diff --git a/Modules/ContourModel/DataManagement/mitkContourElement.cpp b/Modules/ContourModel/DataManagement/mitkContourElement.cpp
index 3b56894ae2..db490e8ae7 100644
--- a/Modules/ContourModel/DataManagement/mitkContourElement.cpp
+++ b/Modules/ContourModel/DataManagement/mitkContourElement.cpp
@@ -1,502 +1,504 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <mitkContourElement.h>
 #include <vtkMath.h>
 bool mitk::ContourElement::ContourModelVertex::operator==(const ContourModelVertex &other) const
   return this->Coordinates == other.Coordinates && this->IsControlPoint == other.IsControlPoint;
 mitk::ContourElement::ConstVertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::ConstIteratorBegin() const
   return this->begin();
 mitk::ContourElement::ConstVertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::ConstIteratorEnd() const
   return this->end();
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::IteratorBegin()
   return this->begin();
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::IteratorEnd()
   return this->end();
 mitk::ContourElement::ConstVertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::begin() const
   return this->m_Vertices.begin();
 mitk::ContourElement::ConstVertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::end() const
   return this->m_Vertices.end();
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::begin()
   return this->m_Vertices.begin();
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexIterator mitk::ContourElement::end()
   return this->m_Vertices.end();
 mitk::ContourElement::ContourElement(const mitk::ContourElement &other)
   : itk::LightObject(), m_IsClosed(other.m_IsClosed)
   for (const auto &v : other.m_Vertices)
     m_Vertices.push_back(new ContourModelVertex(*v));
 mitk::ContourElement &mitk::ContourElement::operator=(const ContourElement &other)
   if (this != &other)
     for (const auto &v : other.m_Vertices)
       m_Vertices.push_back(new ContourModelVertex(*v));
   this->m_IsClosed = other.m_IsClosed;
   return *this;
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexSizeType mitk::ContourElement::GetSize() const
   return this->m_Vertices.size();
 void mitk::ContourElement::AddVertex(const mitk::Point3D &vertex, bool isControlPoint)
   this->m_Vertices.push_back(new VertexType(vertex, isControlPoint));
 void mitk::ContourElement::AddVertexAtFront(const mitk::Point3D &vertex, bool isControlPoint)
   this->m_Vertices.push_front(new VertexType(vertex, isControlPoint));
 void mitk::ContourElement::InsertVertexAtIndex(const mitk::Point3D &vertex, bool isControlPoint, VertexSizeType index)
   if (index >= 0 && this->GetSize() > index)
     auto _where = this->m_Vertices.begin();
     _where += index;
     this->m_Vertices.insert(_where, new VertexType(vertex, isControlPoint));
 void mitk::ContourElement::SetVertexAt(VertexSizeType pointId, const Point3D &point)
   if (pointId >= 0 && this->GetSize() > pointId)
     this->m_Vertices[pointId]->Coordinates = point;
 void mitk::ContourElement::SetVertexAt(VertexSizeType pointId, const VertexType *vertex)
   if (nullptr == vertex)
     mitkThrow() << "Cannot set vertex. Passed vertex instance is invalid. Index to set: " << pointId;
   if (pointId >= 0 && this->GetSize() > pointId)
     this->m_Vertices[pointId]->Coordinates = vertex->Coordinates;
     this->m_Vertices[pointId]->IsControlPoint = vertex->IsControlPoint;
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexType *mitk::ContourElement::GetVertexAt(VertexSizeType index)
   return this->m_Vertices.at(index);
 const mitk::ContourElement::VertexType *mitk::ContourElement::GetVertexAt(VertexSizeType index) const
   return this->m_Vertices.at(index);
 bool mitk::ContourElement::IsEmpty() const
   return this->m_Vertices.empty();
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexType *mitk::ContourElement::GetControlVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point, float eps)
   /* current version iterates over the whole deque - should some kind of an octree with spatial query*/
   if (eps > 0)
     // currently no method with better performance is available
     return BruteForceGetVertexAt(point, eps, true);
   } // if eps < 0
   return nullptr;
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexType *mitk::ContourElement::GetVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point, float eps)
   /* current version iterates over the whole deque - should some kind of an octree with spatial query*/
   if (eps > 0)
     // currently no method with better performance is available
     return BruteForceGetVertexAt(point, eps);
   } // if eps < 0
   return nullptr;
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexType *mitk::ContourElement::GetNextVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point, float eps)
