diff --git a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.cpp b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.cpp index e928ad843b..95b4934aae 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.cpp +++ b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.cpp @@ -1,641 +1,660 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) University College London (UCL). All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.h" #include "ui_QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // CTK #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include // MITK #include #include -#include +#include #include #include "QmitkCmdLineModuleGui.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_ModuleManager(NULL) , m_DataStorage(NULL) , m_TemporaryDirectoryName("") , m_UI(new Ui::QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget) , m_Layout(NULL) , m_ModuleFrontEnd(NULL) , m_FutureWatcher(NULL) { m_UI->setupUi(this); m_UI->m_RemoveButton->setIcon(QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_TitleBarCloseButton)); m_Layout = new QVBoxLayout(); m_Layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); m_Layout->setSpacing(0); m_UI->m_ParametersGroupBox->setLayout(m_Layout); qRegisterMetaType(); connect(m_UI->m_RemoveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnRemoveButtonClicked())); // Due to Qt bug 12152, we cannot listen to the "paused" signal because it is // not emitted directly when the QFuture is paused. Instead, it is emitted after // resuming the future, after the "resume" signal has been emitted... we use // a polling approach instead. connect(&m_PollPauseTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(OnCheckModulePaused())); m_PollPauseTimer.setInterval(300); m_PollPauseTimer.start(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::~QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget() { if (m_ModuleFrontEnd != NULL) { delete m_ModuleFrontEnd; } this->ClearUpTemporaryFiles(); delete m_UI; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::SetManager(ctkCmdLineModuleManager* manager) { this->m_ModuleManager = manager; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::SetDataStorage(mitk::DataStorage* dataStorage) { this->m_DataStorage = dataStorage; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::SetTemporaryDirectory(const QString& directoryName) { this->m_TemporaryDirectoryName = directoryName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::SetOutputDirectory(const QString& directoryName) { this->m_OutputDirectoryName = directoryName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::GetTitle() { assert(m_ModuleFrontEnd); ctkCmdLineModuleReference reference = m_ModuleFrontEnd->moduleReference(); ctkCmdLineModuleDescription description = reference.description(); return description.title(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::GetFullName() const { assert(m_ModuleFrontEnd); ctkCmdLineModuleReference reference = m_ModuleFrontEnd->moduleReference(); ctkCmdLineModuleDescription description = reference.description(); return description.categoryDotTitle(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::GetValidNodeName(const QString& nodeName) { QString outputName = nodeName; // We will allow A-Z, a-z, 0-9, period, hyphen and underscore in the output file name. // This method is parsing a node name, and other bits of code add on a file extension .nii. // So, in the output string from this function, we should not allow period, so that // the second recommendation on this page: // http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/filesystem/doc/portability_guide.htm // is still true. QRegExp rx("[A-Z|a-z|0-9|-|_]{1,1}"); QString singleLetter; for (int i = 0; i < outputName.size(); i++) { if (i == 0 && outputName[i] == '-') { outputName[i] = '_'; } singleLetter = outputName[i]; if (!rx.exactMatch(singleLetter)) { outputName[i] = '-'; } } return outputName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::IsStarted() const { bool isStarted = false; if (m_FutureWatcher != NULL && m_FutureWatcher->isStarted()) { isStarted = true; } return isStarted; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnCheckModulePaused() { if (!this->IsStarted()) { return; } if (this->m_FutureWatcher->future().isPaused()) { if (!m_UI->m_PauseButton->isChecked()) { m_UI->m_PauseButton->setChecked(true); } } else { if (m_UI->m_PauseButton->isChecked()) { m_UI->m_PauseButton->setChecked(false); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnPauseButtonToggled(bool toggled) { this->m_FutureWatcher->setPaused(toggled); if (toggled) { this->m_UI->m_ProgressTitle->setText(this->GetTitle() + ": paused"); } else { this->m_UI->m_ProgressTitle->setText(this->GetTitle() + ": resumed"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnRemoveButtonClicked() { this->deleteLater(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnModuleStarted() { this->m_UI->m_ProgressBar->setMaximum(0); QString message = "started."; this->PublishMessage(message); emit started(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnModuleCanceled() { QString message = "cancelling."; this->PublishMessage(message); this->m_UI->m_PauseButton->setEnabled(false); this->m_UI->m_PauseButton->setChecked(false); this->m_UI->m_CancelButton->setEnabled(false); this->m_UI->m_RemoveButton->setEnabled(true); this->m_UI->m_ParametersGroupBox->setCollapsed(true); this->m_UI->m_ConsoleGroupBox->setCollapsed(true); this->m_UI->m_ProgressTitle->setText(this->GetTitle() + ": cancelled"); message = "cancelled."; this->PublishMessage(message); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnModuleFinished() { this->m_UI->m_PauseButton->setEnabled(false); this->m_UI->m_PauseButton->setChecked(false); this->m_UI->m_CancelButton->setEnabled(false); this->m_UI->m_RemoveButton->setEnabled(true); if (!this->m_FutureWatcher->isCanceled()) { QString message = "finishing."; this->PublishMessage(message); // If no incremental results from stdout, try getting hold of the whole buffer and printing it. if (m_OutputCount == 0) { message = "Output channel is:"; this->PublishMessage(message); this->PublishByteArray(this->m_FutureWatcher->readAllOutputData()); } // If no incremental results from stderr, try getting hold of the whole buffer and printing it. if (m_ErrorCount == 0) { message = "Error channel is:"; this->PublishMessage(message); this->PublishByteArray(this->m_FutureWatcher->readAllErrorData()); } this->m_UI->m_ProgressTitle->setText(this->GetTitle() + ": finished"); this->LoadOutputData(); this->ClearUpTemporaryFiles(); message = "finished."; this->PublishMessage(message); } emit finished(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnModuleResumed() { this->m_UI->m_PauseButton->setChecked(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnModuleProgressRangeChanged(int progressMin, int progressMax) { this->m_UI->m_ProgressBar->setMinimum(progressMin); this->m_UI->m_ProgressBar->setMaximum(progressMax); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnModuleProgressTextChanged(const QString& progressText) { this->m_UI->m_Console->appendPlainText(progressText); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnModuleProgressValueChanged(int progressValue) { this->m_UI->m_ProgressBar->setValue(progressValue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnOutputDataReady() { m_OutputCount++; this->PublishByteArray(this->m_FutureWatcher->readPendingOutputData()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::OnErrorDataReady() { m_ErrorCount++; this->PublishByteArray(this->m_FutureWatcher->readPendingErrorData()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::PublishMessage(const QString& message) { QString prefix = ""; // Can put additional prefix here if needed. QString outputMessage = prefix + message; qDebug() << outputMessage; this->m_UI->m_Console->appendPlainText(outputMessage); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::PublishByteArray(const QByteArray& array) { QString message = array.data(); this->PublishMessage(message); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::ClearUpTemporaryFiles() { QString message; QString fileName; foreach (fileName, m_TemporaryFileNames) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.exists()) { message = QObject::tr("removing %1").arg(fileName); this->PublishMessage(message); bool success = file.remove(); message = QObject::tr("removed %1, successfully=%2").arg(fileName).arg(success); this->PublishMessage(message); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::LoadOutputData() { assert(m_DataStorage); std::vector fileNames; QString fileName; foreach (fileName, m_OutputDataToLoad) { QString message = QObject::tr("loading %1").arg(fileName); this->PublishMessage(message); fileNames.push_back(fileName.toStdString()); } if (fileNames.size() > 0) { int numberLoaded = mitk::IOUtil::LoadFiles(fileNames, *(m_DataStorage)); QString message = QObject::tr("loaded %1 files").arg(numberLoaded); this->PublishMessage(message); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::SetFrontend(QmitkCmdLineModuleGui* frontEnd) { assert(frontEnd); assert(m_ModuleManager); assert(m_DataStorage); // We are assuming that this method is ONLY EVER CALLED ONCE. assert(!m_ModuleFrontEnd); // Assign the frontEnd to the member variable. m_ModuleFrontEnd = frontEnd; // We put the new GUI into the layout. m_Layout->insertWidget(0, m_ModuleFrontEnd->getGui()); // And configure a few other niceties. m_UI->m_ProgressTitle->setText(this->GetTitle()); m_UI->m_ConsoleGroupBox->setCollapsed(true); // We basically call SetFrontend then Run m_UI->m_ParametersGroupBox->setCollapsed(true); // so in practice the user will only want the progress bar. } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::Run() { assert(m_ModuleManager); assert(m_DataStorage); assert(m_ModuleFrontEnd); m_OutputDataToLoad.clear(); QString parameterName; QString message; QList parameters; ctkCmdLineModuleReference reference = m_ModuleFrontEnd->moduleReference(); ctkCmdLineModuleDescription description = reference.description(); // Check we have valid output. If at all possible, they should be somewhere writable. parameters = m_ModuleFrontEnd->parameters("image", ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::Output); parameters << m_ModuleFrontEnd->parameters("file", ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::Output); parameters << m_ModuleFrontEnd->parameters("geometry", ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::Output); foreach (ctkCmdLineModuleParameter parameter, parameters) { parameterName = parameter.name(); QString outputFileName = m_ModuleFrontEnd->value(parameterName, ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::DisplayRole).toString(); // Try to make sure we are not running in the application installation folder, // as more likely than not, it should not have write access, and you certainly // don't want users output files dumped there. // // eg. C:/Program Files (Windows), /Applications (Mac), /usr/local (Linux) etc. QFileInfo outputFileInfo(outputFileName); QString applicationDir = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); QString outputDir = outputFileInfo.dir().absolutePath(); if (applicationDir == outputDir) { qDebug() << "QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::Run(), output folder = application folder, so will swap to defaultOutputDir, specified in CLI module preferences"; QFileInfo newOutputFileInfo(m_OutputDirectoryName, outputFileInfo.fileName()); QString newOutputFileAbsolutePath = newOutputFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); qDebug() << "QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::Run(), swapping " << outputFileName << " to " << newOutputFileAbsolutePath; QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("The output directory is the same as the application installation directory"); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Output file:\n%1\n\nwill be swapped to\n%2").arg(outputFileName).arg(newOutputFileAbsolutePath)); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.exec(); m_ModuleFrontEnd->setValue(parameterName, newOutputFileAbsolutePath, ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::DisplayRole); } } // For each output image or file, store the filename, so we can auto-load it once the process finishes. foreach (ctkCmdLineModuleParameter parameter, parameters) { parameterName = parameter.name(); QString outputFileName = m_ModuleFrontEnd->value(parameterName, ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::DisplayRole).toString(); if (!outputFileName.isEmpty()) { m_OutputDataToLoad.push_back(outputFileName); message = "Registered " + outputFileName + " to auto load upon completion."; this->PublishMessage(message); } } // For each input image, write a temporary file as a Nifti image (TODO - iterate through list of file formats). // and then save the full path name back on the parameter. message = "Saving image data to temporary storage..."; this->PublishMessage(message); parameters = m_ModuleFrontEnd->parameters("image", ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::Input); foreach (ctkCmdLineModuleParameter parameter, parameters) { parameterName = parameter.name(); QVariant tmp = m_ModuleFrontEnd->value(parameterName, ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend::UserRole); mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = tmp.value(); if (node.IsNotNull()) { mitk::Image* image = dynamic_cast(node->GetData()); if (image != NULL) { - QString name = this->GetValidNodeName(QString::fromStdString(node->GetName())); - int pid = QCoreApplication::applicationPid(); - int randomInt = qrand() % 1000000; + QString errorMessage; + QString fileName = this->SaveTemporaryImage(parameter, node, errorMessage); - QString fileNameBase = m_TemporaryDirectoryName + "/" + name + QString::number(pid) + "_" + QString::number(randomInt); - QString fileName = ""; - bool writeSucess = false; - - // Try to save the image using one of the specified "fileExtensions" or - // .nii if none have been specified. - if (parameter.fileExtensions().isEmpty()) - { - fileName = fileNameBase + ".nii"; - try - { - if (mitk::IOUtil::SaveBaseData( image, fileName.toStdString() )) - { - writeSucess = true; - } - } - catch(const std::exception&){} - } - else + if(fileName.size() == 0) { - foreach (QString extension, parameter.fileExtensions()) - { - if (extension[0]!='.') - fileName = fileNameBase + "." + extension; - else - fileName = fileNameBase + extension; - - try - { - if (mitk::IOUtil::SaveBaseData( image, fileName.toStdString() )) - { - writeSucess = true; - break; - } - } - catch(const std::exception&) - {} - } - } - - if(!writeSucess) - { - QStringList extensions = parameter.fileExtensions(); - if (extensions.isEmpty()) - { - extensions.push_back("nii"); - } - QMessageBox::warning(this, "Saving temporary input file failed", - QString("Unsupported file formats: ") + extensions.join(", ")); + QMessageBox::warning(this, "Saving temporary file failed", errorMessage); return; } + m_TemporaryFileNames.push_back(fileName); m_ModuleFrontEnd->setValue(parameterName, fileName); message = "Saved " + fileName; this->PublishMessage(message); + } // end if image } // end if node } // end foreach input image m_OutputCount = 0; m_ErrorCount = 0; // Now we run stuff. message = "starting."; this->PublishMessage(message); if (m_FutureWatcher == NULL) { m_FutureWatcher = new