diff --git a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp index f8c8292534..04a190ddaa 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.cpp @@ -1,1282 +1,1335 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkNDITrackingDevice.h" #include "mitkIGTTimeStamp.h" #include "mitkIGTHardwareException.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include +// vtk +#include + typedef itk::MutexLockHolder MutexLockHolder; const unsigned char CR = 0xD; // == '\r' - carriage return const unsigned char LF = 0xA; // == '\n' - line feed mitk::NDITrackingDevice::NDITrackingDevice() : TrackingDevice(),m_DeviceName(""), m_PortNumber(mitk::SerialCommunication::COM5), m_BaudRate(mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate9600), m_DataBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits8), m_Parity(mitk::SerialCommunication::None), m_StopBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits1), m_HardwareHandshake(mitk::SerialCommunication::HardwareHandshakeOff), m_IlluminationActivationRate(Hz20), m_DataTransferMode(TX), m_6DTools(), m_ToolsMutex(nullptr), m_SerialCommunication(nullptr), m_SerialCommunicationMutex(nullptr), m_DeviceProtocol(nullptr), m_MultiThreader(nullptr), m_ThreadID(0), m_OperationMode(ToolTracking6D), m_MarkerPointsMutex(nullptr), m_MarkerPoints() { m_Data = mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataUnspecified(); m_6DTools.clear(); m_SerialCommunicationMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_DeviceProtocol = NDIProtocol::New(); m_DeviceProtocol->SetTrackingDevice(this); m_DeviceProtocol->UseCRCOn(); m_MultiThreader = itk::MultiThreader::New(); m_ToolsMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_MarkerPointsMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_MarkerPoints.reserve(50); // a maximum of 50 marker positions can be reported by the tracking device } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::UpdateTool(mitk::TrackingTool* tool) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { mitk::NDIPassiveTool* ndiTool = dynamic_cast(tool); if (ndiTool == nullptr) return false; std::string portHandle = ndiTool->GetPortHandle(); //return false if the SROM Data has not been set if (ndiTool->GetSROMData() == nullptr) return false; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&portHandle, ndiTool->GetSROMData(), ndiTool->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&portHandle, ndiTool->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; return true; } else { return false; } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetRotationMode(RotationMode r) { m_RotationMode = r; } mitk::NDITrackingDevice::~NDITrackingDevice() { /* stop tracking and disconnect from tracking device */ if (GetState() == Tracking) { this->StopTracking(); } if (GetState() == Ready) { this->CloseConnection(); } /* cleanup tracking thread */ if ((m_ThreadID != 0) && (m_MultiThreader.IsNotNull())) { m_MultiThreader->TerminateThread(m_ThreadID); } m_MultiThreader = nullptr; /* free serial communication interface */ if (m_SerialCommunication.IsNotNull()) { m_SerialCommunication->ClearReceiveBuffer(); m_SerialCommunication->ClearSendBuffer(); m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetPortNumber(const PortNumber _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting PortNumber to " << _arg); if (this->m_PortNumber != _arg) { this->m_PortNumber = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDeviceName(std::string _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting eviceName to " << _arg); if (this->m_DeviceName != _arg) { this->m_DeviceName = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetBaudRate(const BaudRate _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting BaudRate to " << _arg); if (this->m_BaudRate != _arg) { this->m_BaudRate = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDataBits(const DataBits _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting DataBits to " << _arg); if (this->m_DataBits != _arg) { this->m_DataBits = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetParity(const Parity _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting Parity to " << _arg); if (this->m_Parity != _arg) { this->m_Parity = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetStopBits(const StopBits _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting StopBits to " << _arg); if (this->m_StopBits != _arg) { this->m_StopBits = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetHardwareHandshake(const HardwareHandshake _arg) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) return; itkDebugMacro("setting HardwareHandshake to " << _arg); if (this->m_HardwareHandshake != _arg) { this->m_HardwareHandshake = _arg; this->Modified(); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetIlluminationActivationRate(const IlluminationActivationRate _arg) { if (this->GetState() == Tracking) return; itkDebugMacro("setting IlluminationActivationRate to " << _arg); if (this->m_IlluminationActivationRate != _arg) { this->m_IlluminationActivationRate = _arg; this->Modified(); if (this->GetState() == Ready) // if the connection to the tracking system is established, send the new rate to the tracking device too m_DeviceProtocol->IRATE(this->m_IlluminationActivationRate); } } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetDataTransferMode(const DataTransferMode _arg) { itkDebugMacro("setting DataTransferMode to " << _arg); if (this->m_DataTransferMode != _arg) { this->m_DataTransferMode = _arg; this->Modified(); } } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Send(const std::string* input, bool addCRC) { if (input == nullptr) return SERIALSENDERROR; std::string message; if (addCRC == true) message = *input + CalcCRC(input) + std::string(1, CR); else message = *input + std::string(1, CR); //unsigned int messageLength = message.length() + 1; // +1 for CR // Clear send buffer this->ClearSendBuffer(); // Send the date to the device MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Send(message); if (returnvalue == 0) return SERIALSENDERROR; else return NDIOKAY; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Receive(std::string* answer, unsigned int numberOfBytes) { if (answer == nullptr) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(*answer, numberOfBytes); // never read more bytes than the device has send, the function will block until enough bytes are send... if (returnvalue == 0) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; else return NDIOKAY; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ReceiveByte(char* answer) { if (answer == nullptr) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; std::string m; MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(m, 1); if ((returnvalue == 0) ||(m.size() != 1)) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; *answer = m.at(0); return NDIOKAY; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ReceiveLine(std::string* answer) { if (answer == nullptr) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; std::string m; MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex do { long returnvalue = m_SerialCommunication->Receive(m, 1); if ((returnvalue == 0) ||(m.size() != 1)) return SERIALRECEIVEERROR; *answer += m; } while (m.at(0) != LF); return NDIOKAY; } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ClearSendBuffer() { MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex m_SerialCommunication->ClearSendBuffer(); } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ClearReceiveBuffer() { MutexLockHolder lock(*m_SerialCommunicationMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex m_SerialCommunication->ClearReceiveBuffer(); } const std::string mitk::NDITrackingDevice::CalcCRC(const std::string* input) { if (input == nullptr) return ""; /* the crc16 calculation code is taken from the NDI API guide example code section */ static int oddparity[16] = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0}; unsigned int data; // copy of the input string's current character unsigned int crcValue = 0; // the crc value is stored here unsigned int* puCRC16 = &crcValue; // the algorithm uses a pointer to crcValue, so it's easier to provide that than to change the algorithm for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input->length(); i++) { data = (*input)[i]; data = (data ^ (*(puCRC16) & 0xff)) & 0xff; *puCRC16 >>= 8; if (oddparity[data & 0x0f] ^ oddparity[data >> 4]) { *(puCRC16) ^= 0xc001; } data <<= 6; *puCRC16 ^= data; data <<= 1; *puCRC16 ^= data; } // crcValue contains now the CRC16 value. Convert it to a string and return it char returnvalue[13]; sprintf(returnvalue,"%04X", crcValue); // 4 hexadecimal digit with uppercase format return std::string(returnvalue); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::OpenConnection() { //this->m_ModeMutex->Lock(); if (this->GetState() != Setup) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Can only try to open the connection if in setup mode";} m_SerialCommunication = mitk::SerialCommunication::New(); /* init local com port to standard com settings for a NDI tracking device: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware handshake */ if (m_DeviceName.empty()) m_SerialCommunication->SetPortNumber(m_PortNumber); else m_SerialCommunication->SetDeviceName(m_DeviceName); m_SerialCommunication->SetBaudRate(mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate9600); m_SerialCommunication->SetDataBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits8); m_SerialCommunication->SetParity(mitk::SerialCommunication::None); m_SerialCommunication->SetStopBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits1); m_SerialCommunication->SetSendTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->SetReceiveTimeout(5000); if (m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection() == 0) // 0 == ERROR_VALUE { m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Can not open serial port"; } /* Reset Tracking device by sending a serial break for 500ms */ m_SerialCommunication->SendBreak(400); /* Read answer from tracking device (RESETBE6F) */ static const std::string reset("RESETBE6F\r"); std::string answer = ""; this->Receive(&answer, reset.length()); // read answer (should be RESETBE6F) this->ClearReceiveBuffer(); // flush the receive buffer of all remaining data (carriage return, strings other than reset if (reset.compare(answer) != 0) // check for RESETBE6F { if (m_SerialCommunication.IsNotNull()) { m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; } mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Hardware Reset of tracking device did not work"; } /* Now the tracking device isSetData reset, start initialization */ NDIErrorCode returnvalue; /* set device com settings to new values and wait for the device to change them */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->COMM(m_BaudRate, m_DataBits, m_Parity, m_StopBits, m_HardwareHandshake); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set comm settings in trackingdevice";} //after changing COMM wait at least 100ms according to NDI Api documentation page 31 itksys::SystemTools::Delay(500); /* now change local com settings accordingly */ m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication->SetBaudRate(m_BaudRate); m_SerialCommunication->SetDataBits(m_DataBits); m_SerialCommunication->SetParity(m_Parity); m_SerialCommunication->SetStopBits(m_StopBits); m_SerialCommunication->SetHardwareHandshake(m_HardwareHandshake); m_SerialCommunication->SetSendTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->SetReceiveTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection(); /* initialize the tracking device */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->INIT(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not initialize the tracking device";} if (this->GetType() == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) // if the type of tracking device is not specified, try to query the connected device { mitk::TrackingDeviceType deviceType; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->VER(deviceType); if ((returnvalue != NDIOKAY) || (deviceType == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not determine tracking device type. Please set manually and try again.";} this->SetType(deviceType); } /**** Optional Polaris specific code, Work in progress // start diagnostic mode returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTART(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not start diagnostic mode"); return false; } else // we are in diagnostic mode { // initialize extensive IR checking returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRINIT(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not initialize intense infrared light checking"); return false; } bool intenseIR = false; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRCHK(&intenseIR); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not execute intense infrared light checking"); return false; } if (intenseIR == true) // do something - warn the user, raise exception, write to protocol or similar std::cout << "Warning: Intense infrared light detected. Accurate tracking will probably not be possible.\n"; // stop diagnictic mode returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { this->SetErrorMessage("Could not stop diagnostic mode"); return false; } } *** end of optional polaris code ***/ /** * now add tools to the tracking system **/ /* First, check if the tracking device has port handles that need to be freed and free them */ returnvalue = FreePortHandles(); // non-critical, therefore no error handling /** * POLARIS: initialize the tools that were added manually **/ { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex std::string portHandle; auto endIt = m_6DTools.end(); for(auto it = m_6DTools.begin(); it != endIt; ++it) { /* get a port handle for the tool */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHRQ(&portHandle); if (returnvalue == NDIOKAY) { (*it)->SetPortHandle(portHandle.c_str()); /* now write the SROM file of the tool to the tracking system using PVWR */ if (this->m_Data.Line == mitk::NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&portHandle, (*it)->GetSROMData(), (*it)->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str();} returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize tool '") + (*it)->GetToolName()).c_str();} if ((*it)->IsEnabled() == true) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&portHandle, (*it)->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + portHandle + std::string("' for tool '")+ (*it)->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } } } } } } // end of toolsmutexlockholder scope /* check for wired tools and add them too */ if (this->DiscoverWiredTools() == false) // query the tracking device for wired tools and add them to our tool list return false; // \TODO: could we continue anyways? /*POLARIS: set the illuminator activation rate */ if (this->m_Data.Line == mitk::NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->IRATE(this->m_IlluminationActivationRate); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set the illuminator activation rate";} } /* finish - now all tools should be added, initialized and enabled, so that tracking can be started */ this->SetState(Ready); try { SetVolume(this->m_Data); } catch (mitk::IGTHardwareException e) { MITK_WARN<PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected";} /* if there are port handles that need to be initialized, initialize them. Furthermore instantiate tools for each handle that has no tool yet. */ std::string ph; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); mitk::NDIPassiveTool* pt = this->GetInternalTool(ph); if ( pt == nullptr) // if we don't have a tool, something is wrong. Tools should be discovered first by calling DiscoverWiredTools() continue; if (pt->GetSROMData() == nullptr) continue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&ph, pt->GetSROMData(), pt->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + pt->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str();} returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&ph); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize tool '") + pt->GetToolName()).c_str();} if (pt->IsEnabled() == true) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&ph, pt->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + portHandle + std::string("' for tool '")+ pt->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } } } return true; } mitk::TrackingDeviceType mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TestConnection() { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName(); } m_SerialCommunication = mitk::SerialCommunication::New(); //m_DeviceProtocol = mitk::NDIProtocol::New(); //m_DeviceProtocol->SetTrackingDevice(this); //m_DeviceProtocol->UseCRCOn(); /* init local com port to standard com settings for a NDI tracking device: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware handshake */ if (m_DeviceName.empty()) m_SerialCommunication->SetPortNumber(m_PortNumber); else m_SerialCommunication->SetDeviceName(m_DeviceName); m_SerialCommunication->SetBaudRate(mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate9600); m_SerialCommunication->SetDataBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits8); m_SerialCommunication->SetParity(mitk::SerialCommunication::None); m_SerialCommunication->SetStopBits(mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits1); m_SerialCommunication->SetSendTimeout(5000); m_SerialCommunication->SetReceiveTimeout(5000); if (m_SerialCommunication->OpenConnection() == 0) // error { m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName(); } /* Reset Tracking device by sending a serial break for 500ms */ m_SerialCommunication->SendBreak(400); /* Read answer from tracking device (RESETBE6F) */ static const std::string reset("RESETBE6F\r"); std::string answer = ""; this->Receive(&answer, reset.length()); // read answer (should be RESETBE6F) this->ClearReceiveBuffer(); // flush the receive buffer of all remaining data (carriage return, strings other than reset if (reset.compare(answer) != 0) // check for RESETBE6F { m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Hardware Reset of tracking device did not work"; } /* Now the tracking device is reset, start initialization */ NDIErrorCode returnvalue; /* initialize the tracking device */ //returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->INIT(); //if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) //{ // this->SetErrorMessage("Could not initialize the tracking device"); // return mitk::TrackingSystemNotSpecified; //} mitk::TrackingDeviceType deviceType; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->VER(deviceType); if ((returnvalue != NDIOKAY) || (deviceType == mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName())) { m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; return mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName(); } m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; return deviceType; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::CloseConnection() { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { //init before closing to force the field generator from aurora to switch itself off m_DeviceProtocol->INIT(); /* close the serial connection */ m_SerialCommunication->CloseConnection(); /* invalidate all tools */ this->InvalidateAll(); /* return to setup mode */ this->SetState(Setup); m_SerialCommunication = nullptr; } return true; } ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE mitk::NDITrackingDevice::ThreadStartTracking(void* pInfoStruct) { /* extract this pointer from Thread Info structure */ struct itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct * pInfo = (struct itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct*)pInfoStruct; if (pInfo == nullptr) { return ITK_THREAD_RETURN_VALUE; } if (pInfo->UserData == nullptr) { return ITK_THREAD_RETURN_VALUE; } NDITrackingDevice *trackingDevice = (NDITrackingDevice*)pInfo->UserData; if (trackingDevice != nullptr) { if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == ToolTracking6D) trackingDevice->TrackTools(); // call TrackTools() from the original object else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == MarkerTracking3D) trackingDevice->TrackMarkerPositions(); // call TrackMarkerPositions() from the original object else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == ToolTracking5D) trackingDevice->TrackMarkerPositions(); // call TrackMarkerPositions() from the original object else if (trackingDevice->GetOperationMode() == HybridTracking) { trackingDevice->TrackToolsAndMarkers(); } } trackingDevice->m_ThreadID = 0; // erase thread id, now that this thread will end. return ITK_THREAD_RETURN_VALUE; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::StartTracking() { if (this->GetState() != Ready) return false; this->SetState(Tracking); // go to mode Tracking this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking this->m_StopTracking = false; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); m_ThreadID = m_MultiThreader->SpawnThread(this->ThreadStartTracking, this); // start a new thread that executes the TrackTools() method mitk::IGTTimeStamp::GetInstance()->Start(this); return true; } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackTools() { /* lock the TrackingFinishedMutex to signal that the execution rights are now transfered to the tracking thread */ MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope if (this->GetState() != Tracking) return; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTART(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; bool localStopTracking; // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false)) { if (this->m_DataTransferMode == TX) { returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->TX(); if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors break; } else { returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->BX(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) break; } /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */ this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); localStopTracking = m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); } /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "An error occured while tracking tools.";} return; // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread and transfer control back to main thread by releasing trackingFinishedLockHolder } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackMarkerPositions() { MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope if (m_OperationMode == ToolTracking6D) return; if (this->GetState() != Tracking) return; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTART(); // Start Diagnostic Mode if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; bool localStopTracking; // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false)) { m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock(); // lock points data structure returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->POS3D(&m_MarkerPoints); // update points data structure with new position data from tracking device m_MarkerPointsMutex->Unlock(); if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors { std::cout << "Error in POS3D: could not read data. Possibly no markers present." << std::endl; } /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */ this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); localStopTracking = m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); itksys::SystemTools::Delay(1); } /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->DSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; // how can this thread tell the application, that an error has occured? this->SetState(Ready); return; // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackToolsAndMarkers() { MutexLockHolder trackingFinishedLockHolder(*m_TrackingFinishedMutex); // keep lock until end of scope if (m_OperationMode != HybridTracking) return; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTART(); // Start Diagnostic Mode if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; bool localStopTracking; // Because m_StopTracking is used by two threads, access has to be guarded by a mutex. To minimize thread locking, a local copy is used here this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // update the local copy of m_StopTracking localStopTracking = this->m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); while ((this->GetState() == Tracking) && (localStopTracking == false)) { m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock(); // lock points data structure returnvalue = this->m_DeviceProtocol->TX(true, &m_MarkerPoints); // update points data structure with new position data from tracking device m_MarkerPointsMutex->Unlock(); if (!((returnvalue == NDIOKAY) || (returnvalue == NDICRCERROR) || (returnvalue == NDICRCDOESNOTMATCH))) // right now, do not stop on crc errors { std::cout << "Error in TX: could not read data. Possibly no markers present." << std::endl; } /* Update the local copy of m_StopTracking */ this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); localStopTracking = m_StopTracking; this->m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); } /* StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->TSTOP(); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return; // how can this thread tell the application, that an error has occurred? this->SetState(Ready); return; // returning from this function (and ThreadStartTracking()) this will end the thread } mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetTool(unsigned int toolNumber) const { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex if (toolNumber < m_6DTools.size()) return m_6DTools.at(toolNumber); return nullptr; } mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetToolByName(std::string name) const { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) if (name.compare((*iterator)->GetToolName()) == 0) return *iterator; return nullptr; } mitk::NDIPassiveTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetInternalTool(std::string portHandle) { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) if (portHandle.compare((*iterator)->GetPortHandle()) == 0) return *iterator; return nullptr; } unsigned int mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetToolCount() const { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex return m_6DTools.size(); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Beep(unsigned char count) { if (this->GetState() != Setup) { return (m_DeviceProtocol->BEEP(count) == NDIOKAY); } else { return false; } } mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AddTool( const char* toolName, const char* fileName, TrackingPriority p /*= NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic*/ ) { mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Pointer t = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::New(); if (t->LoadSROMFile(fileName) == false) return nullptr; t->SetToolName(toolName); t->SetTrackingPriority(p); if (this->InternalAddTool(t) == false) return nullptr; return t.GetPointer(); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InternalAddTool(mitk::NDIPassiveTool* tool) { if (tool == nullptr) return false; NDIPassiveTool::Pointer p = tool; /* if the connection to the tracking device is already established, add the new tool to the device now */ if (this->GetState() == Ready) { /* get a port handle for the tool */ std::string newPortHandle; NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHRQ(&newPortHandle); if (returnvalue == NDIOKAY) { p->SetPortHandle(newPortHandle.c_str()); /* now write the SROM file of the tool to the tracking system using PVWR */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PVWR(&newPortHandle, p->GetSROMData(), p->GetSROMDataLength()); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not write SROM file for tool '") + p->GetToolName() + std::string("' to tracking device")).c_str();} /* initialize the port handle */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&newPortHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize port '") + newPortHandle + std::string("' for tool '")+ p->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } /* enable the port handle */ if (p->IsEnabled() == true) { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&newPortHandle, p->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + newPortHandle + std::string("' for tool '")+ p->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } } } /* now that the tool is added to the device, add it to list too */ m_ToolsMutex->Lock(); this->m_6DTools.push_back(p); m_ToolsMutex->Unlock(); this->Modified(); return true; } else if (this->GetState() == Setup) { /* In Setup mode, we only add it to the list, so that OpenConnection() can add it later */ m_ToolsMutex->Lock(); this->m_6DTools.push_back(p); m_ToolsMutex->Unlock(); this->Modified(); return true; } else // in Tracking mode, no tools can be added return false; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::RemoveTool(mitk::TrackingTool* tool) { mitk::NDIPassiveTool* ndiTool = dynamic_cast(tool); if (ndiTool == nullptr) return false; std::string portHandle = ndiTool->GetPortHandle(); /* a valid portHandle has length 2. If a valid handle exists, the tool is already added to the tracking device, so we have to remove it there if the connection to the tracking device has already been established. */ if ((portHandle.length() == 2) && (this->GetState() == Ready)) // do not remove a tool in tracking mode { NDIErrorCode returnvalue; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHF(&portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) return false; /* Now that the tool is removed from the tracking device, remove it from our tool list too */ MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex (scope is inside the if-block auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) { if (iterator->GetPointer() == ndiTool) { m_6DTools.erase(iterator); this->Modified(); return true; } } return false; } else if (this->GetState() == Setup) // in Setup Mode, we are not connected to the tracking device, so we can just remove the tool from the tool list { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) { if ((*iterator).GetPointer() == ndiTool) { m_6DTools.erase(iterator); this->Modified(); return true; } } return false; } return false; } void mitk::NDITrackingDevice::InvalidateAll() { MutexLockHolder toolsMutexLockHolder(*m_ToolsMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex auto end = m_6DTools.end(); for (auto iterator = m_6DTools.begin(); iterator != end; ++iterator) (*iterator)->SetDataValid(false); } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetOperationMode(OperationMode mode) { if (GetState() == Tracking) return false; m_OperationMode = mode; return true; } mitk::OperationMode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetOperationMode() { return m_OperationMode; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetMarkerPositions(MarkerPointContainerType* markerpositions) { m_MarkerPointsMutex->Lock(); *markerpositions = m_MarkerPoints; // copy the internal vector to the one provided m_MarkerPointsMutex->Unlock(); return (markerpositions->size() != 0) ; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::DiscoverWiredTools() { /* First, check for disconnected tools and remove them */ this->FreePortHandles(); /* check for new tools, add and initialize them */ NDIErrorCode returnvalue; std::string portHandle; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(OCCUPIED, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that are connected";} /* if there are port handles that need to be initialized, initialize them. Furthermore instantiate tools for each handle that has no tool yet. */ std::string ph; /* we need to remember the ports which are occupied to be able to readout the serial numbers of the connected tools later */ std::vector occupiedPorts = std::vector(); int numberOfToolsAtStart = this->GetToolCount(); //also remember the number of tools at start to identify the automatically detected tools later for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); if (this->GetInternalTool(ph) != nullptr) // if we already have a tool with this handle continue; // then skip the initialization //instantiate an object for each tool that is connected mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NDIPassiveTool::New(); newTool->SetPortHandle(ph.c_str()); newTool->SetTrackingPriority(mitk::NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic); //set a name for identification newTool->SetToolName((std::string("Port ") + ph).c_str()); returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PINIT(&ph); if (returnvalue != NDIINITIALIZATIONFAILED) //if the initialization failed (AURORA) it can not be enabled. A srom file will have to be specified manually first. Still return true to be able to continue { if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not initialize port '") + ph + std::string("' for tool '")+ newTool->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } /* enable the port handle */ returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PENA(&ph, newTool->GetTrackingPriority()); // Enable tool if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << (std::string("Could not enable port '") + ph + std::string("' for tool '")+ newTool->GetToolName() + std::string("'")).c_str(); } } //we have to temporarily unlock m_ModeMutex here to avoid a deadlock with another lock inside InternalAddTool() if (this->InternalAddTool(newTool) == false) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Error while adding new tool";} else occupiedPorts.push_back(i); } // after initialization readout serial numbers of automatically detected tools for (unsigned int i = 0; i < occupiedPorts.size(); i++) { ph = portHandle.substr(occupiedPorts.at(i), 2); std::string portInfo; NDIErrorCode returnvaluePort = m_DeviceProtocol->PHINF(ph, &portInfo); if ((returnvaluePort==NDIOKAY) && (portInfo.size()>31)) dynamic_cast(this->GetTool(i+numberOfToolsAtStart))->SetSerialNumber(portInfo.substr(23,8)); itksys::SystemTools::Delay(10); } return true; } mitk::NDIErrorCode mitk::NDITrackingDevice::FreePortHandles() { /* first search for port handles that need to be freed: e.g. because of a reset of the tracking system */ NDIErrorCode returnvalue = NDIOKAY; std::string portHandle; returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHSR(FREED, &portHandle); if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not obtain a list of port handles that need to be freed";} /* if there are port handles that need to be freed, free them */ if (portHandle.empty() == true) return returnvalue; std::string