diff --git a/Modules/Chart/include/QmitkChartWidget.h b/Modules/Chart/include/QmitkChartWidget.h
index 1de030388a..2ce447d9cb 100644
--- a/Modules/Chart/include/QmitkChartWidget.h
+++ b/Modules/Chart/include/QmitkChartWidget.h
@@ -1,221 +1,227 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #ifndef QmitkC3jsWidget_h
 #define QmitkC3jsWidget_h
 #include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include <QWidget>
 #include <MitkChartExports.h>
 \brief QmitkChartWidget is a widget to display various charts based on the javascript chart library C3js.
 * \details Data is added via AddData1D() or AddData2D().\n
 * There can be multiple charts (of different types with different properties) created by calling AddData1D or AddData2D multiple times.\n\n
 * The following chart types are supported:
 * * line chart: http://c3js.org/samples/simple_multiple.html
 * * bar chart: http://c3js.org/samples/chart_bar.html
 * * spline chart: http://c3js.org/samples/chart_spline.html
 * * pie chart: http://c3js.org/samples/chart_pie.html
 * * scatter chart: http://c3js.org/samples/chart_scatter.html
 * * area chart: http://c3js.org/samples/chart_area.html
 * * area spline chart: http://c3js.org/samples/chart_area.html
 * Technical details: The javascript code is embedded in a QWebEngineView. The actual js code is implemented in resource\Chart.js.
 * \sa http://c3js.org for further information about the used javaScript library.
 * \warning We had issues with Qt versions <5.10. So we highly encourage to use Qt 5.10 or newer if this module is used.
 * \ingroup Modules/Chart
 class MITKCHART_EXPORT QmitkChartWidget : public QWidget
   * \brief enum of diagram types.
 	enum class ChartType { 
     bar, /*!< bar chart, see http://c3js.org/samples/chart_bar.html */
     line, /*!< line chart, see http://c3js.org/samples/simple_multiple.html */
     spline, /*!< spline chart (smoothed line chart), see http://c3js.org/samples/chart_spline.html */
     pie, /*!< pie chart, see http://c3js.org/samples/chart_pie.html*/
     area, /*!< area chart, see http://c3js.org/samples/chart_area.html*/
     area_spline, /*!< area-spline chart, see http://c3js.org/samples/chart_area.html*/
     scatter /*!< scatter chart, see http://c3js.org/samples/chart_scatter.html*/
   * \brief enum of chart style (modifies background and line color).
   enum class ChartStyle {
     darkstyle, /*!< background color: dark gray, line color: blue */
     lightstyle /*!< background color: white, line color: blue */
   enum class LineStyle {
   enum class AxisScale {
   * \brief enum of legend position.
   * See http://c3js.org/reference.html#legend-position
   enum class LegendPosition {
   explicit QmitkChartWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
   ~QmitkChartWidget() override;
   * \brief Adds 1D data to the widget
   * \details internally, the list is converted to a map with increasing integers keys starting at 0.
   * \param label the name of the data that is also used as identifier.
   * \param chartType the chart type that should be used for this data entry
   * \note the data can be cleared with ClearDiagram()
   * \note If the label name already exists, the name is replaced with a unique one by concatenating numbers to it.
   * \warning Pie chart is significantly different than the other chart types. Here, the data given by AddData1D is summed. Each entry represents a different category.
   void AddData1D(const std::vector<double>& data1D, const std::string& label, ChartType chartType = ChartType::bar);
   * \brief Adds 2D data to the widget. Call repeatedly for displaying multiple charts.
   * \details each entry represents a data point: key: value --> x-value: y-value.
   * \param label the name of the data that is also used as identifier.
   * \param chartType the chart type that should be used for this data entry
   * \note the data can be cleared with ClearDiagram() 
   * \note If the label name already exists, the name is replaced with a unique one by concatenating numbers to it.
