diff --git a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp
index 7e1bc082e2..59cb18e59a 100644
--- a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp
+++ b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp
@@ -1,1314 +1,1356 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #include "mitkNDITrackingDevice.h"
 #include "mitkIGTTimeStamp.h"
 #include "mitkIGTHardwareException.h"
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <itksys/SystemTools.hxx>
 #include <itkMutexLockHolder.h>
 #include <mitkUnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation.h>
 #include <mitkNDIPolarisTypeInformation.h>
 #include <mitkNDIAuroraTypeInformation.h>
 // vtk
 #include <vtkSphereSource.h>
 typedef itk::MutexLockHolder<itk::FastMutexLock> MutexLockHolder;
 const unsigned char CR = 0xD; // == '\r' - carriage return
 const unsigned char LF = 0xA; // == '\n' - line feed
 mitk::NDITrackingDevice::NDITrackingDevice() :
 TrackingDevice(), m_DeviceName(""), m_PortNumber(mitk::SerialCommunication::COM5), m_BaudRate(mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate9600),
 m_DataBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits8), m_Parity(mitk::SerialCommunication::None), m_StopBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits1),
 m_IlluminationActivationRate(Hz20), m_DataTransferMode(TX), m_6DTools(), m_ToolsMutex(nullptr),
 m_SerialCommunication(nullptr), m_SerialCommunicationMutex(nullptr), m_DeviceProtocol(nullptr),
 m_MultiThreader(nullptr), m_ThreadID(0), m_OperationMode(ToolTracking6D), m_MarkerPointsMutex(nullptr), m_MarkerPoints()
   m_Data = mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataUnspecified();
   m_SerialCommunicationMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New();
   m_DeviceProtocol = NDIProtocol::New();
   m_MultiThreader = itk::MultiThreader::New();
   m_ToolsMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New();
   m_MarkerPointsMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New();
   m_MarkerPoints.reserve(50);   // a maximum of 50 marker positions can be reported by the tracking device
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::UpdateTool(mitk::TrackingTool* tool)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
     mitk::NDIPassiveTool* ndiTool = dynamic_cast<mitk::NDIPassiveTool*>(tool);
     if (ndiTool == nullptr)
       return false;
     std::string portHandle = ndiTool->GetPortHandle();
     //return false if the SROM Data has not been set
     if (ndiTool->GetSROMData() == nullptr)
       return false;
     NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&portHandle, ndiTool->GetSROMData(), ndiTool->GetSROMDataLength());
     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
       return false;
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&portHandle);
     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
       return false;
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&portHandle, ndiTool->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool
     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
       return false;
     return true;
     return false;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetRotationMode(RotationMode r)
   m_RotationMode = r;
   /* stop tracking and disconnect from tracking device */
   if (GetState() == Tracking)
   if (GetState() == Ready)
   /* cleanup tracking thread */
   if ((m_ThreadID != 0) && (m_MultiThreader.IsNotNull()))
   m_MultiThreader = nullptr;
   /* free serial communication interface */
   if (m_SerialCommunication.IsNotNull())
     m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetPortNumber(const PortNumber _arg)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
   itkDebugMacro("setting PortNumber to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_PortNumber != _arg)
     this->m_PortNumber = _arg;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDeviceName(std::string _arg)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
   itkDebugMacro("setting eviceName to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_DeviceName != _arg)
     this->m_DeviceName = _arg;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetBaudRate(const BaudRate _arg)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
   itkDebugMacro("setting BaudRate to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_BaudRate != _arg)
     this->m_BaudRate = _arg;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDataBits(const DataBits _arg)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
   itkDebugMacro("setting DataBits to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_DataBits != _arg)
     this->m_DataBits = _arg;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetParity(const Parity _arg)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
   itkDebugMacro("setting Parity to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_Parity != _arg)