ph; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < portHandle.size(); i += 2) { ph = portHandle.substr(i, 2); mitk::NDIPassiveTool* t = this->GetInternalTool(ph); if (t != nullptr) // if we have a tool for the port handle that needs to be freed { if (this->RemoveTool(t) == false) // remove it (this will free the port too) returnvalue = NDIERROR; } else // we don't have a tool, the port handle exists only in the tracking device { returnvalue = m_DeviceProtocol->PHF(&ph); // free it there // What to do if port handle could not be freed? This seems to be a non critical error if (returnvalue != NDIOKAY) {mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not free all port handles";} } } return returnvalue; } int mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetMajorFirmwareRevisionNumber() { std::string revision; if (m_DeviceProtocol->APIREV(&revision) != mitk::NDIOKAY || revision.empty() || (revision.size() != 9) ) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive firmware revision number!"; return 0; } const std::string majrevno = revision.substr(2,3); //cut out "004" from "D.004.001" return std::atoi(majrevno.c_str()); } const char* mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetFirmwareRevisionNumber() { static std::string revision; if (m_DeviceProtocol->APIREV(&revision) != mitk::NDIOKAY || revision.empty() || (revision.size() != 9) ) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive firmware revision number!"; revision = ""; return revision.c_str(); } return revision.c_str(); } +bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AutoDetectToolsAvailable() +{ + if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) { return true; } + else { return false; } +} + +mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer mitk::NDITrackingDevice::AutoDetectTools() +{ + mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer autoDetectedStorage = mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New(); + if (this->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) + { + try + { + this->OpenConnection(); + this->StartTracking(); + } + catch (mitk::Exception& e) + { + MITK_WARN << "Warning, can not auto-detect tools! (" << e.GetDescription() << ")"; + return autoDetectedStorage; + } + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->GetToolCount(); i++) + { + //create a navigation tool with sphere as surface + std::stringstream toolname; + toolname << "AutoDetectedTool" << i; + mitk::NavigationTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NavigationTool::New(); + newTool->SetSerialNumber(dynamic_cast(this->GetTool(i))->GetSerialNumber()); + newTool->SetIdentifier(toolname.str()); + newTool->SetTrackingDeviceType(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()); + mitk::DataNode::Pointer newNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); + mitk::Surface::Pointer mySphere = mitk::Surface::New(); + vtkSphereSource *vtkData = vtkSphereSource::New(); + vtkData->SetRadius(3.0f); + vtkData->SetCenter(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + vtkData->Update(); + mySphere->SetVtkPolyData(vtkData->GetOutput()); + vtkData->Delete(); + newNode->SetData(mySphere); + newNode->SetName(toolname.str()); + newTool->SetDataNode(newNode); + autoDetectedStorage->AddTool(newTool); + } + this->StopTracking(); + this->CloseConnection(); + } + return autoDetectedStorage; +} + bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::GetSupportedVolumes(unsigned int* numberOfVolumes, mitk::NDITrackingDevice::NDITrackingVolumeContainerType* volumes, mitk::NDITrackingDevice::TrackingVolumeDimensionType* volumesDimensions) { if (numberOfVolumes == nullptr || volumes == nullptr || volumesDimensions == nullptr) return false; static std::string info; if (m_DeviceProtocol->SFLIST(&info) != mitk::NDIOKAY || info.empty()) { MITK_ERROR << "Could not receive tracking volume information of tracking system!"; return false; } /*info contains the following: (+n times:) */ (*numberOfVolumes) = (unsigned int) std::atoi(info.substr(0,1).c_str()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<(*numberOfVolumes); i++) { //e.g. for cube: "9-025000+025000-025000+025000-055000-005000+000000+000000+000000+00000011" //for dome: "A+005000+048000+005000+066000+000000+000000+000000+000000+000000+00000011" std::string::size_type offset, end; offset = (i*73)+1; end = 73+(i*73); std::string currentVolume = info.substr(offset, end);//i=0: from 1 to 73 characters; i=1: from 75 to 148 char; // if i>0 then we have a return statement infront if (i>0) currentVolume = currentVolume.substr(1, currentVolume.size()); if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisOldModel().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisOldModel().Model); if (currentVolume.compare(0, 3, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisSpectra().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisSpectra().Model); if (currentVolume.compare(1, 3, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataSpectraExtendedPyramid().HardwareCode) == 0) { currentVolume = currentVolume.substr(1,currentVolume.size()); volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataSpectraExtendedPyramid().Model); } if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisVicra().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(NDIPolarisTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataPolarisVicra().Model); else if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarCube().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarCube().Model);//alias cube else if (currentVolume.compare(0, 1, mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarDome().HardwareCode) == 0) volumes->push_back(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataAuroraPlanarDome().Model); //fill volumesDimensions for (unsigned int index = 0; index < 10; index++) { std::string::size_type offD, endD; offD = 1+(index*7); //7 digits per dimension and the first is the type of volume endD = offD+7; int dimension = std::atoi(currentVolume.substr(offD, endD).c_str()); dimension /= 100; //given in mm. 7 digits are xxxx.xx according to NDI //strange, the last two digits (11) also for the metal flag get read also... volumesDimensions->push_back(dimension); } } return true; } bool mitk::NDITrackingDevice::SetVolume(mitk::TrackingDeviceData volume) { if (m_DeviceProtocol->VSEL(volume) != mitk::NDIOKAY) { mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTHardwareException) << "Could not set volume!"; } return true; } diff --git a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.h b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.h index ce05dd0425..5c2a47cc90 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.h +++ b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkNDITrackingDevice.h @@ -1,324 +1,331 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKNDITRACKINGDEVICE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 #define MITKNDITRACKINGDEVICE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 #include "mitkTrackingDevice.h" #include #include #include "itkFastMutexLock.h" #include #include "mitkNDIProtocol.h" #include "mitkNDIPassiveTool.h" #include "mitkSerialCommunication.h" namespace mitk { class NDIProtocol; /** Documentation * \brief superclass for specific NDI tracking Devices that use serial communication. * * implements the TrackingDevice interface for NDI tracking devices (POLARIS, AURORA) * * \ingroup IGT */ class MITKIGT_EXPORT NDITrackingDevice : public TrackingDevice { friend class NDIProtocol; public: typedef std::vector Tool6DContainerType; ///< List of 6D tools of the correct type for this tracking device typedef mitk::TrackingDeviceType NDITrackingDeviceType; ///< This enumeration includes the two types of NDI tracking devices (Polaris, Aurora). typedef mitk::SerialCommunication::PortNumber PortNumber; ///< Port number of the serial connection typedef mitk::SerialCommunication::BaudRate BaudRate; ///< Baud rate of the serial connection typedef mitk::SerialCommunication::DataBits DataBits; ///< Number of data bits used in the serial connection typedef mitk::SerialCommunication::Parity Parity; ///< Parity mode used in the serial connection typedef mitk::SerialCommunication::StopBits StopBits; ///< Number of stop bits used in the serial connection typedef mitk::SerialCommunication::HardwareHandshake HardwareHandshake; ///< Hardware handshake mode of the serial connection typedef mitk::NDIPassiveTool::TrackingPriority TrackingPriority; ///< Tracking priority used for tracking a tool mitkClassMacro(NDITrackingDevice, TrackingDevice); itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self) itkCloneMacro(Self) /** * \brief Set the type of the NDI Tracking Device because it can not jet handle this itself */ //itkSetMacro(Type, TrackingDeviceType); /** * \brief initialize the connection to the tracking device * * OpenConnection() establishes the connection to the tracking device by: * - initializing the serial port with the given parameters (port number, baud rate, ...) * - connection to the tracking device * - initializing the device * - initializing all manually added passive tools (user supplied srom file) * - initializing active tools that are connected to the tracking device * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while connecting to the device. * @throw mitk::IGTException Throws a normal IGT exception if an error occures which is not related to the hardware. */ virtual bool OpenConnection() override; /** * \brief Closes the connection * * CloseConnection() resets the tracking device, invalidates all tools and then closes the serial port. */ virtual bool CloseConnection() override; /** @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while connecting to the device. */ bool InitializeWiredTools(); /** Sets the rotation mode of this class. See documentation of enum RotationMode for details * on the different modes. */ virtual void SetRotationMode(RotationMode r) override; /** * \brief TestConnection() tries to connect to a NDI tracking device on the current port/device and returns which device it has found * * TestConnection() tries to connect to a NDI tracking device on the current port/device. * \return It returns the type of the device that answers at the port/device. Throws an exception if no device is available on that port. * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while connecting to the device. */ virtual mitk::TrackingDeviceType TestConnection(); /** * \brief retrieves all wired tools from the tracking device * * This method queries the tracking device for all wired tools, initializes them and creates TrackingTool representation objects * for them * \return True if the method was executed successful. * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while connecting to the device. * @throw mitk::IGTException Throws a normal IGT exception if an error occures which is not related to the hardware. */ bool DiscoverWiredTools(); /** * \brief Start the tracking. * * A new thread is created, which continuously reads the position and orientation information of each tool and stores them inside the tools. * Depending on the current operation mode (see SetOperationMode()), either the 6D tools (ToolTracking6D), 5D tools (ToolTracking5D), * 3D marker positions (MarkerTracking3D) or both 6D tools and 3D markers (HybridTracking) are updated. * Call StopTracking() to stop the tracking thread. */ virtual bool StartTracking() override; /** * \brief return the tool with index toolNumber */ virtual TrackingTool* GetTool(unsigned int toolNumber) const override; virtual mitk::TrackingTool* GetToolByName(std::string name) const override; /** * \brief return current number of tools */ virtual unsigned int GetToolCount() const override; /** * \brief Create a passive 6D tool with toolName and fileName and add it to the list of tools * * This method will create a new NDIPassiveTool object, load the SROM file fileName, * set the tool name toolName and the tracking priority p and then add * it to the list of tools. It returns a pointer of type mitk::TrackingTool to the tool * that can be used to read tracking data from it. * This is the only way to add tools to NDITrackingDevice. * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while adding the tool. * * \warning adding tools is not possible in tracking mode, only in setup and ready. */ mitk::TrackingTool* AddTool(const char* toolName, const char* fileName, TrackingPriority p = NDIPassiveTool::Dynamic); /** * \brief Remove a passive 6D tool from the list of tracked tools. * * \warning removing tools is not possible in tracking mode, only in setup and ready modes. */ virtual bool RemoveTool(TrackingTool* tool); /** * \brief reloads the srom file and reinitializes the tool */ virtual bool UpdateTool(mitk::TrackingTool* tool); virtual void SetPortNumber(const PortNumber _arg); ///< set port number for serial communication itkGetConstMacro(PortNumber, PortNumber); ///< returns the port number for serial communication virtual void SetDeviceName(std::string _arg); ///< set device name (e.g. COM1, /dev/ttyUSB0). If this is set, PortNumber will be ignored itkGetStringMacro(DeviceName); ///< returns the device name for serial communication virtual void SetBaudRate(const BaudRate _arg); ///< set baud rate for serial communication itkGetConstMacro(BaudRate, BaudRate); ///< returns the baud rate for serial communication virtual void SetDataBits(const DataBits _arg); ///< set number of data bits itkGetConstMacro(DataBits, DataBits); ///< returns the data bits for serial communication virtual void SetParity(const Parity _arg); ///< set parity mode itkGetConstMacro(Parity, Parity); ///< returns the parity mode virtual void SetStopBits(const StopBits _arg); ///< set number of stop bits itkGetConstMacro(StopBits, StopBits); ///< returns the number of stop bits virtual void SetHardwareHandshake(const HardwareHandshake _arg); ///< set use hardware handshake for serial communication itkGetConstMacro(HardwareHandshake, HardwareHandshake); ///< returns the hardware handshake setting virtual void SetIlluminationActivationRate(const IlluminationActivationRate _arg); ///< set activation rate of IR illumator for polaris itkGetConstMacro(IlluminationActivationRate, IlluminationActivationRate); ///< returns the activation rate of IR illumator for polaris virtual void SetDataTransferMode(const DataTransferMode _arg); ///< set data transfer mode to text (TX) or binary (BX). \warning: only TX is supportet at the moment itkGetConstMacro(DataTransferMode, DataTransferMode); ///< returns the data transfer mode virtual bool Beep(unsigned char count); ///< Beep the tracking device 1 to 9 times NDIErrorCode GetErrorCode(const std::string* input); ///< returns the error code for a string that contains an error code in hexadecimal format virtual bool SetOperationMode(OperationMode mode); ///< set operation mode to 6D tool tracking, 3D marker tracking or 6D&3D hybrid tracking (see OperationMode) virtual OperationMode GetOperationMode(); ///< get current operation mode /** * \brief Get 3D marker positions (operation mode must be set to MarkerTracking3D or HybridTracking) */ virtual bool GetMarkerPositions(MarkerPointContainerType* markerpositions); /** * \brief Get major revision number from tracking device * should not be called directly after starting to track **/ virtual int GetMajorFirmwareRevisionNumber(); /** * \brief Get revision number from tracking device as string * should not be called directly after starting to track **/ virtual const char* GetFirmwareRevisionNumber(); + /** @return Returns true if this device can autodetects its tools. */ + virtual bool AutoDetectToolsAvailable(); + /** Autodetects tools from this device and returns them as a navigation tool storage. + * @return Returns the detected tools. Returns an empty storage if no tools are present + * or if detection is not possible + */ + virtual mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer AutoDetectTools(); protected: typedef std::vector NDITrackingVolumeContainerType; ///< vector of tracking volumes typedef std::vector TrackingVolumeDimensionType; ///< List of the supported tracking volume dimensions. /** * \brief Get number of supported tracking volumes, a vector containing the supported volumes and * a vector containing the signed dimensions in mm. For each volume 10 boundaries are stored in the order of * the supported volumes (see AURORA API GUIDE: SFLIST p.54). **/ virtual bool GetSupportedVolumes(unsigned int* numberOfVolumes, NDITrackingVolumeContainerType* volumes, TrackingVolumeDimensionType* volumesDimensions); /** * \brief Sets the desired tracking volume. Returns true if the volume type could be set. It is set in the OpenConnection() Method and sets the tracking volume out of m_Data. * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an IGT hardware exception if the volume could not be set. **/ virtual bool SetVolume(mitk::TrackingDeviceData volume); /** * \brief Add a passive 6D tool to the list of tracked tools. This method is used by AddTool * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while adding the tool. * \warning adding tools is not possible in tracking mode, only in setup and ready. */ virtual bool InternalAddTool(NDIPassiveTool* tool); /* Methods for NDIProtocol friend class */ virtual void InvalidateAll(); ///< invalidate all tools NDIPassiveTool* GetInternalTool(std::string portHandle); ///< returns the tool object that has been assigned the port handle or NULL if no tool