diff --git a/CMake/PackageDepends/MITK_Boost_Config.cmake b/CMake/PackageDepends/MITK_Boost_Config.cmake index 1413f203ea..5b55afc0bd 100644 --- a/CMake/PackageDepends/MITK_Boost_Config.cmake +++ b/CMake/PackageDepends/MITK_Boost_Config.cmake @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ -set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.82.0" "1.82") +set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.85.0" "1.85") find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${Boost_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_BY_MODULE}) if(Boost_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_BY_MODULE) foreach(boost_component ${Boost_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_BY_MODULE}) list(APPEND ALL_LIBRARIES "Boost::${boost_component}") endforeach() endif() list(APPEND ALL_LIBRARIES "Boost::boost") if(MSVC) list(APPEND ALL_LIBRARIES "Boost::dynamic_linking" "bcrypt") endif() diff --git a/CMake/mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion.cmake b/CMake/mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion.cmake index 440d316b7d..f85fd623c1 100644 --- a/CMake/mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion.cmake +++ b/CMake/mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion.cmake @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ function(mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion ) if(MSVC) if(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1910 AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1920) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_PRODUCT_NAME "Visual Studio 2017" PARENT_SCOPE) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR 14 PARENT_SCOPE) string(SUBSTRING ${MSVC_VERSION} 2 -1 version_minor) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR ${version_minor} PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1920 AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1930) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_PRODUCT_NAME "Visual Studio 2019" PARENT_SCOPE) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR 14 PARENT_SCOPE) string(SUBSTRING ${MSVC_VERSION} 2 -1 version_minor) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR ${version_minor} PARENT_SCOPE) - elseif(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1930 AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1940) + elseif(MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1930 AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1950) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_PRODUCT_NAME "Visual Studio 2022" PARENT_SCOPE) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR 14 PARENT_SCOPE) string(SUBSTRING ${MSVC_VERSION} 2 -1 version_minor) set(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR ${version_minor} PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(WARNING "Unknown Visual Studio version ${MSVC_VERSION} (CMake/mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion.cmake)") endif() if(CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME STREQUAL x64) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE x64 PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE x86 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() diff --git a/CMakeExternals/Boost.cmake b/CMakeExternals/Boost.cmake index 323448f549..79556b324b 100644 --- a/CMakeExternals/Boost.cmake +++ b/CMakeExternals/Boost.cmake @@ -1,343 +1,343 @@ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Boost #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion) #[[ Sanity checks ]] if(DEFINED Boost_ROOT AND NOT EXISTS ${Boost_ROOT}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Boost_ROOT variable is defined but corresponds to non-existing directory") endif() string(REPLACE "^^" ";" MITK_USE_Boost_LIBRARIES "${MITK_USE_Boost_LIBRARIES}") set(proj Boost) set(proj_DEPENDENCIES ) set(Boost_DEPENDS ${proj}) if(NOT DEFINED Boost_ROOT AND NOT MITK_USE_SYSTEM_Boost) #[[ Reset variables. ]] set(patch_cmd "") set(configure_cmd "") set(install_cmd "") set(Boost_ROOT ${ep_prefix}) - set(Boost_DIR "${Boost_ROOT}/lib/cmake/Boost-1.82.0") + set(Boost_DIR "${Boost_ROOT}/lib/cmake/Boost-1.85.0") if(WIN32) set(BOOST_LIBRARYDIR "${Boost_ROOT}/lib") endif() #[[ If you update Boost, make sure that the FindBoost module of the minimum required version of CMake supports the new version of Boost. In case you are using a higher version of CMake, download at least the source code of the minimum required version of CMake to look into the right version of the FindBoost module: /share/cmake-/Modules/FindBoost.cmake