   /* current version iterates over the whole deque - should some kind of an octree with spatial query*/
   if (eps > 0)
     // currently no method with better performance is available
     return BruteForceGetVertexAt(point, eps, true, 1);
   } // if eps < 0
   return nullptr;
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexType *mitk::ContourElement::GetPreviousVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point, float eps)
   /* current version iterates over the whole deque - should some kind of an octree with spatial query*/
   if (eps > 0)
     // currently no method with better performance is available
     return BruteForceGetVertexAt(point, eps, true, -1);
   } // if eps < 0
   return nullptr;
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexType *mitk::ContourElement::BruteForceGetVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point,
                                                                               double eps,
                                                                               bool isControlPoint,
                                                                               int offset)
   VertexListType verticesList;
   if (isControlPoint)
     verticesList = this->GetControlVertexList();
     verticesList = *this->GetVertexList();
   int vertexIndex = BruteForceGetVertexIndexAt(point, eps, verticesList, isControlPoint);
   if (vertexIndex!=-1)
     vertexIndex += offset;
     auto size = (int) verticesList.size();
     if (vertexIndex < 0)
       // for negative offset
+      // if the offset exceeds the first vertex, we start from the end of the vertex list backwards
       vertexIndex = verticesList.size() + offset;
     else if (vertexIndex >= verticesList.size())
+      // if the offset exceeds the last vertex, we start from the beginning of the vertex list
       vertexIndex = vertexIndex - verticesList.size();
     return verticesList[vertexIndex];
   return nullptr;
 int mitk::ContourElement::BruteForceGetVertexIndexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point,
                                                      double eps,
                                                      VertexListType verticesList,
                                                      bool isControlPoint)
   if (eps < 0)
     mitkThrow() << "Distance cannot be negative";
   ConstVertexIterator nearestPointIterator;
   bool nearestPointIsInitialized = false;
   ConstVertexIterator it = verticesList.begin();
   ConstVertexIterator end = verticesList.end();
   while (it != end)
     mitk::Point3D currentPoint = (*it)->Coordinates;
     double distance = currentPoint.EuclideanDistanceTo(point);
     if (distance < eps)
       if (!nearestPointIsInitialized || distance < (*nearestPointIterator)->Coordinates.EuclideanDistanceTo(point))
         nearestPointIterator = it;
         nearestPointIsInitialized = true;
     } // if distance > eps
   } // while
   if (nearestPointIsInitialized)
     return nearestPointIterator - verticesList.begin();
   return -1;
 const mitk::ContourElement::VertexListType *mitk::ContourElement::GetVertexList() const
   return &(this->m_Vertices);
 const mitk::ContourElement::VertexListType mitk::ContourElement::GetControlVertexList() const
   VertexListType allList = (this->m_Vertices);
   VertexListType out;
   ConstVertexIterator begin = allList.begin();
   ConstVertexIterator end = allList.end();
   std::copy_if(begin, end, std::back_inserter(out), [](VertexType *i) { return i->IsControlPoint; });
   // std::copy(begin, end, std::back_inserter(out));
   return out;
   // return &(this->m_Vertices);
 bool mitk::ContourElement::IsClosed() const
   return this->m_IsClosed;
 bool mitk::ContourElement::IsNearContour(const mitk::Point3D &point, float eps) const
   ConstVertexIterator it1 = this->m_Vertices.begin();
   ConstVertexIterator it2 = this->m_Vertices.begin();
   it2++; // it2 runs one position ahead
   ConstVertexIterator end = this->m_Vertices.end();
   int counter = 0;
   for (; it1 != end; it1++, it2++, counter++)
     if (it2 == end)
       it2 = this->m_Vertices.begin();
     mitk::Point3D v1 = (*it1)->Coordinates;
     mitk::Point3D v2 = (*it2)->Coordinates;
     const float l2 = v1.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(v2);
     mitk::Vector3D p_v1 = point - v1;
     mitk::Vector3D v2_v1 = v2 - v1;
     double tc = (p_v1 * v2_v1) / l2;
     // take into account we have line segments and not (infinite) lines
     if (tc < 0.0)
       tc = 0.0;
     if (tc > 1.0)
       tc = 1.0;
     mitk::Point3D crossPoint = v1 + v2_v1 * tc;
     double distance = point.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(crossPoint);
     if (distance < eps)
       return true;