   * \warning Pie chart is significantly different than the other chart types. Here, the data given by AddData1D is summed. Each entry represents a different category.
   void AddData2D(const std::map<double, double>& data2D, const std::string& label, ChartType chartType = ChartType::bar);
   * \brief Removes data from the widget, works for 1D and 2D Data
   * \param label the name of the data that is also used as identifier.
   * \note All data can be cleared with ClearDiagram()
   * \throws Invalid Argument Exception when the label cannot be found
   void RemoveData(const std::string& label);
   * \brief Sets the color of one data entry (identifier is previously assigned label)
   * \details the color name can be "red" or a hex number (#FF0000).
   * \warning Either define all data entries with a color or no data entry. If a mixed approach is used,
   * C3 choses the color of the data entry (that could be the same as a user defined color).
   * \note If an unknown label is given, nothing happens.
   *  \sa https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp
   void SetColor(const std::string& label, const std::string& colorName);
   * \brief Sets the line style of one data entry (identifier is previously assigned label)
   * \details two line styles are possible: LineStyle::solid and LineStyle::dashed.
   * The default line style is solid.
   * \note If an unknown label is given, nothing happens.
   *  \warning only sets the line style if the current chart type is ChartType::line.
   *  However, the line style remains also if the chart changes (e.g. new chart type)
   void SetLineStyle(const std::string& label, LineStyle style);
   * \brief Sets the axis scale to either linear (default) or logarithmic.
   void SetYAxisScale(AxisScale scale);
   void SetXAxisLabel(const std::string& label);
   void SetYAxisLabel(const std::string& label);
   * \brief Sets a title for the chart.
   void SetTitle(const std::string &title);
   * \brief Changes the chart type for all data entries and reloads the chart
   void SetChartTypeForAllDataAndReload(ChartType type);
   * \brief Sets the chart type for a data entry
   * \details for available types, see ChartType
   * \note If an unknown label is given, nothing happens.
   * \warning Pie chart is significantly different than the other chart types. Here, the data given by AddData1D is summed. Each entry represents a different category.
   * \sa DiagramType for available types
   void SetChartType(const std::string& label, ChartType type);
   * \brief Sets the legend position.
   * \details Default position is bottom.
   * \sa LegendPosition for available types
   void SetLegendPosition(LegendPosition position);
   void SetShowLegend(bool show);
   void SetStackedData(bool stacked);
   * \brief Displays the chart in the widget
   * \param showSubChart if a subchart is displayed inside the widget or not (see http://c3js.org/samples/options_subchart.html).
   * \exception if no data has been provided (\sa AddData1D AddData2D)
   void Show(bool showSubChart=false);
   * \brief Either displays the dataPoints or not
   * \param showDataPoints if dataPoints are displayed inside the widget or not.
   * \details: example for not showing points: http://c3js.org/samples/point_show.html
   * example for showing the points: http://c3js.org/samples/simple_multiple.html
   void SetShowDataPoints(bool showDataPoints);
   * \brief Clears all data inside and resets the widget.
   void Clear();
   * \brief Changes the theme of the widget.
   void SetTheme(ChartStyle themeEnabled);
   * \brief Reloads the chart in the widget
   * \details reloading may be needed to display added data in an existing chart
   * \param showSubChart if a subchart is displayed inside the widget or not.
   void Reload(bool showSubChart);
+  QSize sizeHint() const override;
+  class Impl;
+  Impl* m_Impl;
 public slots:
   void OnLoadFinished(bool isLoadSuccessful);
   void PageSuccessfullyLoaded();
   class Impl;
   std::unique_ptr<Impl> m_Impl;
diff --git a/Modules/Chart/src/QmitkChartWidget.cpp b/Modules/Chart/src/QmitkChartWidget.cpp
index 9749461c0f..ff614477d0 100644
--- a/Modules/Chart/src/QmitkChartWidget.cpp
+++ b/Modules/Chart/src/QmitkChartWidget.cpp
@@ -1,513 +1,525 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
 All rights reserved.