     this->m_Parity = _arg;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetStopBits(const StopBits _arg)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
   itkDebugMacro("setting StopBits to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_StopBits != _arg)
     this->m_StopBits = _arg;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetHardwareHandshake(const HardwareHandshake _arg)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
   itkDebugMacro("setting HardwareHandshake to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_HardwareHandshake != _arg)
     this->m_HardwareHandshake = _arg;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetIlluminationActivationRate(const IlluminationActivationRate _arg)
   if (this->GetState() == Tracking)
   itkDebugMacro("setting IlluminationActivationRate to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_IlluminationActivationRate != _arg)
     this->m_IlluminationActivationRate = _arg;
     if (this->GetState() == Ready)   // if the connection to the tracking system is established, send the new rate to the tracking device too
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDataTransferMode(const DataTransferMode _arg)
   itkDebugMacro("setting DataTransferMode to " << _arg);
   if (this->m_DataTransferMode != _arg)
     this->m_DataTransferMode = _arg;
 mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Send(const std::string* input, bool addCRC)
   if (input == nullptr)
   std::string message;
   if (addCRC == true)
     message = *input + CalcCRC(input) + std::string(1, CR);
     message = *input + std::string(1, CR);
   //unsigned int messageLength = message.length() + 1; // +1 for CR
   // Clear send buffer
   // Send the date to the device
   MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Send(message);
   if (returnvalue == 0)
     return NDIOKAY;
 mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Receive(std::string* answer, unsigned int numberOfBytes)
   if (answer == nullptr)
   MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(*answer, numberOfBytes);  // never read more bytes than the device has send, the function will block until enough bytes are send...
   if (returnvalue == 0)
     return NDIOKAY;
 mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ReceiveByte(char* answer)
   if (answer == nullptr)
   std::string m;
   MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(m, 1);
   if ((returnvalue == 0) || (m.size() != 1))
   *answer = m.at(0);
   return NDIOKAY;
 mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ReceiveLine(std::string* answer)
   if (answer == nullptr)
   std::string m;
   MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
     long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(m, 1);
     if ((returnvalue == 0) || (m.size() != 1))
     *answer += m;
   } while (m.at(0) != LF);
   return NDIOKAY;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ClearSendBuffer()
   MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ClearReceiveBuffer()
   MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
 const std::string mitk::NDITrackingDevice::CalcCRC(const std::string* input)
   if (input == nullptr)
     return "";
   /* the crc16 calculation code is taken from the NDI API guide example code section */
   static int oddparity[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
   unsigned int data;  // copy of the input string's current character
   unsigned int crcValue = 0;  // the crc value is stored here
   unsigned int* puCRC16 = &crcValue;  // the algorithm uses a pointer to crcValue, so it's easier to provide that than to change the algorithm
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input->length(); i++)
     data = (*input)[i];
     data = (data ^ (*(puCRC16)& 0xff)) & 0xff;
     *puCRC16 >>= 8;
     if (oddparity[data & 0x0f] ^ oddparity[data >> 4])
       *(puCRC16) ^= 0xc001;
     data <<= 6;
     *puCRC16 ^= data;
     data <<= 1;
     *puCRC16 ^= data;
   // crcValue contains now the CRC16 value. Convert it to a string and return it
   char returnvalue[13];
   sprintf(returnvalue, "%04X", crcValue);  // 4 hexadecimal digit with uppercase format
   return std::string(returnvalue);
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::OpenConnection()
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Can only try to open the connection if in setup mode";
   m_SerialCommunication = mitk::SerialCommunication::New();
   /* init local com port to standard com settings for a NDI tracking device:
   9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware handshake */
   if (m_DeviceName.empty())
   if (m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection() == 0) // 0 == ERROR_VALUE
     m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Can not open serial port";
   /* Reset Tracking device by sending a serial break for 500ms */
   /* Read answer from tracking device (RESETBE6F) */
   static const std::string reset("RESETBE6F\r");
   std::string answer = "";