can be found /** * \brief free all port handles that need to be freed * * This method retrieves a list of all port handles that need to be freed (e.g. tool got disconnected) * and frees the handles at the tracking device and it removes the tools from the internal tool list * \warning This method can remove TrackingTools from the tool list! After calling this method, GetTool(i) could return * a different tool, because tool indices could have changed. * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while communicating with the device. * \return returns NDIOKAY if everything was sucessfull, returns an error code otherwise */ NDIErrorCode FreePortHandles(); NDIErrorCode Send(const std::string* message, bool addCRC = true); ///< Send message to tracking device NDIErrorCode Receive(std::string* answer, unsigned int numberOfBytes); ///< receive numberOfBytes bytes from tracking device NDIErrorCode ReceiveByte(char* answer); ///< lightweight receive function, that reads just one byte NDIErrorCode ReceiveLine(std::string* answer); ///< receive characters until the first LF (The LF is included in the answer string) void ClearSendBuffer(); ///< empty send buffer of serial communication interface void ClearReceiveBuffer(); ///< empty receive buffer of serial communication interface const std::string CalcCRC(const std::string* input); ///< returns the CRC16 for input as a std::string public: /** * \brief TrackTools() continuously polls serial interface for new 6d tool positions until StopTracking is called. * * Continuously tracks the 6D position of all tools until StopTracking() is called. * This function is executed by the tracking thread (through StartTracking() and ThreadStartTracking()). * It should not be called directly. * @throw mitk::IGTHardwareException Throws an exception if there are errors while tracking the tools. */ virtual void TrackTools(); /** * \brief continuously polls serial interface for new 3D marker positions until StopTracking is called. * * Continuously tracks the 3D position of all markers until StopTracking() is called. * This function is executed by the tracking thread (through StartTracking() and ThreadStartTracking()). * It should not be called directly. */ virtual void TrackMarkerPositions(); /** * \brief continuously polls serial interface for new 3D marker positions and 6D tool positions until StopTracking is called. * * Continuously tracks the 3D position of all markers and the 6D position of all tools until StopTracking() is called. * This function is executed by the tracking thread (through StartTracking() and ThreadStartTracking()). * It should not be called directly. */ virtual void TrackToolsAndMarkers(); /** * \brief static start method for the tracking thread. */ static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE ThreadStartTracking(void* data); protected: NDITrackingDevice(); ///< Constructor virtual ~NDITrackingDevice(); ///< Destructor std::string m_DeviceName;///< Device Name PortNumber m_PortNumber; ///< COM Port Number BaudRate m_BaudRate; ///< COM Port Baud Rate DataBits m_DataBits; ///< Number of Data Bits per token Parity m_Parity; ///< Parity mode for communication StopBits m_StopBits; ///< number of stop bits per token HardwareHandshake m_HardwareHandshake; ///< use hardware handshake for serial port connection ///< which tracking volume is currently used (if device supports multiple volumes) (\warning This parameter is not used yet) IlluminationActivationRate m_IlluminationActivationRate; ///< update rate of IR illuminator for Polaris DataTransferMode m_DataTransferMode; ///< use TX (text) or BX (binary) (\warning currently, only TX mode is supported) Tool6DContainerType m_6DTools; ///< list of 6D tools itk::FastMutexLock::Pointer m_ToolsMutex; ///< mutex for coordinated access of tool container mitk::SerialCommunication::Pointer m_SerialCommunication; ///< serial communication interface itk::FastMutexLock::Pointer m_SerialCommunicationMutex; ///< mutex for coordinated access of serial communication interface NDIProtocol::Pointer m_DeviceProtocol; ///< create and parse NDI protocol strings itk::MultiThreader::Pointer m_MultiThreader; ///< creates tracking thread that continuously polls serial interface for new tracking data int m_ThreadID; ///< ID of tracking thread OperationMode m_OperationMode; ///< tracking mode (6D tool tracking, 3D marker tracking,...) itk::FastMutexLock::Pointer m_MarkerPointsMutex; ///< mutex for marker point data container MarkerPointContainerType m_MarkerPoints; ///< container for markers (3D point tracking mode) }; } // namespace mitk #endif /* MITKNDITRACKINGDEVICE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 */ diff --git a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.cpp b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.cpp index ba47a9f700..dbb8bafa2d 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.cpp +++ b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.cpp @@ -1,138 +1,148 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkTrackingDevice.h" #include "mitkIGTTimeStamp.h" #include "mitkTrackingTool.h" #include #include #include #include "mitkUnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation.h" #include "mitkTrackingDeviceTypeCollection.h" typedef itk::MutexLockHolder MutexLockHolder; mitk::TrackingDevice::TrackingDevice() : m_Data(mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataUnspecified()), m_State(mitk::TrackingDevice::Setup), m_StopTracking(false), m_RotationMode(mitk::TrackingDevice::RotationStandard) { m_StopTrackingMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_StateMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); m_TrackingFinishedMutex = itk::FastMutexLock::New(); } mitk::TrackingDevice::~TrackingDevice() { } bool mitk::TrackingDevice::IsDeviceInstalled() { return true; //this is the default for all tracking device //If a device needs installation please reimplement //this method in the subclass. } +bool mitk::TrackingDevice::AutoDetectToolsAvailable() +{ + return false; +} + +mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer mitk::TrackingDevice::AutoDetectTools() +{ + return mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New(); +} + mitk::TrackingDevice::TrackingDeviceState mitk::TrackingDevice::GetState() const { MutexLockHolder lock(*m_StateMutex); return m_State; } void mitk::TrackingDevice::SetState( TrackingDeviceState state ) { itkDebugMacro("setting m_State to " << state); MutexLockHolder lock(*m_StateMutex); // lock and unlock the mutex if (m_State == state) { return; } m_State = state; this->Modified(); } void mitk::TrackingDevice::SetRotationMode(RotationMode r) { MITK_WARN << "Rotation mode switching is not implemented for this device. Leaving it at mitk::TrackingDevice::RotationStandard"; } mitk::TrackingDeviceType mitk::TrackingDevice::GetType() const{ return m_Data.Line; } void mitk::TrackingDevice::SetType(mitk::TrackingDeviceType deviceType){ us::ModuleContext* context = us::GetModuleContext(); std::vector > refs = context->GetServiceReferences(); if (refs.empty()) { MITK_ERROR << "No tracking device service found!"; } mitk::TrackingDeviceTypeCollection* deviceTypeCollection = context->GetService(refs.front()); m_Data = deviceTypeCollection->GetFirstCompatibleDeviceDataForLine(deviceType); } mitk::TrackingDeviceData mitk::TrackingDevice::GetData() const{ return m_Data; } void mitk::TrackingDevice::SetData(mitk::TrackingDeviceData data){ m_Data = data; } bool mitk::TrackingDevice::StopTracking() { if (this->GetState() == Tracking) // Only if the object is in the correct state { m_StopTrackingMutex->Lock(); // m_StopTracking is used by two threads, so we have to ensure correct thread handling m_StopTracking = true; m_StopTrackingMutex->Unlock(); //we have to wait here that the other thread recognizes the STOP-command and executes it m_TrackingFinishedMutex->Lock(); mitk::IGTTimeStamp::GetInstance()->Stop(this); // notify realtime clock // StopTracking was called, thus the mode should be changed back // to Ready now that the tracking loop has ended. this->SetState(Ready); m_TrackingFinishedMutex->Unlock(); } return true; } mitk::TrackingTool* mitk::TrackingDevice::GetToolByName( std::string name ) const { unsigned int toolCount = this->GetToolCount(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < toolCount; ++i) if (name == this->GetTool(i)->GetToolName()) return this->GetTool(i); return nullptr; } diff --git a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.h b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.h index 4b47e4a53b..e58e014bc0 100644 --- a/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.h +++ b/Modules/IGT/TrackingDevices/mitkTrackingDevice.h @@ -1,189 +1,199 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef MITKTRACKINGDEVICE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 #define MITKTRACKINGDEVICE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 #include #include "itkObject.h" #include "mitkCommon.h" #include "mitkTrackingTypes.h" #include "itkFastMutexLock.h" +#include "mitkNavigationToolStorage.h" namespace mitk { class TrackingTool; // interface for a tool that can be tracked by the TrackingDevice /**Documentation * \brief Interface for all Tracking Devices * * Defines the methods that are common for all tracking devices. * * \ingroup IGT */ class MITKIGT_EXPORT TrackingDevice : public itk::Object { public: mitkClassMacroItkParent(TrackingDevice, itk::Object); /** Defines the rotation modes of this tracking device which results in different representations * of quaternions. * * - Standard: normal representation, rawdata from the device is not changed (DEFAULT) * * - Transposed: the rotation is stored transposed, which is (by mistake!) expected by some older MITK classes due * to an ambigious method naming in VNL. * * CAUTION: The rotation mode can only be changed for backward compatibility of old WRONG code. * PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE ROTATION MODE UNLESS YOU ARE KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING! * * use SetRotationMode to change the mode. */ enum RotationMode {RotationStandard, RotationTransposed}; enum TrackingDeviceState {Setup, Ready, Tracking}; ///< Type for state variable. The trackingdevice is always in one of these states /** * \brief Opens a connection to the device * * This may only be called if there is currently no connection to the device. * If OpenConnection() is successful, the object will change from Setup state to Ready state */ virtual bool OpenConnection() = 0; /** * \brief Closes the connection to the device * * This may only be called if there is currently a connection to the device, but tracking is * not running (e.g. object is in Ready state) */ virtual bool CloseConnection() = 0; ///< Closes the connection with the device /** * \brief start retrieving tracking data from the device. * * This may only be called after the connection to the device has been established * with a call to OpenConnection() (E.g. object is in Ready mode). This will change the * object state from Ready to Tracking */ virtual bool StartTracking() = 0; /** * \brief stop retrieving tracking data from the device. * stop retrieving tracking data from the device. * This may only be called after StartTracking was called * (e.g. the object is in Tracking mode). * This will change the object state from Tracking to Ready. */ virtual bool StopTracking(); /** * \brief Return tool with index toolNumber * * tools are numbered from 0 to GetToolCount() - 1. */ virtual TrackingTool* GetTool(unsigned int toolNumber) const = 0; /** * \brief Returns the tool with the given tool name * * Note: subclasses can and should implement optimized versions of this method * \return the given tool or NULL if no tool with that name exists */ virtual mitk::TrackingTool* GetToolByName(std::string name) const; /** * \brief Returns number of tracking tools */ virtual unsigned int GetToolCount() const = 0; /** Sets the rotation mode of this class. See documentation of enum RotationMode for details * on the different modes. This method has to be implemented in a deriving class to become * functional / if different rotation modes should be supported. * CAUTION: The rotation mode can only be changed for backward compatibility of old WRONG code. * PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE ROTATION MODE UNLESS YOU ARE KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING! */ virtual void SetRotationMode(RotationMode r); /** @return Returns the rotation mode of this class. See documentation of enum * RotationMode for details on the different modes. */ itkGetConstMacro(RotationMode,RotationMode); /** * \brief return current object state (Setup, Ready or Tracking) */ TrackingDeviceState GetState() const; /** * \brief Deprecated! Use the more specific getDeviceData instead. return device type identifier */ TrackingDeviceType GetType() const; /** * \brief Deprecated! Use the more specific setDeviceData instead. set device type */ void SetType(TrackingDeviceType type); /** * \brief return device data */ TrackingDeviceData GetData() const; /** * \brief set device type */ void SetData(TrackingDeviceData data); /** * @return Returns true if the device is installed on this system an can be used. * Installed means activated in MITK, in some cases this means the MITK * installation / build has to know the installation path of the device * libraries on this system. This path is usually given as cmake variable * during the build configuration in devellopers mode. If the device should * be available for end users with an installer the libraries can be included * into the installer or the installer has to be adapted such that it asks * for the path. * Returns fals if the device is not installed. It cannot be used on this build * in this case. * * Note that some tracking systems communicate via a standard interface (e.g., serial * port) and don't need any library or installation. These devices are always "installed". */ virtual bool IsDeviceInstalled(); + /** @return Returns true if this device can autodetects its tools. */ + virtual bool AutoDetectToolsAvailable(); + + /** Autodetects tools from this device and returns them as a navigation tool storage. + * @return Returns the detected tools. Returns an empty storage if no tools are present + * or if detection is not possible + */ + virtual mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer AutoDetectTools(); + private: TrackingDeviceState m_State; ///< current object state (Setup, Ready or Tracking) protected: /** * \brief change object state */ void SetState(TrackingDeviceState state); TrackingDevice(); virtual ~TrackingDevice(); TrackingDeviceData m_Data; ///< current device Data bool m_StopTracking; ///< signal stop to tracking thread itk::FastMutexLock::Pointer m_StopTrackingMutex; ///< mutex to control access to m_StopTracking itk::FastMutexLock::Pointer m_TrackingFinishedMutex; ///< mutex to manage control flow of StopTracking() itk::FastMutexLock::Pointer m_StateMutex; ///< mutex to control access to m_State RotationMode m_RotationMode; ///< defines the rotation mode Standard or Transposed, Standard is default }; } // namespace mitk #endif /* MITKTRACKINGDEVICE_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_C1C2FCD2 */ diff --git a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.cpp b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.cpp index b7b6bf2b04..f0476ee894 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.cpp +++ b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.cpp @@ -1,1531 +1,1482 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ // Blueberry #include #include // Qmitk #include "QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.h" #include "QmitkTrackingDeviceConfigurationWidget.h" #include "QmitkStdMultiWidget.h" // Qt #include #include #include // MITK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mitkNDIAuroraTypeInformation.h" // vtk #include //for exceptions #include #include //for Microservice #include "mitkPluginActivator.h" #include #include #include "usServiceReference.h" const std::string QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::VIEW_ID = "org.mitk.views.mitkigttrackingtoolbox"; QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView() : QmitkFunctionality() , m_Controls(nullptr) , m_MultiWidget(nullptr) , m_DeviceTypeCollection(nullptr) { m_TrackingLoggingTimer = new QTimer(this); m_TrackingRenderTimer = new QTimer(this); m_TimeoutTimer = new QTimer(this); m_tracking = false; m_connected = false; m_logging = false; m_loggedFrames = 0; + m_SimpleModeEnabled = false; //create filename for autosaving of tool storage QString loggingPathWithoutFilename = QString(mitk::LoggingBackend::GetLogFile().c_str()); if (!loggingPathWithoutFilename.isEmpty()) //if there already is a path for the MITK logging file use this one { //extract path from path+filename (if someone knows a better way to do this feel free to change it) int lengthOfFilename = QFileInfo(QString::fromStdString(mitk::LoggingBackend::GetLogFile())).fileName().size(); loggingPathWithoutFilename.resize(loggingPathWithoutFilename.size() - lengthOfFilename); m_AutoSaveFilename = loggingPathWithoutFilename + "TrackingToolboxAutoSave.IGTToolStorage"; } else //if not: use a temporary path from IOUtil { m_AutoSaveFilename = QString(mitk::IOUtil::GetTempPath().c_str()) + "TrackingToolboxAutoSave.IGTToolStorage"; } MITK_INFO("IGT Tracking Toolbox") << "Filename for auto saving of IGT ToolStorages: " << m_AutoSaveFilename.toStdString(); //! [Thread 1] //initialize worker thread m_WorkerThread = new QThread(); m_Worker = new QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker(); //! [Thread 1] ctkPluginContext* pluginContext = mitk::PluginActivator::GetContext(); if (pluginContext) { QString interfaceName = QString::fromStdString(us_service_interface_iid()); QList serviceReference = pluginContext->getServiceReferences(interfaceName); if (serviceReference.size() > 0) { m_DeviceTypeServiceReference = serviceReference.at(0); const ctkServiceReference& r = serviceReference.at(0); m_DeviceTypeCollection = pluginContext->getService(r); } else { MITK_INFO << "No Tracking Device Collection!"; } } } QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::~QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView() { this->StoreUISettings(); m_TrackingLoggingTimer->stop(); m_TrackingRenderTimer->stop(); m_TimeoutTimer->stop(); delete m_TrackingLoggingTimer; delete m_TrackingRenderTimer; delete m_TimeoutTimer; try { //! [Thread 2] // wait for thread to finish m_WorkerThread->terminate(); m_WorkerThread->wait(); //clean up worker thread if (m_WorkerThread) { delete m_WorkerThread; } if (m_Worker) { delete m_Worker; } //! [Thread 2] //remove the tracking volume this->GetDataStorage()->Remove(m_TrackingVolumeNode); //unregister microservices if (m_toolStorage) { m_toolStorage->UnRegisterMicroservice(); } if (m_TrackingDeviceSource) { m_TrackingDeviceSource->UnRegisterMicroservice(); } if (m_IGTLMessageProvider.IsNotNull()){ m_IGTLMessageProvider->UnRegisterMicroservice(); } } catch (std::exception& e) { MITK_WARN << "Unexpected exception during clean up of tracking toolbox view: " << e.what(); } catch (...) { MITK_WARN << "Unexpected unknown error during clean up of tracking toolbox view!"; } //store tool storage and UI settings for persistence this->AutoSaveToolStorage(); this->StoreUISettings(); m_DeviceTypeCollection = nullptr; mitk::PluginActivator::GetContext()->ungetService(m_DeviceTypeServiceReference); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::CreateQtPartControl(QWidget *parent) { // build up qt view, unless already done if (!m_Controls) { // create GUI widgets from the Qt Designer's .ui file m_Controls = new Ui::QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls; m_Controls->setupUi(parent); //create connections connect(m_Controls->m_LoadTools, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnLoadTools())); connect(m_Controls->m_ConnectDisconnectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnConnectDisconnect())); connect(m_Controls->m_StartStopTrackingButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStartStopTracking())); + connect(m_Controls->m_ConnectSimpleMode, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnConnectDisconnect())); + connect(m_Controls->m_StartTrackingSimpleMode, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnStartStopTracking())); connect(m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnFreezeUnfreezeTracking())); connect(m_TrackingLoggingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(UpdateLoggingTrackingTimer())); connect(m_TrackingRenderTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(UpdateRenderTrackingTimer())); connect(m_TimeoutTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(OnTimeOut())); connect(m_Controls->m_ChooseFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnChooseFileClicked())); connect(m_Controls->m_StartLogging, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(StartLogging())); connect(m_Controls->m_StopLogging, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(StopLogging())); connect(m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(OnTrackingVolumeChanged(QString))); connect(m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnShowTrackingVolumeChanged())); connect(m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAutoDetectTools())); connect(m_Controls->m_ResetTools, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnResetTools())); connect(m_Controls->m_AddSingleTool, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddSingleTool())); connect(m_Controls->m_NavigationToolCreationWidget, SIGNAL(NavigationToolFinished()), this, SLOT(OnAddSingleToolFinished())); connect(m_Controls->m_NavigationToolCreationWidget, SIGNAL(Canceled()), this, SLOT(OnAddSingleToolCanceled())); connect(m_Controls->m_csvFormat, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnToggleFileExtension())); connect(m_Controls->m_xmlFormat, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnToggleFileExtension())); connect(m_Controls->m_UseDifferentUpdateRates, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnToggleDifferentUpdateRates())); connect(m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnChangeRenderUpdateRate())); connect(m_Controls->m_DisableAllTimers, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(EnableDisableTimerButtons(int))); + connect(m_Controls->m_advancedUI, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnToggleAdvancedSimpleMode())); + connect(m_Controls->m_simpleUI, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnToggleAdvancedSimpleMode())); //connections for the tracking device configuration widget connect(m_Controls->m_configurationWidget, SIGNAL(TrackingDeviceSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(OnTrackingDeviceChanged())); //! [Thread 3] //connect worker thread connect(m_Worker, SIGNAL(AutoDetectToolsFinished(bool, QString)), this, SLOT(OnAutoDetectToolsFinished(bool, QString))); connect(m_Worker, SIGNAL(ConnectDeviceFinished(bool, QString)), this, SLOT(OnConnectFinished(bool, QString))); connect(m_Worker, SIGNAL(StartTrackingFinished(bool, QString)), this, SLOT(OnStartTrackingFinished(bool, QString))); connect(m_Worker, SIGNAL(StopTrackingFinished(bool, QString)), this, SLOT(OnStopTrackingFinished(bool, QString))); connect(m_Worker, SIGNAL(DisconnectDeviceFinished(bool, QString)), this, SLOT(OnDisconnectFinished(bool, QString))); connect(m_WorkerThread, SIGNAL(started()), m_Worker, SLOT(ThreadFunc())); //move the worker to the thread m_Worker->moveToThread(m_WorkerThread); //! [Thread 3] //initialize widgets m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->SetShowPositions(true); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->SetTextAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); + m_Controls->m_simpleWidget->setVisible(false); //initialize tracking volume node m_TrackingVolumeNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetName("TrackingVolume"); m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetBoolProperty("Backface Culling", true); mitk::Color red; red.SetRed(1); m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetColor(red); //initialize buttons m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools->setVisible(false); //only visible if tracking device is Aurora m_Controls->m_StartStopTrackingButton->setEnabled(false); + m_Controls->m_StartTrackingSimpleMode->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->setEnabled(false); //initialize warning labels m_Controls->m_renderWarningLabel->setVisible(false); m_Controls->m_TrackingFrozenLabel->setVisible(false); //Update List of available models for selected tool. std::vector Compatibles; if ((m_Controls == NULL) || //check all these stuff for NULL, latterly this causes crashes from time to time (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget == NULL) || (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice().IsNull())) { MITK_ERROR << "Couldn't get current tracking device or an object is NULL, something went wrong!"; return; } else { Compatibles = m_DeviceTypeCollection->GetDeviceDataForLine(m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->GetType()); } m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->clear(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Compatibles.size(); i++) { m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->addItem(Compatibles[i].Model.c_str()); } //initialize tool storage m_toolStorage = mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New(GetDataStorage()); m_toolStorage->SetName("TrackingToolbox Default Storage"); m_toolStorage->RegisterAsMicroservice("no tracking device"); //set home directory as default path for logfile m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::homePath()) + QDir::separator() + "logfile.csv"); //tracking device may be changed already by the persistence of the //QmitkTrackingDeciveConfigurationWidget this->OnTrackingDeviceChanged(); this->LoadUISettings(); //add tracking volume node only to data storage this->GetDataStorage()->Add(m_TrackingVolumeNode); if (!m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->isChecked()) m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetOpacity(0.0); else m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetOpacity(0.25); //Update List of available models for selected tool. m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->clear(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Compatibles.size(); i++) { m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->addItem(Compatibles[i].Model.c_str()); } } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::StdMultiWidgetAvailable(QmitkStdMultiWidget &stdMultiWidget) { m_MultiWidget = &stdMultiWidget; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::StdMultiWidgetNotAvailable() { m_MultiWidget = NULL; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnLoadTools() { //read in filename QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, tr("Open Tool Storage"), "/", tr("Tool Storage Files (*.IGTToolStorage)")); if (filename.isNull()) return; //read tool storage from disk std::string errorMessage = ""; mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::Pointer myDeserializer = mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::New(GetDataStorage()); // try-catch block for exceptions try { this->ReplaceCurrentToolStorage(myDeserializer->Deserialize(filename.toStdString()), filename.toStdString()); } catch (mitk::IGTException) { std::string errormessage = "Error during loading the tool storage file. Please only load tool storage files created with the NavigationToolManager view."; QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Tool Storage Loading Error", errormessage.c_str()); return; } if (m_toolStorage->isEmpty()) { errorMessage = myDeserializer->GetErrorMessage(); MessageBox(errorMessage); return; } //update label UpdateToolStorageLabel(filename); //update tool preview m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->RemoveStatusLabels(); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->PreShowTools(m_toolStorage); //save filename for persistent storage m_ToolStorageFilename = filename; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnResetTools() { this->ReplaceCurrentToolStorage(mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New(GetDataStorage()), "TrackingToolbox Default Storage"); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->RemoveStatusLabels(); QString toolLabel = QString(""); m_Controls->m_toolLabel->setText(toolLabel); m_ToolStorageFilename = ""; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnStartStopTracking() { if (!m_connected) { MITK_WARN << "Can't start tracking if no device is connected. Aborting"; return; } if (m_tracking) { OnStopTracking(); } else { OnStartTracking(); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnFreezeUnfreezeTracking() { if (m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->text() == "Freeze Tracking") { m_TrackingDeviceSource->Freeze(); m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->setText("Unfreeze Tracking"); m_Controls->m_TrackingFrozenLabel->setVisible(true); } else if (m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->text() == "Unfreeze Tracking") { m_TrackingDeviceSource->UnFreeze(); m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->setText("Freeze Tracking"); m_Controls->m_TrackingFrozenLabel->setVisible(false); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnConnectDisconnect() { if (m_connected) { OnDisconnect(); } else { OnConnect(); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnConnect() { MITK_INFO << "Connect Clicked"; //check if everything is ready to start tracking if (this->m_toolStorage.IsNull()) { MessageBox("Error: No Tools Loaded Yet!"); return; } else if (this->m_toolStorage->GetToolCount() == 0) { MessageBox("Error: No Way To Track Without Tools!"); return; } //parse tracking device data mitk::TrackingDeviceData data = mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetDeviceDataUnspecified(); QString qstr = m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->currentText(); if ((!qstr.isNull()) || (!qstr.isEmpty())) { std::string str = qstr.toStdString(); data = m_DeviceTypeCollection->GetDeviceDataByName(str); //Data will be set later, after device generation } //! [Thread 4] //initialize worker thread m_Worker->SetWorkerMethod(QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::eConnectDevice); m_Worker->SetTrackingDevice(this->m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()); m_Worker->SetInverseMode(m_Controls->m_InverseMode->isChecked()); m_Worker->SetNavigationToolStorage(this->m_toolStorage); m_Worker->SetTrackingDeviceData(data); //start worker thread m_WorkerThread->start(); //! [Thread 4] //disable buttons this->m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::EnableDisableTimerButtons(int enable) { bool enableBool = enable; m_Controls->m_UpdateRateOptionsGroupBox->setEnabled(!enableBool); m_Controls->m_renderWarningLabel->setVisible(enableBool); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnConnectFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage) { m_WorkerThread->quit(); m_WorkerThread->wait(); //enable buttons this->m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(true); if (!success) { MITK_WARN << errorMessage.toStdString(); MessageBox(errorMessage.toStdString()); return; } //! [Thread 6] //get data from worker thread m_TrackingDeviceSource = m_Worker->GetTrackingDeviceSource(); m_TrackingDeviceData = m_Worker->GetTrackingDeviceData(); m_ToolVisualizationFilter = m_Worker->GetToolVisualizationFilter(); //! [Thread 6] //enable/disable Buttons DisableOptionsButtons(); DisableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); m_Controls->m_TrackingControlLabel->setText("Status: connected"); m_Controls->m_ConnectDisconnectButton->setText("Disconnect"); + m_Controls->m_ConnectSimpleMode->setText("Disconnect"); m_Controls->m_StartStopTrackingButton->setEnabled(true); + m_Controls->m_StartTrackingSimpleMode->setEnabled(true); m_connected = true; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnDisconnect() { m_Worker->SetWorkerMethod(QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::eDisconnectDevice); m_WorkerThread->start(); m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnDisconnectFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage) { m_WorkerThread->quit(); m_WorkerThread->wait(); m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(true); if (!success) { MITK_WARN << errorMessage.toStdString(); MessageBox(errorMessage.toStdString()); return; } //enable/disable Buttons m_Controls->m_StartStopTrackingButton->setEnabled(false); + m_Controls->m_StartTrackingSimpleMode->setEnabled(false); EnableOptionsButtons(); EnableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); m_Controls->m_TrackingControlLabel->setText("Status: disconnected"); m_Controls->m_ConnectDisconnectButton->setText("Connect"); + m_Controls->m_ConnectSimpleMode->setText("Connect"); m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->setText("Freeze Tracking"); m_Controls->m_TrackingFrozenLabel->setVisible(false); m_connected = false; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnStartTracking() { //show tracking volume this->OnTrackingVolumeChanged(m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->currentText()); //Reset the view to a defined start. Do it here and not in OnStartTrackingFinished, to give other tracking devices the chance to reset the view to a different direction. this->GlobalReinit(); m_Worker->SetWorkerMethod(QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::eStartTracking); m_WorkerThread->start(); this->m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnStartTrackingFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage) { //! [Thread 5] m_WorkerThread->quit(); m_WorkerThread->wait(); //! [Thread 5] this->m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(true); if (!success) { MessageBox(errorMessage.toStdString()); MITK_WARN << errorMessage.toStdString(); return; } if (!