diff --git a/Modules/Bundles/org.mitk.gui.qt.diffusionimagingapp/resources/welcome/function.js b/Modules/Bundles/org.mitk.gui.qt.diffusionimagingapp/resources/welcome/function.js index caa75fd928..dc2a8d7226 100644 --- a/Modules/Bundles/org.mitk.gui.qt.diffusionimagingapp/resources/welcome/function.js +++ b/Modules/Bundles/org.mitk.gui.qt.diffusionimagingapp/resources/welcome/function.js @@ -1,317 +1,317 @@ // If you want to create a new button you have to add some data (strings) to the following five arrays. // Make sure that you add your data at the same position in each array. // The buttons will be generated in order to the array's index. e.g. data at array's index '0' will generate the first button. // enter the name of your module here var moduleNames = new Array("Colormap", "T1 Image", "3D Background", "Cingulum", "Corpus Callosum", "Corticospinal Tract", "Fornix", "ILF, IFO, Uncus", "SLF, SOFF, Arcuate", "ICP, MCP, SCP, ML", "Download MITK"); // add the MITK-link to your module var moduleLinks = new Array("mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/0bref_colormap.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/0cref_t1.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/0aref_alltracts.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/01CING.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/02CORPUS.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/03CST.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/04FORNIX.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/05ILF+IFO+UNCUS.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=false&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/06SLF+SOFF+ARCUATE.mitk", "mitk://mitk.perspectives/org.mitk.diffusionimagingapp.perspectives.diffusionimagingapp?clear=true&dataset=./bin/atlas-data/07PEDUNCLES.mitk", "http://www.mitk.org"); // add the filename of your icon for the module. Place the picture in subdirectory "pics". // The picture's width should be 136 pixel; the height 123 pixel. var picFilenames = new Array("0bref_colormap.png", "0cref_t1.png", "0aref_alltracts.png", "01CING.png", "02CORPUS.png", "03CST.png", "04FORNIX.png", "05ILF+IFO+UNCUS.png", "06SLF+SOFF+ARCUATE.png", "07PEDUNCLES.png", "button_mitk.png"); // if you want to create an animated icon, add the name of your animated gif (placed in subdirectory "pics"). Otherwise enter an empty string "". // The animation's width should be 136 pixel; the height 123 pixel. var aniFilenames = new Array("0bref_colormap.gif", "0cref_t1.gif", "0aaref_alltracts.png", "01aCING.png", "02aCORPUS.png", "03aCST.png", "04aFORNIX.png", "05aILF+IFO+UNCUS.png", "06aSLF+SOFF+ARCUATE.png", "07aPEDUNCLES.png", "button_mitka.png"); // if your module is not stable, you can mark it as experimental. // just set true for experimental or false for stable. var experimental = new Array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); // add the description for your module. The description is displayed in a PopUp-window. var moduleDescriptions = new Array("This colormap represents the original diffusion acquisition that was used as input for tractography.", "This T1-weighted image was aquired during the same imaging session as the diffusion image. It is roughly aligned with the diffusion image and provides additional, complementary information.", "This dataset contains all fibers that were found by the global tractography approach. It can serve as a background for better orientation in the 3D view.", "This dataset contains the Cingulum fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", "This dataset contains the Corpus Callosum fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", "This dataset contains the Corticospinal Tract fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", "This dataset contains the Fornix fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", - "This dataset contains the Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Inferior Fronto-Occipital, and the Uncus fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", - "This dataset contains the Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Superior OFF, and Arcuate fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", - "This dataset is not in the same world coordinate system as the others and should not be opend in combination with any of the other datasets. It contains a 3D visualization of the cerebellum and the Inferior Cerebral Peduncles, Medial Cerebral Peduncle, Superior Cerebral Peduncles, and Medial Limnisci fibers and the and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", + "This dataset contains the Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus, and the Uncinate Fasciculus fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", + "This dataset contains the Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Superior Occipito-Frontal Fasciculus, and Arcuate Fasciculus fibers and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", + "This dataset is not in the same world coordinate system as the others and should not be opened in combination with any of the other datasets. It contains a 3D visualization of the cerebellum and the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncles, Medial Cerebellar Peduncle, Superior Cerebellar Peduncles, and Medial Lemniscus fibers and the and most important regions of interest that were used to extract it.", "Open the MITK website in an external browser."); var bttns = new Array(); var d = document, da = d.all; // holds id of current mouseover-HTML-element var currentTarget; // get the id of current mouseover-HTML-element d.onmouseover = function(o){ var e = da ? event.srcElement : o.target; currentTarget = e.id; } // build-function called by onload-event in HTML-document function createButtons(){ for (i=0; i < moduleNames.length; i++){ bttns[i] = new Button(moduleNames[i],moduleLinks[i], picFilenames[i], aniFilenames[i],moduleDescriptions[i]); bttns[i].createButton(); } for (i=0; i < moduleNames.length; i++){ if(experimental[i]){ setExperimental(i); } } createClearFloat(); } // Class Button function Button(moduleName, moduleLink, picFilename, aniFilename, moduleDescr){ // Properties this.bttnID = "bttn" + moduleName; this.modName = moduleName; this.modLink = moduleLink; this.picPath = "pics/" + picFilename; this.aniPath = "pics/" + aniFilename; this.modDescr = moduleDescr; // Methods this.createButton = function(){ // get DIV-wrapper for Button and append it to HTML-document bttnWrapper = this.createWrapper(); document.getElementById("bttnField").appendChild(bttnWrapper); // get link-element for picture and append it to DIV-wrapper bttnPicLink = this.createPicLink(); bttnWrapper.appendChild(bttnPicLink); // set HTML attributes for button-element bttn = document.createElement("img"); bttn.src = this.picPath; bttn.id = this.bttnID; bttn.className = "modBttn"; bttn.height = 123; bttn.width = 136; bttn.onmouseover = function(){startAni(this.id);}; bttn.onmouseout = function(){stopAni(this.id);}; // append button to link-element bttnPicLink.appendChild(bttn); // create text-link and add it to DIV-wrapper bttnTxtLink = document.createElement("a"); bttnTxtLink.href = this.modLink; bttnTxtLink.className = "txtLink"; bttnTxtLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.modName)); bttnWrapper.appendChild(bttnTxtLink); // create pop-up link for module description bttnPopUpLink = document.createElement("a"); modName = this.modName; modDescr = this.modDescr; bttnPopUpLink.onclick = function(){showPopUpWindow();}; bttnPopUpLink.className = "popUpLink"; bttnPopUpLink.id = "popup" + this.modName; bttnPopUpLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode("more info >>")); bttnWrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); bttnWrapper.appendChild(bttnPopUpLink); return bttn; } this.createWrapper = function(){ bttnWrapper = document.createElement("div"); bttnWrapper.id = "wrapper" + this.modName; bttnWrapper.className = "bttnWrap"; return bttnWrapper; } this.createPicLink = function(){ picLink = document.createElement("a"); picLink.href = this.modLink; picLink.id = "link" + this.modName; return picLink; } } function showPopUpWindow(){ // modules position in array? modulePos = getPos(currentTarget,"popup"); // get reference to anchor-element in HTML-document popUpAnchor = document.getElementById("popupAnchor"); // check if a popUp is open if(popUpAnchor.hasChildNodes()){ // if a popUp is open, remove it! popUpAnchor.removeChild(document.getElementById("popup")); } // create new container for popUp container = document.createElement("div"); container.id = "popup"; container.align = "right"; // append popUp-container to HTML-document popUpAnchor.appendChild(container); // create close-button and append it to popUp-container bttnClose = document.createElement("img"); bttnClose.src = "pics/popup_bttn_close.png"; bttnClose.id = "bttnClose"; bttnClose.onclick = function(){closeInfoWindow();}; container.appendChild(bttnClose); // create container for content-elements contHeadline = document.createElement("div"); contHeadline.id = "contHeadline"; contDescription = document.createElement("div"); contDescription.id = "contDescription"; contModLink = document.createElement("div"); contModLink.id = "contModLink"; // append content-container to popUp-container container.appendChild(contHeadline); container.appendChild(contDescription); container.appendChild(contModLink); // create text-elements with content headline = document.createTextNode(moduleNames[modulePos] + " "); description = document.createTextNode(moduleDescriptions[modulePos]); moduleLink = document.createElement("a"); moduleLink.href = moduleLinks[modulePos] ; moduleLink.className = 'moduleLink'; moduleLinkTxt = document.createTextNode("Click here to open the " + moduleNames[modulePos].toLowerCase() + " dataset"); moduleLink.appendChild(moduleLinkTxt); // append text-elements to their container contHeadline.appendChild(headline); contDescription.appendChild(description); contModLink.appendChild(moduleLink); } function getPos(id,prefix){ if(prefix == "popup"){ targetID = id.slice(5); }else{ if(prefix == "bttn"){ targetID = id.slice(4); } } for(i=0; i < moduleNames.length; i++ ){ if(moduleNames[i] == targetID){ return i; } } } function setExperimental(modPos){ linkID = "link" + moduleNames[modPos]; expPic = document.createElement("img"); expPic.src = "pics/experimental.png"; expPic.className = "expPic"; //alert(bttns[modPos].bttnID); expPic.onmouseover = function(){startAni(bttns[modPos].bttnID);changeToHover(bttns[modPos].bttnID);}; expPic.onmouseout = function(){stopAni(bttns[modPos].bttnID);changeToNormal(bttns[modPos].bttnID);}; document.getElementById(linkID).appendChild(expPic); } function changeToHover(targetId){ bttn = document.getElementById(targetId); bttn.className = "modBttnHover"; } function changeToNormal(targetId){ bttn = document.getElementById(targetId); bttn.className = "modBttn"; } // function to close PopUp-window function closeInfoWindow(){ popUpAnchor = document.getElementById("popupAnchor"); popUpAnchor.removeChild(document.getElementById("popup")); } function createClearFloat(){ cf = document.createElement("div"); cf.className = "clearfloat"; document.getElementById("bttnField").appendChild(cf); } startAni = function(targetId){ modulePos = getPos(targetId,"bttn"); if(aniFilenames[modulePos] != ''){ bttn = document.getElementById(targetId); bttn.src = "pics/" + aniFilenames[modulePos]; } } stopAni = function(targetId){ modulePos = getPos(targetId,"bttn"); bttn = document.getElementById(targetId); bttn.src = "pics/" + picFilenames[modulePos]; }