ctkCmdLineModuleFutureWatcher(); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(OnModuleStarted())); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(canceled()), SLOT(OnModuleCanceled())); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(OnModuleFinished())); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(resumed()), SLOT(OnModuleResumed())); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressRangeChanged(int,int)), SLOT(OnModuleProgressRangeChanged(int,int))); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressTextChanged(QString)), SLOT(OnModuleProgressTextChanged(QString))); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressValueChanged(int)), SLOT(OnModuleProgressValueChanged(int))); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(outputDataReady()), SLOT(OnOutputDataReady())); connect(m_FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(errorDataReady()), SLOT(OnErrorDataReady())); connect(m_UI->m_CancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_FutureWatcher, SLOT(cancel())); connect(m_UI->m_PauseButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(OnPauseButtonToggled(bool))); } ctkCmdLineModuleFuture future = m_ModuleManager->run(m_ModuleFrontEnd); m_FutureWatcher->setFuture(future); m_UI->m_PauseButton->setEnabled(future.canPause()); m_UI->m_CancelButton->setEnabled(future.canCancel()); m_UI->m_RemoveButton->setEnabled(!future.isRunning()); // Give some immediate indication that we are running. m_UI->m_ProgressTitle->setText(description.title() + ": running"); } + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +QString QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget::SaveTemporaryImage(ctkCmdLineModuleParameter ¶meter, mitk::DataNode::Pointer node, QString& errorMessage) +{ + // Don't call this if node is null or node is not an image. + assert(node.GetPointer()); + mitk::Image* image = dynamic_cast(node->GetData()); + assert(image); + + QString fileName; + QString returnFileName; + QString intermediateError; + QString intermediateErrors; + + QString name = this->GetValidNodeName(QString::fromStdString(node->GetName())); + int pid = QCoreApplication::applicationPid(); + int randomInt = qrand() % 1000000; + + QString fileNameBase = m_TemporaryDirectoryName + "/" + name + QString::number(pid) + "_" + QString::number(randomInt); + + // If no file extensions are specified, we default to .nii + QStringList fileExts = parameter.fileExtensions(); + if (fileExts.isEmpty()) + { + fileExts.push_back(".nii"); + } + + // Try each extension until we get a good one. + foreach (QString extension, fileExts) + { + // File extensions may or may not include the leading dot, so add one if necessary. + if (!extension.startsWith(".")) + { + extension.prepend("."); + } + fileName = fileNameBase + extension; + + try + { + if (mitk::IOUtil::SaveBaseData( image, fileName.toStdString() )) + { + returnFileName = fileName; + break; + } + else + { + intermediateError = QObject::tr("Tried %1, failed to save image:\n%2\n").arg(extension).arg(fileName); + } + } + catch(const mitk::Exception &e) + { + intermediateError = QObject::tr("Tried %1, caught MITK Exception:\nDescription: %2\nFilename: %3\nLine: %4\n") + .arg(extension).arg(e.GetDescription()).arg(e.GetFile()).arg(e.GetLine()); + } + catch(const std::exception& e) + { + intermediateError = QObject::tr("Tried %1, caught exception:\nDescription: %2\n") + .arg(extension).arg(e.what()); + } + intermediateErrors += intermediateError; + } + errorMessage = intermediateErrors; + return returnFileName; +} diff --git a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.h b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.h index e04c7fec35..6c73f7901b 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.h +++ b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.cmdlinemodules/src/internal/QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget.h @@ -1,228 +1,245 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) University College London (UCL). All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef QMITKCMDLINEMODULEPROGRESSWIDGET_H #define QMITKCMDLINEMODULEPROGRESSWIDGET_H #include #include +#include +#include + class QVBoxLayout; class QmitkCmdLineModuleGui; class ctkCmdLineModuleManager; class ctkCmdLineModuleFutureWatcher; namespace Ui { class QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget; } namespace mitk { class DataStorage; } /** * \class QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget * \brief Based on ctkCmdLineModuleExplorerProgressWidget, implements a progress widget * with console output, and space for storing the GUI widgets. * \author Matt Clarkson (m.clarkson@ucl.ac.uk) * \ingroup org_mitk_gui_qt_cmdlinemodules_internal * \sa ctkCmdLineModuleExplorerProgressWidget */ class QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); virtual ~QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget(); /** * \brief Sets the manager on this object, and must be called immediately * after construction, before using the widget. */ void SetManager(ctkCmdLineModuleManager* manager); /** * \brief Sets the DataStorage on this object, and must be called immediately * after construction, before