diff --git a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTest.cpp b/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTest.cpp index c6a0abf00e..b91f81fc34 100644 --- a/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTest.cpp +++ b/Modules/ImageStatistics/Testing/mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTest.cpp @@ -1,626 +1,618 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkImageStatisticsCalculator.h" #include "itkMultiGaussianImageSource.h" #include "mitkTestingMacros.h" #include #include #include #include /** \section hotspotCalculationTestCases Testcases To see the different Hotspot-Testcases have a look at the \ref hotspottestdoc. */ struct mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTestClass { /** \brief Test parameters for one test case. Describes all aspects of a single test case: - parameters to generate a test image - parameters of a ROI that describes where to calculate statistics - expected statistics results */ struct Parameters { public: // XML-Tag /** \brief XML-Tag "image-rows": size of x-dimension */ int m_ImageRows; /** \brief XML-Tag "image-columns": size of y-dimension */ int m_ImageColumns; /** \brief XML-Tag "image-slices": size of z-dimension */ int m_ImageSlices; /** \brief XML-Tag "numberOfGaussians": number of used gauss-functions */ int m_NumberOfGaussian; /** \brief XML-Tags "spacingX", "spacingY", "spacingZ": spacing of image in every direction */ float m_Spacing[3]; /** \brief XML-Tag "entireHotSpotInImage" */ unsigned int m_EntireHotspotInImage; // XML-Tag /** \brief XML-Tag "centerIndexX: gaussian parameter*/ std::vector m_CenterX; /** \brief XML-Tag "centerIndexY: gaussian parameter */ std::vector m_CenterY; /** \brief XML-Tag "centerIndexZ: gaussian parameter */ std::vector m_CenterZ; /** \brief XML-Tag "deviationX: gaussian parameter */ std::vector m_SigmaX; /** \brief XML-Tag "deviationY: gaussian parameter */ std::vector m_SigmaY; /** \brief XML-Tag "deviationZ: gaussian parameter */ std::vector m_SigmaZ; /** \brief XML-Tag "altitude: gaussian parameter */ std::vector m_Altitude; // XML-Tag /** \brief XML-Tag "numberOfLabels": number of different labels which appear in the mask */ unsigned int m_NumberOfLabels; /** \brief XML-Tag "hotspotRadiusInMM": radius of hotspot */ float m_HotspotRadiusInMM; // XML-Tag /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumSizeX": maximum position of ROI in x-dimension */ vnl_vector m_MaxIndexX; /** \brief XML-Tag "minimumSizeX": minimum position of ROI in x-dimension */ vnl_vector m_MinIndexX; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumSizeX": maximum position of ROI in y-dimension */ vnl_vector m_MaxIndexY; /** \brief XML-Tag "minimumSizeX": minimum position of ROI in y-dimension */ vnl_vector m_MinIndexY; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumSizeX": maximum position of ROI in z-dimension */ vnl_vector m_MaxIndexZ; /** \brief XML-Tag "minimumSizeX": minimum position of ROI in z-dimension */ vnl_vector m_MinIndexZ; /** \brief XML-Tag "label": value of label */ vnl_vector m_Label; //XML-Tag /** \brief XML-Tag "minimum": minimum inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMin; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximum": maximum inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMax; /** \brief XML-Tag "mean": mean value of hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMean; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": x-coordinate of maximum-location inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMaxIndexX; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": y-coordinate of maximum-location inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMaxIndexY; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": z-coordinate of maximum-location inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMaxIndexZ; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": x-coordinate of maximum-location inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMinIndexX; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": y-coordinate of maximum-location inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMinIndexY; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": z-coordinate of maximum-location inside hotspot */ vnl_vector m_HotspotMinIndexZ; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": x-coordinate of hotspot-location */ vnl_vector m_HotspotIndexX; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": y-coordinate of hotspot-location */ vnl_vector m_HotspotIndexY; /** \brief XML-Tag "maximumIndexX": z-coordinate of hotspot-location */ vnl_vector m_HotspotIndexZ; }; /** \brief Find/Convert integer attribute in itk::DOMNode. */ static int GetIntegerAttribute(itk::DOMNode* domNode, const std::string& tag) { assert(domNode); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( domNode->HasAttribute(tag), "Tag '" << tag << "' is defined in test parameters" ); std::string attributeValue = domNode->GetAttribute(tag); int resultValue; try { //MITK_TEST_OUTPUT( << "Converting tag value '" << attributeValue << "' for tag '" << tag << "' to integer"); std::stringstream(attributeValue) >> resultValue; return resultValue; } catch(std::exception& e) { MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(false, "Convert tag value '" << attributeValue << "' for tag '" << tag << "' to integer"); return 0; // just to satisfy compiler } } /** \brief Find/Convert double attribute in itk::DOMNode. */ static double GetDoubleAttribute(itk::DOMNode* domNode, const std::string& tag) { assert(domNode); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( domNode->HasAttribute(tag), "Tag '" << tag << "' is defined in test parameters" ); std::string attributeValue = domNode->GetAttribute(tag); double resultValue; try { //MITK_TEST_OUTPUT( << "Converting tag value '" << attributeValue << "' for tag '" << tag << "' to double"); std::stringstream(attributeValue) >> resultValue; return resultValue; } catch(std::exception& e) { MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(false, "Convert tag value '" << attributeValue << "' for tag '" << tag << "' to double"); return 0.0; // just to satisfy compiler } } /** \brief Read XML file describing the test parameters. Reads XML file given in first commandline parameter in order to construct a Parameters structure. The XML file should be structurs as the following example, i.e. we describe the three test aspects of Parameters in four different tags, with all the details described as tag attributes. */ /** \verbatim \endverbatim */ static Parameters ParseParameters(int argc, char* argv[]) { MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(argc == 2, "Test is invoked with exactly 1 parameter (XML parameters file)"); MITK_INFO << "Reading parameters from file '" << argv[1] << "'"; std::string filename = argv[1]; Parameters result; itk::DOMNodeXMLReader::Pointer xmlReader = itk::DOMNodeXMLReader::New(); xmlReader->SetFileName( filename ); try { xmlReader->Update(); itk::DOMNode::Pointer domRoot = xmlReader->GetOutput(); typedef std::vector NodeList; NodeList testimages; domRoot->GetChildren("testimage", testimages); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( testimages.size() == 1, "One test image defined" ) itk::DOMNode* testimage = testimages[0]; result.m_ImageRows = GetIntegerAttribute( testimage, "image-rows" ); result.m_ImageColumns = GetIntegerAttribute( testimage, "image-columns" ); result.m_ImageSlices = GetIntegerAttribute( testimage, "image-slices" ); result.m_NumberOfGaussian = GetIntegerAttribute( testimage, "numberOfGaussians" ); result.m_Spacing[0] = GetDoubleAttribute(testimage, "spacingX"); result.m_Spacing[1] = GetDoubleAttribute(testimage, "spacingY"); result.m_Spacing[2] = GetDoubleAttribute(testimage, "spacingZ"); result.m_EntireHotspotInImage = GetIntegerAttribute( testimage, "entireHotSpotInImage" ); MITK_TEST_OUTPUT( << "Read size parameters (x,y,z): " << result.m_ImageRows << "," << result.m_ImageColumns << "," << result.m_ImageSlices); MITK_TEST_OUTPUT( << "Read spacing parameters (x,y,z): " << result.m_Spacing[0] << "," << result.m_Spacing[1] << "," << result.m_Spacing[2]); NodeList gaussians; testimage->GetChildren("gaussian", gaussians); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( gaussians.size() >= 1, "At least one gaussian is defined" ) result.m_CenterX.resize(result.m_NumberOfGaussian); result.m_CenterY.resize(result.m_NumberOfGaussian); result.m_CenterZ.resize(result.m_NumberOfGaussian); result.m_SigmaX.resize(result.m_NumberOfGaussian); result.m_SigmaY.resize(result.m_NumberOfGaussian); result.m_SigmaZ.resize(result.m_NumberOfGaussian); result.m_Altitude.resize(result.m_NumberOfGaussian); for(int i = 0; i < result.m_NumberOfGaussian ; ++i) { itk::DOMNode* gaussian = gaussians[i]; result.m_CenterX[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(gaussian, "centerIndexX"); result.m_CenterY[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(gaussian, "centerIndexY"); result.m_CenterZ[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(gaussian, "centerIndexZ"); result.m_SigmaX[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(gaussian, "deviationX"); result.m_SigmaY[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(gaussian, "deviationY"); result.m_SigmaZ[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(gaussian, "deviationZ"); result.m_Altitude[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(gaussian, "altitude"); result.m_CenterX[i] *= result.m_Spacing[0]; result.m_CenterY[i] *= result.m_Spacing[1]; result.m_CenterZ[i] *= result.m_Spacing[2]; result.m_SigmaX[i] *= result.m_Spacing[0]; result.m_SigmaY[i] *= result.m_Spacing[1]; result.m_SigmaZ[i] *= result.m_Spacing[2]; } NodeList