diff --git a/Modules/Core/files.cmake b/Modules/Core/files.cmake index 386eff7948..1052ed23af 100644 --- a/Modules/Core/files.cmake +++ b/Modules/Core/files.cmake @@ -1,325 +1,324 @@ file(GLOB_RECURSE H_FILES RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/*") set(CPP_FILES mitkCoreActivator.cpp mitkCoreObjectFactoryBase.cpp mitkCoreObjectFactory.cpp mitkCoreServices.cpp mitkException.cpp Algorithms/mitkBaseDataSource.cpp Algorithms/mitkClippedSurfaceBoundsCalculator.cpp Algorithms/mitkCompareImageDataFilter.cpp Algorithms/mitkCompositePixelValueToString.cpp Algorithms/mitkConvert2Dto3DImageFilter.cpp Algorithms/mitkDataNodeSource.cpp Algorithms/mitkExtractSliceFilter.cpp Algorithms/mitkExtractSliceFilter2.cpp Algorithms/mitkHistogramGenerator.cpp Algorithms/mitkImageChannelSelector.cpp Algorithms/mitkImageSliceSelector.cpp Algorithms/mitkImageSource.cpp Algorithms/mitkImageTimeSelector.cpp Algorithms/mitkImageToImageFilter.cpp 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DataManagement/mitkGenericIDRelationRule.cpp DataManagement/mitkIdentifiable.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageAccessorBase.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageCaster.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageCastPart1.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageCastPart2.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageCastPart3.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageCastPart4.cpp DataManagement/mitkImage.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageDataItem.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageDescriptor.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageReadAccessor.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageStatisticsHolder.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageVtkAccessor.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageVtkReadAccessor.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageVtkWriteAccessor.cpp DataManagement/mitkImageWriteAccessor.cpp DataManagement/mitkIntPropertyExtension.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPersistenceService.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyAliases.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyDescriptions.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyExtensions.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyFilters.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyOwner.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyPersistence.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyProvider.cpp DataManagement/mitkLandmarkProjectorBasedCurvedGeometry.cpp DataManagement/mitkLandmarkProjector.cpp DataManagement/mitkLevelWindow.cpp DataManagement/mitkLevelWindowManager.cpp DataManagement/mitkLevelWindowPreset.cpp DataManagement/mitkLevelWindowProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkLine.cpp DataManagement/mitkLookupTable.cpp DataManagement/mitkLookupTableProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkLookupTables.cpp # specializations of GenericLookupTable DataManagement/mitkMaterial.cpp DataManagement/mitkMemoryUtilities.cpp DataManagement/mitkModalityProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkModifiedLock.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateAnd.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateBase.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateCompositeBase.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateData.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateDataType.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateDataUID.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateDimension.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateFirstLevel.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateFunction.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateGeometry.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateNot.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateOr.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateDataProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateSource.cpp DataManagement/mitkNodePredicateSubGeometry.cpp DataManagement/mitkNumericConstants.cpp DataManagement/mitkPlaneGeometry.cpp DataManagement/mitkPlaneGeometryData.cpp DataManagement/mitkPlaneOperation.cpp DataManagement/mitkPlaneOrientationProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkPointOperation.cpp DataManagement/mitkPointSet.cpp DataManagement/mitkPointSetShapeProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkProperties.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyAliases.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyDescriptions.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyExtension.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyExtensions.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyFilter.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyFilters.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyKeyPath.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyList.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyListReplacedObserver.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyNameHelper.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyObserver.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyPersistence.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyPersistenceInfo.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyRelationRuleBase.cpp DataManagement/mitkProportionalTimeGeometry.cpp DataManagement/mitkRenderingModeProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkResliceMethodProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkRestorePlanePositionOperation.cpp DataManagement/mitkRotationOperation.cpp DataManagement/mitkScaleOperation.cpp DataManagement/mitkSlicedData.cpp DataManagement/mitkSlicedGeometry3D.cpp DataManagement/mitkSmartPointerProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkStandaloneDataStorage.cpp DataManagement/mitkStringProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkSurface.cpp DataManagement/mitkSurfaceOperation.cpp DataManagement/mitkSourceImageRelationRule.cpp DataManagement/mitkThinPlateSplineCurvedGeometry.cpp DataManagement/mitkTimeGeometry.cpp DataManagement/mitkTransferFunction.cpp DataManagement/mitkTransferFunctionInitializer.cpp DataManagement/mitkTransferFunctionProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkTemporoSpatialStringProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkUIDManipulator.cpp DataManagement/mitkVector.cpp