diff --git a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkRegionGrowingTool.cpp b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkRegionGrowingTool.cpp index 78472fca74..8dce70574a 100644 --- a/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkRegionGrowingTool.cpp +++ b/Modules/Segmentation/Interactions/mitkRegionGrowingTool.cpp @@ -1,558 +1,584 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkRegionGrowingTool.h" #include "mitkApplicationCursor.h" #include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" #include "mitkImageDataItem.h" #include "mitkImageToContourModelFilter.h" #include "mitkOverwriteSliceImageFilter.h" #include "mitkRegionGrowingTool.xpm" #include "mitkRenderingManager.h" #include "mitkToolManager.h" #include "mitkExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilterNew.h" #include "mitkLabelSetImage.h" #include "mitkOverwriteDirectedPlaneImageFilter.h" // us #include #include #include #include // ITK #include "mitkITKImageImport.h" #include "mitkImageAccessByItk.h" #include #include #include #include namespace mitk { MITK_TOOL_MACRO(MITKSEGMENTATION_EXPORT, RegionGrowingTool, "Region growing tool"); } #define ROUND(a) ((a) > 0 ? (int)((a) + 0.5) : -(int)(0.5 - (a))) mitk::RegionGrowingTool::RegionGrowingTool() : FeedbackContourTool("PressMoveRelease"), m_SeedValue(0), m_ScreenYDifference(0), m_ScreenXDifference(0), m_VisibleWindow(0), m_MouseDistanceScaleFactor(0.5), m_FillFeedbackContour(true), m_ConnectedComponentValue(1) { } mitk::RegionGrowingTool::~RegionGrowingTool() { } void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::ConnectActionsAndFunctions() { CONNECT_FUNCTION("PrimaryButtonPressed", OnMousePressed); CONNECT_FUNCTION("Move", OnMouseMoved); CONNECT_FUNCTION("Release", OnMouseReleased); } const char **mitk::RegionGrowingTool::GetXPM() const { return mitkRegionGrowingTool_xpm; } us::ModuleResource mitk::RegionGrowingTool::GetIconResource() const { us::Module *module = us::GetModuleContext()->GetModule(); us::ModuleResource resource = module->GetResource("RegionGrowing_48x48.png"); return resource; } us::ModuleResource mitk::RegionGrowingTool::GetCursorIconResource() const { us::Module *module = us::GetModuleContext()->GetModule(); us::ModuleResource resource = module->GetResource("RegionGrowing_Cursor_32x32.png"); return resource; } const char *mitk::RegionGrowingTool::GetName() const { return "Region Growing"; } void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::Activated() { Superclass::Activated(); } void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::Deactivated() { Superclass::Deactivated(); } // Get the average pixel value of square/cube with radius=neighborhood around index template void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::GetNeighborhoodAverage(itk::Image *itkImage, itk::Index index, ScalarType *result, unsigned int neighborhood) { // maybe assert that image dimension is only 2 or 3? int neighborhoodInt = (int)neighborhood; TPixel averageValue(0); unsigned int numberOfPixels = (2 * neighborhood + 1) * (2 * neighborhood + 1); if (imageDimension == 3) { numberOfPixels *= (2 * neighborhood + 1); } MITK_DEBUG << "Getting neighborhood of " << numberOfPixels << " pixels around " << index; itk::Index currentIndex; for (int i = (0 - neighborhoodInt); i <= neighborhoodInt; ++i) { currentIndex[0] = index[0] + i; for (int j = (0 - neighborhoodInt); j <= neighborhoodInt; ++j) { currentIndex[1] = index[1] + j; if (imageDimension == 3) { for (int k = (0 - neighborhoodInt); k <= neighborhoodInt; ++k) { currentIndex[2] = index[2] + k; if (itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().IsInside(currentIndex)) { averageValue += itkImage->GetPixel(currentIndex); } else { numberOfPixels -= 1; } } } else { if (itkImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().IsInside(currentIndex)) { averageValue += itkImage->GetPixel(currentIndex); } else { numberOfPixels -= 1; } } } } *result = (ScalarType)averageValue; *result /= numberOfPixels; } // Check whether index lies inside a segmentation