   this->Receive(&answer, reset.length());  // read answer (should be RESETBE6F)
   this->ClearReceiveBuffer();     // flush the receive buffer of all remaining data (carriage return, strings other than reset
   if (reset.compare(answer) != 0)  // check for RESETBE6F
     if (m_SerialCommunication.IsNotNull())
       m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Hardware Reset of tracking device did not work";
   /* Now the tracking device isSetData reset, start initialization */
   NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
   /* set device com settings to new values and wait for the device to change them */
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->COMM(m_BaudRate, m_DataBits, m_Parity, m_StopBits, m_HardwareHandshake);
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set comm settings in trackingdevice";
   //after changing COMM wait at least 100ms according to NDI Api documentation page 31
   /* now change local com settings accordingly */
   /* initialize the tracking device */
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->INIT();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not initialize the tracking device";
   if (this->GetType() == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())  // if the type of tracking device is not specified, try to query the connected device
     mitk::TrackingDeviceType deviceType;
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->VER(deviceType);
     if ((returnvalue != NDIOKAY) || (deviceType == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()))
       mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not determine tracking device type. Please set manually and try again.";
   /****  Optional Polaris specific code, Work in progress
   // start diagnostic mode
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTART();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   this->SetErrorMessage("Could not start diagnostic mode");
   return false;
   else    // we are in diagnostic mode
   // initialize extensive IR checking
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRINIT();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   this->SetErrorMessage("Could not initialize intense infrared light checking");
   return false;
   bool intenseIR = false;
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRCHK(&intenseIR);
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   this->SetErrorMessage("Could not execute intense infrared light checking");
   return false;
   if (intenseIR == true)
   // do something - warn the user, raise exception, write to protocol or similar
   std::cout << "Warning: Intense infrared light detected. Accurate tracking will probably not be possible.\n";
   // stop diagnictic mode
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTOP();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   this->SetErrorMessage("Could not stop diagnostic mode");
   return false;
   *** end of optional polaris code ***/
   * now add tools to the tracking system
   /* First, check if the tracking device has port handles that need to be freed and free them */
   returnvalue = FreePortHandles();
   // non-critical, therefore no error handling
   * POLARIS: initialize the tools that were added manually
     MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
     std::string portHandle;
     auto endIt = m_6DTools.end();
     for (auto it = m_6DTools.begin(); it != endIt; ++it)
       /* get a port handle for the tool */
       returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHRQ(&portHandle);
       if (returnvalue == NDIOKAY)
         /* now write the SROM file of the tool to the tracking system using PVWR */
         if (this->m_Data.Line == mitk::NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())
           returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&portHandle, (*it)->GetSROMData(), (*it)->GetSROMDataLength());
           if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
             mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str();
           returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&portHandle);
           if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
             mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName()).c_str();
           if ((*it)->IsEnabled() == true)
             returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&portHandle, (*it)->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool
             if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
               mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + portHandle +
                 std::string("' for tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str();
   } // end of toolsmutexlockholder scope
   /* check for wired tools and add them too */
   if (this->DiscoverWiredTools() == false)  // query the tracking device for wired tools and add them to our tool list
     return false; // \TODO: could we continue anyways?