DataManagement/mitkVectorProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkVtkInterpolationProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkVtkRepresentationProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkVtkResliceInterpolationProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkVtkScalarModeProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkWeakPointerProperty.cpp DataManagement/mitkIPropertyRelations.cpp DataManagement/mitkPropertyRelations.cpp Interactions/mitkAction.cpp Interactions/mitkBindDispatcherInteractor.cpp Interactions/mitkCrosshairPositionEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkDataInteractor.cpp Interactions/mitkDispatcher.cpp Interactions/mitkDisplayActionEventBroadcast.cpp Interactions/mitkDisplayActionEventFunctions.cpp Interactions/mitkDisplayActionEventHandler.cpp Interactions/mitkDisplayActionEventHandlerDesynchronized.cpp Interactions/mitkDisplayActionEventHandlerStd.cpp Interactions/mitkDisplayActionEventHandlerSynchronized.cpp Interactions/mitkDisplayCoordinateOperation.cpp - Interactions/mitkDisplayInteractor.cpp Interactions/mitkEventConfig.cpp Interactions/mitkEventFactory.cpp Interactions/mitkEventRecorder.cpp Interactions/mitkEventStateMachine.cpp Interactions/mitkInteractionEventConst.cpp Interactions/mitkInteractionEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkInteractionEventHandler.cpp Interactions/mitkInteractionEventObserver.cpp Interactions/mitkInteractionKeyEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkInteractionPositionEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkInteractionSchemeSwitcher.cpp Interactions/mitkInternalEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkMouseDoubleClickEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkMouseMoveEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkMousePressEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkMouseReleaseEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkMouseWheelEvent.cpp Interactions/mitkPointSetDataInteractor.cpp Interactions/mitkSinglePointDataInteractor.cpp Interactions/mitkStateMachineAction.cpp Interactions/mitkStateMachineCondition.cpp Interactions/mitkStateMachineContainer.cpp Interactions/mitkStateMachineState.cpp Interactions/mitkStateMachineTransition.cpp Interactions/mitkVtkEventAdapter.cpp Interactions/mitkVtkInteractorStyle.cxx Interactions/mitkXML2EventParser.cpp IO/mitkAbstractFileIO.cpp IO/mitkAbstractFileReader.cpp IO/mitkAbstractFileWriter.cpp IO/mitkCustomMimeType.cpp IO/mitkFileReader.cpp IO/mitkFileReaderRegistry.cpp IO/mitkFileReaderSelector.cpp IO/mitkFileReaderWriterBase.cpp IO/mitkFileWriter.cpp IO/mitkFileWriterRegistry.cpp IO/mitkFileWriterSelector.cpp IO/mitkGeometry3DToXML.cpp IO/mitkIFileIO.cpp IO/mitkIFileReader.cpp IO/mitkIFileWriter.cpp IO/mitkGeometryDataReaderService.cpp IO/mitkGeometryDataWriterService.cpp IO/mitkImageGenerator.cpp IO/mitkImageVtkLegacyIO.cpp IO/mitkImageVtkXmlIO.cpp IO/mitkIMimeTypeProvider.cpp IO/mitkIOConstants.cpp IO/mitkIOMimeTypes.cpp IO/mitkIOUtil.cpp IO/mitkItkImageIO.cpp IO/mitkItkLoggingAdapter.cpp IO/mitkLegacyFileReaderService.cpp IO/mitkLegacyFileWriterService.cpp IO/mitkLocaleSwitch.cpp IO/mitkLog.cpp IO/mitkMimeType.cpp IO/mitkMimeTypeProvider.cpp IO/mitkOperation.cpp IO/mitkPixelType.cpp IO/mitkPointSetReaderService.cpp IO/mitkPointSetWriterService.cpp IO/mitkProportionalTimeGeometryToXML.cpp IO/mitkRawImageFileReader.cpp IO/mitkStandardFileLocations.cpp IO/mitkSurfaceStlIO.cpp IO/mitkSurfaceVtkIO.cpp IO/mitkSurfaceVtkLegacyIO.cpp IO/mitkSurfaceVtkXmlIO.cpp IO/mitkUtf8Util.cpp IO/mitkVtkLoggingAdapter.cpp IO/mitkPreferenceListReaderOptionsFunctor.cpp IO/mitkIOMetaInformationPropertyConstants.cpp Rendering/mitkAbstractAnnotationRenderer.cpp Rendering/mitkAnnotationUtils.cpp Rendering/mitkBaseRenderer.cpp #Rendering/mitkGLMapper.cpp Moved to deprecated LegacyGL Module Rendering/mitkGradientBackground.cpp Rendering/mitkImageVtkMapper2D.cpp Rendering/mitkMapper.cpp Rendering/mitkAnnotation.cpp Rendering/mitkPlaneGeometryDataMapper2D.cpp Rendering/mitkPlaneGeometryDataVtkMapper3D.cpp Rendering/mitkPointSetVtkMapper2D.cpp Rendering/mitkPointSetVtkMapper3D.cpp Rendering/mitkRenderWindowBase.cpp Rendering/mitkRenderWindow.cpp Rendering/mitkRenderWindowFrame.cpp #Rendering/mitkSurfaceGLMapper2D.cpp Moved to deprecated LegacyGL Module Rendering/mitkSurfaceVtkMapper2D.cpp Rendering/mitkSurfaceVtkMapper3D.cpp Rendering/mitkVtkEventProvider.cpp Rendering/mitkVtkMapper.cpp Rendering/mitkVtkPropRenderer.cpp Rendering/mitkVtkWidgetRendering.cpp Rendering/vtkMitkLevelWindowFilter.cpp Rendering/vtkMitkRectangleProp.cpp Rendering/vtkMitkRenderProp.cpp Rendering/vtkMitkThickSlicesFilter.cpp Rendering/vtkNeverTranslucentTexture.cpp ) set(RESOURCE_FILES Interactions/globalConfig.xml Interactions/DisplayInteraction.xml Interactions/DisplayConfig.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigMITKBase.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigPACSBase.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigCrosshair.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigRotation.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigActivateCoupling.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigSwivel.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigPACSPan.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigPACSScroll.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigPACSZoom.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigPACSLevelWindow.xml Interactions/DisplayConfigBlockLMB.xml Interactions/PointSet.xml Interactions/Legacy/StateMachine.xml Interactions/Legacy/DisplayConfigMITKTools.xml Interactions/PointSetConfig.xml mitkLevelWindowPresets.xml mitkAnatomicalStructureColorPresets.xml ) diff --git a/Modules/Core/include/mitkDisplayInteractor.h b/Modules/Core/include/mitkDisplayInteractor.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6b35f4022c..