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 \page Concepts MITK Concepts
 The following items describe some issues about MITK on a more abstract level.
 -# \subpage CodingPage "Coding Concepts"
  -# \ref CodingPageGeneral
  -# \ref CodingPageStyle
  -# \ref CodingPageMITKMacros
  -# \subpage MicroServices_Overview
 -# Data Concepts
  -# \subpage BasicDataTypesPage
  -# \subpage DataManagementPage
  -# \subpage ReaderWriterPage
  -# \subpage MitkImagePage
+ -# \subpage MITKSegmentationTaskListsPage
  -# \subpage PropertiesPage
  -# \subpage GeometryOverviewPage
  -# \subpage PipelineingConceptPage
  -# \subpage AnnotationPage
  -# \subpage PersistenceConceptPage
  -# \subpage SelectionConceptPage
 -# \subpage QVTKRendering
 -# Interaction
  -# \subpage DataInteractionPage
  -# \subpage InteractionPage
 -# \subpage LoggingPage
 -# \subpage ExceptionPage
 -# \subpage ModularizationPage "Modularization Concept"
  -# \ref ModularizationPageOverview
  -# \ref ModularizationPageHowTo
diff --git a/Documentation/Doxygen/3-DeveloperManual/Concepts/MITKSegmentationTaskLists.md b/Documentation/Doxygen/3-DeveloperManual/Concepts/MITKSegmentationTaskLists.md
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+# MITK Segmentation Task Lists {#MITKSegmentationTaskListsPage}
+## Overview
+MITK Segmentation Task Lists are a JSON-based file format defining a list of segmentation tasks.
+Segmentation tasks consist at least of a path to a reference image and a unique result path.
+The result path specifies where the final segmentation of the task is expected to be located once it is done.
+Optional properties of a segmentation task include a task name and description as well as various degrees of start conditions for the segmentation like a label name, a list of suggested names and colors for new labels, a label set preset, or even a pre-segmentation to begin with.
+The complete set of properties is specified further below in the file format specification.
+MITK Segmentation Task Lists must be considered experimental at the moment and are prone to change without any prior warning.
+They are currently supported only in the MITK FlowBench application where a dedicated widget for task navigation and management appears if an MITK Segmentation Task List has been opened.
+## File format
+MITK Segmentation Task Lists are JSON files containing a JSON object as root, which must contain the two mandatory properties `FileFormat` and `Version`:
+  "FileFormat": "MITK Segmentation Task List",
+  "Version": 1
+We also recommend to specify an optional `Name` that is used in the application if present instead of the plain filename of the JSON file:
+  "FileFormat": "MITK Segmentation Task List",
+  "Version": 1,
+  "Name": "My First Task List"
+### Tasks
+The root object must also contain a mandatory `Tasks` array containing JSON objects that specify the individual tasks of the task list.
+A minimum task object must consist of `Image` and `Result` file paths.
+`Image` is a path to the reference image for the task and `Result` is a path where the final segmentation is expected to be stored once it is done.
+Paths can be absolute or relative to the MITK Segmentation Task List file.
+  "FileFormat": "MITK Segmentation Task List",
+  "Version": 1,
+  "Tasks": [
+    {
+      "Image": "images/input.nrrd",
+      "Result": "results/output.nrrd"
+    }
+  ]
+In addition, tasks can define various optional properties that mainly specify the start conditions for a segmentation:
+- `Name` (*string*): A name for the task.
+- `Description` (*string*): A short description/definition of the task.
+- `LabelName` (*string*): The name of the first label in a new segmentation that is created for the task on the fly.
+- `LabelNameSuggestions` (*file path*): A Label Suggestions JSON file specifying names and optional colors that are suggested to the user for new labels in the segmentation.
+- `Preset` (*file path*): A Label Set Preset XML file in MITK's .lsetp file format. The preset is applied to a new segmentation that is created for the task on the fly. We recommend to use the Segmentation plugin to create such label set preset files as described in its [user guide](@ref org_mitk_views_segmentationlabelpresets).
+- `Segmentation` (*file path*): A pre-segmentation that a user can start with or should refine.
+- `Dynamic` (*boolean*): In case `Image` refers to a dynamic (3d+t) image, specifies whether the segmentation should be static (*false*), i.e. equal for all time steps, or dynamic (*true*), i.e. individual for each time step.
+### Task defaults / common properties
+If a task list contains multiple tasks with common properties, they do not have to be specified for each and every task again and again.
+Instead, the root object may contain an optional `Defaults` object that is identical in format to the tasks specified above.
+There is one exception, though: A `Defaults` object must not contain a `Result` file path, since result files of tasks must be distinct by definition.