   return false;
 void mitk::ContourElement::Close()
   this->m_IsClosed = true;
 void mitk::ContourElement::Open()
   this->m_IsClosed = false;
 void mitk::ContourElement::SetClosed(bool isClosed)
   isClosed ? this->Close() : this->Open();
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexListType mitk::ContourElement::GetControlVertices() const
   VertexListType controlVertices;
     this->m_Vertices.begin(), this->m_Vertices.end(), std::back_inserter(controlVertices), [](const VertexType *v) {
       return v->IsControlPoint;
   return controlVertices;
 void mitk::ContourElement::Concatenate(const mitk::ContourElement *other, bool check)
   if (other->GetSize() > 0)
     for (const auto &sourceVertex : other->m_Vertices)
       if (check)
         auto finding =
           std::find_if(this->m_Vertices.begin(), this->m_Vertices.end(), [sourceVertex](const VertexType *v) {
             return sourceVertex->Coordinates == v->Coordinates;
         if (finding == this->m_Vertices.end())
           this->m_Vertices.push_back(new ContourModelVertex(*sourceVertex));
         this->m_Vertices.push_back(new ContourModelVertex(*sourceVertex));
 mitk::ContourElement::VertexSizeType mitk::ContourElement::GetIndex(const VertexType *vertex) const
   VertexSizeType result = NPOS;
   auto finding = std::find(this->m_Vertices.begin(), this->m_Vertices.end(), vertex);
   if (finding != this->m_Vertices.end())
     result = finding - this->m_Vertices.begin();
   return result;
 bool mitk::ContourElement::RemoveVertex(const VertexType *vertex)
   auto finding = std::find(this->m_Vertices.begin(), this->m_Vertices.end(), vertex);
   return RemoveVertexByIterator(finding);
 bool mitk::ContourElement::RemoveVertexAt(VertexSizeType index)
   if (index >= 0 && index < this->m_Vertices.size())
     auto delIter = this->m_Vertices.begin() + index;
     return RemoveVertexByIterator(delIter);
   return false;
 bool mitk::ContourElement::RemoveVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point, double eps)
   if (eps > 0)
     auto finding = std::find_if(this->m_Vertices.begin(), this->m_Vertices.end(), [point, eps](const VertexType *v) {
       return v->Coordinates.EuclideanDistanceTo(point) < eps;
     return RemoveVertexByIterator(finding);
   return false;
 bool mitk::ContourElement::RemoveVertexByIterator(VertexListType::iterator &iter)
   if (iter != this->m_Vertices.end())
     delete *iter;
     return true;
   return false;
 void mitk::ContourElement::Clear()
   for (auto vertex : m_Vertices)
     delete vertex;
 void mitk::ContourElement::RedistributeControlVertices(const VertexType *selected, int period)
   int counter = 0;
   auto _where = this->m_Vertices.begin();
   if (selected != nullptr)
     auto finding = std::find(this->m_Vertices.begin(), this->m_Vertices.end(), selected);
     if (finding != this->m_Vertices.end())
       _where = finding;
   auto _iter = _where;
   while (_iter != this->m_Vertices.end())
     div_t divresult;
     divresult = div(counter, period);
     (*_iter)->IsControlPoint = (divresult.rem == 0);
   _iter = _where;
   counter = 0;
   while (_iter != this->m_Vertices.begin())
     div_t divresult;
     divresult = div(counter, period);
     (*_iter)->IsControlPoint = (divresult.rem == 0);
diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.cpp
index 187be33ce4..9c75d4e44e 100644
--- a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.cpp
+++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.cpp
@@ -1,541 +1,415 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.h"
 #include "mitkInteractionPositionEvent.h"
 #include "mitkToolManager.h"
 #include "mitkBaseRenderer.h"
 #include "mitkRenderingManager.h"
 #include <mitkInteractionConst.h>
 #include "mitkIOUtil.h"
 mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor() : ContourModelInteractor()
   m_LiveWireFilter = mitk::ImageLiveWireContourModelFilter::New();
 void mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::ConnectActionsAndFunctions()
   CONNECT_CONDITION("checkisOverPoint", OnCheckPointClick);
   CONNECT_CONDITION("mouseMove", IsHovering);
   CONNECT_FUNCTION("movePoint", OnMovePoint);
   CONNECT_FUNCTION("deletePoint", OnDeletePoint);
   CONNECT_FUNCTION("finish", OnFinishEditing);
 bool mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::OnCheckPointClick(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
   const auto *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
   if (!positionEvent)
     return false;
   const auto timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
   auto *contour = dynamic_cast<mitk::ContourModel *>(this->GetDataNode()->GetData());
   if (contour == nullptr)
     MITK_ERROR << "Invalid Contour";
     return false;
   // Check distance to any vertex.