   /*POLARIS: set the illuminator activation rate */
   if (this->m_Data.Line == mitk::NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRATE(this->m_IlluminationActivationRate);
     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
       mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set the illuminator activation rate";
   /* finish  - now all tools should be added, initialized and enabled, so that tracking can be started */
   catch (mitk::IGTHardwareException e)
     MITK_WARN << e.GetDescription();
   return true;
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InitializeWiredTools()
   NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
   std::string portHandle;
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle);
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected";
   /* if there are port handles that need to be initialized, initialize them. Furthermore instantiate tools for each handle that has no tool yet. */
   std::string ph;
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2)
     ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2);
     mitk::NDIPassiveTool* pt = this->GetInternalTool(ph);
     if (pt == nullptr) // if we don't have a tool, something is wrong. Tools should be discovered first by calling DiscoverWiredTools()
     if (pt->GetSROMData() == nullptr)
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&ph, pt->GetSROMData(), pt->GetSROMDataLength());
     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
       mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + pt->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str();
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&ph);
     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
       mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize tool '") + pt->GetToolName()).c_str();
     if (pt->IsEnabled() == true)
       returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&ph, pt->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool
       if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
         mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + portHandle +
           std::string("' for tool '") + pt->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str();
   return true;
 mitk::TrackingDeviceType mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TestConnection()
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
     return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName();
   m_SerialCommunication = mitk::SerialCommunication::New();
   //m_DeviceProtocol =  mitk::NDIProtocol::New();
   /* init local com port to standard com settings for a NDI tracking device:
   9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware handshake
   if (m_DeviceName.empty())
   if (m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection() == 0) // error
     m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
     return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName();
   /* Reset Tracking device by sending a serial break for 500ms */
   /* Read answer from tracking device (RESETBE6F) */
   static const std::string reset("RESETBE6F\r");
   std::string answer = "";
   this->Receive(&answer, reset.length());  // read answer (should be RESETBE6F)
   this->ClearReceiveBuffer();     // flush the receive buffer of all remaining data (carriage return, strings other than reset
   if (reset.compare(answer) != 0)  // check for RESETBE6F
     m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Hardware Reset of tracking device did not work";
   /* Now the tracking device is reset, start initialization */
   NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
   /* initialize the tracking device */
   //returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->INIT();
   //if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   //  this->SetErrorMessage("Could not initialize the tracking device");
   //  return mitk::TrackingSystemNotSpecified;
   mitk::TrackingDeviceType deviceType;
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->VER(deviceType);
   if ((returnvalue != NDIOKAY) || (deviceType == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()))
     m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
     return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName();
   m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
   return deviceType;
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::CloseConnection()
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
     //init before closing to force the field generator from aurora to switch itself off
     /* close the serial connection */
     /* invalidate all tools */
     /* return to setup mode */
     m_SerialCommunication = nullptr;
   return true;
 ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ThreadStartTracking(void* pInfoStruct)
   /* extract this pointer from Thread Info structure */
   struct itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct * pInfo = (struct itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct*)pInfoStruct;
   if (pInfo == nullptr)
   if (pInfo->UserData == nullptr)
   NDITrackingDevice *trackingDevice = (NDITrackingDevice*)pInfo->UserData;
   if (trackingDevice != nullptr)
     if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == ToolTracking6D)
       trackingDevice->TrackTools();             // call TrackTools() from the original object
     else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == MarkerTracking3D)
       trackingDevice->TrackMarkerPositions();   // call TrackMarkerPositions() from the original object
     else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == ToolTracking5D)
       trackingDevice->TrackMarkerPositions(); // call TrackMarkerPositions() from the original object
     else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == HybridTracking)
   trackingDevice->m_ThreadID = 0;  // erase thread id, now that this thread will end.
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::StartTracking()
   if (this->GetState() != Ready)
     return false;
   this->SetState(Tracking);      // go to mode Tracking
   this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock();  // update the local copy of m_StopTracking
   this->m_StopTracking = false;
   m_ThreadID = m_MultiThreader->SpawnThread(this->ThreadStartTracking, this);    // start a new thread that executes the TrackTools() method
   return true;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackTools()
   /* lock the TrackingFinishedMutex to signal that the execution rights are now transfered to the tracking thread */
   MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope
   if (this->GetState() != Tracking)
   NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTART();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   bool localStopTracking;       // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here
   this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock();  // update the local copy of m_StopTracking
   localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking;
   while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false))
     if (this->m_DataTransferMode == TX)
       returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->TX();
       if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors
       returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->BX();
       if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */
     localStopTracking = m_StopTracking;
   /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTOP();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "An error occured while tracking tools.";
   return;       // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread and transfer control back to main thread by releasing trackingFinishedLockHolder
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackMarkerPositions()
   MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope
   if (m_OperationMode == ToolTracking6D)
   if (this->GetState() != Tracking)
   NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTART();   // Start Diagnostic Mode
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   bool localStopTracking;       // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here
   this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock();  // update the local copy of m_StopTracking
   localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking;
   while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false))
     m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock();                                    // lock points data structure
     returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->POS3D(&m_MarkerPoints); // update points data structure with new position data from tracking device
     if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors
       std::cout << "Error in POS3D: could not read data. Possibly no markers present." << std::endl;
     /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */
     localStopTracking = m_StopTracking;
   /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTOP();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     return;     // how can this thread tell the application, that an error has occured?
