted()) // throw new InterruptedException(); // if (monitor.isCanceled()) // throw new OperationCanceledException(); // //notify hook to service pending syncExecs before falling asleep // lockManager.aboutToWait(null); // Thread.sleep(100); // } // } finally { // lockManager.aboutToRelease(); // removeJobChangeListener(listener); // reportUnblocked(monitor); // monitor.done(); // } // } //JobManager //::NewLock() { // return lockManager.newLock(); // } void JobManager::RemoveJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener* listener) { m_JobListeners.Remove(listener); } void JobManager::ReportBlocked(IProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_monitor, InternalJob::Pointer sptr_blockingJob) const { if ( sptr_monitor.Cast() == 0 ) return ; if (sptr_blockingJob == 0 || sptr_blockingJob->IsSystem()) { Status::Pointer sptr_reason( new Status(IStatus::INFO_TYPE, JobManager::PI_JOBS(), 1, "the user operation is waiting for background work to complete", BERRY_STATUS_LOC)); } else { QString msg = "the user operation is waiting for : " + sptr_blockingJob->GetName() + " to complete. "; JobStatus::Pointer sptr_reason( new JobStatus(IStatus::INFO_TYPE, sptr_blockingJob.Cast(), msg, BERRY_STATUS_LOC)); } // ((IProgressmonitorWithBlocking) sptr_monitor)->SetBlocked(sptr_reason); } void JobManager::ReportUnblocked(IProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_monitor) const { if ( IProgressMonitorWithBlocking::Pointer sptr_monitorWithBlocking = sptr_monitor.Cast() ) sptr_monitorWithBlocking->ClearBlocked(); } void JobManager::Resume() { { Poco::ScopedLock lockMe(m_mutex); m_suspended = false; //poke the job pool m_Pool->JobQueued(); } } //TODO implicit Jobs //void //JobManager //::Resume(ISchedulingRule rule)const { // implicitJobs.resume(rule); // } void JobManager::SetProgressProvider(ProgressProvider::Pointer provider) { m_sptr_progressProvider = provider; } void JobManager::SetRule(InternalJob::Pointer job, ISchedulingRule::Pointer sptr_rule) { Poco::ScopedLock m_managerLock(m_mutex); //cannot change the rule of a job that is already running ( GetRule is set to protected which should be // changed if this assert is needed // assert(job->GetState() == Job.NONE); ValidateRule(sptr_rule); job->InternalSetRule(sptr_rule); } //void //JobManager //::Sleep(Object family) { // //don't synchronize because sleep calls listeners // for (Iterator it = select(family).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // sleep((InternalJob) it.next()); // } // } void JobManager::Suspend() { { Poco::ScopedLock lockMe(m_mutex); m_suspended = true; } } //void //JobManager //::Suspend(ISchedulingRule rule, IProgressMonitor monitor)const { // Assert.isNotNull(rule); // implicitJobs.suspend(rule, monitorFor(monitor)); // } //void //JobManager //::TransferRule(ISchedulingRule rule, Thread destinationThread) { // implicitJobs.transfer(rule, destinationThread); // } //void //JobManager //::SetLockListener(LockListener listener) { // lockManager.setLockListener(listener); // } //void //JobManager //::WakeUp(Object family) { // //don't synchronize because wakeUp calls listeners // for (Iterator it = select(family).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // wakeUp((InternalJob) it.next(), 0L); // } // } void JobManager::AddJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener* listener) { m_JobListeners.Add(listener); } //void //JobManager //::BeginRule(ISchedulingRule rule, IProgressMonitor monitor) { // validateRule(rule); // implicitJobs.begin(rule, monitorFor(monitor), false); // } // // /** // * For debugging purposes only // */ //std::String //JobManager //::PrintJobName(Job job) { // if (job instanceof ThreadJob) { // Job realJob = ((ThreadJob) job).realJob; // if (realJob != null) // return realJob.getClass().getName(); // return "ThreadJob on rule: " + job.getRule(); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // return job.getClass().getName(); // } // // instance = this; // initDebugOptions(); // synchronized (lock) { // running = new HashSet(10); // } // pool.setDaemon(JobOSGiUtils.getDefault().useDaemonThreads()); //} void JobManager::ChangeState(InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job, int newState) { bool blockedJobs = false; { Poco::ScopedLock