+As the name indicates, default properties can still be overridden by individual tasks if they are specified explicitly.
+### Example
+The following example is a complete showcase of the properties and features listed above.
+It defines four tasks, three of which refer to the same reference image so it is specified as default.
+Remember that the only task property required to be distinct is `Result` so you are pretty free in your task design.
+For simplicity, we chose to define tasks around organs for this example and named the tasks accordingly:
+  "FileFormat": "MITK Segmentation Task List",
+  "Version": 1,
+  "Name": "Example Segmentation Task List",
+  "Defaults": {
+    "Image": "images/Pic3D.nrrd"
+  },
+  "Tasks": [
+    {
+      "Name": "Liver",
+      "LabelName": "Liver",
+      "LabelNameSuggestions": "suggestions/label_suggestions.json",
+      "Description": "This task provides an image and label name suggestions for new labels. The segmentation will start with an empty label named Liver.",
+      "Result": "results/liver.nrrd"
+    },
+    {
+      "Name": "Kidneys",
+      "Description": "This task provides an image and a label set preset that is applied to the new segmentation.",
+      "Preset": "presets/kidneys.lsetp",
+      "Result": "results/kidneys.nrrd"
+    },
+    {
+      "Name": "Spleen",
+      "Description": "This task provides an image and an initial (pre-)segmentation.",
+      "Segmentation": "segmentations/spleen.nrrd",
+      "Result": "results/spleen.nrrd"
+    },
+    {
+      "Name": "Surprise",
+      "Description": "And now for something completely different. This task overrides the default Image and starts with an empty static segmentation for a dynamic image.",
+      "Image": "images/US4DCyl.nrrd",
+      "Result": "results/US4DCyl.nrrd",
+      "Dynamic": false
+    }
+  ]
+## Label name suggestions
+The `LabelNameSuggestions` property of segmentation tasks is supposed to reference a JSON file that consists of an array of objects with a mandatory `name` property and an optional `color` property.
+For example:
+  {
+    "name": "Abdomen",
+    "color": "red"
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "Lung",
+    "color": "#00ff00"
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "Heart"
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "Aortic Valve",
+    "color": "CornflowerBlue"
+  }
diff --git a/Modules/Multilabel/mitkSegmentationTaskList.h b/Modules/Multilabel/mitkSegmentationTaskList.h
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--- a/Modules/Multilabel/mitkSegmentationTaskList.h
+++ b/Modules/Multilabel/mitkSegmentationTaskList.h
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 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #ifndef mitkSegmentationTaskList_h
 #define mitkSegmentationTaskList_h
 #include <mitkBaseData.h>
 #include <mitkSegmentationTaskListMacros.h>
 #include <MitkMultilabelExports.h>
 #include <filesystem>
 #include <optional>
 namespace mitk
+  /** \brief A list of segmentation tasks.
+   *
+   * See \ref MITKSegmentationTaskListsPage for more information.
+   */
   class MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT SegmentationTaskList : public BaseData
       void SetDefaults(const Task* defaults);
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::string, Name)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::string, Description)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Image)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Segmentation)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::string, LabelName)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, LabelNameSuggestions)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Preset)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Result)
       mitkSegmentationTaskValueMacro(bool, Dynamic)
       const Task* m_Defaults;
     mitkClassMacro(SegmentationTaskList, BaseData)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::string, Name)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::string, Description)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Image)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Segmentation)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::string, LabelName)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, LabelNameSuggestions)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Preset)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(std::filesystem::path, Result)
     mitkSegmentationTaskListValueMacro(bool, Dynamic)
     size_t GetNumberOfTasks() const;
     size_t AddTask(const Task& subtask);
     const Task* GetTask(size_t index) const;
     Task* GetTask(size_t index);
     const Task& GetDefaults() const;
     void SetDefaults(const Task& defaults);
     bool IsDone() const;
     bool IsDone(size_t index) const;
     std::filesystem::path GetInputLocation() const;
     std::filesystem::path GetBasePath() const;
     std::filesystem::path GetAbsolutePath(const std::filesystem::path& path) const;
     void SaveTask(size_t index, const BaseData* segmentation);
     std::vector<Task>::const_iterator begin() const;
     std::vector<Task>::const_iterator end() const;
     std::vector<Task>::iterator begin();
     std::vector<Task>::iterator end();
     void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion() override;
     bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion() override;
     bool VerifyRequestedRegion() override;
     void SetRequestedRegion(const itk::DataObject*) override;
     SegmentationTaskList(const Self& other);
     ~SegmentationTaskList() override;
     Task m_Defaults;
     std::vector<Task> m_Tasks;