   return;       // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackToolsAndMarkers()
   MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope
   if (m_OperationMode != HybridTracking)
   NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTART();   // Start Diagnostic Mode
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
   bool localStopTracking;       // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here
   this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock();  // update the local copy of m_StopTracking
   localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking;
   while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false))
     m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock();                                     // lock points data structure
     returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->TX(true, &m_MarkerPoints); // update points data structure with new position data from tracking device
     if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors
       std::cout << "Error in TX: could not read data. Possibly no markers present." << std::endl;
     /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */
     localStopTracking = m_StopTracking;
   /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTOP();
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     return;     // how can this thread tell the application, that an error has occurred?
   return;       // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread
 mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetTool(unsigned int toolNumber) const
   MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   if (toolNumber < m_6DTools.size())
     return m_6DTools.at(toolNumber);
   return nullptr;
 mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetToolByName(std::string name) const
   MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   auto end = m_6DTools.end();
   for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator)
     if (name.compare((*iterator)->GetToolName()) == 0)
       return *iterator;
   return nullptr;
 mitk::NDIPassiveTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetInternalTool(std::string portHandle)
   MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   auto end = m_6DTools.end();
   for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator)
     if (portHandle.compare((*iterator)->GetPortHandle()) == 0)
       return *iterator;
   return nullptr;
 unsigned int mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetToolCount() const
   MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   return m_6DTools.size();
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Beep(unsigned char count)
   if (this->GetState() != Setup)
     return (m_DeviceProtocol->BEEP(count) == NDIOKAY);
     return false;
 mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AddTool(const char* toolName, const char* fileName, TrackingPriority p /*= NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic*/)
   mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Pointer t = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::New();
   if (t->LoadSROMFile(fileName) == false)
     return nullptr;
   if (this->InternalAddTool(t) == false)
     return nullptr;
   return t.GetPointer();
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InternalAddTool(mitk::NDIPassiveTool* tool)
   if (tool == nullptr)
     return false;
   NDIPassiveTool::Pointer p = tool;
   /* if the connection to the tracking device is already established, add the new tool to the device now */
   if (this->GetState() == Ready)
     /* get a port handle for the tool */
     std::string newPortHandle;
     NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHRQ(&newPortHandle);
     if (returnvalue == NDIOKAY)
       /* now write the SROM file of the tool to the tracking system using PVWR */
       returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&newPortHandle, p->GetSROMData(), p->GetSROMDataLength());
       if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
         mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + p->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str();
       /* initialize the port handle */
       returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&newPortHandle);
       if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
         mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize port '") + newPortHandle +
           std::string("' for tool '") + p->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str();
       /* enable the port handle */
       if (p->IsEnabled() == true)
         returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&newPortHandle, p->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool
         if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
           mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + newPortHandle +
             std::string("' for tool '") + p->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str();
     /* now that the tool is added to the device, add it to list too */
     return true;
   else if (this->GetState() == Setup)
     /* In Setup mode, we only add it to the list, so that OpenConnection() can add it later */
     return true;
   else  // in Tracking mode, no tools can be added
     return false;
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::RemoveTool(mitk::TrackingTool* tool)
   mitk::NDIPassiveTool* ndiTool = dynamic_cast<mitk::NDIPassiveTool*>(tool);
   if (ndiTool == nullptr)
     return false;
   std::string portHandle = ndiTool->GetPortHandle();
   /* a valid portHandle has length 2. If a valid handle exists, the tool is already added to the tracking device, so we have to remove it there
   if the connection to the tracking device has already been established.