 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details.
 #include <regex>
 #include <QmitkChartWidget.h>
 #include <QGridLayout>
 #include <QWebChannel>
 #include <QWebEngineView>
   #include <QWebEngineSettings>
 #include <QmitkChartData.h>
 #include <QmitkChartxyData.h>
 #include "mitkExceptionMacro.h"
 class QmitkChartWidget::Impl final
   explicit Impl(QWidget* parent);
   Impl(const Impl&) = delete;
   Impl& operator=(const Impl&) = delete;
   void AddData1D(const std::vector<double>& data1D, const std::string& label, QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType);
   void AddData2D(const std::map<double, double>& data2D, const std::string& label, QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType);
   void RemoveData(const std::string& label);
   void ClearData();
   void SetColor(const std::string& label, const std::string& colorName);
   void SetLineStyle(const std::string& label, LineStyle style);
   void SetYAxisScale(AxisScale scale);
   void SetXAxisLabel(const std::string& label);
   void SetYAxisLabel(const std::string& label);
   void SetTitle(const std::string &title);
   void SetChartType(QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType);
   void SetChartTypeByLabel(const std::string& label, QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType);
   void SetLegendPosition(LegendPosition position);
   void SetShowLegend(bool show);
   void SetStackedData(bool stacked);
   void Show(bool showSubChart);
   void SetShowDataPoints(bool showDataPoints = false);
   std::string ConvertChartTypeToString(QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType) const;
   void ClearJavaScriptChart();
   void InitializeJavaScriptChart();
   void CallJavaScriptFuntion(const QString& command);
-  using ChartxyDataVector = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QmitkChartxyData>>;
+  QSize sizeHint() const;
   std::string GetUniqueLabelName(const QList<QVariant>& labelList, const std::string& label) const;
   QmitkChartxyData* GetDataElementByLabel(const std::string& label) const;
   QList<QVariant> GetDataLabels(const ChartxyDataVector& c3xyData) const;
   QWebChannel* m_WebChannel;
   QWebEngineView* m_WebEngineView;
   QmitkChartData m_C3Data;
   ChartxyDataVector m_C3xyData;
   std::map<QmitkChartWidget::ChartType, std::string> m_ChartTypeToName;
   std::map<QmitkChartWidget::LegendPosition, std::string> m_LegendPositionToName;
   std::map<QmitkChartWidget::LineStyle, std::string> m_LineStyleToName;
   std::map<QmitkChartWidget::AxisScale, std::string> m_AxisScaleToName;
 QmitkChartWidget::Impl::Impl(QWidget* parent)
   : m_WebChannel(new QWebChannel(parent))
   , m_WebEngineView(new QWebEngineView(parent))
   //disable context menu for QWebEngineView
   //Set the webengineview to an initial empty page. The actual chart will be loaded once the data is calculated.