   // Transition YES if click close to a vertex
   mitk::Point3D click = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
   bool isVertexSelected = false;
   // Check, if clicked position is close to control vertex and if so, select closest control vertex.
   isVertexSelected = contour->SelectControlVertexAt(click, mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::eps, timeStep);
   // If the position is not close to control vertex. but hovering the contour line, we check, if it is close to non-control vertex.
   // The closest vertex will be set as a control vertex.
   if (isVertexSelected == false)
     isVertexSelected = contour->SelectVertexAt(click, mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::eps, timeStep);
    //  If the position is not close to control or non-control vertex. but hovering the contour line, we create a vertex at the position.
   if (isVertexSelected == false)
     bool isHover = false;
     if (this->GetDataNode()->GetBoolProperty("contour.hovering", isHover, positionEvent->GetSender()) == false)
       MITK_WARN << "Unknown property contour.hovering";
     if (isHover)
       contour->AddVertex(click, timeStep);
       isVertexSelected = contour->SelectVertexAt(click, mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::eps, timeStep);
   if (isVertexSelected)
     auto controlVertices = contour->GetControlVertexList(timeStep);
     const mitk::ContourModel::VertexType *nextPoint = contour->GetNextVertexAt(click, mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::eps, timeStep);
     const mitk::ContourModel::VertexType *previousPoint = contour->GetPreviousVertexAt(click, mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::eps, timeStep);
     this->SplitContourFromSelectedVertex(contour, nextPoint, previousPoint, timeStep);
     m_NextActiveVertexUp = nextPoint->Coordinates;
     m_NextActiveVertexDown = previousPoint->Coordinates;
     // clear container with void points between neighboring control points
     // finally, return true to pass this condition
     return true;
     // do not pass condition
     return false;
   return true;
 void mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::SetEditingContourModelNode(mitk::DataNode *_arg)
   if (this->m_EditingContourNode != _arg)
     this->m_EditingContourNode = _arg;
 void mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::SetWorkingImage(mitk::Image *_arg)
   if (this->m_WorkingSlice != _arg)
     this->m_WorkingSlice = _arg;
 void mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::OnDeletePoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
   const auto timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
   auto *contour = dynamic_cast<mitk::ContourModel *>(this->GetDataNode()->GetData());
   if (contour == nullptr)
     MITK_ERROR << "Invalid Contour!";
   if (contour->GetSelectedVertex())
     mitk::ContourModel::Pointer newContour = mitk::ContourModel::New();
     newContour->Concatenate(m_ContourLeft, timeStep);
     // recompute contour between neighbored two active control points
     // this->m_LiveWireFilter->ClearRepulsivePoints();
     mitk::ContourModel *liveWireContour = this->m_LiveWireFilter->GetOutput();
     if (liveWireContour->IsEmpty(timeStep))
     liveWireContour->RemoveVertexAt(0, timeStep);
     liveWireContour->RemoveVertexAt(liveWireContour->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep) - 1, timeStep);
     // insert new live wire computed points
     newContour->Concatenate(liveWireContour, timeStep);
     // insert right side of original contour
     newContour->Concatenate(this->m_ContourRight, timeStep);
     newContour->SetClosed(contour->IsClosed(timeStep), timeStep);
     // instead of leaving a single point, delete all points
     if (newContour->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep) <= 2)
 void mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::OnMovePoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
   const auto *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
   if (!positionEvent)
   const auto timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
   mitk::Point3D currentPosition = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
   auto *contour = dynamic_cast<mitk::ContourModel *>(this->GetDataNode()->GetData());
   if (contour == nullptr)
     MITK_ERROR << "invalid contour";
   mitk::ContourModel::Pointer editingContour = mitk::ContourModel::New();
   // recompute left live wire, i.e. the contour between previous active vertex and selected vertex
   // remove void positions between previous active vertex and next active vertex.