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Core/include/mitkDisplayInteractor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,281 +0,0 @@ -/*============================================================================ - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) -All rights reserved. - -Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be -found in the LICENSE file. - -============================================================================*/ - -#ifndef mitkDisplayInteractor_h -#define mitkDisplayInteractor_h - -#include "mitkInteractionEventObserver.h" -#include <MitkCoreExports.h> - -namespace mitk -{ - /** - *\class DisplayInteractor - *@brief Observer that manages the interaction with the display. - * - * This includes the interaction of Zooming, Panning, Scrolling and adjusting the LevelWindow. - * - * @ingroup Interaction - **/ - /** - * Inherits from mitk::InteractionEventObserver since it doesn't alter any data (only their representation), - * and its actions cannot be associated with a DataNode. Also inherits from EventStateMachine - */ - class MITKCORE_EXPORT DisplayInteractor : public EventStateMachine, public InteractionEventObserver - { - public: - - mitkClassMacro(DisplayInteractor, EventStateMachine); - - itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self); - - itkCloneMacro(Self) - /** - * By this function the Observer gets notified about new events. - * Here it is adapted to pass the events to the state machine in order to use - * its infrastructure. - * It also checks if event is to be accepted when it already has been processed by a DataInteractor. - */ - void Notify(InteractionEvent *interactionEvent, bool isHandled) override; - - protected: - - DisplayInteractor(); - ~DisplayInteractor() override; - /** - * Derived function. - * Connects the action names used in the state machine pattern with functions implemented within - * this InteractionEventObserver. This is only necessary here because the events are processed by the state machine. - */ - void ConnectActionsAndFunctions() override; - /** - * Derived function. - * Is executed when config object is set / changed. - * Here it is used to read out the parameters set in the configuration file, - * and set the member variables accordingly. - */ - void ConfigurationChanged() override; - - /** - * Derived function. - * Is executed when config object is set / changed. - * Here it is used to read out the parameters set in the configuration file, - * and set the member variables accordingly. - */ - bool FilterEvents(InteractionEvent *interactionEvent, DataNode *dataNode) override; - - virtual bool CheckPositionEvent(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent); - - virtual bool CheckRotationPossible(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent); - - virtual bool CheckSwivelPossible(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent); - - /** - * \brief Initializes an interaction, saves the pointers start position for further reference. - */ - virtual void Init(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - /** - * \brief Performs panning of the data set in the render window. - */ - virtual void Move(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - - /** - * \brief Sets crosshair at clicked position* - */ - virtual void SetCrosshair(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - - /** - * \brief Increases the time step in 3d+t data - */ - virtual void IncreaseTimeStep(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - - /** - * \brief Decreases the time step in 3d+t data - */ - virtual void DecreaseTimeStep(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - - /** - * \brief Performs zooming relative to mouse/pointer movement. - * - * Behavior is determined by \see m_ZoomDirection and \see m_ZoomFactor. - * - */ - virtual void Zoom(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - /** - * \brief Performs scrolling relative to mouse/pointer movement. - * - * Behavior is determined by \see m_ScrollDirection and \see m_AutoRepeat. - * - */ - virtual void Scroll(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - /** - * \brief Scrolls one layer up - */ - virtual void ScrollOneDown(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - /** - * \brief Scrolls one layer down - */ - virtual void ScrollOneUp(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - /** - * \brief Adjusts the level windows relative to mouse/pointer movement. - */ - virtual void AdjustLevelWindow(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - - /** - * \brief Starts crosshair rotation - */ - virtual void StartRotation(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - - /** - * \brief Ends crosshair rotation - */ - virtual void EndRotation(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *); - - /** - * \brief - */ - virtual void Rotate(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *event); - - virtual void Swivel(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *event); - - /** - * \brief Updates the Statusbar information with the information about the clicked position - */ - virtual void UpdateStatusbar(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *event); - - /** - * \brief Method to retrieve bool-value for given property from string-property - * in given propertylist. - */ - bool GetBoolProperty(mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propertyList, const char *propertyName, bool defaultValue); - - private: - /** - * @brief UpdateStatusBar - * @param image3D - * @param idx - * @param time - * @param component If the PixelType of image3D is a vector (for example a 2D velocity vector), then only one of the vector components can be - * displayed at once. Setting this parameter will determine which of the vector's components will be used to determine the displayed PixelValue. - * Set this to 0 for scalar images - */ - void UpdateStatusBar(itk::SmartPointer<mitk::Image> image3D, itk::Index<3> idx, TimeStepType time=0, int component=0); - - - /** - * \brief Coordinate of the pointer at begin of an interaction translated to mm unit - */ - mitk::Point2D m_StartCoordinateInMM; - /** - * \brief Coordinate of the pointer in the last step within an interaction. - */ - mitk::Point2D m_LastDisplayCoordinate; - /** - * \brief Coordinate of the pointer in the last step within an interaction translated to mm unit - */ - mitk::Point2D m_LastCoordinateInMM; - /** - * \brief Current coordinates of the pointer. - */ - mitk::Point2D m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate; - - - /** - * \brief Modifier that defines how many slices are scrolled per pixel that the mouse has moved - * - * This modifier defines how many slices the scene is scrolled per pixel that the mouse cursor has moved. - * By default the modifier is 4. This means that when the user moves the cursor by 4 pixels in Y-direction - * the scene is scrolled by one slice. If the user has moved the the cursor by 20 pixels, the scene is - * scrolled by 5 slices. - * - * If the cursor has moved less than m_IndexToSliceModifier pixels the scene is scrolled by one slice. - */ - int m_IndexToSliceModifier; - - /** Defines behavior at end of data set. - * If set to true it will restart at end of data set from the beginning. - */ - bool m_AutoRepeat; - - /** - * Defines scroll behavior. - * Default is up/down movement of pointer performs scrolling - */ - std::string m_ScrollDirection; - - /** - * Defines how the axis of interaction influences scroll