   #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 8, 0)
     m_WebEngineView->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::FocusOnNavigationEnabled, false);
   connect(m_WebEngineView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), parent, SLOT(OnLoadFinished(bool)));
   auto layout = new QGridLayout(parent);
   m_ChartTypeToName.emplace(ChartType::bar, "bar");
   m_ChartTypeToName.emplace(ChartType::line, "line");
   m_ChartTypeToName.emplace(ChartType::spline, "spline");
   m_ChartTypeToName.emplace(ChartType::pie, "pie");
   m_ChartTypeToName.emplace(ChartType::area, "area");
   m_ChartTypeToName.emplace(ChartType::area_spline, "area-spline");
   m_ChartTypeToName.emplace(ChartType::scatter, "scatter");
   m_LegendPositionToName.emplace(LegendPosition::bottom, "bottom");
   m_LegendPositionToName.emplace(LegendPosition::right, "right");
   m_LegendPositionToName.emplace(LegendPosition::inset, "inset");
   m_LineStyleToName.emplace(LineStyle::solid, "solid");
   m_LineStyleToName.emplace(LineStyle::dashed, "dashed");
   m_AxisScaleToName.emplace(AxisScale::linear, "");
   m_AxisScaleToName.emplace(AxisScale::log, "log");
 std::string CheckForCorrectHex(const std::string& colorName)
   std::regex rgx("([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})");
   std::smatch match;
   if (!colorName.empty() && colorName.at(0) != '#' && std::regex_search(colorName.begin(), colorName.end(), match, rgx))
     return "#" + colorName;
     return colorName;
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::AddData1D(const std::vector<double>& data1D, const std::string& label, QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType)
   std::map<double, double> transformedData2D;
   unsigned int count = 0;
   //transform the 1D data to 2D data
   for (const auto& ele : data1D)
     transformedData2D[count] = ele;
   AddData2D(transformedData2D, label, chartType);
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::AddData2D(const std::map<double, double>& data2D, const std::string& label, QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType)
   QMap<QVariant, QVariant> data2DConverted;
   for (const auto& aValue : data2D)
     data2DConverted.insert(aValue.first, aValue.second);
   const std::string chartTypeName(m_ChartTypeToName.at(chartType));
   auto definedLabels = GetDataLabels(m_C3xyData);
   auto uniqueLabel = GetUniqueLabelName(definedLabels, label);
   if (chartType == ChartType::scatter)
     MITK_INFO << "Enabling data points for all because of scatter plot";
   m_C3xyData.push_back(std::make_unique<QmitkChartxyData>(data2DConverted, QVariant(QString::fromStdString(uniqueLabel)), QVariant(QString::fromStdString(chartTypeName))));
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::RemoveData(const std::string& label)
   for (ChartxyDataVector::iterator iter = m_C3xyData.begin(); iter != m_C3xyData.end(); ++iter)
     if ((*iter)->GetLabel().toString().toStdString() == label)
   throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot Remove Data because the label does not exist.");
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::ClearData()
   for (auto& xyData : m_C3xyData)
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetColor(const std::string& label, const std::string& colorName)
   auto element = GetDataElementByLabel(label);
   if (element)
     auto colorChecked = CheckForCorrectHex(colorName);
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetLineStyle(const std::string& label, LineStyle style)
   auto element = GetDataElementByLabel(label);
   //only has effect with chart type line
   if (element && element->GetChartType() == QVariant(QString::fromStdString(ConvertChartTypeToString(ChartType::line))))
     const std::string lineStyleName(m_LineStyleToName.at(style));
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetYAxisScale(AxisScale scale)
   const std::string axisScaleName(m_AxisScaleToName.at(scale));
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetXAxisLabel(const std::string& label)
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetYAxisLabel(const std::string& label)
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetTitle(const std::string& title)
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetChartType(QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType)
   for (auto iterator = m_C3xyData.begin(); iterator != m_C3xyData.end(); ++iterator)
     SetChartTypeByLabel((*iterator)->GetLabel().toString().toStdString(), chartType);
   auto chartTypeName = ConvertChartTypeToString(chartType);
   const QString command = QString::fromStdString("transformView('" + chartTypeName + "')");
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetChartTypeByLabel(const std::string& label, QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType)
   auto element = GetDataElementByLabel(label);
   if (element)
     if (chartType == ChartType::scatter)
       MITK_INFO << "Enabling data points for all because of scatter plot";