m_managerLock(m_mutex); int tmp_oldState = sptr_job->InternalGetState(); switch (tmp_oldState) { case Job::NONE: case InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_SCHEDULE: break; case InternalJob::BLOCKED: //remove this job from the linked list of blocked jobs sptr_job->Remove(); break; case Job::WAITING: m_JobQueueWaiting.Remove(sptr_job); // assert(false, "Tried to remove a job that wasn't in the queue"); break; case Job::SLEEPING: m_JobQueueSleeping.Remove(sptr_job); // assert(false, "Tried to remove a job that wasn't in the queue"); - + // this silences the warning but should be checked: + // FALLTHRU case Job::RUNNING: case InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_RUN: m_running.remove(sptr_job); //add any blocked jobs back to the wait queue InternalJob::Pointer sptr_blocked(sptr_job->Previous()); sptr_job->Remove(); blockedJobs = sptr_blocked != 0; while (sptr_blocked != 0) { InternalJob::Pointer previous = sptr_blocked->Previous(); ChangeState(sptr_blocked, Job::WAITING); sptr_blocked = previous; } break; // default : // Assert.isLegal(false, "Invalid job state: " + job + ", state: " + oldState); } sptr_job->InternalSetState(newState); switch (newState) { case Job::NONE: sptr_job->SetStartTime(InternalJob::T_NONE); sptr_job->SetWaitQueueStamp(InternalJob::T_NONE); case InternalJob::BLOCKED: break; case Job::WAITING: m_JobQueueWaiting.Enqueue(sptr_job); break; case Job::SLEEPING: //try { m_JobQueueSleeping.Enqueue(sptr_job); //} catch (RuntimeException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("Error changing from state: " + oldState); //} break; case Job::RUNNING: case InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_RUN: sptr_job->SetStartTime(InternalJob::T_NONE); sptr_job->SetWaitQueueStamp(InternalJob::T_NONE); m_running.insert(sptr_job); break; case InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_SCHEDULE: break; // default : // Assert.isLegal(false, "Invalid job state: " + job + ", state: " + newState); } } //notify queue outside sync block if (blockedJobs) m_Pool->JobQueued(); } Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff JobManager::DelayFor(int priority) { //these values may need to be tweaked based on machine speed switch (priority) { case Job::INTERACTIVE: return 0; case Job::SHORT: return 50; case Job::LONG: return 100; case Job::BUILD: return 500; case Job::DECORATE: return 1000; default: // Assert.isTrue(false, "Job has invalid priority: " + priority); //$NON-NLS-1$ return 0; } } void JobManager::DoSchedule(InternalJob::Pointer job, Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff delay) { Poco::ScopedLock managerLock(m_mutex); //job may have been canceled already int state = job->InternalGetState(); if (state != InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_SCHEDULE && state != Job::SLEEPING) return; //if it's a decoration job with no rule, don't run it right now if the system is busy if (job->GetPriority() == Job::DECORATE && job->GetRule() == 0) { Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff tmp_minDelay = m_running.size() * 100; delay = std::max(delay, tmp_minDelay); } if (delay > 0) { job->SetStartTime(Poco::Timestamp() + delay * 100); InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(job); ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::SLEEPING); } else { job->SetStartTime(Poco::Timestamp() + DelayFor(job->GetPriority()) * 100); job->SetWaitQueueStamp(m_waitQueueCounter++); InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(job); ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::WAITING); } } void JobManager::DoShutdown() { std::vector vec_ToCancel; { Poco::ScopedLock LockMe(m_mutex); if (m_active) { m_active = false; //cancel all running jobs vec_ToCancel.assign(m_running.begin(), m_running.end()); //clean up m_JobQueueSleeping.Clear(); m_JobQueueWaiting.Clear(); m_running.clear(); } } // Give running jobs a chance to finish. Wait 0.1 seconds for up to 3 times. if (!vec_ToCancel.empty()) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vec_ToCancel.size(); i++) { // cancel jobs outside sync block to avoid deadlock Cancel(vec_ToCancel[i]); } for (int waitAttempts = 0; waitAttempts < 3; waitAttempts++) { Poco::Thread::yield(); { Poco::ScopedLock LockMe(m_mutex); if (m_running.empty()) break; } if (DEBUG_SHUTDOWN) { // JobManager.debug("Shutdown - job wait cycle #" + (waitAttempts + 1)); std::vector vec_StillRunning; { Poco::ScopedLock LockMe(m_mutex); vec_StillRunning.assign(m_running.begin(), m_running.end()); // if (!vec_StillRunning.empty()) { //for (int j = 0; j < stillRunning.length; j++) { // JobManager.debug("\tJob: " + printJobName(stillRunning[j])); //$NON-NLS-1$ //} } } Poco::Thread::sleep(100); Poco::Thread::yield(); } // retrieve list of the jobs that are still running { Poco::ScopedLock LockMe(m_mutex); vec_ToCancel.assign(m_running.begin(), m_running.end()); } } if (!vec_ToCancel.empty()) { /*for (int i = 0; i < vec_ToCancel.size(); i++) {*/ // std::string tmp_jobName = PrintJobName(toCancel[i]); // //this doesn't need to be translated because it's just being logged // String msg = "Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that // scheduled them during shutdown: " + jobName; // RuntimeLog.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, JobManager.PI_JOBS, JobManager.PLUGIN_ERROR, msg, null)); // // // TODO the RuntimeLog.log in its current implementation won't produce a log // // during this stage of shutdown. For now add a standard error output. // // One the logging story is improved, the System.err output below can be removed: // System.err.println(msg); // } } m_Pool->Shutdown(); } Job::Pointer JobManager::NextJob() { { Poco::ScopedLock managerLock(m_mutex); //do nothing if the job manager is suspended if (m_suspended) return Job::Pointer(nullptr); // tickle the sleep queue to see if anyone wakes up Poco::Timestamp now; InternalJob::Pointer ptr_job = m_JobQueueSleeping.Peek(); while (ptr_job != 0 && ptr_job->GetStartTime() < now) { // a job that slept to long is set a new start time and is put into the waiting queue ptr_job->SetStartTime(now + DelayFor(ptr_job->GetPriority())); ptr_job->SetWaitQueueStamp(m_waitQueueCounter++); InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(ptr_job); ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::WAITING); ptr_job = m_JobQueueSleeping.Peek(); } //process the wait queue until we find a job whose rules are satisfied. while ((ptr_job = m_JobQueueWaiting.Peek()) != 0) { InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(ptr_job); InternalJob::Pointer sptr_blocker = FindBlockingJob(sptr_job); if (sptr_blocker == 0) break; //queue this job after the job that's blocking it ChangeState(sptr_job, InternalJob::BLOCKED); //assert job does not already belong to some other data structure //Assert.isTrue(job.next() == null); //Assert.isTrue(job.previous() == null); sptr_blocker->AddLast(ptr_job); } // the job to run must be in the running list before we exit // the sync block, otherwise two jobs with conflicting rules could start at once if (ptr_job != 0) { InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(ptr_job); ChangeState(sptr_job, InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_RUN); } return ptr_job.Cast (); } } //TODO Job families //void //JobManager //::Select(List members, Object family, InternalJob firstJob, int stateMask) { // if (firstJob == null) // return; // InternalJob job = firstJob; // do { // //note that job state cannot be NONE at this point // if ((family == null || job.belongsTo(family)) && ((job.getState() & stateMask) != 0)) // members.add(job); // job = job.previous(); // } while (job != null && job != firstJob); // } //List //JobManager //::Select(Object family) { // return select(family, Job.WAITING | Job.SLEEPING | Job.RUNNING); // } //List //JobManager //::Select(Object family, int stateMask) { // List members = new ArrayList(); // synchronized (lock) { // if ((stateMask & Job.RUNNING) != 0) { // for (Iterator it = running.