behavior. - */ - bool m_InvertScrollDirection; - - /** - * Defines scroll behavior. - * Default is up/down movement of pointer performs zooming - */ - std::string m_ZoomDirection; - - /** - * Defines how the axis of interaction influences zoom behavior. - */ - bool m_InvertZoomDirection; - - /** - * Defines how the axis of interaction influences move behavior. - */ - bool m_InvertMoveDirection; - - /** - * Defines level/window behavior. - * Default is left/right movement of pointer modifies the level. - */ - std::string m_LevelDirection; - - /** - * Defines how the axis of interaction influences level/window behavior. - */ - bool m_InvertLevelWindowDirection; - - /** - * Determines if the Observer reacts to events that already have been processed by a DataInteractor. - * The default value is false. - */ - bool m_AlwaysReact; - /** - * Factor to adjust zooming speed. - */ - float m_ZoomFactor; - - ///// Members to deal with rotating slices - - /** - * @brief m_LinkPlanes Determines if angle between crosshair remains fixed when rotating - */ - bool m_LinkPlanes; - - typedef std::vector<SliceNavigationController*> SNCVector; - SNCVector m_RotatableSNCs; /// all SNCs that currently have CreatedWorldGeometries, that can be rotated. - SNCVector m_SNCsToBeRotated; /// all SNCs that will be rotated (exceptions are the ones parallel to the one being clicked) - - Point3D m_LastCursorPosition; /// used for calculation of the rotation angle - Point3D m_CenterOfRotation; /// used for calculation of the rotation angle - - Point2D m_ReferenceCursor; - - Vector3D m_RotationPlaneNormal; - Vector3D m_RotationPlaneXVector; - Vector3D m_RotationPlaneYVector; - - Vector3D m_PreviousRotationAxis; - ScalarType m_PreviousRotationAngle; - }; -} -#endif diff --git a/Modules/Core/src/Interactions/mitkDisplayInteractor.cpp b/Modules/Core/src/Interactions/mitkDisplayInteractor.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index def8774def..0000000000 --- a/Modules/Core/src/Interactions/mitkDisplayInteractor.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,944 +0,0 @@ -/*============================================================================ - -The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) - -Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) -All rights reserved. - -Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be -found in the LICENSE file. - -============================================================================*/ - -#include "mitkDisplayInteractor.h" - -#include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" -#include "mitkCameraController.h" -#include "mitkInteractionPositionEvent.h" -#include "mitkPropertyList.h" -#include <mitkAbstractTransformGeometry.h> -#include <mitkRotationOperation.h> -#include <cstring> -// level window -#include "mitkLevelWindow.h" -#include "mitkLevelWindowProperty.h" -#include "mitkLine.h" -#include "mitkNodePredicateDataType.h" -#include "mitkStandaloneDataStorage.h" -#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h" - -// Rotation -#include "mitkInteractionConst.h" -#include "rotate_cursor.xpm" -#include <mitkImagePixelReadAccessor.h> -#include <mitkRotationOperation.h> - -#include "mitkImage.h" -#include "mitkImagePixelReadAccessor.h" -#include "mitkPixelTypeMultiplex.h" -#include "mitkStatusBar.h" - -#include <mitkCompositePixelValueToString.h> - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::Notify(InteractionEvent *interactionEvent, bool isHandled) -{ - // to use the state machine pattern, - // the event is passed to the state machine interface to be handled - if (!isHandled || m_AlwaysReact) - { - HandleEvent(interactionEvent, nullptr); - } -} - -mitk::DisplayInteractor::DisplayInteractor() - : m_IndexToSliceModifier(4) - , m_AutoRepeat(false) - , m_InvertScrollDirection(false) - , m_InvertZoomDirection(false) - , m_InvertMoveDirection(false) - , m_InvertLevelWindowDirection(false) - , m_AlwaysReact(false) - , m_ZoomFactor(2) - , m_LinkPlanes(true) -{ - m_StartCoordinateInMM.Fill(0); - m_LastDisplayCoordinate.Fill(0); - m_LastCoordinateInMM.Fill(0); - m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate.Fill(0); -} - -mitk::DisplayInteractor::~DisplayInteractor() -{ - // nothing here -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::ConnectActionsAndFunctions() -{ - CONNECT_CONDITION("check_position_event", CheckPositionEvent); - CONNECT_CONDITION("check_can_rotate", CheckRotationPossible); - CONNECT_CONDITION("check_can_swivel", CheckSwivelPossible); - - CONNECT_FUNCTION("init", Init); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("move", Move); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("zoom", Zoom); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("scroll", Scroll); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("ScrollOneDown", ScrollOneDown); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("ScrollOneUp", ScrollOneUp); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("levelWindow", AdjustLevelWindow); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("setCrosshair", SetCrosshair); - - CONNECT_FUNCTION("updateStatusbar", UpdateStatusbar) - - CONNECT_FUNCTION("startRotation", StartRotation); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("endRotation", EndRotation); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("rotate", Rotate); - - CONNECT_FUNCTION("swivel", Swivel); - - CONNECT_FUNCTION("IncreaseTimeStep", IncreaseTimeStep); - CONNECT_FUNCTION("DecreaseTimeStep", DecreaseTimeStep); -} - -bool mitk::DisplayInteractor::CheckPositionEvent(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - const auto *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent); - if (positionEvent == nullptr) - { - return false; - } - - return true; -} - -bool mitk::DisplayInteractor::CheckRotationPossible(const mitk::InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - // Decide between moving and rotation slices. - /* - Detailed logic: - - 1. Find the SliceNavigationController that has sent the event: this one defines our rendering plane and will NOT be - rotated. Needs not even be counted or checked. - 2. Inspect every other SliceNavigationController - - calculate the line intersection of this SliceNavigationController's plane with our rendering plane - - if there is NO interesection, ignore and continue - - IF there is an intersection - - check the mouse cursor's distance from that line. - 0. if the line is NOT near the cursor, remember the plane as "one of the other planes" (which can be rotated in - "locked" mode) - 1. on first line near the cursor, just remember this intersection line as THE other plane that we want to rotate - 