   if (!m_ContourBeingModified.empty())
     std::vector<itk::Index<2>>::const_iterator iter = m_ContourBeingModified.begin();
     for (; iter != m_ContourBeingModified.end(); iter++)
   // update to get the left livewire. Remember that the points in the rest of the contour are already
   // set as void positions in the filter
   mitk::ContourModel::Pointer leftLiveWire = this->m_LiveWireFilter->GetOutput();
   if (!leftLiveWire->IsEmpty(timeStep))
     leftLiveWire->RemoveVertexAt(0, timeStep);
   editingContour->Concatenate(leftLiveWire, timeStep);
   // the new index of the selected vertex
   unsigned int selectedVertexIndex =
     this->m_ContourLeft->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep) + leftLiveWire->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep) - 1;
   // at this point the container has to be empty
   // add points from left live wire contour
   auto iter = leftLiveWire->IteratorBegin(timeStep);
   for (; iter != leftLiveWire->IteratorEnd(timeStep); iter++)
     itk::Index<2> idx;
     this->m_WorkingSlice->GetGeometry()->WorldToIndex((*iter)->Coordinates, idx);
     // add indices
   // recompute right live wire, i.e. the contour between selected vertex and next active vertex
   // update filter with all contour points set as void but the right live wire portion to be calculated now
   mitk::ContourModel::Pointer rightLiveWire = this->m_LiveWireFilter->GetOutput();
   // reject strange paths
   if (abs(rightLiveWire->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep) - leftLiveWire->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep)) > 50)
   if (!leftLiveWire->IsEmpty(timeStep))
     leftLiveWire->SetControlVertexAt(leftLiveWire->GetNumberOfVertices() - 1, timeStep);
   if (!rightLiveWire->IsEmpty(timeStep))
     rightLiveWire->RemoveVertexAt(0, timeStep);
   editingContour->Concatenate(rightLiveWire, timeStep);
   mitk::ContourModel::Pointer newContour = mitk::ContourModel::New();
   // concatenate left original contour
   newContour->Concatenate(this->m_ContourLeft, timeStep);
   newContour->Concatenate(editingContour, timeStep, true);
   // set last inserted vertex as selected
   newContour->SelectVertexAt(selectedVertexIndex, timeStep);
   // set as control point
   // concatenate right original contour
   newContour->Concatenate(this->m_ContourRight, timeStep);
   newContour->SetClosed(contour->IsClosed(timeStep), timeStep);
 bool mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::IsHovering(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
   const auto *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
   if (!positionEvent)
     return false;
   const auto timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
   auto *contour = dynamic_cast<mitk::ContourModel *>(this->GetDataNode()->GetData());
   mitk::Point3D currentPosition = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
   bool isHover = false;
   this->GetDataNode()->GetBoolProperty("contour.hovering", isHover, positionEvent->GetSender());
   if (contour->IsNearContour(currentPosition, mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::eps, timeStep))
     if (isHover == false)
       this->GetDataNode()->SetBoolProperty("contour.hovering", true);
     return true;
     if (isHover == true)
       this->GetDataNode()->SetBoolProperty("contour.hovering", false);
   return false;
-int mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::SplitContourFromSelectedVertex(mitk::ContourModel *srcContour,
-                                                                         mitk::ContourModel *destContour,
-                                                                         bool fromSelectedUpwards,
-                                                                         int timestep)
-  auto end = srcContour->IteratorEnd();
-  auto begin = srcContour->IteratorBegin();
-  // search next active control point to left and rigth and set as start and end point for filter
-  auto itSelected = begin;
-  // move iterator to position
-  while ((*itSelected) != srcContour->GetSelectedVertex())
-  {
-    itSelected++;
-  }
-  // CASE search upwards for next control point