(m_Controls->m_DisableAllTimers->isChecked())) { if (m_Controls->m_UseDifferentUpdateRates->isChecked()) { if (m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate->value() != 0) m_TrackingRenderTimer->start(1000 / (m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate->value())); m_TrackingLoggingTimer->start(1000 / (m_Controls->m_LogUpdateRate->value())); } else { m_TrackingRenderTimer->start(1000 / (m_Controls->m_UpdateRate->value())); m_TrackingLoggingTimer->start(1000 / (m_Controls->m_UpdateRate->value())); } } m_Controls->m_TrackingControlLabel->setText("Status: tracking"); //connect the tool visualization widget for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_TrackingDeviceSource->GetNumberOfOutputs(); i++) { m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->AddNavigationData(m_TrackingDeviceSource->GetOutput(i)); } m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->ShowStatusLabels(); if (m_Controls->m_ShowToolQuaternions->isChecked()) { m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->SetShowQuaternions(true); } else { m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->SetShowQuaternions(false); } //if activated enable open IGT link microservice if (m_Controls->m_EnableOpenIGTLinkMicroService->isChecked()) { //create convertion filter m_IGTLConversionFilter = mitk::NavigationDataToIGTLMessageFilter::New(); m_IGTLConversionFilter->SetName("IGT Tracking Toolbox"); m_IGTLConversionFilter->ConnectTo(m_ToolVisualizationFilter); m_IGTLConversionFilter->SetOperationMode(mitk::NavigationDataToIGTLMessageFilter::ModeSendTDataMsg); m_IGTLConversionFilter->RegisterAsMicroservice(); //create server and message provider m_IGTLServer = mitk::IGTLServer::New(false); m_IGTLServer->SetName("Tracking Toolbox IGTL Server"); m_IGTLMessageProvider = mitk::IGTLMessageProvider::New(); m_IGTLMessageProvider->SetIGTLDevice(m_IGTLServer); m_IGTLMessageProvider->RegisterAsMicroservice(); } m_tracking = true; m_Controls->m_ConnectDisconnectButton->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_StartStopTrackingButton->setText("Stop Tracking"); + m_Controls->m_StartTrackingSimpleMode->setText("Stop\nTracking"); m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->setEnabled(true); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnStopTracking() { if (!m_tracking) return; m_TrackingRenderTimer->stop(); m_TrackingLoggingTimer->stop(); m_Worker->SetWorkerMethod(QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::eStopTracking); m_WorkerThread->start(); m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnStopTrackingFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage) { m_WorkerThread->quit(); m_WorkerThread->wait(); m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(true); if (!success) { MessageBox(errorMessage.toStdString()); MITK_WARN << errorMessage.toStdString(); return; } m_Controls->m_TrackingControlLabel->setText("Status: connected"); if (m_logging) StopLogging(); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->RemoveStatusLabels(); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->PreShowTools(m_toolStorage); m_tracking = false; m_Controls->m_StartStopTrackingButton->setText("Start Tracking"); + m_Controls->m_StartTrackingSimpleMode->setText("Start\nTracking"); m_Controls->m_ConnectDisconnectButton->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_FreezeUnfreezeTrackingButton->setEnabled(false); //unregister open IGT link micro service if (m_Controls->m_EnableOpenIGTLinkMicroService->isChecked()) { m_IGTLConversionFilter->UnRegisterMicroservice(); m_IGTLMessageProvider->UnRegisterMicroservice(); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnTrackingDeviceChanged() { mitk::TrackingDeviceType Type; if (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice().IsNotNull()) { Type = m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->GetType(); //enable controls because device is valid m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsGoupBox->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_TrackingControlsGroupBox->setEnabled(true); } else { Type = mitk::UnspecifiedTrackingTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName(); MessageBox("Error: This tracking device is not included in this project. Please make sure that the device is installed and activated in your MITK build."); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsGoupBox->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_TrackingControlsGroupBox->setEnabled(false); return; } // Code to enable/disable device specific buttons + if (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->AutoDetectToolsAvailable()) + { m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools->setVisible(true); } + else + { m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools->setVisible(false); } + if (Type == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) //Aurora - { - m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools->setVisible(true); - m_Controls->m_AddSingleTool->setEnabled(false); - } - else //Polaris or Microntracker - { - m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools->setVisible(false); - m_Controls->m_AddSingleTool->setEnabled(true); - } + { m_Controls->m_AddSingleTool->setEnabled(false);} + else //other trackers + { m_Controls->m_AddSingleTool->setEnabled(true); } // Code to select appropriate tracking volume for current type std::vector Compatibles = m_DeviceTypeCollection->GetDeviceDataForLine(Type); m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->clear(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Compatibles.size(); i++) { m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->addItem(Compatibles[i].Model.c_str()); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnTrackingVolumeChanged(QString qstr) { if (qstr.isNull()) return; if (qstr.isEmpty()) return; mitk::TrackingVolumeGenerator::Pointer volumeGenerator = mitk::TrackingVolumeGenerator::New(); std::string str = qstr.toStdString(); mitk::TrackingDeviceData data = m_DeviceTypeCollection->GetDeviceDataByName(str); m_TrackingDeviceData = data; volumeGenerator->SetTrackingDeviceData(data); volumeGenerator->Update(); mitk::Surface::Pointer volumeSurface = volumeGenerator->GetOutput(); m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetData(volumeSurface); if (!m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->isChecked()) m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetOpacity(0.0); else m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetOpacity(0.25); GlobalReinit(); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnShowTrackingVolumeChanged() { if (m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->isChecked()) { OnTrackingVolumeChanged(m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->currentText()); m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetOpacity(0.25); } else { m_TrackingVolumeNode->SetOpacity(0.0); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnAutoDetectTools() { - if (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->GetType() == mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) + if (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->AutoDetectToolsAvailable()) { DisableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); m_Worker->SetWorkerMethod(QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::eAutoDetectTools); m_Worker->SetTrackingDevice(m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice().GetPointer()); m_Worker->SetDataStorage(this->GetDataStorage()); m_WorkerThread->start(); m_TimeoutTimer->start(5000); - MITK_INFO << "Timeout Timer started"; //disable controls until worker thread is finished this->m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(false); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnAutoDetectToolsFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage) { m_TimeoutTimer->stop(); m_WorkerThread->quit(); m_WorkerThread->wait(); //enable controls again this->m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setEnabled(true); EnableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); if (!success) { MITK_WARN << errorMessage.toStdString(); MessageBox(errorMessage.toStdString()); EnableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); return; } mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer autoDetectedStorage = m_Worker->GetNavigationToolStorage(); //save detected tools this->ReplaceCurrentToolStorage(autoDetectedStorage, "Autodetected NDI Aurora Storage"); //auto save the new storage to hard disc (for persistence) AutoSaveToolStorage(); //update label QString toolLabel = QString("Loaded Tools: ") + QString::number(m_toolStorage->GetToolCount()) + " Tools (Auto Detected)"; m_Controls->m_toolLabel->setText(toolLabel); //update tool preview m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->RemoveStatusLabels(); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->PreShowTools(m_toolStorage); EnableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); - if (m_toolStorage->GetToolCount() > 0) - { - //ask the user if he wants to save the detected tools - QMessageBox msgBox; - switch (m_toolStorage->GetToolCount()) - { - case 1: - msgBox.setText("Found one tool!"); - break; - default: - msgBox.setText("Found " + QString::number(m_toolStorage->GetToolCount()) + " tools!"); - } - msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to save this tools as tool storage, so you can load them again?"); - msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); - msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); - int ret = msgBox.exec(); - - if (ret == 16384) //yes - { - //ask the user for a filename - QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(NULL, tr("Save File"), "/", tr("*.IGTToolStorage")); - //check for empty filename - if (fileName == "") { return; } - mitk::NavigationToolStorageSerializer::Pointer mySerializer = mitk::NavigationToolStorageSerializer::New(); - - //when Serialize method is used exceptions are thrown, need to be adapted - //try-catch block for exception handling in Serializer - try - { - mySerializer->Serialize(fileName.toStdString(), m_toolStorage); - } - catch (mitk::IGTException) - { - std::string errormessage = "Error during serialization. Please check the Zip file."; - QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "IGTPlayer: Error", errormessage.c_str()); - } - - return; - } - else if (ret == 65536) //no - { - return; - } - } //print a logging message about the detected tools switch (m_toolStorage->GetToolCount()) { case 0: MITK_INFO("IGT Tracking Toolbox") << "Found no tools. Empty ToolStorage was autosaved to " << m_ToolStorageFilename.toStdString(); break; case 1: MITK_INFO("IGT Tracking Toolbox") << "Found one tool. ToolStorage was autosaved to " << m_ToolStorageFilename.toStdString(); break; default: MITK_INFO("IGT Tracking Toolbox") << "Found " << m_toolStorage->GetToolCount() << " tools. ToolStorage was autosaved to " << m_ToolStorageFilename.toStdString(); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::MessageBox(std::string s) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(s.c_str()); msgBox.exec(); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::UpdateRenderTrackingTimer() { //update filter m_ToolVisualizationFilter->Update(); MITK_DEBUG << "Number of outputs ToolVisualizationFilter: " << m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs(); MITK_DEBUG << "Number of inputs ToolVisualizationFilter: " << m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetNumberOfIndexedInputs(); //update tool colors to show tool status for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs(); i++) { mitk::NavigationData::Pointer currentTool = m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(i); if (currentTool->IsDataValid()) { this->m_toolStorage->GetTool(i)->GetDataNode()->SetColor(mitk::IGTColor_VALID); } else { this->m_toolStorage->GetTool(i)->GetDataNode()->SetColor(mitk::IGTColor_WARNING); } } //refresh view and status widget mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->Refresh(); //code to better isolate bug 17713, could be removed when bug 17713 is fixed static int i = 0; static mitk::Point3D lastPositionTool1 = m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(0)->GetPosition(); static itk::TimeStamp lastTimeStamp = m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(0)->GetTimeStamp(); i++; //every 20 frames: check if tracking is frozen if (i > 20) { i = 0; if (m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(0)->IsDataValid()) { if (mitk::Equal(lastPositionTool1, m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(0)->GetPosition(), 0.000000001, false) && m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->GetType() != "Da Vinci") { MITK_WARN << "Seems as tracking (of at least tool 1) is frozen which means that bug 17713 occurred. Restart tracking might help."; //display further information to find the bug MITK_WARN << "Timestamp of current navigation data: " << m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(0)->GetTimeStamp(); MITK_WARN << "Timestamp of last navigation data (which holds the same values): " << lastTimeStamp; } lastPositionTool1 = m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(0)->GetPosition(); lastTimeStamp = m_ToolVisualizationFilter->GetOutput(0)->GetTimeStamp(); } } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::UpdateLoggingTrackingTimer() { //update logging if (m_logging) { this->m_loggingFilter->Update(); m_loggedFrames = this->m_loggingFilter->GetNumberOfRecordedSteps(); this->m_Controls->m_LoggedFramesLabel->setText("Logged Frames: " + QString::number(m_loggedFrames)); //check if logging stopped automatically if ((m_loggedFrames > 1) && (!m_loggingFilter->GetRecording())){ StopLogging(); } } //refresh status widget m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->Refresh(); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnChooseFileClicked() { QDir currentPath = QFileInfo(m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->text()).dir(); // if no path was selected (QDir would select current working dir then) or the // selected path does not exist -> use home directory if (currentPath == QDir() || !currentPath.exists()) { currentPath = QDir(QDir::homePath()); } QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(NULL, tr("Choose Logging File"), currentPath.absolutePath(), "*.*"); if (filename == "") return; this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setText(filename); this->OnToggleFileExtension(); } // bug-16470: toggle file extension after clicking on radio button void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnToggleFileExtension() { QString currentInputText = this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->text(); QString currentFile = QFileInfo(currentInputText).baseName(); QDir currentPath = QFileInfo(currentInputText).dir(); if (currentFile.isEmpty()) { currentFile = "logfile"; } // Setting currentPath to default home path when currentPath is empty or it does not exist if (currentPath == QDir() || !currentPath.exists()) { currentPath = QDir::homePath(); } // check if csv radio button is clicked if (this->m_Controls->m_csvFormat->isChecked()) { // you needn't add a seperator to the input text when currentpath is the rootpath if (currentPath.isRoot()) { this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(currentPath.absolutePath()) + currentFile + ".csv"); } else { this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(currentPath.absolutePath()) + QDir::separator() + currentFile + ".csv"); } } // check if xml radio button is clicked else if (this->m_Controls->m_xmlFormat->isChecked()) { // you needn't add a seperator to the input text when currentpath is the rootpath if (currentPath.isRoot()) { this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(currentPath.absolutePath()) + currentFile + ".xml"); } else { this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(currentPath.absolutePath()) + QDir::separator() + currentFile + ".xml"); } } } +void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnToggleAdvancedSimpleMode() +{ + if (m_SimpleModeEnabled) + { + m_Controls->m_simpleWidget->setVisible(false); + m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setVisible(true); + m_Controls->m_simpleUI->setChecked(false); + m_SimpleModeEnabled = false; + } + else + { + m_Controls->m_simpleWidget->setVisible(true); + m_Controls->m_MainWidget->setVisible(false); + m_SimpleModeEnabled = true; + } +} + void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnToggleDifferentUpdateRates() { if (m_Controls->m_UseDifferentUpdateRates->isChecked()) { if (m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate->value() == 0) m_Controls->m_renderWarningLabel->setVisible(true); else m_Controls->m_renderWarningLabel->setVisible(false); m_Controls->m_UpdateRate->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_OptionsUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_OptionsRenderUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_LogUpdateRate->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_OptionsLogUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(true); } else { m_Controls->m_renderWarningLabel->setVisible(false); m_Controls->m_UpdateRate->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_OptionsUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_OptionsRenderUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_LogUpdateRate->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_OptionsLogUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(false); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnChangeRenderUpdateRate() { if (m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate->value() == 0) m_Controls->m_renderWarningLabel->setVisible(true); else m_Controls->m_renderWarningLabel->setVisible(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::StartLogging() { if (m_ToolVisualizationFilter.IsNull()) { MessageBox("Cannot activate logging without a connected device. Configure and connect a tracking device first."); return; } if (!m_logging) { //initialize logging filter m_loggingFilter = mitk::NavigationDataRecorder::New(); m_loggingFilter->ConnectTo(m_ToolVisualizationFilter); if (m_Controls->m_LoggingLimit->isChecked()){ m_loggingFilter->SetRecordCountLimit(m_Controls->m_LoggedFramesLimit->value()); } //start filter with try-catch block for exceptions try { m_loggingFilter->StartRecording(); } catch (mitk::IGTException) { std::string errormessage = "Error during start recording. Recorder already started recording?"; QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "IGTPlayer: Error", errormessage.c_str()); m_loggingFilter->StopRecording(); return; } //update labels / logging variables this->m_Controls->m_LoggingLabel->setText("Logging ON"); this->m_Controls->m_LoggedFramesLabel->setText("Logged Frames: 0"); m_loggedFrames = 0; m_logging = true; DisableLoggingButtons(); } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::StopLogging() { if (m_logging) { //stop logging m_loggingFilter->StopRecording(); m_logging = false; //update GUI this->m_Controls->m_LoggingLabel->setText("Logging OFF"); EnableLoggingButtons(); //write the results to a file if (m_Controls->m_csvFormat->isChecked()) { mitk::IOUtil::SaveBaseData(m_loggingFilter->GetNavigationDataSet(), this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->text().toStdString()); } else if (m_Controls->m_xmlFormat->isChecked()) { mitk::IOUtil::SaveBaseData(m_loggingFilter->GetNavigationDataSet(), this->m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->text().toStdString()); } } } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnAddSingleTool() { QString Identifier = "Tool#"; QString Name = "NewTool"; if (m_toolStorage.IsNotNull()) { Identifier += QString::number(m_toolStorage->GetToolCount()); Name += QString::number(m_toolStorage->GetToolCount()); } else { Identifier += "0"; Name += "0"; } m_Controls->m_NavigationToolCreationWidget->Initialize(GetDataStorage(), Identifier.toStdString(), Name.toStdString()); m_Controls->m_NavigationToolCreationWidget->SetTrackingDeviceType(m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->GetType(), false); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); //disable tracking volume during tool editing lastTrackingVolumeState = m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->isChecked(); if (lastTrackingVolumeState) m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->click(); GlobalReinit(); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnAddSingleToolFinished() { m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); if (this->m_toolStorage.IsNull()) { //this shouldn't happen! MITK_WARN << "No ToolStorage available, cannot add tool, aborting!"; return; } m_toolStorage->AddTool(m_Controls->m_NavigationToolCreationWidget->GetCreatedTool()); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->PreShowTools(m_toolStorage); m_Controls->m_toolLabel->setText(""); //auto save current storage for persistence MITK_INFO << "Auto saving manually added tools for persistence."; AutoSaveToolStorage(); //enable tracking volume again if (lastTrackingVolumeState) m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->click(); GlobalReinit(); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnAddSingleToolCanceled() { m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); //enable tracking volume again if (lastTrackingVolumeState) m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->click(); GlobalReinit(); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::GlobalReinit() { // get all nodes that have not set "includeInBoundingBox" to false mitk::NodePredicateNot::Pointer pred = mitk::NodePredicateNot::New(mitk::NodePredicateProperty::New("includeInBoundingBox", mitk::BoolProperty::New(false))); mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer rs = this->GetDataStorage()->GetSubset(pred); // calculate bounding geometry of these nodes mitk::TimeGeometry::Pointer bounds = this->GetDataStorage()->ComputeBoundingGeometry3D(rs, "visible"); // initialize the views to the bounding geometry mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews(bounds); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::DisableLoggingButtons() { m_Controls->m_StartLogging->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_ChooseFile->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_LoggingLimit->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_LoggedFramesLimit->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_csvFormat->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_xmlFormat->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_StopLogging->setEnabled(true); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::EnableLoggingButtons() { m_Controls->m_StartLogging->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_LoggingFileName->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_ChooseFile->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_LoggingLimit->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_LoggedFramesLimit->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_csvFormat->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_xmlFormat->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_StopLogging->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::DisableOptionsButtons() { m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_UseDifferentUpdateRates->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_UpdateRate->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_OptionsUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_RenderUpdateRate->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_OptionsRenderUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_LogUpdateRate->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_OptionsLogUpdateRateLabel->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_DisableAllTimers->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_OtherOptionsGroupBox->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::EnableOptionsButtons() { m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_UseDifferentUpdateRates->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_DisableAllTimers->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_OtherOptionsGroupBox->setEnabled(true); OnToggleDifferentUpdateRates(); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::EnableTrackingControls() { m_Controls->m_TrackingControlsGroupBox->setEnabled(true); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::DisableTrackingControls() { m_Controls->m_TrackingControlsGroupBox->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::EnableTrackingConfigurationButtons() { m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools->setEnabled(true); if (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->GetType() != mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) m_Controls->m_AddSingleTool->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_LoadTools->setEnabled(true); m_Controls->m_ResetTools->setEnabled(true); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::DisableTrackingConfigurationButtons() { m_Controls->m_AutoDetectTools->setEnabled(false); if (m_Controls->m_configurationWidget->GetTrackingDevice()->GetType() != mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()) m_Controls->m_AddSingleTool->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_LoadTools->setEnabled(false); m_Controls->m_ResetTools->setEnabled(false); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::ReplaceCurrentToolStorage(mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer newStorage, std::string newStorageName) { //first: get rid of the old one //don't reset if there is no tool storage. BugFix #17793 if (m_toolStorage.IsNotNull()){ m_toolStorage->UnLockStorage(); //only to be sure... m_toolStorage->UnRegisterMicroservice(); m_toolStorage = nullptr; } //now: replace by the new one m_toolStorage = newStorage; m_toolStorage->SetName(newStorageName); m_toolStorage->RegisterAsMicroservice("no tracking device"); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::OnTimeOut() { - MITK_INFO << "Time Out"; m_WorkerThread->terminate(); m_WorkerThread->wait(); - m_TimeoutTimer->stop(); } //! [StoreUISettings] void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::StoreUISettings() { // persistence service does not directly work in plugins for now // -> using QSettings QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(QString::fromStdString(VIEW_ID)); - + MITK_INFO << "Store UI settings"; // set the values of some widgets and attrbutes to the QSettings settings.setValue("ShowTrackingVolume", QVariant(m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->isChecked())); settings.setValue("toolStorageFilename", QVariant(m_ToolStorageFilename)); settings.setValue("VolumeSelectionBox", QVariant(m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->currentIndex())); + settings.setValue("SimpleModeEnabled", QVariant(m_SimpleModeEnabled)); settings.endGroup(); } //! [StoreUISettings] //! [LoadUISettings] void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::LoadUISettings() { // persistence service does not directly work in plugins for now // -> using QSettings QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(QString::fromStdString(VIEW_ID)); // set some widgets and attributes by the values from the QSettings m_Controls->m_ShowTrackingVolume->setChecked(settings.value("ShowTrackingVolume", true).toBool()); m_Controls->m_VolumeSelectionBox->setCurrentIndex(settings.value("VolumeSelectionBox", 0).toInt()); m_ToolStorageFilename = settings.value("toolStorageFilename", QVariant("")).toString(); - + if (settings.value("SimpleModeEnabled", false).toBool()) { this->OnToggleAdvancedSimpleMode(); } settings.endGroup(); //! [LoadUISettings] //! [LoadToolStorage] // try to deserialize the tool storage from the given tool storage file name if (!m_ToolStorageFilename.isEmpty()) { // try-catch block for exceptions try { mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::Pointer myDeserializer = mitk::NavigationToolStorageDeserializer::New(GetDataStorage()); m_toolStorage->UnRegisterMicroservice(); m_toolStorage = myDeserializer->Deserialize(m_ToolStorageFilename.toStdString()); m_toolStorage->RegisterAsMicroservice("no tracking device"); //update label UpdateToolStorageLabel(m_ToolStorageFilename); //update tool preview m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->RemoveStatusLabels(); m_Controls->m_TrackingToolsStatusWidget->PreShowTools(m_toolStorage); } catch (mitk::IGTException) { MITK_WARN("QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolBoxView") << "Error during restoring tools. Problems with file (" << m_ToolStorageFilename.toStdString() << "), please check the file?"; this->OnResetTools(); //if there where errors reset the tool storage to avoid problems later on } } //! [LoadToolStorage] } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::UpdateToolStorageLabel(QString pathOfLoadedStorage) { QFileInfo myPath(pathOfLoadedStorage); //use this to seperate filename from path QString toolLabel = myPath.fileName(); if (toolLabel.size() > 45) //if the tool storage name is to long trimm the string { toolLabel.resize(40); toolLabel += "[...]"; } m_Controls->m_toolLabel->setText(toolLabel); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView::AutoSaveToolStorage() { m_ToolStorageFilename = m_AutoSaveFilename; mitk::NavigationToolStorageSerializer::Pointer mySerializer = mitk::NavigationToolStorageSerializer::New(); mySerializer->Serialize(m_ToolStorageFilename.toStdString(), m_toolStorage); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::SetWorkerMethod(WorkerMethod w) { m_WorkerMethod = w; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::SetTrackingDevice(mitk::TrackingDevice::Pointer t) { m_TrackingDevice = t; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::SetDataStorage(mitk::DataStorage::Pointer d) { m_DataStorage = d; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::SetInverseMode(bool mode) { m_InverseMode = mode; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::SetTrackingDeviceData(mitk::TrackingDeviceData d) { m_TrackingDeviceData = d; } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::SetNavigationToolStorage(mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer n) { m_NavigationToolStorage = n; } //! [Thread 7] void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::ThreadFunc() { switch (m_WorkerMethod) { case eAutoDetectTools: this->AutoDetectTools(); break; case eConnectDevice: this->ConnectDevice(); break; case eStartTracking: this->StartTracking(); break; case eStopTracking: this->StopTracking(); break; case eDisconnectDevice: this->DisconnectDevice(); break; default: MITK_WARN << "Undefined worker method was set ... something went wrong!"; break; } } //! [Thread 7] void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::AutoDetectTools() { - mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->AddStepsToDo(4); + mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->AddStepsToDo(2); mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer autoDetectedStorage = mitk::NavigationToolStorage::New(m_DataStorage); - mitk::NDITrackingDevice::Pointer currentDevice = dynamic_cast(m_TrackingDevice.GetPointer()); try { - currentDevice->OpenConnection(); + mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer tempStorage = m_TrackingDevice->AutoDetectTools(); mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(); - currentDevice->StartTracking(); + for (int i = 0; i < tempStorage->GetToolCount(); i++) { autoDetectedStorage->AddTool(tempStorage->GetTool(i)); } } catch (mitk::Exception& e) { - QString message = QString("Warning, can not auto-detect tools! (") + QString(e.GetDescription()) + QString(")"); - //MessageBox(message.toStdString()); //TODO: give message to the user here! - - MITK_WARN << message.toStdString(); - mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(4); - emit AutoDetectToolsFinished(false, message.toStdString().c_str()); + MITK_WARN << e.GetDescription(); + mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(2); + emit AutoDetectToolsFinished(false, e.GetDescription()); return; } - - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentDevice->GetToolCount(); i++) - { - //create a navigation tool with sphere as surface - std::stringstream toolname; - toolname << "AutoDetectedTool" << i; - mitk::NavigationTool::Pointer newTool = mitk::NavigationTool::New(); - newTool->SetSerialNumber(dynamic_cast(currentDevice->GetTool(i))->GetSerialNumber()); - newTool->SetIdentifier(toolname.str()); - newTool->SetTrackingDeviceType(mitk::NDIAuroraTypeInformation::GetTrackingDeviceName()); - mitk::DataNode::Pointer newNode = mitk::DataNode::New(); - mitk::Surface::Pointer mySphere = mitk::Surface::New(); - vtkSphereSource *vtkData = vtkSphereSource::New(); - vtkData->SetRadius(3.0f); - vtkData->SetCenter(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); - vtkData->Update(); - mySphere->SetVtkPolyData(vtkData->GetOutput()); - vtkData->Delete(); - newNode->SetData(mySphere); - newNode->SetName(toolname.str()); - newTool->SetDataNode(newNode); - autoDetectedStorage->AddTool(newTool); - } - m_NavigationToolStorage = autoDetectedStorage; - - currentDevice->StopTracking(); mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(); - currentDevice->CloseConnection(); - emit AutoDetectToolsFinished(true, ""); - mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(4); + mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(2); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::ConnectDevice() { std::string message = ""; mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->AddStepsToDo(10); //build the IGT pipeline mitk::TrackingDevice::Pointer trackingDevice = m_TrackingDevice; trackingDevice->SetData(m_TrackingDeviceData); //set device to rotation mode transposed becaus we are working with VNL style quaternions if (m_InverseMode) { trackingDevice->SetRotationMode(mitk::TrackingDevice::RotationTransposed); } //Get Tracking Volume Data mitk::TrackingDeviceData data = m_TrackingDeviceData; mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(); //Create Navigation Data Source with the factory class mitk::TrackingDeviceSourceConfigurator::Pointer myTrackingDeviceSourceFactory = mitk::TrackingDeviceSourceConfigurator::New(m_NavigationToolStorage, trackingDevice); m_TrackingDeviceSource = myTrackingDeviceSourceFactory->CreateTrackingDeviceSource(m_ToolVisualizationFilter); mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(); if (m_TrackingDeviceSource.IsNull()) { message = std::string("Cannot connect to device: ") + myTrackingDeviceSourceFactory->GetErrorMessage(); emit ConnectDeviceFinished(false, QString(message.c_str())); return; } //set filter to rotation mode transposed becaus we are working with VNL style quaternions if (m_InverseMode) m_ToolVisualizationFilter->SetRotationMode(mitk::NavigationDataObjectVisualizationFilter::RotationTransposed); //First check if the created object is valid if (m_TrackingDeviceSource.IsNull()) { message = myTrackingDeviceSourceFactory->GetErrorMessage(); emit ConnectDeviceFinished(false, QString(message.c_str())); return; } MITK_INFO << "Number of tools: " << m_TrackingDeviceSource->GetNumberOfOutputs(); mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(); //The tools are maybe reordered after initialization, e.g. in case of auto-detected tools of NDI Aurora mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer toolsInNewOrder = myTrackingDeviceSourceFactory->GetUpdatedNavigationToolStorage(); if ((toolsInNewOrder.IsNotNull()) && (toolsInNewOrder->GetToolCount() > 0)) { //so delete the