segmentations; domRoot->GetChildren("segmentation", segmentations); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( segmentations.size() == 1, "One segmentation defined"); itk::DOMNode* segmentation = segmentations[0]; result.m_NumberOfLabels = GetIntegerAttribute(segmentation, "numberOfLabels"); result.m_HotspotRadiusInMM = GetDoubleAttribute(segmentation, "hotspotRadiusInMM"); // read ROI parameters, fill result structure NodeList rois; segmentation->GetChildren("roi", rois); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( rois.size() >= 1, "At least one ROI defined" ) result.m_MaxIndexX.set_size(result.m_NumberOfLabels); result.m_MinIndexX.set_size(result.m_NumberOfLabels); result.m_MaxIndexY.set_size(result.m_NumberOfLabels); result.m_MinIndexY.set_size(result.m_NumberOfLabels); result.m_MaxIndexZ.set_size(result.m_NumberOfLabels); result.m_MinIndexZ.set_size(result.m_NumberOfLabels); result.m_Label.set_size(result.m_NumberOfLabels); for(int i = 0; i < rois.size(); ++i) { result.m_MaxIndexX[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(rois[i], "maximumIndexX"); result.m_MinIndexX[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(rois[i], "minimumIndexX"); result.m_MaxIndexY[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(rois[i], "maximumIndexY"); result.m_MinIndexY[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(rois[i], "minimumIndexY"); result.m_MaxIndexZ[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(rois[i], "maximumIndexZ"); result.m_MinIndexZ[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(rois[i], "minimumIndexZ"); result.m_Label[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(rois[i], "label"); } // read statistic parameters, fill result structure NodeList statistics; domRoot->GetChildren("statistic", statistics); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( statistics.size() >= 1 , "At least one statistic defined" ) MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( statistics.size() == rois.size(), "Same number of rois and corresponding statistics defined"); result.m_HotspotMin.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMax.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMean.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMinIndexX.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMinIndexY.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMinIndexZ.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMaxIndexX.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMaxIndexY.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotMaxIndexZ.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotIndexX.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotIndexY.set_size(statistics.size()); result.m_HotspotIndexZ.set_size(statistics.size()); for(int i = 0; i < statistics.size(); ++i) { result.m_HotspotMin[i] = GetDoubleAttribute(statistics[i], "minimum"); result.m_HotspotMax[i] = GetDoubleAttribute(statistics[i], "maximum"); result.m_HotspotMean[i] = GetDoubleAttribute(statistics[i], "mean"); result.m_HotspotMinIndexX[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "minimumIndexX"); result.m_HotspotMinIndexY[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "minimumIndexY"); result.m_HotspotMinIndexZ[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "minimumIndexZ"); result.m_HotspotMaxIndexX[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "maximumIndexX"); result.m_HotspotMaxIndexY[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "maximumIndexY"); result.m_HotspotMaxIndexZ[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "maximumIndexZ"); result.m_HotspotIndexX[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "hotspotIndexX"); result.m_HotspotIndexY[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "hotspotIndexY"); result.m_HotspotIndexZ[i] = GetIntegerAttribute(statistics[i], "hotspotIndexZ"); } return result; } catch (std::exception& e) { MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(false, "Reading test parameters from XML file. Error message: " << e.what()); } } /** \brief Generate an image that contains a couple of 3D gaussian distributions. Uses the given parameters to produce a test image using class MultiGaussianImageSource. */ static mitk::Image::Pointer BuildTestImage(const Parameters& testParameters) { mitk::Image::Pointer result; typedef double PixelType; const unsigned int Dimension = 3; typedef itk::Image ImageType; ImageType::Pointer image = ImageType::New(); typedef itk::MultiGaussianImageSource< ImageType > MultiGaussianImageSource; MultiGaussianImageSource::Pointer gaussianGenerator = MultiGaussianImageSource::New(); ImageType::SizeValueType size[3]; size[0] = testParameters.m_ImageColumns; size[1] = testParameters.m_ImageRows; size[2] = testParameters.m_ImageSlices; itk::MultiGaussianImageSource::VectorType