diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Controllers/mitkSegmentationInterpolationController.cpp b/Modules/Segmentation/Controllers/mitkSegmentationInterpolationController.cpp index 7306f74e74..8fc46607d3 100644 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Controllers/mitkSegmentationInterpolationController.cpp +++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Controllers/mitkSegmentationInterpolationController.cpp @@ -1,586 +1,580 @@ /*============================================================================ The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ============================================================================*/ #include "mitkSegmentationInterpolationController.h" #include "mitkImageCast.h" #include "mitkImageReadAccessor.h" #include "mitkImageTimeSelector.h" #include #include //#include #include "mitkShapeBasedInterpolationAlgorithm.h" #include #include #include mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::InterpolatorMapType mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::s_InterpolatorForImage; // static member initialization mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController *mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::InterpolatorForImage( const Image *image) { auto iter = s_InterpolatorForImage.find(image); if (iter != s_InterpolatorForImage.end()) { return iter->second; } else { return nullptr; } } mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::SegmentationInterpolationController() : m_BlockModified(false), m_2DInterpolationActivated(false) { } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::Activate2DInterpolation(bool status) { m_2DInterpolationActivated = status; } mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController *mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::GetInstance() { static mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::Pointer m_Instance; if (m_Instance.IsNull()) { m_Instance = SegmentationInterpolationController::New(); } return m_Instance; } mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::~SegmentationInterpolationController() { // remove this from the list of interpolators for (auto iter = s_InterpolatorForImage.begin(); iter != s_InterpolatorForImage.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second == this) { s_InterpolatorForImage.erase(iter); break; } } } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::OnImageModified(const itk::EventObject &) { if (!m_BlockModified && m_Segmentation.IsNotNull() && m_2DInterpolationActivated) { SetSegmentationVolume(m_Segmentation); } } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::BlockModified(bool block) { m_BlockModified = block; } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::SetSegmentationVolume(const Image *segmentation) { // clear old information (remove all time steps m_SegmentationCountInSlice.clear(); // delete this from the list of interpolators auto iter = s_InterpolatorForImage.find(segmentation); if (iter != s_InterpolatorForImage.end()) { s_InterpolatorForImage.erase(iter); } if (!segmentation) return; if (segmentation->GetDimension() > 4 || segmentation->GetDimension() < 3) { itkExceptionMacro("SegmentationInterpolationController needs a 3D-segmentation or 3D+t, not 2D."); } if (m_Segmentation != segmentation) { // observe Modified() event of image itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::Pointer command = itk::ReceptorMemberCommand::New(); command->SetCallbackFunction(this, &SegmentationInterpolationController::OnImageModified); segmentation->AddObserver(itk::ModifiedEvent(), command); } m_Segmentation = segmentation; m_SegmentationCountInSlice.resize(m_Segmentation->GetTimeSteps()); for (unsigned int timeStep = 0; timeStep < m_Segmentation->GetTimeSteps(); ++timeStep) { m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep].resize(3); for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim) { m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim].clear(); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim].resize(m_Segmentation->GetDimension(dim)); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim].assign(m_Segmentation->GetDimension(dim), 0); } } s_InterpolatorForImage.insert(std::make_pair(m_Segmentation, this)); // for all timesteps // scan whole image for (unsigned int timeStep = 0; timeStep < m_Segmentation->GetTimeSteps(); ++timeStep) { ImageTimeSelector::Pointer timeSelector = ImageTimeSelector::New(); timeSelector->SetInput(m_Segmentation); timeSelector->SetTimeNr(timeStep); timeSelector->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(); Image::Pointer segmentation3D = timeSelector->GetOutput(); AccessFixedDimensionByItk_2(segmentation3D, ScanWholeVolume, 3, m_Segmentation, timeStep); } // PrintStatus(); SetReferenceVolume(m_ReferenceImage); Modified(); } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::SetReferenceVolume(const Image *referenceImage) { m_ReferenceImage = referenceImage; if (m_ReferenceImage.IsNull()) return; // no image set - ignore it then assert(m_Segmentation.IsNotNull()); // should never happen // ensure the reference image has the