Search for a list called _Boost_KNOWN_VERSIONS. If the new version is not included in this list, you have three options: * Update the minimum required version of CMake. This may require adaptions of other parts of our CMake scripts and has the most impact on other MITK developers. Yet this is the safest and cleanest option. * Set Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS (see the documentation of the FindBoost module). As Boost libraries and dependencies between them are hard-coded in the FindBoost module only for known versions, this may cause trouble for other MITK developers relying on new components of Boost or components with changed dependencies. * Copy a newer version of the FindBoost module into our CMake directory. Our CMake directory has a higher precedence than the default CMake module directory. Doublecheck if the minimum required version of CMake is able to process the newer version of the FindBoost module. Also, DO NOT FORGET to mention this option right above the call of cmake_minimum_required() in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file AND in this file right above the set(url) command below so if we update the minimum required version of CMake or use another option in the future, we do not forget to remove our copy of the FindBoost module again. ]] - set(url "${MITK_THIRDPARTY_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX_URL}/boost_1_82_0.tar.gz") - set(md5 f7050f554a65f6a42ece221eaeec1660) + set(url "${MITK_THIRDPARTY_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX_URL}/boost_1_85_0.tar.gz") + set(md5 53aeccc3167909ee770e34469f8dd592) if(MITK_USE_Boost_LIBRARIES) #[[ Boost has a two-step build process. In the first step, a bootstrap script is called to build b2, an executable that is used to actually build Boost in the second step. The bootstrap script expects a toolset (compiler) argument that is used to build the b2 executable. The scripts and their expected argument format differ between Windows and Unix. ]] if(WIN32) mitkFunctionGetMSVCVersion() if(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR EQUAL 0) #[[ Use just the major version in the toolset name. ]] set(bootstrap_args vc${VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR}) elseif(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 14 AND VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR LESS 20) #[[ Assume Visual Studio 2017. ]] set(bootstrap_args vc${VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR}1) elseif(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 14 AND VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR LESS 30) #[[ Assume Visual Studio 2019. ]] set(bootstrap_args vc${VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR}2) - elseif(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 14 AND VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR LESS 40) + elseif(VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 14 AND VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR LESS 50) #[[ Assume Visual Studio 2022. ]] set(bootstrap_args vc${VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR}3) else() #[[ Fallback to the generic case. Be prepared to add another elseif branch above for future versions of Visual Studio. ]] set(bootstrap_args vc${VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR}) endif() else() #[[ We support GCC and Clang on Unix. On macOS, the toolset must be set to clang. The actual compiler for all of these toolkits is set further below, after the bootstrap script but before b2. ]] if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL GNU) set(toolset gcc) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL Clang OR APPLE) set(toolset clang) endif() if(toolset) set(bootstrap_args --with-toolset=${toolset}) endif() #[[ At least give it a shot if the toolset is something else and let the bootstrap script decide on the toolset by not passing any argument. ]] endif() #[[ The call of b2 is more complex. b2 arguments are grouped into options and properties. Options follow the standard format for arguments while properties are plain key-value pairs. ]] set(b2_options --build-dir= --stagedir= --ignore-site-config #[[ Build independent of any site.config file ]] -q #[[ Stop at first error ]] ) if(APPLE AND CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT) #[[ Specify the macOS platform SDK to be used. ]] list(APPEND b2_options --sysroot=${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}) endif() foreach(lib ${MITK_USE_Boost_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND b2_options --with-${lib}) endforeach() set(b2_properties threading=multi runtime-link=shared "cxxflags=${MITK_CXX${MITK_CXX_STANDARD}_FLAG} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) list(APPEND b2_properties address-model=64) else() list(APPEND b2_properties address-model=32) endif() if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) list(APPEND b2_properties link=shared) else() list(APPEND b2_properties link=static) endif() list(APPEND b2_properties "\ $<$:variant=debug>\ $<$:variant=release>\ $<$:variant=release>\ $<$:variant=release>") if(WIN32) set(bootstrap_cmd if not exist b2.exe \( call bootstrap.bat ${bootstrap_args} \)) set(b2_cmd b2 ${b2_options} ${b2_properties} stage) else() set(bootstrap_cmd #[[ test -e ./b2 || ]] ./bootstrap.sh ${bootstrap_args}) set(b2_cmd ./b2 ${b2_options} ${b2_properties} stage) #[[ We already told Boost if we want to use GCC or Clang but so far we were not able to specify the exact same compiler we set in CMake when configuring the MITK superbuild for the first time. For example, this can be different from the system default when multiple versions of the same compiler are installed at the same time. The bootstrap script creates a configuration file for b2 that should be modified if necessary before b2 is called. We look for a line like using gcc ; and replace it with something more specific like using gcc : : /usr/bin/gcc-7.3 ; We use the stream editor sed for the replacement but since macOS is based on BSD Unix, we use the limited but portable BSD syntax instead of the more powerful GNU syntax. We also use | instead of the more commonly used / separator for sed because the replacement contains slashes. 2021/06/15: The custom project-config.jam does not work well with SDK paths on macOS anymore, so we use a custom project-config.jam only on Linux for now. ]] if(toolset AND NOT APPLE) set(configure_cmd sed -i.backup "\ s|\ using[[:space:]][[:space:]]*${toolset}[[:space:]]*$|\ using ${toolset} : : ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} $|\ g" /project-config.jam ) endif() endif() endif() if(WIN32) set(dummy_cmd cd .) else() set(dummy_cmd true) #[[ "cd ." does not work reliably ]] endif() if(NOT patch_cmd) set(patch_cmd ${dummy_cmd}) #[[ Do nothing ]] endif() if(NOT configure_cmd) set(configure_cmd ${dummy_cmd}) #[[ Do nothing ]] endif() if(WIN32) set(install_cmd if not exist $ \( ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory /boost /include/boost \) ) else() set(install_cmd # test -e /include/boost/config.hpp || ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory /boost /include/boost ) endif() ExternalProject_Add(${proj} URL ${url} URL_MD5 ${md5} PATCH_COMMAND ${patch_cmd} CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${configure_cmd} BUILD_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND ${install_cmd} ) ExternalProject_Add_Step(${proj} bootstrap COMMAND ${bootstrap_cmd} DEPENDEES patch DEPENDERS configure WORKING_DIRECTORY ) ExternalProject_Add_Step(${proj} b2 COMMAND ${b2_cmd} DEPENDEES bootstrap DEPENDERS build WORKING_DIRECTORY ) if(WIN32) #[[ Reuse already extracted files. ]] set(stamp_dir ${ep_prefix}/src/Boost-stamp) configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/extract-Boost.replacement.cmake ${stamp_dir}/extract-Boost.replacement.cmake COPYONLY) ExternalProject_Add_Step(${proj} pre_download COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Boost-pre_download.cmake DEPENDEES mkdir DEPENDERS download WORKING_DIRECTORY ${stamp_dir} ) endif() set(install_manifest_dependees install) if(MITK_USE_Boost_LIBRARIES) if(WIN32) #[[ Move DLLs from lib to bin directory. ]] ExternalProject_Add_Step(${proj} post_install COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Boost-post_install-WIN32.cmake DEPENDEES install WORKING_DIRECTORY /lib ) set(install_manifest_dependees post_install) elseif(APPLE) #[[ Boost does not follow the common practice of either using rpath or absolute paths for referencing dependencies. We have to use the install_name_tool to fix this. ]] ExternalProject_Add_Step(${proj} post_install COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Boost-post_install-APPLE.cmake DEPENDEES install WORKING_DIRECTORY /lib ) set(install_manifest_dependees post_install) endif() endif() ExternalProject_Add_Step(${proj} install_manifest COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Boost-install_manifest.cmake DEPENDEES ${install_manifest_dependees} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${ep_prefix} ) else() mitkMacroEmptyExternalProject(${proj} "${proj_DEPENDENCIES}") endif()