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // select(members, family, (InternalJob) it.next(), stateMask); // } // } // if ((stateMask & Job.WAITING) != 0) // select(members, family, waiting.peek(), stateMask); // if ((stateMask & Job.SLEEPING) != 0) // select(members, family, sleeping.peek(), stateMask); // } // return members; // } // dummy validateRule implemenation void JobManager::ValidateRule(ISchedulingRule::Pointer sptr_rule) { //null rule always valid if (sptr_rule == 0) return; //contains method must be reflexive poco_assert(sptr_rule->Contains(sptr_rule)) ; //contains method must return false when given an unknown rule poco_assert(!sptr_rule->Contains(sptr_testRule)); //isConflicting method must be reflexive poco_assert(sptr_rule->IsConflicting(sptr_rule)); //isConflicting method must return false when given an unknown rule poco_assert(!sptr_rule->IsConflicting(sptr_testRule)); } bool JobManager::Cancel(InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job) { IProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_progressMonitor(nullptr); bool runCanceling = false; { Poco::ScopedLock mangerMutex (m_mutex); switch (sptr_job->GetState()) { case Job::NONE : return true; case Job::RUNNING : //cannot cancel a job that has already started (as opposed to ABOUT_TO_RUN) if (sptr_job->InternalGetState() == Job::RUNNING) { sptr_progressMonitor = sptr_job->GetProgressMonitor(); runCanceling = sptr_job->IsRunCanceled(); if(runCanceling) sptr_job->SetRunCanceled(true); break ; } //signal that the job should be canceled before it gets a chance to run sptr_job->SetAboutToRunCanceled(true); return false; default : ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::NONE); } } //call monitor outside sync block if (sptr_progressMonitor != 0) { if(runCanceling) { if (!sptr_progressMonitor->IsCanceled()) sptr_progressMonitor->SetCanceled(true); sptr_job->Canceling(); } return false; } //only notify listeners if the job was waiting or sleeping m_JobListeners.Done(sptr_job.Cast(), Status::CANCEL_STATUS(BERRY_STATUS_LOC), false); return true; } IProgressMonitor::Pointer JobManager::CreateMonitor( Job::Pointer sptr_jobToMonitor) { IProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_monitor(nullptr); if (m_sptr_progressProvider != 0) sptr_monitor = m_sptr_progressProvider->CreateMonitor(sptr_jobToMonitor); if (sptr_monitor == 0) { NullProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_defaultMonitor(new NullProgressMonitor()); return sptr_defaultMonitor; } return sptr_monitor; } IProgressMonitor::Pointer JobManager::CreateMonitor(InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job, IProgressMonitor::Pointer group, int ticks) { { Poco::ScopedLock managerLock(m_mutex); //group must be set before the job is scheduled //this includes the ABOUT_TO_SCHEDULE state, during which it is still //valid to set the progress monitor if (sptr_job->GetState() != Job::NONE) { IProgressMonitor::Pointer dummy(nullptr); return dummy; } IProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_monitor(nullptr); if (m_sptr_progressProvider != 0) sptr_monitor = m_sptr_progressProvider->CreateMonitor(sptr_job.Cast() , group, ticks); if (sptr_monitor == 0) { // return a default NullprogressMonitor NullProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_defaultMonitor(new NullProgressMonitor() ); return sptr_defaultMonitor; } return sptr_monitor; } } void JobManager::EndJob(InternalJob::Pointer ptr_job, IStatus::Pointer result, bool notify) { Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff rescheduleDelay(InternalJob::T_NONE); { Poco::ScopedLock lock ( m_mutex); // if the job is finishing asynchronously, there is nothing more to do for now if (result == Job::ASYNC_FINISH) return; //if job is not known then it cannot be done if (ptr_job->GetState() == Job::NONE) return; ptr_job->SetResult(result); ptr_job->SetProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor::Pointer(nullptr)); ptr_job->SetThread(nullptr); rescheduleDelay = ptr_job->GetStartTime().epochMicroseconds(); InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(ptr_job); ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::NONE); } //notify listeners outside sync block bool reschedule = m_active && rescheduleDelay > InternalJob::T_NONE && ptr_job->ShouldSchedule(); if (notify) m_JobListeners.Done(ptr_job.Cast(), result, reschedule); //reschedule the job if requested and we are still active if (reschedule) Schedule(ptr_job, rescheduleDelay, reschedule); } InternalJob::Pointer JobManager::FindBlockingJob(InternalJob::Pointer waitingJob) { if (waitingJob->GetRule() == 0) return InternalJob::Pointer(nullptr); { Poco::ScopedLock managerLock (m_mutex); if (m_running.empty() ) { InternalJob::Pointer dummy; return (dummy); } //check the running jobs bool