old tools in wrong order and add them in the right order //we cannot simply replace the tool storage because the new storage is //not correctly initialized with the right data storage /* m_NavigationToolStorage->DeleteAllTools(); for (int i=0; i < toolsInNewOrder->GetToolCount(); i++) {m_NavigationToolStorage->AddTool(toolsInNewOrder->GetTool(i));} This was replaced and thereby fixed Bug 18318 DeleteAllTools() is not Threadsafe! */ for (int i = 0; i < toolsInNewOrder->GetToolCount(); i++) { m_NavigationToolStorage->AssignToolNumber(toolsInNewOrder->GetTool(i)->GetIdentifier(), i); } } mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(); //connect to device try { m_TrackingDeviceSource->Connect(); mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(); //Microservice registration: m_TrackingDeviceSource->RegisterAsMicroservice(); m_NavigationToolStorage->UnRegisterMicroservice(); m_NavigationToolStorage->RegisterAsMicroservice(m_TrackingDeviceSource->GetMicroserviceID()); m_NavigationToolStorage->LockStorage(); } catch (...) //todo: change to mitk::IGTException { message = "Error on connecting the tracking device."; emit ConnectDeviceFinished(false, QString(message.c_str())); return; } emit ConnectDeviceFinished(true, QString(message.c_str())); mitk::ProgressBar::GetInstance()->Progress(10); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::StartTracking() { QString errorMessage = ""; try { m_TrackingDeviceSource->StartTracking(); } catch (...) //todo: change to mitk::IGTException { errorMessage += "Error while starting the tracking device!"; emit StartTrackingFinished(false, errorMessage); return; } //remember the original colors of the tools m_OriginalColors = std::map(); for (int i = 0; i < this->m_NavigationToolStorage->GetToolCount(); i++) { mitk::DataNode::Pointer currentToolNode = m_NavigationToolStorage->GetTool(i)->GetDataNode(); float c[3]; currentToolNode->GetColor(c); mitk::Color color; color.SetRed(c[0]); color.SetGreen(c[1]); color.SetBlue(c[2]); m_OriginalColors[currentToolNode] = color; } emit StartTrackingFinished(true, errorMessage); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::StopTracking() { //stop tracking try { m_TrackingDeviceSource->StopTracking(); } catch (mitk::Exception& e) { emit StopTrackingFinished(false, e.GetDescription()); } //restore the original colors of the tools for (int i = 0; i < this->m_NavigationToolStorage->GetToolCount(); i++) { mitk::DataNode::Pointer currentToolNode = m_NavigationToolStorage->GetTool(i)->GetDataNode(); if (m_OriginalColors.find(currentToolNode) == m_OriginalColors.end()) { MITK_WARN << "Cannot restore original color of tool " << m_NavigationToolStorage->GetTool(i)->GetToolName(); } else { currentToolNode->SetColor(m_OriginalColors[currentToolNode]); } } //emit signal emit StopTrackingFinished(true, ""); } void QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker::DisconnectDevice() { try { if (m_TrackingDeviceSource->IsTracking()) { m_TrackingDeviceSource->StopTracking(); } m_TrackingDeviceSource->Disconnect(); m_TrackingDeviceSource->UnRegisterMicroservice(); m_NavigationToolStorage->UnLockStorage(); } catch (mitk::Exception& e) { emit DisconnectDeviceFinished(false, e.GetDescription()); } emit DisconnectDeviceFinished(true, ""); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.h b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.h index 406dcfafd6..e9376fd998 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.h +++ b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView.h @@ -1,306 +1,308 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView_h #define QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView_h #include #include #include "ui_QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls.h" //mitk headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //QT headers #include class QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker; /*! \brief QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView This is the view of the bundle IGT Tracking Toolbox. The IGT Tracking Toolbox can be used to access tracking devices with MITK-IGT. The Tracking Toolbox can be used to log tracking data in XML or CSV format for measurement purposes. The Tracking Toolbox further allows for visualization of tools with given surfaces in combination with the NaviagtionToolManager. \sa QmitkFunctionality \ingroup Functionalities */ class QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView : public QmitkFunctionality { // this is needed for all Qt objects that should have a Qt meta-object // (everything that derives from QObject and wants to have signal/slots) Q_OBJECT public: static const std::string VIEW_ID; QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView(); virtual ~QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxView(); virtual void CreateQtPartControl(QWidget *parent) override; virtual void StdMultiWidgetAvailable (QmitkStdMultiWidget &stdMultiWidget) override; virtual void StdMultiWidgetNotAvailable() override; protected slots: /** @brief changes name of the filename when switching fileextension by radio button */ void OnToggleFileExtension(); /** @brief This slot is called if the user wants to load a new tool file. A new window opens where the user can choose a file. If the chosen file is corrupt or not valid the user gets an error message. If the file was loaded successfully the tools are show in the tool status widget. */ void OnLoadTools(); /** Starts tracking if tracking is stopped / stops tracking if tracking is started. */ void OnStartStopTracking(); /** Connects the device if it is disconnected / disconnects the device if it is connected. */ void OnConnectDisconnect(); /** Freezes the device if it is not frozen / unfreezes the device if it is frozen. */ void OnFreezeUnfreezeTracking(); /** @brief This slot connects to the device. In status "connected" configuration of the device is disabled. */ void OnConnect(); /** @brief This slot disconnects from the device. */ void OnDisconnect(); /** @brief This slot tries to start tracking with the current device. If start tracking fails the user gets an error message and tracking stays off.*/ void OnStartTracking(); /** @brief This slot stops tracking. If tracking is not strated it does nothing.*/ void OnStopTracking(); /** @brief This slot is called if the user want's to choose a file name for logging. A new windows to navigate through the file system and choose a file opens.*/ void OnChooseFileClicked(); /** @brief This slot starts logging. Logging is only possible if a device is tracking. If not the logging mechanism start when the start tracking is called.*/ void StartLogging(); /** @brief This slot stops logging. If logging is not running it does nothing.*/ void StopLogging(); /** @brief This slot enables / disables UI elements depending on the tracking device after a device is changed.*/ void OnTrackingDeviceChanged(); /** @brief This slot selects the Tracking Volume appropriate for a given model */ void OnTrackingVolumeChanged(QString qstr); /** @brief Shows or hides the tracking volume according to the checkboxe's state */ void OnShowTrackingVolumeChanged(); /** @brief This slot auto detects tools of a NDI Aurora tracking device. If tools where found they will be stored internally as a tool storage. The user is also asked if he wants to save this tool storage to load it later. Only call it if a Aurora device was configured because other devices don't support auto detection.*/ void OnAutoDetectTools(); /** @brief Slot for tracking timer. The timer updates the IGT pipline and also the logging filter if logging is activated.*/ void UpdateRenderTrackingTimer(); void UpdateLoggingTrackingTimer(); /** @brief Slot for showing the rendering disabled warning label*/ void OnChangeRenderUpdateRate(); /** @brief Resets the Tracking Tools: this means all tools are removed. */ void OnResetTools(); /** @brief Opens a dialog where a new navigation tool can be created. */ void OnAddSingleTool(); /** @brief This slot is called if the user finishes the creation of a new tool. */ void OnAddSingleToolFinished(); /** @brief This slot is called if the user cancels the creation of a new tool. */ void OnAddSingleToolCanceled(); void OnTimeOut(); protected slots: //help slots for enable/disable buttons void DisableLoggingButtons(); void EnableLoggingButtons(); void DisableOptionsButtons(); void EnableOptionsButtons(); void EnableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); void DisableTrackingConfigurationButtons(); void EnableTrackingControls(); void DisableTrackingControls(); void EnableDisableTimerButtons(int enable); - + void OnToggleAdvancedSimpleMode(); void OnToggleDifferentUpdateRates(); //slots for worker thread void OnAutoDetectToolsFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void OnConnectFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void OnStartTrackingFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void OnStopTrackingFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void OnDisconnectFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); protected: Ui::QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls* m_Controls; QmitkStdMultiWidget* m_MultiWidget; bool m_tracking; ///> bool which is true if tracking is running, false if not bool m_connected; ///> bool that is true when a tracking device is connected bool m_logging; ///> bool which is true if logging is running, false if not int m_loggedFrames; ///> stores the current number of logged frames if logging is on mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer m_toolStorage; ///>stores the loaded tools mitk::DataNode::Pointer m_TrackingVolumeNode; ///>holds the data node of the tracking volume if volume is visualized bool lastTrackingVolumeState; ///>temporary holds the state of the tracking volume (activated/not activated) during some methods QString m_ToolStorageFilename; ///>stores the filename of the current tool storage QString m_AutoSaveFilename; ///>a filename for auto saving tools if no m_ToolStorageFilename was given by the user /** @brief Shows a message box with the text given as parameter. */ void MessageBox(std::string s); /** @brief reinits the view globally. */ void GlobalReinit(); //members for the filter pipeline mitk::TrackingDeviceSource::Pointer m_TrackingDeviceSource; ///> member for the source of the IGT pipeline mitk::TrackingDeviceData m_TrackingDeviceData; ///> stores the tracking device data as long as this is not handled by the tracking device configuration widget mitk::NavigationDataObjectVisualizationFilter::Pointer m_ToolVisualizationFilter; ///> holds the tool visualization filter (second filter of the IGT pipeline) mitk::NavigationDataRecorder::Pointer m_loggingFilter; ///> holds the logging filter if logging is on (third filter of the IGT pipeline) //members for open IGT link server mitk::NavigationDataToIGTLMessageFilter::Pointer m_IGTLConversionFilter; ///> Converts the navigation data as open IGT link message and makes this filter available as microservice mitk::IGTLServer::Pointer m_IGTLServer; mitk::IGTLMessageProvider::Pointer m_IGTLMessageProvider; /** @brief This timer updates the IGT pipline and also the logging filter if logging is activated.*/ QTimer* m_TrackingRenderTimer; QTimer* m_TrackingLoggingTimer; QTimer* m_TimeoutTimer; + bool m_SimpleModeEnabled; ///>Stores if simple UI mode is enabled + /** Replaces the current navigation tool storage which is stored in m_toolStorage. * Basically handles the microservice stuff: unregisteres the old storage, then * replaces the storage and registers the new one. */ void ReplaceCurrentToolStorage(mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer newStorage, std::string newStorageName); /** * \brief Stores the properties of some QWidgets (and the tool storage file name) to QSettings. */ void StoreUISettings(); /** * \brief Loads the properties of some QWidgets (and the tool storage file name) from QSettings. */ void LoadUISettings(); /** * Help method for updating the tool label */ void UpdateToolStorageLabel(QString pathOfLoadedStorage); /** * Auto saves the current tool storage to a temporary file. This ist used for persistence. */ void AutoSaveToolStorage(); //members for worker thread QThread* m_WorkerThread; QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker* m_Worker; private: ctkServiceReference m_DeviceTypeServiceReference; mitk::TrackingDeviceTypeCollection* m_DeviceTypeCollection; }; /** * Worker thread class for this view. */ class QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewWorker : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum WorkerMethod{ eAutoDetectTools = 0, eConnectDevice = 1, eStartTracking = 2, eStopTracking = 3, eDisconnectDevice = 4 }; void SetWorkerMethod(WorkerMethod w); void SetTrackingDevice(mitk::TrackingDevice::Pointer t); void SetDataStorage(mitk::DataStorage::Pointer d); void SetInverseMode(bool mode); void SetTrackingDeviceData(mitk::TrackingDeviceData d); void SetNavigationToolStorage(mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer n); itkGetMacro(NavigationToolStorage,mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer); itkGetMacro(TrackingDeviceSource,mitk::TrackingDeviceSource::Pointer); itkGetMacro(TrackingDeviceData,mitk::TrackingDeviceData); itkGetMacro(ToolVisualizationFilter,mitk::NavigationDataObjectVisualizationFilter::Pointer); public slots: void ThreadFunc(); signals: void AutoDetectToolsFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void ConnectDeviceFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void StartTrackingFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void StopTrackingFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); void DisconnectDeviceFinished(bool success, QString errorMessage); protected: mitk::TrackingDevice::Pointer m_TrackingDevice; WorkerMethod m_WorkerMethod; mitk::DataStorage::Pointer m_DataStorage; mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer m_NavigationToolStorage; //members for the filter pipeline which is created in the worker thread during ConnectDevice() mitk::TrackingDeviceSource::Pointer m_TrackingDeviceSource; ///> member for the source of the IGT pipeline mitk::TrackingDeviceData m_TrackingDeviceData; ///> stores the tracking device data as long as this is not handled by the tracking device configuration widget mitk::NavigationDataObjectVisualizationFilter::Pointer m_ToolVisualizationFilter; ///> holds the tool visualization filter (second filter of the IGT pipeline) //members some internal flags bool m_InverseMode; //flag that is true when the inverse mode is enabled //stores the original colors of the tracking tools std::map m_OriginalColors; //internal methods void AutoDetectTools(); void ConnectDevice(); void StartTracking(); void StopTracking(); void DisconnectDevice(); }; #endif // _QMITKMITKIGTTRACKINGTOOLBOXVIEW_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls.ui b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls.ui index ecad7c0c5b..80774c501b 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls.ui +++ b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igttracking/src/internal/QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls.ui @@ -1,805 +1,889 @@ QmitkMITKIGTTrackingToolboxViewControls 0 0 370 - 1009 + 747 0 0 QmitkTemplate 0 Tracking 0 0 0 0 16777215 280 0 0 6 75 true <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:7.8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;">Tracking Tools</span></p></body></html> 0 0 ToolStorage: <none> Qt::Horizontal 40 20 200 80 Qt::Horizontal 13 49 120 0 Auto Detection 120 0 Add Single Tool 120 0 Load Tool Storage 120 0 Reset <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:7.8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;">Tracking Control</span></p></body></html> Status: disconnected Qt::Horizontal 40 20 142 0 Connect Qt::Horizontal 40 20 142 0 Start Tracking Qt::Horizontal 40 20 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Tracking Frozen!</span></p></body></html> true 142 0 Freeze Tracking Qt::Vertical 20 40 Options Disable All Timers true <html><head/><body><p align="right"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Rendering Disabled!</span></p></body></html> Qt::AutoText Update Rate Options Update Rate [per second] Qt::Horizontal 40 20 100 10 Use different Render and Log Update Rates false Render Update Rate [fps] Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false 0 100 10 false Log Update Rate [per second] Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false 1 120 10 60 Tracking Volume Options true Show Tracking Volume true Select Model: Other Options Show Tool Quaternions Enable Open IGT Link MicroService true + + + + Simple UI + + + Caution, only for backward compatibility: Inverse mode (Quaternions are stored inverse) Qt::Vertical 20 600 Logging Filename: Choose File Limit Number Of Logged Frames: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 1 9999 300 CSV format true XML format Logging Status Logging OFF Logged Frames: 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Start Logging Stop Logging Qt::Vertical 20 40 + + + + + + + + + + 70 + 50 + + + + Connect + + + + + + + + 70 + 50 + + + + Start +Tracking + + + + + + + Qt::Horizontal + + + + 40 + 20 + + + + + + + + + 70 + 50 + + + + Advanced +Mode + + + + + + + + + + + + Qt::Vertical + + + + 20 + 40 + + + + QmitkTrackingDeviceConfigurationWidget QWidget
QmitkToolTrackingStatusWidget QWidget
QmitkNavigationToolCreationWidget QWidget