using the widget. */ void SetDataStorage(mitk::DataStorage* dataStorage); /** * \brief Sets the Temporary Directory on this widget, and must be called * immediately after construction, before using the widget. */ void SetTemporaryDirectory(const QString& directoryName); /** * \brief Sets the Output Directory on this widget, and must be called * immediately after construction, before using the widget. */ void SetOutputDirectory(const QString& directoryName); /** * \brief Tells this widget, which module frontend it is running * \param frontEnd our QmitkCmdLineModuleGui class derived from ctkCmdLineModuleFrontend */ void SetFrontend(QmitkCmdLineModuleGui* frontEnd); /** * \brief Runs the module that this widget is currently referring to. */ void Run(); Q_SIGNALS: // These signals so that container classes such as CommandLineModuleView // can keep track of how many modules are running simultaneously. void started(); // emmitted when the module is started. void finished(); // emmitted when the module is completely finished. private Q_SLOTS: void OnCheckModulePaused(); void OnPauseButtonToggled(bool toggled); void OnRemoveButtonClicked(); void OnModuleStarted(); void OnModuleCanceled(); void OnModuleFinished(); void OnModuleResumed(); void OnModuleProgressRangeChanged(int progressMin, int progressMax); void OnModuleProgressTextChanged(const QString& progressText); void OnModuleProgressValueChanged(int progressValue); void OnOutputDataReady(); void OnErrorDataReady(); private: /** * \brief Simply returns true if this widget is considered as having been started. */ bool IsStarted() const; /** * \brief Used to write output to the console widget, and also to qDebug(). */ void PublishMessage(const QString& message); /** * \brief Used to write output to the console widget, and also to qDebug(). */ void PublishByteArray(const QByteArray& array); /** * \brief Destroys any images listed in m_TemporaryFileNames. */ void ClearUpTemporaryFiles(); /** * \brief Loads any data listed in m_OutputDataToLoad into the m_DataStorage. */ void LoadOutputData(); + /** + * \brief Saves temporary image to file. + * \param[in] node non-NULL pointer to node containing a non-NULL mitk::Image. + * \param[out] errorMessage which if not empty means an error occurred. + * \return QString file name that was successfully saved to. + * + * If the returned file name is empty, check errorMessage. + * If the returned file name is not-empty, there could still be data in the errorMessage. + * It could be that this method tried n file extensions, before finding a successful one. + * In this case, the returned file name is the successful one, and the errorMessage contains + * error messages of all the failed attempts. + */ + QString SaveTemporaryImage(ctkCmdLineModuleParameter& parameter, mitk::DataNode::Pointer node, QString& errorMessage); + /** * \brief Utility method to look up the title from the description. */ QString GetTitle(); /** * \brief Returns ., derived from the ctkCmdLineModuleReference and * hence from the ctkCmdLineModuleDescription. */ QString GetFullName() const; /** * \brief Takes nodeName, and makes sure that it only contains A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen and underscore, * and does not use hyphen as the first character. * * Inspired by <a href="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/filesystem/doc/portability_guide.htm">boost recommendations</a>. */ QString GetValidNodeName(const QString& nodeName); /** * \brief This must be injected before the Widget is used. */ ctkCmdLineModuleManager *m_ModuleManager; /** * \brief This must be injected before the Widget is used. */ mitk::DataStorage *m_DataStorage; /** * \brief This must be injected before the Widget is used. */ QString m_TemporaryDirectoryName; /** * \brief This must be injected before the Widget is used. */ QString m_OutputDirectoryName; /** * \brief We instantiate the main widgets from this .ui file. */ Ui::QmitkCmdLineModuleProgressWidget *m_UI; /** * \brief The m_ParametersGroupBox needs a layout. */ QVBoxLayout *m_Layout; /** * \brief The QmitkCmdLineModuleGui is created by the QmitkCmdLineModuleFactoryGui outside * of this class and injected into this class before being run. */ QmitkCmdLineModuleGui *m_ModuleFrontEnd; /** * \brief Main object to keep track of a running command line module. */ ctkCmdLineModuleFutureWatcher *m_FutureWatcher; /** * \brief Due to Qt bug 12152, we use a timer to correctly check for a paused module. */ QTimer m_PollPauseTimer; /** * \brief We store a list of temporary file names that are saved to disk before * launching a command line app, and then must be cleared up when the command line * app successfully finishes. */ QStringList m_TemporaryFileNames; /** * \brief We store a list of output images, so that on successful completion of * the command line module, we automatically load the output data into the mitk::DataStorage. */ QStringList m_OutputDataToLoad; /** * \brief We track how many times the OnOutputDataReady is called. */ int m_OutputCount; /** * \brief We track how many times the OnErrorDataReady is called. */ int m_ErrorCount; }; #endif // QMITKCMDLINEMODULEPROGRESSWIDGET_H