template void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::IsInsideSegmentation(itk::Image *itkImage, itk::Index index, bool *result) { if (itkImage->GetPixel(index) > 0) { *result = true; } else { *result = false; } } // Do the region growing (i.e. call an ITK filter that does it) template void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::StartRegionGrowing(itk::Image *inputImage, itk::Index seedIndex, std::array thresholds, mitk::Image::Pointer &outputImage) { MITK_DEBUG << "Starting region growing at index " << seedIndex << " with lower threshold " << thresholds[0] << " and upper threshold " << thresholds[1]; typedef itk::Image InputImageType; typedef itk::Image OutputImageType; typedef itk::ConnectedThresholdImageFilter RegionGrowingFilterType; typename RegionGrowingFilterType::Pointer regionGrower = RegionGrowingFilterType::New(); // perform region growing in desired segmented region regionGrower->SetInput(inputImage); regionGrower->AddSeed(seedIndex); regionGrower->SetLower(thresholds[0]); regionGrower->SetUpper(thresholds[1]); try { regionGrower->Update(); } catch (...) { return; // Should we do something? } typename OutputImageType::Pointer resultImage = regionGrower->GetOutput(); // Smooth result: Every pixel is replaced by the majority of the neighborhood typedef itk::NeighborhoodIterator NeighborhoodIteratorType; typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator ImageIteratorType; typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::RadiusType radius; radius.Fill(2); // for now, maybe make this something the user can adjust in the preferences? NeighborhoodIteratorType neighborhoodIterator(radius, resultImage, resultImage->GetRequestedRegion()); ImageIteratorType imageIterator(resultImage, resultImage->GetRequestedRegion()); for (neighborhoodIterator.GoToBegin(), imageIterator.GoToBegin(); !neighborhoodIterator.IsAtEnd(); ++neighborhoodIterator, ++imageIterator) { DefaultSegmentationDataType voteYes(0); DefaultSegmentationDataType voteNo(0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neighborhoodIterator.Size(); ++i) { if (neighborhoodIterator.GetPixel(i) > 0) { voteYes += 1; } else { voteNo += 1; } } if (voteYes > voteNo) { imageIterator.Set(1); } else { imageIterator.Set(0); } } if (resultImage.IsNull()) { MITK_DEBUG << "Region growing result is empty."; } // Can potentially have multiple regions, use connected component image filter to label disjunct regions typedef itk::ConnectedComponentImageFilter ConnectedComponentImageFilterType; typename ConnectedComponentImageFilterType::Pointer connectedComponentFilter = ConnectedComponentImageFilterType::New(); connectedComponentFilter->SetInput(resultImage); connectedComponentFilter->Update(); typename OutputImageType::Pointer resultImageCC = connectedComponentFilter->GetOutput(); m_ConnectedComponentValue = resultImageCC->GetPixel(seedIndex); outputImage = mitk::GrabItkImageMemory(resultImageCC); } void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::OnMousePressed(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) { mitk::InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast(interactionEvent); if (!positionEvent) return; MITK_DEBUG << "OnMousePressed"; m_LastEventSender = positionEvent->GetSender(); m_LastEventSlice = m_LastEventSender->GetSlice(); m_LastScreenPosition = positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); // ReferenceSlice is from the underlying image, WorkingSlice from the active segmentation (can be empty) m_ReferenceSlice = FeedbackContourTool::GetAffectedReferenceSlice(positionEvent); m_WorkingSlice = FeedbackContourTool::GetAffectedWorkingSlice(positionEvent); if (m_WorkingSlice.IsNotNull()) // can't do anything without a working slice (i.e. a possibly empty segmentation) { MITK_DEBUG << "OnMousePressed: got working slice"; // 2. Determine if the user clicked inside or outside of the segmentation/working slice (i.e. the whole volume) mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer workingSliceGeometry; workingSliceGeometry = m_WorkingSlice->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep(m_LastEventSender->GetTimeStep()); workingSliceGeometry->WorldToIndex(positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld(), m_SeedPoint); itk::Index<2> indexInWorkingSlice2D; indexInWorkingSlice2D[0] = m_SeedPoint[0]; indexInWorkingSlice2D[1] = m_SeedPoint[1]; if (workingSliceGeometry->IsIndexInside(m_SeedPoint)) { MITK_DEBUG << "OnMousePressed: point " << positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld() << " (index coordinates " << m_SeedPoint << ") is inside working slice"; // 3. determine the pixel value under the last click to determine what to do bool inside(true); AccessFixedDimensionByItk_2(m_WorkingSlice, IsInsideSegmentation, 2, indexInWorkingSlice2D, &inside); m_PaintingPixelValue = inside ? 0 : 1; if (inside) { MITK_DEBUG << "Clicked inside segmentation"; // For now, we're doing nothing when the user clicks inside the segmentation. Behaviour can be implemented via // OnMousePressedInside() // When you do, be sure to remove the m_PaintingPixelValue check in OnMouseMoved() and OnMouseReleased() return; } else { MITK_DEBUG << "Clicked outside of segmentation"; OnMousePressedOutside(nullptr, interactionEvent); } } } } // Use this to implement a behaviour for when the user clicks inside a segmentation (for example remove something) // Old IpPic code is kept as comment for reference void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::OnMousePressedInside() { // mitk::InteractionPositionEvent* positionEvent = dynamic_cast( interactionEvent // ); // //const PositionEvent* positionEvent = dynamic_cast(stateEvent->GetEvent()); // checked in // OnMousePressed // // 3.1.1. Create a skeletonization of the segmentation and try to find a nice cut // // apply the skeletonization-and-cut algorithm // // generate contour to remove // // set m_ReferenceSlice = NULL so nothing will happen during mouse move // // remember to fill the contour with 0 in mouserelease // mitkIpPicDescriptor* segmentationHistory = ipMITKSegmentationCreateGrowerHistory( workingPicSlice, // m_LastWorkingSeed, NULL ); // free again // if (segmentationHistory) // { // tCutResult cutContour = ipMITKSegmentationGetCutPoints( workingPicSlice, segmentationHistory, // initialWorkingOffset ); // tCutResult is a ipSegmentation type // mitkIpPicFree( segmentationHistory ); // if (cutContour.cutIt) // { // int timestep = positionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(); // // 3.1.2 copy point from float* to mitk::Contour // ContourModel::Pointer contourInImageIndexCoordinates = ContourModel::New(); // contourInImageIndexCoordinates->Expand(timestep + 1); // contourInImageIndexCoordinates->SetClosed(true, timestep); // Point3D newPoint; // for (int index = 0; index < cutContour.deleteSize; ++index) // { // newPoint[0] = cutContour.deleteCurve[ 2 * index + 0 ] - 0.5;//correction is needed because the // output of the algorithm is center based // newPoint[1] = cutContour.deleteCurve[ 2 * index + 1 ] - 0.5;//and we want our contour displayed // corner based. // newPoint[2] = 0.0; // contourInImageIndexCoordinates->AddVertex( newPoint, timestep ); // } // free(cutContour.traceline); // free(cutContour.deleteCurve); // perhaps visualize this for fun? // free(cutContour.onGradient); // ContourModel::Pointer contourInWorldCoordinates = FeedbackContourTool::BackProjectContourFrom2DSlice( // m_WorkingSlice->GetGeometry(), contourInImageIndexCoordinates, true ); // true: sub 0.5 for // ipSegmentation correction // FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContour( contourInWorldCoordinates ); // FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContourVisible(true); // mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdate( positionEvent->GetSender()->GetRenderWindow() ); // m_FillFeedbackContour = true; // } // else // { // m_FillFeedbackContour = false; // } // } // else // { // m_FillFeedbackContour = false; // } // m_ReferenceSlice = NULL; // return