-  if (fromSelectedUpwards)
-  {
-    auto itUp = itSelected;
-    if (itUp != end)
-    {
-      itUp++; // step once up otherwise the loop breaks immediately
-    }
-    while (itUp != end && !((*itUp)->IsControlPoint))
-    {
-      itUp++;
-    }
-    auto it = itUp;
-    if (itSelected != begin)
-    {
-      // copy the rest of the original contour
-      while (it != end)
-      {
-        destContour->AddVertex((*it)->Coordinates, (*it)->IsControlPoint, timestep);
-        it++;
-      }
-    }
-    // else do not copy the contour
-    // return the offset of iterator at one before next-vertex-upwards
-    if (itUp != begin)
-    {
-      return std::distance(begin, itUp) - 1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      return std::distance(begin, itUp);
-    }
-  }
-  else // CASE search downwards for next control point
-  {
-    auto itDown = itSelected;
-    auto it = srcContour->IteratorBegin();
-    if (itSelected != begin)
-    {
-      if (itDown != begin)
-      {
-        itDown--; // step once down otherwise the the loop breaks immediately
-      }
-      while (itDown != begin && !((*itDown)->IsControlPoint))
-      {
-        itDown--;
-      }
-      if (it != end) // if not empty
-      {
-        // always add the first vertex
-        destContour->AddVertex((*it)->Coordinates, (*it)->IsControlPoint, timestep);
-        it++;
-      }
-      // copy from begin to itDown
-      while (it <= itDown)
-      {
-        destContour->AddVertex((*it)->Coordinates, (*it)->IsControlPoint, timestep);
-        it++;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // if selected vertex is the first element search from end of contour downwards
-      itDown = end;
-      itDown--;
-      while (!((*itDown)->IsControlPoint) && itDown != begin)
-      {
-        itDown--;
-      }
-      // move one forward as we don't want the first control point
-      it++;
-      // move iterator to second control point
-      while ((it != end) && !((*it)->IsControlPoint))
-      {
-        it++;
-      }
-      // copy from begin to itDown
-      while (it <= itDown)
-      {
-        // copy the contour from second control point to itDown
-        destContour->AddVertex((*it)->Coordinates, (*it)->IsControlPoint, timestep);
-        it++;
-      }
-    }
-    /*
-        //add vertex at itDown - it's not considered during while loop
-        if( it != begin && it != end)
-        {
-          //destContour->AddVertex( (*it)->Coordinates, (*it)->IsControlPoint, timestep);
-        }
-    */
-    // return the offset of iterator at one after next-vertex-downwards
-    if (itDown != end)
-    {
-      return std::distance(begin, itDown); // + 1;//index of next vertex
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      return std::distance(begin, itDown) - 1;
-    }
-  }
 void mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::SplitContourFromSelectedVertex(mitk::ContourModel *srcContour,
                                                                           const mitk::ContourModel::VertexType *nextPoint,
                                                                           const mitk::ContourModel::VertexType *previousPoint,
                                                                           int timeStep)
   m_ContourLeft = mitk::ContourModel::New();
   m_ContourRight = mitk::ContourModel::New();
   auto it = srcContour->IteratorBegin();
+  // part between nextPoint and end of Countour
   bool upperPart = false;
+  // part between start of countour and previousPoint
   bool lowerPart = true;
   // edge cases when point right before first control vertex is selected or first control vertex is selected
   if (nextPoint == (*it) || srcContour->GetSelectedVertex() == (*it))
     upperPart = true;
     lowerPart = false;
     m_ContourLeft->AddVertex(previousPoint->Coordinates, previousPoint->IsControlPoint, timeStep);
   // if first control vertex is selected, move to next point before adding vertices to m_ContourRight
   // otherwise, second line appears when moving the vertex
   if (srcContour->GetSelectedVertex() == (*it))
     while (*it != nextPoint)
   // clear previous void positions