hasBlockedJobs = false; QSet::Iterator it; for ( it = m_running.begin(); it != m_running.end(); it ++ ) { InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job = *it ++; if (waitingJob->IsConflicting(sptr_job)) return sptr_job; if (!hasBlockedJobs) hasBlockedJobs = sptr_job->Previous() != 0; } // there are no blocked jobs, so we are done if (!hasBlockedJobs) { InternalJob::Pointer dummy; return (dummy); } //check all jobs blocked by running jobs QSet::Iterator it_blocked; for( it_blocked = m_running.begin(); it_blocked != m_running.end(); it_blocked ++ ) { InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job = *it_blocked ++; while (true) { sptr_job = sptr_job->Previous(); if (sptr_job == 0) break; if (waitingJob->IsConflicting(sptr_job)) return sptr_job; } } } InternalJob::Pointer sptr_null; return (sptr_null); } bool JobManager::IsActive() { return m_active; } bool JobManager::IsBlocking(InternalJob::Pointer sptr_runningJob) { { Poco::ScopedLock lockMe (m_mutex); // if this job isn't running, it can't be blocking anyone if (sptr_runningJob->GetState() != Job::RUNNING) return false; // if any job is queued behind this one, it is blocked by it InternalJob::Pointer ptr_previous = sptr_runningJob->Previous(); while (ptr_previous != 0) { // ignore jobs of lower priority (higher priority value means lower priority) if (ptr_previous->GetPriority() < sptr_runningJob->GetPriority()) { if (!ptr_previous->IsSystem()) return true; // TODO Implicit Jobs // implicit jobs should interrupt unless they act on behalf of system jobs // if (previous instanceof ThreadJob && ((ThreadJob) previous).shouldInterrupt()) // return true; } ptr_previous = ptr_previous->previous; } // none found return false; } } //void //JobManager //::Join(InternalJob job) { // final IJobChangeListener listener; // final Semaphore barrier; // synchronized (lock) { // int state = job.getState(); // if (state == Job.NONE) // return; // //don't join a waiting or sleeping job when suspended (deadlock risk) // if (suspended && state != Job.RUNNING) // return; // //it's an error for a job to join itself // if (state == Job.RUNNING && job.getThread() == Thread.currentThread()) // throw new IllegalStateException("Job attempted to join itself"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // //the semaphore will be released when the job is done // barrier = new Semaphore(null); // listener = new JobChangeAdapter() { // public void done(IJobChangeEvent event) { // barrier.release(); // } // }; // job.addJobChangeListener(listener); // //compute set of all jobs that must run before this one // //add a listener that removes jobs from the blocking set when they finish // } // //wait until listener notifies this thread. // try { // while (true) { // //notify hook to service pending syncExecs before falling asleep // lockManager.aboutToWait(job.getThread()); // try { // if (barrier.acquire(Long.MAX_VALUE)) // break; // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // //loop and keep trying // } // } // } finally { // lockManager.aboutToRelease(); // job.removeJobChangeListener(listener); // } // } bool JobManager::RunNow(InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job) { { Poco::ScopedLock lockMe (m_mutex); //cannot start if there is a conflicting job if (FindBlockingJob(sptr_job) != 0) return false; ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::RUNNING); sptr_job->SetProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor::Pointer(new NullProgressMonitor())); sptr_job->Run(IProgressMonitor::Pointer(nullptr)); } return true; } void JobManager::Schedule(InternalJob::Pointer job, Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff delay, bool reschedule) { if (!m_active) throw Poco::IllegalStateException("Job manager has been shut down."); poco_assert(job); // "Job is null" poco_assert(delay >= 0); // "Scheduling delay is negative" { Poco::ScopedLock managerLock (m_mutex); //if the job is already running, set it to be rescheduled when done if (job->GetState() == Job::RUNNING) { job->SetStartTime(delay); return; } //can't schedule a job that is waiting or sleeping if (job->InternalGetState() != Job::NONE) return; //remember that we are about to schedule the job //to prevent multiple schedule attempts from succeeding (bug 68452) InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(job); ChangeState(sptr_job, InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_SCHEDULE); } //notify listeners outside sync block m_JobListeners.Scheduled(job.Cast(), delay, reschedule); //schedule the job DoSchedule(job, delay); //call the pool outside sync block to avoid deadlock m_Pool->JobQueued(); } bool JobManager::Sleep(InternalJob::Pointer job) { { Poco::ScopedLock lockMe (m_mutex); InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(job); switch (job->GetState()) { case Job::RUNNING : //cannot be paused if it is already running (as opposed to ABOUT_TO_RUN) if (job->InternalGetState() == Job::RUNNING) return false; //job hasn't started running yet (aboutToRun listener) break; case Job::SLEEPING : //update the job wake time job->SetStartTime(InternalJob::T_INFINITE); //change state again to re-shuffle the sleep queue ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::SLEEPING); return true; case Job::NONE : return true; case Job::WAITING : //put the job to sleep break; } job->SetStartTime(InternalJob::T_INFINITE); ChangeState(sptr_job, Job::SLEEPING); } m_JobListeners.Sleeping(job.Cast()); return true; } void JobManager::SetPriority(InternalJob::Pointer job, int newPriority) { { Poco::ScopedLock lockMe (m_mutex); InternalJob::Pointer sptr_job(job); int oldPriority = job->GetPriority(); if (oldPriority == newPriority) return; job->InternalSetPriority(newPriority); //if the job is waiting to run, re-shuffle the queue if (sptr_job->GetState() == Job::WAITING) { Poco::Timestamp oldStart = job->GetStartTime(); job->SetStartTime(oldStart += (DelayFor(newPriority) - DelayFor(oldPriority))); m_JobQueueWaiting.Resort(job); } } } Poco::Timespan::TimeDiff JobManager::SleepHint() { Poco::ScopedLock managerLock (m_mutex); // wait forever if job manager is suspended if (m_suspended) return InternalJob::T_INFINITE; if (!m_JobQueueWaiting.IsEmpty()) return 0; // return the anticipated time that the next sleeping job will wake InternalJob::Pointer ptr_next(nullptr); ptr_next = m_JobQueueSleeping.Peek(); if (ptr_next == 0) return InternalJob::T_INFINITE; Poco::Timestamp tmp_startTime = ptr_next->GetStartTime(); Poco::Timestamp tmp_currentTime; Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff timeToStart = tmp_startTime - tmp_currentTime; return timeToStart; } Job::Pointer JobManager::StartJob() { Job::Pointer job(nullptr); while (true) { job = NextJob(); if (!job) return Job::Pointer(nullptr); //must perform this outside sync block because it is third party code bool shouldRun = job->ShouldRun(); //check for listener veto if (shouldRun) m_JobListeners.AboutToRun(job); //listeners may have canceled or put the job to sleep bool endJob = false; { Poco::ScopedLock lock(m_mutex); InternalJob::Pointer internal = job; if (internal->InternalGetState() == InternalJob::ABOUT_TO_RUN) { if (shouldRun && !internal->IsAboutToRunCanceled()) { internal->SetProgressMonitor(CreateMonitor(job)); //change from ABOUT_TO_RUN to RUNNING internal->InternalSetState(Job::RUNNING); break; } internal->SetAboutToRunCanceled(false); endJob = true; //fall through and end the job below } } if (endJob) { //job has been vetoed or canceled, so mark it as done EndJob(job,Status::CANCEL_STATUS(BERRY_STATUS_LOC), true); continue; } } m_JobListeners.Running(job); return job; } void JobManager::WakeUp(InternalJob::Pointer job, Poco::Timestamp::TimeDiff delay) { poco_assert(delay >= 0); // "Scheduling delay is negative" { Poco::ScopedLock m_managerLock (m_mutex); //cannot wake up if it is not sleeping if (job->GetState() != Job::SLEEPING) return; DoSchedule(job, delay); } //call the pool outside sync block to avoid deadlock m_Pool->JobQueued(); /// IListenerExtension only notify of wake up if immediate if (delay == 0) m_JobListeners.Awake(job.Cast()); } IProgressMonitor::Pointer JobManager::MonitorFor(IProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_monitor) { if(sptr_monitor == 0 || sptr_monitor.Cast() ) { if(m_sptr_progressProvider != 0 ) sptr_monitor = m_sptr_progressProvider->GetDefaultMonitor(); } if(sptr_monitor == 0) { IProgressMonitor::Pointer sptr_nullProgressMonitor(new NullProgressMonitor()); return sptr_nullProgressMonitor; } return sptr_monitor; } }