true; } void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::OnMousePressedOutside(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) { mitk::InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast(interactionEvent); if (positionEvent) { // Get geometry and indices mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer workingSliceGeometry; workingSliceGeometry = m_WorkingSlice->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep(m_LastEventSender->GetTimeStep()); itk::Index<2> indexInWorkingSlice2D; indexInWorkingSlice2D[0] = m_SeedPoint[0]; indexInWorkingSlice2D[1] = m_SeedPoint[1]; mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer referenceSliceGeometry; referenceSliceGeometry = m_ReferenceSlice->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep(m_LastEventSender->GetTimeStep()); itk::Index<3> indexInReferenceSlice; itk::Index<2> indexInReferenceSlice2D; referenceSliceGeometry->WorldToIndex(positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld(), indexInReferenceSlice); indexInReferenceSlice2D[0] = indexInReferenceSlice[0]; indexInReferenceSlice2D[1] = indexInReferenceSlice[1]; // Get seed neighborhood ScalarType averageValue(0); AccessFixedDimensionByItk_3(m_ReferenceSlice, GetNeighborhoodAverage, 2, indexInReferenceSlice2D, &averageValue, 1); m_SeedValue = averageValue; MITK_DEBUG << "Seed value is " << m_SeedValue; // Get level window settings LevelWindow lw(0, 500); // default window 0 to 500, can we do something smarter here? m_ToolManager->GetReferenceData(0)->GetLevelWindow( lw); // will fill lw if levelwindow property is present, otherwise won't touch it. ScalarType currentVisibleWindow = lw.GetWindow(); MITK_DEBUG << "Level window width is " << currentVisibleWindow; m_InitialThresholds[0] = m_SeedValue - currentVisibleWindow / 20.0; // 20 is arbitrary (though works reasonably // well), is there a better alternative (maybe // option in preferences)? m_InitialThresholds[1] = m_SeedValue + currentVisibleWindow / 20.0; m_Thresholds[0] = m_InitialThresholds[0]; m_Thresholds[1] = m_InitialThresholds[1]; // Perform region growing mitk::Image::Pointer resultImage = mitk::Image::New(); AccessFixedDimensionByItk_3( m_ReferenceSlice, StartRegionGrowing, 2, indexInWorkingSlice2D, m_Thresholds, resultImage); resultImage->SetGeometry(workingSliceGeometry); // Extract contour if (resultImage.IsNotNull() && m_ConnectedComponentValue >= 1) { mitk::ImageToContourModelFilter::Pointer contourExtractor = mitk::ImageToContourModelFilter::New(); contourExtractor->SetInput(resultImage); contourExtractor->SetContourValue(m_ConnectedComponentValue - 0.5); contourExtractor->Update(); ContourModel::Pointer resultContour = ContourModel::New(); resultContour = contourExtractor->GetOutput(); // Show contour if (resultContour.IsNotNull()) { ContourModel::Pointer resultContourWorld = FeedbackContourTool::BackProjectContourFrom2DSlice( workingSliceGeometry, FeedbackContourTool::ProjectContourTo2DSlice(m_WorkingSlice, resultContour)); FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContour(resultContourWorld); FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContourVisible(true); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdate(m_LastEventSender->GetRenderWindow()); } } } } void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::OnMouseMoved(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) { // Until OnMousePressedInside() implements a behaviour, we're just returning here whenever m_PaintingPixelValue is 0, // i.e. when the user clicked inside the segmentation if (m_PaintingPixelValue == 0) { return; } mitk::InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast(interactionEvent); if (m_ReferenceSlice.IsNotNull() && positionEvent) { // Get geometry and indices mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer workingSliceGeometry; workingSliceGeometry = m_WorkingSlice->GetTimeGeometry()->GetGeometryForTimeStep(m_LastEventSender->GetTimeStep()); itk::Index<2> indexInWorkingSlice2D; indexInWorkingSlice2D[0] = m_SeedPoint[0]; indexInWorkingSlice2D[1] = m_SeedPoint[1]; m_ScreenYDifference += positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen()[1] - m_LastScreenPosition[1]; m_ScreenXDifference += positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen()[0] - m_LastScreenPosition[0]; m_LastScreenPosition = positionEvent->GetPointerPositionOnScreen(); // Moving the mouse up and down adjusts the width of the threshold window, moving it left and right shifts the // threshold window m_Thresholds[0] = std::min( m_SeedValue, m_InitialThresholds[0] - (m_ScreenYDifference - m_ScreenXDifference) * m_MouseDistanceScaleFactor); m_Thresholds[1] = std::max( m_SeedValue, m_InitialThresholds[1] + (m_ScreenYDifference + m_ScreenXDifference) * m_MouseDistanceScaleFactor); MITK_DEBUG << "Screen difference X: " << m_ScreenXDifference; // Perform region growing again and show the result mitk::Image::Pointer resultImage = mitk::Image::New(); AccessFixedDimensionByItk_3( m_ReferenceSlice, StartRegionGrowing, 2, indexInWorkingSlice2D, m_Thresholds, resultImage); resultImage->SetGeometry(workingSliceGeometry); // Update the contour if (resultImage.IsNotNull() && m_ConnectedComponentValue >= 1) { mitk::ImageToContourModelFilter::Pointer contourExtractor = mitk::ImageToContourModelFilter::New(); contourExtractor->SetInput(resultImage); contourExtractor->SetContourValue(m_ConnectedComponentValue - 0.5); contourExtractor->Update(); ContourModel::Pointer resultContour = ContourModel::New(); resultContour = contourExtractor->GetOutput(); // Show contour if (resultContour.IsNotNull()) { ContourModel::Pointer resultContourWorld = FeedbackContourTool::BackProjectContourFrom2DSlice( workingSliceGeometry, FeedbackContourTool::ProjectContourTo2DSlice(m_WorkingSlice, resultContour)); FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContour(resultContourWorld); FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContourVisible(true); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->ForceImmediateUpdate(positionEvent->GetSender()->GetRenderWindow()); } } } } void mitk::RegionGrowingTool::OnMouseReleased(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent) { // Until OnMousePressedInside() implements a behaviour, we're just returning here whenever m_PaintingPixelValue is 0, // i.e. when the user clicked inside the segmentation if (m_PaintingPixelValue == 0) { return; } mitk::InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast(interactionEvent); if (m_WorkingSlice.IsNotNull() && m_FillFeedbackContour && positionEvent) { // Project contour into working slice ContourModel *feedbackContour(FeedbackContourTool::GetFeedbackContour()); ContourModel::Pointer projectedContour = FeedbackContourTool::ProjectContourTo2DSlice(m_WorkingSlice, feedbackContour, false, false); // If there is a projected contour, fill it if (projectedContour.IsNotNull()) { + // Get working data to pass to following method so we don't overwrite locked labels in a LabelSetImage + mitk::DataNode *workingNode(m_ToolManager->GetWorkingData(0)); + mitk::LabelSetImage *labelImage; + if (workingNode) + { + labelImage = dynamic_cast(workingNode->GetData()); + } + MITK_DEBUG << "Filling Segmentation"; - FeedbackContourTool::FillContourInSlice( - projectedContour, positionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(), m_WorkingSlice, m_PaintingPixelValue); + + if (labelImage) + { + // m_PaintingPixelValue only decides whether to paint or not + // For LabelSetImages we want to paint with the active label value + auto activeLabel = labelImage->GetActiveLabel(labelImage->GetActiveLayer())->GetValue(); + mitk::ContourModelUtils::FillContourInSlice(projectedContour, + positionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(), + m_WorkingSlice, + labelImage, + m_PaintingPixelValue * activeLabel); + } + else + { + mitk::ContourModelUtils::FillContourInSlice(projectedContour, + positionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(), + m_WorkingSlice, + m_WorkingSlice, + m_PaintingPixelValue); + } this->WriteBackSegmentationResult(positionEvent, m_WorkingSlice); FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContourVisible(false); } } }