   for (; it != srcContour->IteratorEnd(timeStep); it++)
+    // everything in lower part should be added to m_CountoutLeft
     if (lowerPart)
       m_ContourLeft->AddVertex((*it)->Coordinates, (*it)->IsControlPoint, timeStep);
+    // start of "restricted area" where no vertex should be added to m_CountoutLeft or m_CountoutRight
     if (*it == previousPoint)
       lowerPart = false;
       upperPart = false;
+    // start of upperPart
     if (*it == nextPoint)
       upperPart = true;
+    // everything in upper part should be added to m_CountoutRight
     if (upperPart)
       m_ContourRight->AddVertex((*it)->Coordinates, (*it)->IsControlPoint, timeStep);
+    // all points in lower and upper part should be marked as repulsive points to not be changed
     if ((lowerPart && *it != previousPoint) || (upperPart && *it != nextPoint))
       itk::Index<2> idx;
       this->m_WorkingSlice->GetGeometry()->WorldToIndex((*it)->Coordinates, idx);
 void mitk::ContourModelLiveWireInteractor::OnFinishEditing(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
   const auto timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
   auto *editingContour = dynamic_cast<mitk::ContourModel *>(this->m_EditingContourNode->GetData());
diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.h b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.h
index d075ffa19b..c96c5bd23c 100644
--- a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.h
+++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor.h
@@ -1,90 +1,85 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #ifndef mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor_h_Included
 #define mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor_h_Included
 #include "mitkCommon.h"
 #include "mitkContourModelInteractor.h"
 #include <MitkSegmentationExports.h>
 #include <mitkImageLiveWireContourModelFilter.h>
 namespace mitk
   \sa Interactor
   \sa ContourModelInteractor
   \ingroup Interaction
   \warning Make sure the working image is properly set, otherwise the algorithm for computing livewire contour segments
   will not work!
   class MITKSEGMENTATION_EXPORT ContourModelLiveWireInteractor : public ContourModelInteractor
     mitkClassMacro(ContourModelLiveWireInteractor, ContourModelInteractor);
         virtual void SetEditingContourModelNode(mitk::DataNode *_arg);
     virtual void SetWorkingImage(mitk::Image *_arg);
     void ConnectActionsAndFunctions() override;
     ~ContourModelLiveWireInteractor() override;
     bool OnCheckPointClick(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) override;
     bool IsHovering(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) override;
     void OnMovePoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) override;
     void OnDeletePoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) override;
     void OnFinishEditing(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) override;
-    int SplitContourFromSelectedVertex(mitk::ContourModel *srcContour,
-                                       mitk::ContourModel *destContour,
-                                       bool fromSelectedUpwards,
-                                       int timestep);
     void SplitContourFromSelectedVertex(mitk::ContourModel *srcContour,
                                         const mitk::ContourModel::VertexType *nextPoint,
                                         const mitk::ContourModel::VertexType *previousPoint,
                                         int timestep);
     const float eps = 3.0;
     mitk::ImageLiveWireContourModelFilter::Pointer m_LiveWireFilter;
     mitk::Image::Pointer m_WorkingSlice;
     mitk::Point3D m_NextActiveVertexDown;
     mitk::Point3D m_NextActiveVertexUp;
     mitk::ContourModel::VertexIterator m_NextActiveVertexDownIter;
     mitk::ContourModel::VertexIterator m_NextActiveVertexUpIter;
     std::vector<itk::Index<2>> m_ContourBeingModified;
     mitk::DataNode::Pointer m_EditingContourNode;
     mitk::ContourModel::Pointer m_ContourLeft;
     mitk::ContourModel::Pointer m_ContourRight;
 } // namespace mitk
 #endif // mitkContourModelLiveWireInteractor_h_Included