   if ((portHandle.length() == 2) && (this->GetState() == Ready))  // do not remove a tool in tracking mode
     NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHF(&portHandle);
     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
       return false;
     /* Now that the tool is removed from the tracking device, remove it from our tool list too */
     MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex (scope is inside the if-block
     auto end = m_6DTools.end();
     for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator)
       if (iterator->GetPointer() == ndiTool)
         return true;
     return false;
   else if (this->GetState() == Setup)  // in Setup Mode, we are not connected to the tracking device, so we can just remove the tool from the tool list
     MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
     auto end = m_6DTools.end();
     for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator)
       if ((*iterator).GetPointer() == ndiTool)
         return true;
     return false;
   return false;
 void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InvalidateAll()
   MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex
   auto end = m_6DTools.end();
   for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator)
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetOperationMode(OperationMode mode)
   if (GetState() == Tracking)
     return false;
   m_OperationMode = mode;
   return true;
 mitk::OperationMode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetOperationMode()
   return m_OperationMode;
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetMarkerPositions(MarkerPointContainerType* markerpositions)
   *markerpositions = m_MarkerPoints;  // copy the internal vector to the one provided
   return (markerpositions->size() != 0);
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::DiscoverWiredTools()
   /* First, check for disconnected tools and remove them */
-  /* check for new tools, add and initialize them */
-  NDIErrorCode returnvalue;
+  //NDI handling (PHSR 02, PINIT, PHSR 02, PHSR 00) => all initialized and all handles available
+  //creation of MITK tools
+  //NDI enable all tools (PENA)
+  //NDI get all serial numbers (PHINF)
+  /** 
+  NDI handling (PHSR 02, PINIT, PHSR 02, PHSR 00) => all initialized and all handles available
+  **/
+  /* check for occupied port handles on channel 0 */
   std::string portHandle;
+  NDIErrorCode returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle);
+  if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
+  {
+	  mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected on channel 0.";
+  }
+  /* Initialize all port handles on channel 0 */
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2)
+  {
+     std::string ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2);
+     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&ph);
+     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
+     {
+        mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize port '") + ph + std::string("."));
+     }
+  }
+  /* check for occupied port handles on channel 1 (initialize automatically, portHandle is empty although additional tools were detected) */
+  //For a split port on a dual 5DOF tool, the first PHSR sent will report only one port handle. After the port handle is
+  //initialized, it is assigned to channel 0. You must then use PHSR again to assign a port handle to channel 1. The
+  //port handle for channel 1 is initialized automatically.
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle);
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
-    mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected";
+     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected on channel 1.";
-  /* if there are port handles that need to be initialized, initialize them. Furthermore instantiate tools for each handle that has no tool yet. */
-  std::string ph;
-  /* we need to remember the ports which are occupied to be able to readout the serial numbers of the connected tools later */
-  std::vector<int> occupiedPorts = std::vector<int>();
-  int numberOfToolsAtStart = this->GetToolCount(); //also remember the number of tools at start to identify the automatically detected tools later
+  /* read all port handles */
+  returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(ALL, &portHandle);
+  if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
+  {
+     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected on all channels.";
+  }
+  /**
+  1. Create MITK tracking tool representations of NDI tools
+  2. NDI enable all tools (PENA)
+  **/
+  //remember the number of tools at start to identify the automatically detected tools later
+  int numberOfToolsAtStart = this->GetToolCount();
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2)
-    ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2);
-    if (this->GetInternalTool(ph) != nullptr) // if we already have a tool with this handle
-      continue;                            // then skip the initialization
-    //instantiate an object for each tool that is connected
-    mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::New();
-    newTool->SetPortHandle(ph.c_str());
-    newTool->SetTrackingPriority(mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic);
-    //set a name for identification
-    newTool->SetToolName((std::string("Port ") + ph).c_str());
-    returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&ph);
-    if (returnvalue != NDIINITIALIZATIONFAILED) //if the initialization failed (AURORA) it can not be enabled. A srom file will have to be specified manually first. Still return true to be able to continue
-    {
-      if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
-      {
-        mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize port '") + ph +