2. on every consecutive line near the cursor, check if the line is geometrically identical to the line that we want to - rotate - - if yes, we just push this line to the "other" lines and rotate it along - - if no, then we have a situation where the mouse is near two other lines (e.g. crossing point) and don't want to - rotate - */ - const auto *posEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent); - if (posEvent == nullptr) - return false; - - BaseRenderer *clickedRenderer = posEvent->GetSender(); - const PlaneGeometry *ourViewportGeometry = (clickedRenderer->GetCurrentWorldPlaneGeometry()); - - if (!ourViewportGeometry) - return false; - - Point3D cursorPosition = posEvent->GetPositionInWorld(); - const auto spacing = ourViewportGeometry->GetSpacing(); - const PlaneGeometry *geometryToBeRotated = nullptr; // this one is under the mouse cursor - const PlaneGeometry *anyOtherGeometry = nullptr; // this is also visible (for calculation of intersection ONLY) - Line3D intersectionLineWithGeometryToBeRotated; - - bool hitMultipleLines(false); - m_SNCsToBeRotated.clear(); - - const double threshholdDistancePixels = 12.0; - - auto renWindows = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetAllRegisteredRenderWindows(); - - for (auto renWin : renWindows) - { - SliceNavigationController *snc = BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renWin)->GetSliceNavigationController(); - - // If the mouse cursor is in 3D Renderwindow, do not check for intersecting planes. - if (BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renWin)->GetMapperID() == BaseRenderer::Standard3D) - continue; - - const PlaneGeometry *otherRenderersRenderPlane = snc->GetCurrentPlaneGeometry(); - if (otherRenderersRenderPlane == nullptr) - continue; // ignore, we don't see a plane - - // check if there is an intersection - Line3D intersectionLine; // between rendered/clicked geometry and the one being analyzed - if (!ourViewportGeometry->IntersectionLine(otherRenderersRenderPlane, intersectionLine)) - { - continue; // we ignore this plane, it's parallel to our plane - } - - // check distance from intersection line - const double distanceFromIntersectionLine = - intersectionLine.Distance(cursorPosition) / spacing[snc->GetDefaultViewDirection()]; - - // far away line, only remember for linked rotation if necessary - if (distanceFromIntersectionLine > threshholdDistancePixels) - { - anyOtherGeometry = otherRenderersRenderPlane; // we just take the last one, so overwrite each iteration (we just - // need some crossing point) - // TODO what about multiple crossings? NOW we have undefined behavior / random crossing point is used - if (m_LinkPlanes) - { - m_SNCsToBeRotated.push_back(snc); - } - } - else // close to cursor - { - if (geometryToBeRotated == nullptr) // first one close to the cursor - { - geometryToBeRotated = otherRenderersRenderPlane; - intersectionLineWithGeometryToBeRotated = intersectionLine; - m_SNCsToBeRotated.push_back(snc); - } - else - { - // compare to the line defined by geometryToBeRotated: if identical, just rotate this otherRenderersRenderPlane - // together with the primary one - // if different, DON'T rotate - if (intersectionLine.IsParallel(intersectionLineWithGeometryToBeRotated) && - intersectionLine.Distance(intersectionLineWithGeometryToBeRotated.GetPoint1()) < mitk::eps) - { - m_SNCsToBeRotated.push_back(snc); - } - else - { - hitMultipleLines = true; - } - } - } - } - - bool moveSlices(true); - - if (geometryToBeRotated && anyOtherGeometry && ourViewportGeometry && !hitMultipleLines) - { - // assure all three are valid, so calculation of center of rotation can be done - moveSlices = false; - } - // question in state machine is: "rotate?" - if (moveSlices) // i.e. NOT rotate - { - return false; - } - else - { // we DO have enough information for rotation - m_LastCursorPosition = intersectionLineWithGeometryToBeRotated.Project( - cursorPosition); // remember where the last cursor position ON THE LINE has been observed - - if (anyOtherGeometry->IntersectionPoint( - intersectionLineWithGeometryToBeRotated, - m_CenterOfRotation)) // find center of rotation by intersection with any of the OTHER lines - { - return true; - } - else - { - return false; - } - } - return false; -} - -bool mitk::DisplayInteractor::CheckSwivelPossible(const mitk::InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - const ScalarType ThresholdDistancePixels = 6.0; - - // Decide between moving and rotation: if we're close to the crossing - // point of the planes, moving mode is entered, otherwise - // rotation/swivel mode - const auto *posEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent); - - BaseRenderer *renderer = interactionEvent->GetSender(); - - if (!posEvent || !renderer) - return false; - - const Point3D &cursor = posEvent->GetPositionInWorld(); - - m_SNCsToBeRotated.clear(); - - const PlaneGeometry *clickedGeometry(nullptr); - const PlaneGeometry *otherGeometry1(nullptr); - const PlaneGeometry *otherGeometry2(nullptr); - - auto renWindows = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetAllRegisteredRenderWindows(); - - for (auto renWin : renWindows) - { - SliceNavigationController *snc = BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renWin)->GetSliceNavigationController(); - - // If the mouse cursor is in 3D Renderwindow, do not check for intersecting planes. - if (BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renWin)->GetMapperID() == BaseRenderer::Standard3D) - continue; - - const PlaneGeometry *planeGeometry = snc->GetCurrentPlaneGeometry(); - if (!planeGeometry) - continue; - - if (snc == renderer->GetSliceNavigationController()) - { - clickedGeometry = planeGeometry; - m_SNCsToBeRotated.push_back(snc); - } - else - { - if (otherGeometry1 == nullptr) - { - otherGeometry1 = planeGeometry; - } - else - { - otherGeometry2 = planeGeometry; - } - if (m_LinkPlanes) - { - // If planes are linked, apply rotation to all planes - m_SNCsToBeRotated.push_back(snc); - } - } - } - - mitk::Line3D line; - mitk::Point3D point; - if ((clickedGeometry != nullptr) && (otherGeometry1 != nullptr) && (otherGeometry2 != nullptr) && - clickedGeometry->IntersectionLine(otherGeometry1, line) && otherGeometry2->IntersectionPoint(line, point)) - { - m_CenterOfRotation = point; - if (m_CenterOfRotation.EuclideanDistanceTo(cursor) < ThresholdDistancePixels) - { - return false; - } - else - { - m_ReferenceCursor = posEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); - - // Get main axes of rotation plane and store it for rotation step - m_RotationPlaneNormal = clickedGeometry->GetNormal(); - - ScalarType xVector[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; - ScalarType