same dimensionality and extents as the segmentation image if (m_ReferenceImage.IsNull() || m_Segmentation.IsNull() || m_ReferenceImage->GetDimension() != m_Segmentation->GetDimension() || m_ReferenceImage->GetPixelType().GetNumberOfComponents() != 1 || m_Segmentation->GetPixelType().GetNumberOfComponents() != 1) { MITK_WARN << "Segmentation image has different image characteristics than reference image." << std::endl; m_ReferenceImage = nullptr; return; } for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < m_Segmentation->GetDimension(); ++dim) if (m_ReferenceImage->GetDimension(dim) != m_Segmentation->GetDimension(dim)) { MITK_WARN << "original patient image does not match segmentation (different extent in dimension " << dim << "), ignoring patient image" << std::endl; m_ReferenceImage = nullptr; return; } } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::SetChangedVolume(const Image *sliceDiff, unsigned int timeStep) { if (!sliceDiff) return; if (sliceDiff->GetDimension() != 3) return; AccessFixedDimensionByItk_1(sliceDiff, ScanChangedVolume, 3, timeStep); // PrintStatus(); Modified(); } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::SetChangedSlice(const Image *sliceDiff, unsigned int sliceDimension, unsigned int sliceIndex, unsigned int timeStep) { if (!sliceDiff) return; if (sliceDimension > 2) return; if (timeStep >= m_SegmentationCountInSlice.size()) return; if (sliceIndex >= m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension].size()) return; unsigned int dim0(0); unsigned int dim1(1); // determine the other two dimensions switch (sliceDimension) { default: case 2: dim0 = 0; dim1 = 1; break; case 1: dim0 = 0; dim1 = 2; break; case 0: dim0 = 1; dim1 = 2; break; } mitk::ImageReadAccessor readAccess(sliceDiff); auto *rawSlice = (unsigned char *)readAccess.GetData(); if (!rawSlice) return; AccessFixedDimensionByItk_1( sliceDiff, ScanChangedSlice, 2, SetChangedSliceOptions(sliceDimension, sliceIndex, dim0, dim1, timeStep, rawSlice)); Modified(); } template void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::ScanChangedSlice(const itk::Image *, const SetChangedSliceOptions &options) { auto *pixelData((DATATYPE *)options.pixelData); unsigned int timeStep(options.timeStep); unsigned int sliceDimension(options.sliceDimension); unsigned int sliceIndex(options.sliceIndex); if (sliceDimension > 2) return; if (sliceIndex >= m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension].size()) return; unsigned int dim0(options.dim0); unsigned int dim1(options.dim1); int numberOfPixels(0); // number of pixels in this slice that are not 0 unsigned int dim0max = m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim0].size(); unsigned int dim1max = m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim1].size(); // scan the slice from two directions // and set the flags for the two dimensions of the slice for (unsigned int v = 0; v < dim1max; ++v) { for (unsigned int u = 0; u < dim0max; ++u) { DATATYPE value = *(pixelData + u + v * dim0max); assert((signed)m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim0][u] + (signed)value >= 0); // just for debugging. This must always be true, otherwise some counting is going wrong assert((signed)m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim1][v] + (signed)value >= 0); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim0][u] = static_cast(m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim0][u] + value); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim1][v] = static_cast(m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][dim1][v] + value); numberOfPixels += static_cast(value); } } // flag for the dimension of the slice itself assert((signed)m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension][sliceIndex] + numberOfPixels >= 0); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension][sliceIndex] += numberOfPixels; // MITK_INFO << "scan t=" << timeStep << " from (0,0) to (" << dim0max << "," << dim1max << ") (" << pixelData << "-" // << pixelData+dim0max*dim1max-1 << ") in slice " << sliceIndex << " found " << numberOfPixels << " pixels" << // std::endl; } template void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::ScanChangedVolume(const itk::Image *diffImage, unsigned int timeStep) { typedef itk::ImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex> IteratorType; IteratorType iter(diffImage, diffImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); iter.SetFirstDirection(0); iter.SetSecondDirection(1); int numberOfPixels(0); // number of pixels in this slice that are not 0 typename IteratorType::IndexType index; unsigned int x = 0; unsigned int y = 0; unsigned int z = 0; iter.GoToBegin(); while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) { while (!iter.IsAtEndOfSlice()) { while (!iter.IsAtEndOfLine()) { index = iter.GetIndex(); x = index[0]; y = index[1]; z = index[2]; TPixel value = iter.Get(); assert((signed)m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][0][x] + (signed)value >= 0); // just for debugging. This must always be true, otherwise some counting is going wrong assert((signed)m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][1][y] + (signed)value >= 0); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][0][x] = static_cast(m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][0][x] + value); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][1][y] = static_cast(m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][1][y] + value); numberOfPixels += static_cast(value); ++iter; } iter.NextLine(); } assert((signed)m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2][z] + numberOfPixels >= 0); m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2][z] += numberOfPixels; numberOfPixels = 0; iter.NextSlice(); } } template void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::ScanWholeVolume(const itk::Image *, const Image *volume, unsigned int timeStep) { if (!volume) return; if (timeStep >= m_SegmentationCountInSlice.size()) return; ImageReadAccessor readAccess(volume, volume->GetVolumeData(timeStep)); for (unsigned int slice = 0; slice < volume->GetDimension(2); ++slice) { const auto *rawVolume = static_cast(readAccess.GetData()); // we again promise not to change anything, we'll just count const DATATYPE *rawSlice = rawVolume + (volume->GetDimension(0) * volume->GetDimension(1) * slice); ScanChangedSlice(nullptr, SetChangedSliceOptions(2, slice, 0, 1, timeStep, rawSlice)); } } void mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::PrintStatus() { unsigned int timeStep(0); // if needed, put a loop over time steps around everyting, but beware, output will be long MITK_INFO << "Interpolator status (timestep 0): dimensions " << m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][0].size() << " " << m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][1].size() << " " << m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2].size() << std::endl; MITK_INFO << "Slice 0: " << m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2][0] << std::endl; // row "x" for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][0].size(); ++index) { if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][0][index] > 0) MITK_INFO << "O"; else MITK_INFO << "."; } MITK_INFO << std::endl; // rows "y" and "z" (diagonal) for (unsigned int index = 1; index < m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][1].size(); ++index) { if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][1][index] > 0) MITK_INFO << "O"; else MITK_INFO << "."; if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2].size() > index) // if we also have a z value here, then print it, too { for (unsigned int indent = 1; indent < index; ++indent) MITK_INFO << " "; if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2][index] > 0) MITK_INFO << m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2][index]; //"O"; else MITK_INFO << "."; } MITK_INFO << std::endl; } // z indices that are larger than the biggest y index for (unsigned int index = m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][1].size(); index < m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2].size(); ++index) { for (unsigned int indent = 0; indent < index; ++indent) MITK_INFO << " "; if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2][index] > 0) MITK_INFO << m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][2][index]; //"O"; else MITK_INFO << "."; MITK_INFO << std::endl; } } mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::SegmentationInterpolationController::Interpolate(unsigned int sliceDimension, unsigned int sliceIndex, const mitk::PlaneGeometry *currentPlane, unsigned int timeStep) { - if (m_Segmentation.IsNull()) + if (m_Segmentation.IsNull() || nullptr == currentPlane) return nullptr; - if (!currentPlane) - { - return nullptr; - } - if (timeStep >= m_SegmentationCountInSlice.size()) return nullptr; + if (sliceDimension > 2) return nullptr; - unsigned int upperLimit = m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension].size(); - if (sliceIndex >= upperLimit - 1) - return nullptr; // can't interpolate first and last slice - if (sliceIndex < 1) - return nullptr; + + if (0 == sliceIndex) + return nullptr; // First slice, nothing to interpolate + + const unsigned int lastSliceIndex = m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension].size() - 1; + + if (lastSliceIndex <= sliceIndex) + return nullptr; // Last slice, nothing to interpolate if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension][sliceIndex] > 0) - return nullptr; // slice contains a segmentation, won't interpolate anything then + return nullptr; // Slice contains segmentation, nothing to interopolate - unsigned int lowerBound(0); - unsigned int upperBound(0); - bool bounds(false); + unsigned int lowerBound = 0; + unsigned int upperBound = 0; + bool bounds = false; - for (lowerBound = sliceIndex - 1; /*lowerBound >= 0*/; --lowerBound) + for (lowerBound = sliceIndex - 1; ; --lowerBound) { if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension][lowerBound] > 0) { bounds = true; break; } - if (lowerBound == 0) - break; // otherwise overflow and start at something like 4294967295 + if (0 == lowerBound) + break; } if (!bounds) return nullptr; bounds = false; - for (upperBound = sliceIndex + 1; upperBound < upperLimit; ++upperBound) + + for (upperBound = sliceIndex + 1; upperBound <= lastSliceIndex; ++upperBound) { if (m_SegmentationCountInSlice[timeStep][sliceDimension][upperBound] > 0) { bounds = true; break; } } if (!bounds) return nullptr; - // ok, we have found two neighboring slices with segmentations (and we made sure that the current slice does NOT - // contain anything - // MITK_INFO << "Interpolate in timestep " << timeStep << ", dimension " << sliceDimension << ": estimate slice " << - // sliceIndex << " from slices " << lowerBound << " and " << upperBound << std::endl; + // We have found two neighboring slices with segmentations and made sure that the current slice does not contain anything - mitk::Image::Pointer lowerMITKSlice; - mitk::Image::Pointer upperMITKSlice; + mitk::Image::Pointer lowerSlice; + mitk::Image::Pointer upperSlice; mitk::Image::Pointer resultImage; try { - // Setting up the ExtractSliceFilter - mitk::ExtractSliceFilter::Pointer extractor = ExtractSliceFilter::New(); + // Extract current slice + auto extractor = ExtractSliceFilter::New(); extractor->SetInput(m_Segmentation); extractor->SetTimeStep(timeStep); extractor->SetResliceTransformByGeometry(m_Segmentation->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep(timeStep)); extractor->SetVtkOutputRequest(false); - - // Reslicing the current plane extractor->SetWorldGeometry(currentPlane); extractor->Modified(); extractor->Update(); resultImage = extractor->GetOutput(); resultImage->DisconnectPipeline(); // Creating PlaneGeometry for lower slice - mitk::PlaneGeometry::Pointer reslicePlane = currentPlane->Clone(); + auto reslicePlane = currentPlane->Clone(); // Transforming the current origin so that it matches the lower slice - mitk::Point3D origin = currentPlane->GetOrigin(); + auto origin = currentPlane->GetOrigin(); m_Segmentation->GetSlicedGeometry(timeStep)->WorldToIndex(origin, origin); origin[sliceDimension] = lowerBound; m_Segmentation->GetSlicedGeometry(timeStep)->IndexToWorld(origin, origin); reslicePlane->SetOrigin(origin); - // Extract the lower slice + // Extract lower slice extractor = ExtractSliceFilter::New(); extractor->SetInput(m_Segmentation); extractor->SetTimeStep(timeStep); extractor->SetResliceTransformByGeometry(m_Segmentation->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep(timeStep)); extractor->SetVtkOutputRequest(false); - extractor->SetWorldGeometry(reslicePlane); extractor->Modified(); extractor->Update(); - lowerMITKSlice = extractor->GetOutput(); - lowerMITKSlice->DisconnectPipeline(); + lowerSlice = extractor->GetOutput(); + lowerSlice->DisconnectPipeline(); // Transforming the current origin so that it matches the upper slice m_Segmentation->GetSlicedGeometry(timeStep)->WorldToIndex(origin, origin); origin[sliceDimension] = upperBound; m_Segmentation->GetSlicedGeometry(timeStep)->IndexToWorld(origin, origin); reslicePlane->SetOrigin(origin); // Extract the upper slice extractor = ExtractSliceFilter::New(); extractor->SetInput(m_Segmentation); extractor->SetTimeStep(timeStep); extractor->SetResliceTransformByGeometry(m_Segmentation->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep(timeStep)); extractor->SetVtkOutputRequest(false); - extractor->SetWorldGeometry(reslicePlane); extractor->Modified(); extractor->Update(); - upperMITKSlice = extractor->GetOutput(); - upperMITKSlice->DisconnectPipeline(); + upperSlice = extractor->GetOutput(); + upperSlice->DisconnectPipeline(); - if (lowerMITKSlice.IsNull() || upperMITKSlice.IsNull()) + if (lowerSlice.IsNull() || upperSlice.IsNull()) return nullptr; } catch (const std::exception &e) { MITK_ERROR << "Error in 2D interpolation: " << e.what(); return nullptr; } - // interpolation algorithm gets some inputs - // two segmentations (guaranteed to be of the same data type, but no special data type guaranteed) - // orientation (sliceDimension) of the segmentations - // position of the two slices (sliceIndices) - // one volume image (original patient image) + // Interpolation algorithm inputs: + // - Two segmentations (guaranteed to be of the same data type) + // - Orientation of the segmentations (sliceDimension) + // - Position of the two slices (sliceIndices) + // - Reference image // - // interpolation algorithm can use e.g. itk::ImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex to - // inspect the original patient image at appropriate positions - - mitk::SegmentationInterpolationAlgorithm::Pointer algorithm = - mitk::ShapeBasedInterpolationAlgorithm::New().GetPointer(); - return algorithm->Interpolate(lowerMITKSlice.GetPointer(), - lowerBound, - upperMITKSlice.GetPointer(), - upperBound, - sliceIndex, - sliceDimension, - resultImage, - timeStep, - m_ReferenceImage); + // The interpolation algorithm can use e.g. itk::ImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex to + // inspect the reference image at appropriate positions. + + auto algorithm = mitk::ShapeBasedInterpolationAlgorithm::New(); + + return algorithm->Interpolate( + lowerSlice.GetPointer(), + lowerBound, + upperSlice.GetPointer(), + upperBound, + sliceIndex, + sliceDimension, + resultImage, + timeStep, + m_ReferenceImage); }