centerXVec, centerYVec, centerZVec, sigmaXVec, sigmaYVec, sigmaZVec, altitudeVec; for(int i = 0; i < testParameters.m_NumberOfGaussian; ++i) { centerXVec.push_back(testParameters.m_CenterX[i]); centerYVec.push_back(testParameters.m_CenterY[i]); centerZVec.push_back(testParameters.m_CenterZ[i]); sigmaXVec.push_back(testParameters.m_SigmaX[i]); sigmaYVec.push_back(testParameters.m_SigmaY[i]); sigmaZVec.push_back(testParameters.m_SigmaZ[i]); altitudeVec.push_back(testParameters.m_Altitude[i]); } ImageType::SpacingType spacing; for(int i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) spacing[i] = testParameters.m_Spacing[i]; gaussianGenerator->SetSize( size ); gaussianGenerator->SetSpacing( spacing ); gaussianGenerator->SetRadius(testParameters.m_HotspotRadiusInMM); gaussianGenerator->SetNumberOfGausssians(testParameters.m_NumberOfGaussian); gaussianGenerator->AddGaussian(centerXVec, centerYVec, centerZVec, sigmaXVec, sigmaYVec, sigmaZVec, altitudeVec); gaussianGenerator->Update(); image = gaussianGenerator->GetOutput(); mitk::CastToMitkImage(image, result); return result; } /** \brief Calculates hotspot statistics for given test image and ROI parameters. Uses ImageStatisticsCalculator to find a hotspot in a defined ROI within the given image. */ static mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::Statistics CalculateStatistics(mitk::Image* image, const Parameters& testParameters, unsigned int label) { mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::Statistics result; const unsigned int Dimension = 3; typedef itk::Image MaskImageType; MaskImageType::Pointer mask = MaskImageType::New(); MaskImageType::SizeType size; MaskImageType::SpacingType spacing; MaskImageType::IndexType start; mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::Pointer statisticsCalculator = mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::New(); statisticsCalculator->SetImage(image); mitk::Image::Pointer mitkMaskImage; if((testParameters.m_MaxIndexX[label] > testParameters.m_MinIndexX[label] && testParameters.m_MinIndexX[label] >= 0) && (testParameters.m_MaxIndexY[label] > testParameters.m_MinIndexY[label] && testParameters.m_MinIndexY[label] >= 0) && (testParameters.m_MaxIndexZ[label] > testParameters.m_MinIndexZ[label] && testParameters.m_MinIndexZ[label] >= 0)) { for(int i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) { start[i] = 0; spacing[i] = testParameters.m_Spacing[i]; } size[0] = testParameters.m_ImageColumns; size[1] = testParameters.m_ImageRows; size[2] = testParameters.m_ImageSlices; MaskImageType::RegionType region; region.SetIndex(start); region.SetSize(size); mask->SetSpacing(spacing); mask->SetRegions(region); mask->Allocate(); typedef itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex MaskImageIteratorType; MaskImageIteratorType maskIt(mask, region); for(maskIt.GoToBegin(); !maskIt.IsAtEnd(); ++maskIt) { maskIt.Set(0); } for(int i = 0; i < testParameters.m_NumberOfLabels; ++i) { for(maskIt.GoToBegin(); !maskIt.IsAtEnd(); ++maskIt) { MaskImageType::IndexType index = maskIt.GetIndex(); if((index[0] >= testParameters.m_MinIndexX[i] && index[0] <= testParameters.m_MaxIndexX[i] ) && (index[1] >= testParameters.m_MinIndexY[i] && index[1] <= testParameters.m_MaxIndexY[i] ) && (index[2] >= testParameters.m_MinIndexZ[i] && index[2] <= testParameters.m_MaxIndexZ[i] )) { maskIt.Set(testParameters.m_Label[i]); } } } MITK_DEBUG << "Masking mode has set to image"; mitk::CastToMitkImage(mask, mitkMaskImage); statisticsCalculator->SetImageMask(mitkMaskImage); statisticsCalculator->SetMaskingModeToImage(); } else { MITK_DEBUG << "Masking mode has set to none"; statisticsCalculator->SetMaskingModeToNone(); } statisticsCalculator->SetHotspotRadiusInMM(testParameters.m_HotspotRadiusInMM); statisticsCalculator->SetCalculateHotspot(true); if(testParameters.m_EntireHotspotInImage == 1) { MITK_INFO << "Hotspot must be completly inside image"; statisticsCalculator->SetHotspotMustBeCompletlyInsideImage(true); } else { MITK_INFO << "Hotspot must not be completly inside image"; statisticsCalculator->SetHotspotMustBeCompletlyInsideImage(false); } statisticsCalculator->ComputeStatistics(); result = statisticsCalculator->GetStatistics(0, label); return result; } static void ValidateStatisticsItem(const std::string& label, double testvalue, double reference, double tolerance) { double diff = ::fabs(reference - testvalue); MITK_TEST_CONDITION( diff < tolerance, "'" << label << "' value close enough to reference value " "(value=" << testvalue << ", reference=" << reference << ", diff=" << diff << ")" ); } static void ValidateStatisticsItem(const std::string& label, const vnl_vector& testvalue, const vnl_vector& reference) { double diffX = ::fabs(double(testvalue[0] - reference[0])); double