yVector[] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; - clickedGeometry->BaseGeometry::IndexToWorld(Vector3D(xVector), m_RotationPlaneXVector); - clickedGeometry->BaseGeometry::IndexToWorld(Vector3D(yVector), m_RotationPlaneYVector); - - m_RotationPlaneNormal.Normalize(); - m_RotationPlaneXVector.Normalize(); - m_RotationPlaneYVector.Normalize(); - - m_PreviousRotationAxis.Fill(0.0); - m_PreviousRotationAxis[2] = 1.0; - m_PreviousRotationAngle = 0.0; - - return true; - } - } - else - { - return false; - } - return false; -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::Init(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - auto *positionEvent = static_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent); - - m_LastDisplayCoordinate = positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); - m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate = m_LastDisplayCoordinate; - positionEvent->GetSender()->DisplayToPlane(m_LastDisplayCoordinate, m_StartCoordinateInMM); - m_LastCoordinateInMM = m_StartCoordinateInMM; -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::Move(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - BaseRenderer *sender = interactionEvent->GetSender(); - auto *positionEvent = static_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent); - - float invertModifier = -1.0; - if (m_InvertMoveDirection) - { - invertModifier = 1.0; - } - // perform translation - Vector2D moveVector = (positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen() - m_LastDisplayCoordinate) * invertModifier; - moveVector *= sender->GetScaleFactorMMPerDisplayUnit(); - - sender->GetCameraController()->MoveBy(moveVector); - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdate(sender->GetRenderWindow()); - m_LastDisplayCoordinate = positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::SetCrosshair(mitk::StateMachineAction *, mitk::InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - auto* positionEvent = static_cast<InteractionPositionEvent*>(interactionEvent); - Point3D pos = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld(); - - const BaseRenderer::Pointer sender = interactionEvent->GetSender(); - auto renWindows = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetAllRegisteredRenderWindows(); - for (auto renWin : renWindows) - { - if (BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renWin)->GetMapperID() == BaseRenderer::Standard2D && renWin != sender->GetRenderWindow()) - { - BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renWin)->GetSliceNavigationController()->SelectSliceByPoint(pos); - } - } -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::IncreaseTimeStep(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *) -{ - auto sliceNaviController = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController(); - auto stepper = sliceNaviController->GetTime(); - stepper->SetAutoRepeat(true); - stepper->Next(); -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::DecreaseTimeStep(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *) -{ - auto sliceNaviController = RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetTimeNavigationController(); - auto stepper = sliceNaviController->GetTime(); - stepper->SetAutoRepeat(true); - stepper->Previous(); -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::Zoom(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - float factor = 1.0; - float distance = 0; - - if (m_ZoomDirection == "updown") - { - distance = m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate[1] - m_LastDisplayCoordinate[1]; - } - else - { - distance = m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate[0] - m_LastDisplayCoordinate[0]; - } - - if (m_InvertZoomDirection) - { - distance *= -1.0; - } - - // set zooming speed - if (distance < 0.0) - { - factor = 1.0 / m_ZoomFactor; - } - else if (distance > 0.0) - { - factor = 1.0 * m_ZoomFactor; - } - - auto* positionEvent = static_cast<InteractionPositionEvent*>(interactionEvent); - m_LastDisplayCoordinate = m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate; - m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate = positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); - - if (factor != 1.0) - { - const BaseRenderer::Pointer sender = interactionEvent->GetSender(); - sender->GetCameraController()->Zoom(factor, m_StartCoordinateInMM); - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdate(sender->GetRenderWindow()); - } -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::Scroll(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - auto* positionEvent = static_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent); - - mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNaviController = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetSliceNavigationController(); - if (sliceNaviController) - { - int delta = 0; - // Scrolling direction - if (m_ScrollDirection == "updown") - { - delta = static_cast<int>(m_LastDisplayCoordinate[1] - positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen()[1]); - } - else - { - delta = static_cast<int>(m_LastDisplayCoordinate[0] - positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen()[0]); - } - - if (m_InvertScrollDirection) - { - delta *= -1; - } - - // Set how many pixels the mouse has to be moved to scroll one slice - // if we moved less than 'm_IndexToSliceModifier' pixels slice ONE slice only - if (delta > 0 && delta < m_IndexToSliceModifier) - { - delta = m_IndexToSliceModifier; - } - else if (delta < 0 && delta > -m_IndexToSliceModifier) - { - delta = -m_IndexToSliceModifier; - } - delta /= m_IndexToSliceModifier; - - int newPos = sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->GetPos() + delta; - - // if auto repeat is on, start at first slice if you reach the last slice and vice versa - int maxSlices = sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->GetSteps(); - if (m_AutoRepeat) - { - while (newPos < 0) - { - newPos += maxSlices; - } - - while (newPos >= maxSlices) - { - newPos -= maxSlices; - } - } - else - { - // if the new slice is below 0 we still show slice 0 - // due to the stepper using unsigned int we have to do this ourselves - if (newPos < 1) - { - newPos = 0; - } - } - - m_LastDisplayCoordinate = m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate; - m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate = positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); - - // set the new position - sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->SetPos(newPos); - } -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::ScrollOneDown(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNaviController = - interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetSliceNavigationController(); - if (!sliceNaviController->GetSliceLocked()) - { - mitk::Stepper *stepper = sliceNaviController->GetSlice(); - if (stepper->GetSteps() <= 1) - { - stepper = sliceNaviController->GetTime(); - } - stepper->Next(); - } -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::ScrollOneUp(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNaviController = - interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetSliceNavigationController(); - if (!sliceNaviController->GetSliceLocked()) - { - mitk::Stepper *stepper = sliceNaviController->GetSlice(); - if (stepper->GetSteps() <= 1) - { - stepper = sliceNaviController->GetTime(); - } - stepper->Previous(); - } -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::AdjustLevelWindow(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) -{ - BaseRenderer::Pointer sender = interactionEvent->GetSender(); - auto *positionEvent = static_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent); - - m_LastDisplayCoordinate = m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate; - m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate = positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); - // search for active image - mitk::DataStorage::Pointer storage = sender->GetDataStorage(); - mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = nullptr; - mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allImageNodes = storage->GetSubset(mitk::NodePredicateDataType::New("Image")); - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allImageNodes->size(); ++i) - { - bool isActiveImage = false; - bool propFound = allImageNodes->at(i)->GetBoolProperty("imageForLevelWindow", isActiveImage); - - if (propFound && isActiveImage) - { - node = allImageNodes->at(i); - continue; - } - } - if (node.IsNull()) - { - node = storage->GetNode(mitk::NodePredicateDataType::New("Image")); - } - if (node.IsNull()) - { - return; - } - - mitk::LevelWindow lv = mitk::LevelWindow(); - node->GetLevelWindow(lv); - ScalarType level = lv.GetLevel(); - ScalarType window = lv.GetWindow(); - - int levelIndex = 0; - int windowIndex = 1; - - if (m_LevelDirection != "leftright") - { - levelIndex = 1; - windowIndex = 0; - } - - int directionModifier = 1; - if (m_InvertLevelWindowDirection) - { - directionModifier = -1; - } - - // calculate adjustments from mouse movements - level += (m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate[levelIndex] - m_LastDisplayCoordinate[levelIndex]) * static_cast<ScalarType>(2) * - directionModifier; - window += (m_CurrentDisplayCoordinate[windowIndex] - m_LastDisplayCoordinate[windowIndex]) * - static_cast<ScalarType>(2) * directionModifier; - - lv.SetLevelWindow(level, window); - dynamic_cast<mitk::LevelWindowProperty *>(node->GetProperty("levelwindow"))->SetLevelWindow(lv); - - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::StartRotation(mitk::StateMachineAction *, mitk::InteractionEvent *) -{ - this->SetMouseCursor(rotate_cursor_xpm, 0, 0); -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::EndRotation(mitk::StateMachineAction *, mitk::InteractionEvent *) -{ - this->ResetMouseCursor(); -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::Rotate(mitk::StateMachineAction *, mitk::InteractionEvent *event) -{ - const auto *posEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(event); - if (posEvent == nullptr) - return; - - Point3D cursor = posEvent->GetPositionInWorld(); - - Vector3D toProjected = m_LastCursorPosition - m_CenterOfRotation; - Vector3D toCursor = cursor - m_CenterOfRotation; - - // cross product: | A x B | = |A| * |B| * sin(angle) - Vector3D axisOfRotation; - vnl_vector_fixed<ScalarType, 3> vnlDirection = vnl_cross_3d(toCursor.GetVnlVector(), toProjected.GetVnlVector()); - axisOfRotation.SetVnlVector(vnlDirection.as_ref()); - - // scalar product: A * B = |A| * |B| * cos(angle) - // tan = sin / cos - ScalarType angle = -atan2((double)(axisOfRotation.GetNorm()), (double)(toCursor * toProjected)); - angle *= 180.0 / vnl_math::pi; - m_LastCursorPosition = cursor; - - // create RotationOperation and apply to all SNCs that should be rotated - RotationOperation rotationOperation(OpROTATE, m_CenterOfRotation, axisOfRotation, angle); - - // iterate the OTHER slice navigation controllers: these are filled in DoDecideBetweenRotationAndSliceSelection - for (auto iter = m_SNCsToBeRotated.begin(); iter != m_SNCsToBeRotated.end(); ++iter) - { - TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = (*iter)->GetCreatedWorldGeometry(); - if (!timeGeometry) - continue; - - timeGeometry->ExecuteOperation(&rotationOperation); - - (*iter)->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); - } - - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::Swivel(mitk::StateMachineAction *, mitk::InteractionEvent *event) -{ - const auto *posEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(event); - - if (!posEvent) - return; - - // Determine relative mouse movement projected onto world space - Point2D cursor = posEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); - Vector2D relativeCursor = cursor - m_ReferenceCursor; - Vector3D relativeCursorAxis = m_RotationPlaneXVector * relativeCursor[0] + m_RotationPlaneYVector * relativeCursor[1]; - - // Determine rotation axis (perpendicular to rotation plane and cursor - // movement) - Vector3D rotationAxis = itk::CrossProduct(m_RotationPlaneNormal, relativeCursorAxis); - - ScalarType rotationAngle = relativeCursor.GetNorm() / 2.0; - - // Restore the initial plane pose by undoing the previous rotation - // operation - RotationOperation op(OpROTATE, m_CenterOfRotation, m_PreviousRotationAxis, -m_PreviousRotationAngle); - - SNCVector::iterator iter; - for (iter = m_SNCsToBeRotated.begin(); iter != m_SNCsToBeRotated.end(); ++iter) - { - if (!(*iter)->GetSliceRotationLocked()) - { - TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = (*iter)->GetCreatedWorldGeometry(); - if (!timeGeometry) - continue; - - timeGeometry->ExecuteOperation(&op); - (*iter)->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); - } - } - - // Apply new rotation operation to all relevant SNCs - RotationOperation op2(OpROTATE, m_CenterOfRotation, rotationAxis, rotationAngle); - - for (iter = m_SNCsToBeRotated.begin(); iter != m_SNCsToBeRotated.end(); ++iter) - { - if (!