-          std::string("' for tool '") + newTool->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str();
-      }
-      /* enable the port handle */
-      returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&ph, newTool->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool
-      if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
-      {
+     std::string ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2);
+     if (this->GetInternalTool(ph) != nullptr) // if we already have a tool with this handle
+        continue;                              // then skip the initialization
+     //define tracking priority
+     auto trackingPriority = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic;
+     //instantiate an object for each tool that is connected
+     mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::New();
+     newTool->SetPortHandle(ph.c_str());
+     newTool->SetTrackingPriority(trackingPriority);
+     //set a name for identification
+     newTool->SetToolName((std::string("Port ") + ph).c_str());
+     /* enable the port handle */
+     returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&ph, trackingPriority); // Enable tool
+     if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
+     {
         mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + ph +
-          std::string("' for tool '") + newTool->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str();
-      }
-    }
-    //we have to temporarily unlock m_ModeMutex here to avoid a deadlock with another lock inside InternalAddTool()
-    if (this->InternalAddTool(newTool) == false)
-    {
-      mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Error while adding new tool";
-    }
-    else occupiedPorts.push_back(i);
+           std::string("' for tool '") + newTool->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str();
+     }
+     //we have to temporarily unlock m_ModeMutex here to avoid a deadlock with another lock inside InternalAddTool()
+     if (this->InternalAddTool(newTool) == false)
+     {
+        mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Error while adding new tool";
+     }
+  /**
+  NDI get all serial numbers (PHINF)
+  **/
   // after initialization readout serial numbers of automatically detected tools
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < occupiedPorts.size(); i++)
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2)
-    ph = portHandle.substr(occupiedPorts.at(i), 2);
-    std::string portInfo;
-    NDIErrorCode returnvaluePort = m_DeviceProtocol->PHINF(ph, &portInfo);
-    if ((returnvaluePort == NDIOKAY) && (portInfo.size()>31)) dynamic_cast<mitk::NDIPassiveTool*>(this->GetTool(i + numberOfToolsAtStart))->SetSerialNumber(portInfo.substr(23, 8));
-    itksys::SystemTools::Delay(10);
+     std::string ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2);
+     std::string portInfo;
+     NDIErrorCode returnvaluePort = m_DeviceProtocol->PHINF(ph, &portInfo);
+     if ((returnvaluePort == NDIOKAY) && (portInfo.size() > 31))
+        dynamic_cast<mitk::NDIPassiveTool*>(this->GetInternalTool(ph))->SetSerialNumber(portInfo.substr(23, 8));
+     MITK_INFO << "portInfo: " << portInfo;
+     itksys::SystemTools::Delay(10);
   return true;
 mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::FreePortHandles()
   /*  first search for port handles that need to be freed: e.g. because of a reset of the tracking system */
   NDIErrorCode returnvalue = NDIOKAY;
   std::string portHandle;
   returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(FREED, &portHandle);
   if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that need to be freed";
   /* if there are port handles that need to be freed, free them */
   if (portHandle.empty() == true)
     return returnvalue;
   std::string ph;
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2)
     ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2);
     mitk::NDIPassiveTool* t = this->GetInternalTool(ph);
     if (t != nullptr)  // if we have a tool for the port handle that needs to be freed
       if (this->RemoveTool(t) == false)  // remove it (this will free the port too)
         returnvalue = NDIERROR;
     else  // we don't have a tool, the port handle exists only in the tracking device
       returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHF(&ph);  // free it there
       // What to do if port handle could not be freed? This seems to be a non critical error
       if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY)
         mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not free all port handles";
   return returnvalue;
 int mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetMajorFirmwareRevisionNumber()
   std::string revision;
   if (m_DeviceProtocol->APIREV(&revision) != mitk::NDIOKAY || revision.empty() || (revision.size() != 9))
     MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive firmware revision number!";
     return 0;
   const std::string majrevno = revision.substr(2, 3); //cut out "004" from "D.004.001"
   return std::atoi(majrevno.c_str());
 const char* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetFirmwareRevisionNumber()
   static std::string revision;
   if (m_DeviceProtocol->APIREV(&revision) != mitk::NDIOKAY || revision.empty() || (revision.size() != 9))
     MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive firmware revision number!";
     revision = "";
     return revision.c_str();
   return revision.c_str();
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AutoDetectToolsAvailable()
   if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { return true; }
   else { return false; }
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AddSingleToolIsAvailable()
   //For Aurora, only AutoDetecion or loading of toolStorage should be used. It is not possible to add a single tool.