diffY = ::fabs(double(testvalue[1] - reference[1])); double diffZ = ::fabs(double(testvalue[2] - reference[2])); std::stringstream testPosition; testPosition << testvalue[0] << "," << testvalue[1] << "," << testvalue[2]; std::stringstream referencePosition; referencePosition << reference[0] << "," << reference[1] << "," << reference[2]; MITK_TEST_CONDITION( diffX < mitk::eps && diffY < mitk::eps && diffZ < mitk::eps, "'" << label << "' close enough to reference value " << "(value=[" << testPosition.str() << "]," << " reference=[" << referencePosition.str() << "]"); } /** \brief Compares calculated against actual statistics values. Checks validness of all statistics aspects. Lets test fail if any aspect is not sufficiently equal. */ static void ValidateStatistics(const mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::Statistics& statistics, const Parameters& testParameters, unsigned int label) { // check all expected test result against actual results double eps = 1.6; ValidateStatisticsItem("Hotspot mean", statistics.GetHotspotStatistics().GetMean(), testParameters.m_HotspotMean[label], eps); ValidateStatisticsItem("Hotspot maximum", statistics.GetHotspotStatistics().GetMax(), testParameters.m_HotspotMax[label], eps); ValidateStatisticsItem("Hotspot minimum", statistics.GetHotspotStatistics().GetMin(), testParameters.m_HotspotMin[label], eps); vnl_vector referenceHotspotCenterIndex; referenceHotspotCenterIndex.set_size(3); referenceHotspotCenterIndex[0] = testParameters.m_HotspotIndexX[label]; referenceHotspotCenterIndex[1] = testParameters.m_HotspotIndexY[label]; referenceHotspotCenterIndex[2] = testParameters.m_HotspotIndexZ[label]; ValidateStatisticsItem("Hotspot center position", statistics.GetHotspotStatistics().GetHotspotIndex(), referenceHotspotCenterIndex); - vnl_vector referenceHotspotMaxIndex; referenceHotspotMaxIndex.set_size(3); - referenceHotspotMaxIndex[0] = testParameters.m_HotspotMaxIndexX[label]; - referenceHotspotMaxIndex[1] = testParameters.m_HotspotMaxIndexY[label]; - referenceHotspotMaxIndex[2] = testParameters.m_HotspotMaxIndexZ[label]; // TODO we do not test minimum/maximum positions within the peak/hotspot region, because // these positions are not unique, i.e. there are multiple valid minima/maxima positions. // One solution would be to modify the test cases in order to achive clear positions. - ValidateStatisticsItem("Hotspot maximum position", statistics.GetHotspotStatistics().GetMaxIndex(), referenceHotspotMaxIndex); - - vnl_vector referenceHotspotMinIndex; referenceHotspotMinIndex.set_size(3); - referenceHotspotMinIndex[0] = testParameters.m_HotspotMinIndexX[label]; - referenceHotspotMinIndex[1] = testParameters.m_HotspotMinIndexY[label]; - referenceHotspotMinIndex[2] = testParameters.m_HotspotMinIndexZ[label]; - // TODO we do not test minimum/maximum positions within the peak/hotspot region, because - // these positions are not unique, i.e. there are multiple valid minima/maxima positions - // One solution would be to modify the test cases in order to achive clear positions. - //ValidateStatisticsItem("Hotspot minimum position", statistics.GetHotspotStatistics().GetMinIndex(), referenceHotspotMinIndex); + // The BETTER/CORRECT solution would be to change the singular position into a set of positions / a region } }; /** \brief Verifies that hotspot statistics part of ImageStatisticsCalculator. The test reads parameters from an XML-file to generate a test-image, calculates the hotspot statistics of the image and checks if the calculated statistics are the same as the specified values of the XML-file. */ int mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTest(int argc, char* argv[]) { MITK_TEST_BEGIN("mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTest") try { mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTestClass::Parameters parameters = mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTestClass::ParseParameters(argc,argv); mitk::Image::Pointer image = mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTestClass::BuildTestImage(parameters); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( image.IsNotNull(), "Generate test image" ); for(int label = 0; label < parameters.m_NumberOfLabels; ++label) { mitk::ImageStatisticsCalculator::Statistics statistics = mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTestClass::CalculateStatistics(image, parameters, label); mitkImageStatisticsHotspotTestClass::ValidateStatistics(statistics, parameters, label); std::cout << std::endl; } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; + MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( false, "Exception occurred during test execution: " << e.what() ); + } + catch(...) + { + MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED( false, "Exception occurred during test execution." ); } MITK_TEST_END() }