(*iter)->GetSliceRotationLocked()) - { - // Retrieve the TimeGeometry of this SliceNavigationController - TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = (*iter)->GetCreatedWorldGeometry(); - if (!timeGeometry) - continue; - - // Execute the new rotation - timeGeometry->ExecuteOperation(&op2); - - // Notify listeners - (*iter)->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); - } - } - - m_PreviousRotationAxis = rotationAxis; - m_PreviousRotationAngle = rotationAngle; - - RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); - return; -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::UpdateStatusbar(mitk::StateMachineAction *, mitk::InteractionEvent *event) -{ - const auto* posEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(event); - if (nullptr == posEvent) - { - return; - } - - const mitk::BaseRenderer::Pointer baseRenderer = posEvent->GetSender(); - TNodePredicateDataType<mitk::Image>::Pointer isImageData = TNodePredicateDataType<mitk::Image>::New(); - auto globalCurrentTimePoint = baseRenderer->GetTime(); - mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer nodes = baseRenderer->GetDataStorage()->GetSubset(isImageData).GetPointer(); - if (nodes.IsNull()) - { - return; - } - - // posEvent->GetPositionInWorld() would return the world position at the - // time of initiating the interaction. However, we need to update the - // status bar with the position after changing slice. Therefore, we - // translate the same display position with the renderer again to - // get the new world position. - Point3D worldposition; - baseRenderer->DisplayToWorld(posEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(), worldposition); - - mitk::Image::Pointer image3D; - mitk::DataNode::Pointer node; - mitk::DataNode::Pointer topSourceNode; - - int component = 0; - - node = FindTopmostVisibleNode(nodes, worldposition, globalCurrentTimePoint, baseRenderer); - if (node.IsNull()) - { - return; - } - - bool isBinary(false); - node->GetBoolProperty("binary", isBinary); - if (isBinary) - { - mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer sourcenodes = baseRenderer->GetDataStorage()->GetSources(node, nullptr, true); - if (!sourcenodes->empty()) - { - topSourceNode = mitk::FindTopmostVisibleNode(sourcenodes, worldposition, globalCurrentTimePoint, baseRenderer); - } - if (topSourceNode.IsNotNull()) - { - image3D = dynamic_cast<mitk::Image *>(topSourceNode->GetData()); - topSourceNode->GetIntProperty("Image.Displayed Component", component); - } - else - { - image3D = dynamic_cast<mitk::Image *>(node->GetData()); - node->GetIntProperty("Image.Displayed Component", component); - } - } - else - { - image3D = dynamic_cast<mitk::Image *>(node->GetData()); - node->GetIntProperty("Image.Displayed Component", component); - } - - // get the position and gray value from the image and build up status bar text - auto statusBar = StatusBar::GetInstance(); - if (image3D.IsNotNull() && statusBar != nullptr) - { - itk::Index<3> p; - image3D->GetGeometry()->WorldToIndex(worldposition, p); - - auto pixelType = image3D->GetChannelDescriptor().GetPixelType().GetPixelType(); - if (pixelType == itk::IOPixelEnum::RGB || pixelType == itk::IOPixelEnum::RGBA) - { - std::string pixelValue = "Pixel RGB(A) value: "; - pixelValue.append(ConvertCompositePixelValueToString(image3D, p)); - statusBar->DisplayImageInfo(worldposition, p, globalCurrentTimePoint, pixelValue.c_str()); - } - else if (pixelType == itk::IOPixelEnum::DIFFUSIONTENSOR3D || pixelType == itk::IOPixelEnum::SYMMETRICSECONDRANKTENSOR) - { - std::string pixelValue = "See ODF Details view. "; - statusBar->DisplayImageInfo(worldposition, p, globalCurrentTimePoint, pixelValue.c_str()); - } - else - { - mitk::ScalarType pixelValue; - mitkPixelTypeMultiplex5(mitk::FastSinglePixelAccess, - image3D->GetChannelDescriptor().GetPixelType(), - image3D, - image3D->GetVolumeData(image3D->GetTimeGeometry()->TimePointToTimeStep(globalCurrentTimePoint)), - p, - pixelValue, - component); - statusBar->DisplayImageInfo(worldposition, p, globalCurrentTimePoint, pixelValue); - } - } - else - { - statusBar->DisplayImageInfoInvalid(); - } -} - -void mitk::DisplayInteractor::ConfigurationChanged() -{ - mitk::PropertyList::Pointer properties = GetAttributes(); - // auto repeat - std::string strAutoRepeat = ""; - if (properties->GetStringProperty("autoRepeat", strAutoRepeat)) - { - if (strAutoRepeat == "true") - { - m_AutoRepeat = true; - } - else - { - m_AutoRepeat = false; - } - } - // pixel movement for scrolling one slice - std::string strPixelPerSlice = ""; - if (properties->GetStringProperty("pixelPerSlice", strPixelPerSlice)) - { - m_IndexToSliceModifier = atoi(strPixelPerSlice.c_str()); - } - else - { - m_IndexToSliceModifier = 4; - } - // scroll direction - if (!properties->GetStringProperty("scrollDirection", m_ScrollDirection)) - { - m_ScrollDirection = "updown"; - } - - m_InvertScrollDirection = GetBoolProperty(properties, "invertScrollDirection", false); - - // zoom direction - if (!properties->GetStringProperty("zoomDirection", m_ZoomDirection)) - { - m_ZoomDirection = "updown"; - } - - m_InvertZoomDirection = GetBoolProperty(properties, "invertZoomDirection", false); - - m_InvertMoveDirection = GetBoolProperty(properties, "invertMoveDirection", false); - - if (!properties->GetStringProperty("levelWindowDirection", m_LevelDirection)) - { - m_LevelDirection = "leftright"; - } - - m_InvertLevelWindowDirection = GetBoolProperty(properties, "invertLevelWindowDirection", false); - - // coupled rotation - std::string strCoupled = ""; - if (properties->GetStringProperty("coupled", strCoupled)) - { - if (strCoupled == "true") - m_LinkPlanes = true; - else - m_LinkPlanes = false; - } - - // zoom factor - std::string strZoomFactor = ""; - properties->GetStringProperty("zoomFactor", strZoomFactor); - m_ZoomFactor = .05; - if (atoi(strZoomFactor.c_str()) > 0) - { - m_ZoomFactor = 1.0 + (atoi(strZoomFactor.c_str()) / 100.0); - } - // allwaysReact - std::string strAlwaysReact = ""; - if (properties->GetStringProperty("alwaysReact", strAlwaysReact)) - { - if (strAlwaysReact == "true") - { - m_AlwaysReact = true; - } - else - { - m_AlwaysReact = false; - } - } - else - { - m_AlwaysReact = false; - } -} - -bool mitk::DisplayInteractor::FilterEvents(InteractionEvent *interactionEvent, DataNode * /*dataNode*/) -{ - if (interactionEvent->GetSender() == nullptr) - return false; - if (interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetMapperID() == BaseRenderer::Standard3D) - return false; - - return true; -} - -bool mitk::DisplayInteractor::GetBoolProperty(mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propertyList, - const char *propertyName, - bool defaultValue) -{ - std::string valueAsString; - if (!propertyList->GetStringProperty(propertyName, valueAsString)) - { - return defaultValue; - } - else - { - if (valueAsString == "true") - { - return true; - } - else - { - return false; - } - } -}