     auto chartTypeName = ConvertChartTypeToString(chartType);
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetLegendPosition(QmitkChartWidget::LegendPosition legendPosition)
   const std::string legendPositionName(m_LegendPositionToName.at(legendPosition));
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetShowLegend(bool show)
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetStackedData(bool stacked)
-void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::Show(bool showSubChart)
+QSize QmitkChartWidget::Impl::sizeHint() const
+	return QSize(400, 300);
+void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::CallJavaScriptFuntion(const QString& command)
   if (m_C3xyData.empty())
     mitkThrow() << "no data available for display in chart";
   m_C3Data.SetAppearance(showSubChart, m_C3xyData.front()->GetChartType() == QVariant("pie"));
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::SetShowDataPoints(bool showDataPoints)
   if (showDataPoints == true)
 std::string QmitkChartWidget::Impl::ConvertChartTypeToString(QmitkChartWidget::ChartType chartType) const
   return m_ChartTypeToName.at(chartType);
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::ClearJavaScriptChart()
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::InitializeJavaScriptChart()
   m_WebChannel->registerObject(QStringLiteral("chartData"), &m_C3Data);
   unsigned count = 0;
   for (auto& xyData : m_C3xyData)
     QString variableName = "xyData" + QString::number(count);
     m_WebChannel->registerObject(variableName, xyData.get());
 void QmitkChartWidget::Impl::CallJavaScriptFuntion(const QString& command)
 std::string QmitkChartWidget::Impl::GetUniqueLabelName(const QList<QVariant>& labelList, const std::string& label) const
   QString currentLabel = QString::fromStdString(label);
   int counter = 0;
   while (labelList.contains(currentLabel))
     currentLabel = QString::fromStdString(label + std::to_string(counter));
   return currentLabel.toStdString();
 QmitkChartxyData* QmitkChartWidget::Impl::GetDataElementByLabel(const std::string& label) const
   for (const auto& qmitkChartxyData : m_C3xyData)
     if (qmitkChartxyData->GetLabel().toString() == label.c_str())
       return qmitkChartxyData.get();
   MITK_WARN << "label " << label << " not found in QmitkChartWidget";
   return nullptr;
 QList<QVariant> QmitkChartWidget::Impl::GetDataLabels(const ChartxyDataVector& c3xyData) const
   QList<QVariant> dataLabels;
   for (auto element = c3xyData.begin(); element != c3xyData.end(); ++element)
   return dataLabels;
 QmitkChartWidget::QmitkChartWidget(QWidget* parent)
   : QWidget(parent)
   , m_Impl(new Impl(this))
 void QmitkChartWidget::AddData1D(const std::vector<double>& data1D, const std::string& label, ChartType type)
   m_Impl->AddData1D(data1D, label, type);
 void QmitkChartWidget::AddData2D(const std::map<double, double>& data2D, const std::string& label, ChartType type)
   m_Impl->AddData2D(data2D, label, type);
 void QmitkChartWidget::RemoveData(const std::string& label)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetColor(const std::string& label, const std::string& colorName)
   m_Impl->SetColor(label, colorName);
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetLineStyle(const std::string& label, LineStyle style)
   m_Impl->SetLineStyle(label, style);
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetYAxisScale(AxisScale scale)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetXAxisLabel(const std::string & label)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetYAxisLabel(const std::string & label)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetTitle(const std::string & title)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetChartTypeForAllDataAndReload(ChartType type)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetChartType(const std::string& label, ChartType type)
   m_Impl->SetChartTypeByLabel(label, type);
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetLegendPosition(LegendPosition position)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetShowLegend(bool show)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetStackedData(bool stacked)
 void QmitkChartWidget::Show(bool showSubChart)
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetShowDataPoints(bool showDataPoints)
 void QmitkChartWidget::Clear()
 void QmitkChartWidget::OnLoadFinished(bool isLoadSuccessful)
     emit PageSuccessfullyLoaded();
 void QmitkChartWidget::SetTheme(ChartStyle themeEnabled)
   QString command;
   if (themeEnabled == ChartStyle::darkstyle)
     command = QString("changeTheme('dark')");
   else {
     command = QString("changeTheme('light')");
 void QmitkChartWidget::Reload(bool showSubChart)
   QString subChartString;
   if (showSubChart)
     subChartString = "true";
     subChartString = "false";
   const QString command = QString("ReloadChart(" + subChartString + ")");
+QSize QmitkChartWidget::sizeHint() const
+	return m_Impl->sizeHint();