   if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { return false; }
   //For Polaris, a single tool can be added, there is no autoDetection.
   else { return true; }
 mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AutoDetectTools()
   mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer autoDetectedStorage = mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New();
   if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())
     catch (mitk::Exception& e)
       MITK_WARN << "Warning, can not auto-detect tools! (" << e.GetDescription() << ")";
       return autoDetectedStorage;
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->GetToolCount(); i++)
       //create a navigation tool with sphere as surface
       std::stringstream toolname;
       toolname << "AutoDetectedTool" << i;
       mitk::NavigationTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NavigationTool::New();
   return autoDetectedStorage;
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetSupportedVolumes(unsigned int* numberOfVolumes, mitk::NDITrackingDevice::NDITrackingVolumeContainerType* volumes, mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackingVolumeDimensionType* volumesDimensions)
   if (numberOfVolumes == nullptr || volumes == nullptr || volumesDimensions == nullptr)
     return false;
   static std::string info;
   if (m_DeviceProtocol->SFLIST(&info) != mitk::NDIOKAY || info.empty())
     MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive tracking volume information of tracking system!";
     return false;
   /*info contains the following:
   <HEX:number of volumes> (+n times:) <HEX:shape type> <shape parameters D1-D10> <HEX:reserved / number of wavelength supported> <metal resistant / supported wavelength>
   (*numberOfVolumes) = (unsigned int)std::atoi(info.substr(0, 1).c_str());
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (*numberOfVolumes); i++)
     //e.g. for cube:  "9-025000+025000-025000+025000-055000-005000+000000+000000+000000+00000011"
     //for dome:       "A+005000+048000+005000+066000+000000+000000+000000+000000+000000+00000011"
     std::string::size_type offset, end;
     offset = (i * 73) + 1;
     end = 73 + (i * 73);
     std::string currentVolume = info.substr(offset, end);//i=0: from 1 to 73 characters; i=1: from 75 to 148 char;
     // if i>0 then we have a return statement <LF> infront
     if (i > 0)
       currentVolume = currentVolume.substr(1, currentVolume.size());
     if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisOldModel().HardwareCode) == 0)
     if (currentVolume.compare(0, 3, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisSpectra().HardwareCode) == 0)
     if (currentVolume.compare(1, 3, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataSpectraExtendedPyramid().HardwareCode) == 0)
       currentVolume = currentVolume.substr(1, currentVolume.size());
     if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisVicra().HardwareCode) == 0)
     else if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarCube().HardwareCode) == 0)
       volumes->push_back(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarCube().Model);//alias cube
     else if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarDome().HardwareCode) == 0)
     //fill volumesDimensions
     for (unsigned int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
       std::string::size_type offD, endD;
       offD = 1 + (index * 7); //7 digits per dimension and the first is the type of volume
       endD = offD + 7;
       int dimension = std::atoi(currentVolume.substr(offD, endD).c_str());
       dimension /= 100; //given in mm. 7 digits are xxxx.xx according to NDI //strange, the last two digits (11) also for the metal flag get read also...
   return true;
 bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetVolume(mitk::TrackingDeviceData volume)
   if (m_DeviceProtocol->VSEL(volume) != mitk::NDIOKAY)
     mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set volume!";
   return true;
\ No newline at end of file