diff --git a/Modules/MitkExt/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp b/Modules/MitkExt/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp index d2f9e235e0..d2e3e2b69a 100644 --- a/Modules/MitkExt/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp +++ b/Modules/MitkExt/Interactions/mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.cpp @@ -1,497 +1,498 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #include "mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D.h" #include "mitkPointOperation.h" #include "mitkDisplayPositionEvent.h" #include "mitkWheelEvent.h" #include "mitkStatusBar.h" #include "mitkDataNode.h" #include "mitkInteractionConst.h" #include "mitkAction.h" #include "mitkStateEvent.h" #include "mitkOperationEvent.h" #include "mitkUndoController.h" #include "mitkStateMachineFactory.h" #include "mitkStateTransitionOperation.h" #include "mitkBaseRenderer.h" #include "mitkRenderingManager.h" #include "mitkSurface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //how precise must the user pick the point //default value mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D ::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D(const char * type, DataNode* dataNode, int /* n */ ) : Interactor( type, dataNode ), m_Precision( 6.5 ), m_PickedSurfaceNode( NULL ), m_PickedSurface( NULL ), m_GaussSigma( 30.0 ) { m_OriginalPolyData = vtkPolyData::New(); // Initialize vector arithmetic m_ObjectNormal[0] = 0.0; m_ObjectNormal[1] = 0.0; m_ObjectNormal[2] = 1.0; } mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D::~SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D() { m_OriginalPolyData->Delete(); } void mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D::SetPrecision( mitk::ScalarType precision ) { m_Precision = precision; } // Overwritten since this class can handle it better! float mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D ::CanHandleEvent(StateEvent const* stateEvent) const { float returnValue = 0.5; // If it is a key event that can be handled in the current state, // then return 0.5 mitk::DisplayPositionEvent const *disPosEvent = dynamic_cast (stateEvent->GetEvent()); // Key event handling: if (disPosEvent == NULL) { // Check if the current state has a transition waiting for that key event. if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) { return 0.5; } else { return 0.0; } } //on MouseMove do nothing! //if (stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseMove) //{ // return 0.0; //} //if the event can be understood and if there is a transition waiting for that event if (this->GetCurrentState()->GetTransition(stateEvent->GetId())!=NULL) { returnValue = 0.5;//it can be understood } //int timeStep = disPosEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(); //mitk::CurveModel *curveModel = dynamic_cast( // m_DataNode->GetData() ); //if ( curveModel != NULL ) //{ // // Get the Geometry2D of the window the user interacts with (for 2D point // // projection) // mitk::BaseRenderer *renderer = stateEvent->GetEvent()->GetSender(); // const Geometry2D *projectionPlane = renderer->GetCurrentWorldGeometry2D(); // // For reading on the points, Ids etc // //mitk::CurveModel::PointSetType *pointSet = curveModel->GetPointSet( timeStep ); // //if ( pointSet == NULL ) // //{ // // return 0.0; // //} //} return returnValue; } bool mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D ::ExecuteAction( Action *action, mitk::StateEvent const *stateEvent ) { bool ok = false; // Get data object mitk::BaseData *data = m_DataNode->GetData(); if ( data == NULL ) { MITK_ERROR << "No data object present!"; return ok; } // Get mitk::Event and extract renderer const mitk::Event *event = stateEvent->GetEvent(); mitk::BaseRenderer *renderer = NULL; vtkRenderWindow *renderWindow = NULL; vtkRenderWindowInteractor *renderWindowInteractor = NULL; if ( event != NULL ) { renderer = event->GetSender(); if ( renderer != NULL ) { renderWindow = renderer->GetRenderWindow(); if ( renderWindow != NULL ) { renderWindowInteractor = renderWindow->GetInteractor(); } } } // Check if we have a DisplayPositionEvent const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent *dpe = dynamic_cast< const mitk::DisplayPositionEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); if ( dpe != NULL ) { m_PickedSurfaceNode = dpe->GetPickedObjectNode(); m_CurrentPickedPoint = dpe->GetWorldPosition(); m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint = dpe->GetDisplayPosition(); } // Get the timestep to also support 3D+t int timeStep = 0; mitk::ScalarType timeInMS = 0.0; if ( renderer != NULL ) { timeStep = renderer->GetTimeStep( data ); timeInMS = renderer->GetTime(); } // Extract surface m_Surface = dynamic_cast< Surface * >( data ); if ( m_Surface != NULL ) { m_PolyData = m_Surface->GetVtkPolyData( timeStep ); } else { m_PolyData = NULL; } // Extract surface normal from surface (if existent, otherwise use default) vtkPointData *pointData = m_PolyData->GetPointData(); if ( pointData != NULL ) { vtkDataArray *normal = m_PolyData->GetPointData()->GetVectors( "planeNormal" ); if ( normal != NULL ) { m_ObjectNormal[0] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 0 ); m_ObjectNormal[1] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 1 ); m_ObjectNormal[2] = normal->GetComponent( 0, 2 ); } } // Get geometry object m_Geometry = data->GetGeometry( timeStep ); // Make sure that the data (if time-resolved) has enough entries; // if not, create the required extra ones (empty) data->Expand( timeStep+1 ); switch (action->GetActionId()) { case AcDONOTHING: ok = true; break; case AcCHECKOBJECT: { // Check if an object is present at the current mouse position m_PickedSurface = NULL; m_PickedPolyData = NULL; if ( m_PickedSurfaceNode != NULL ) { m_PickedSurface = dynamic_cast< mitk::Surface * >( m_PickedSurfaceNode->GetData() ); if ( m_PickedSurface != NULL ) { m_PickedPolyData = m_PickedSurface->GetVtkPolyData( timeStep ); } } mitk::StateEvent *newStateEvent; if ( (m_PickedSurfaceNode == m_DataNode) && (m_PickedSurface != NULL) ) { // Yes: object will be selected newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent( EIDYES ); // Disable VTK interactor until MITK interaction has been completed if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) { renderWindowInteractor->Disable(); } } else { // No: back to start state newStateEvent = new mitk::StateEvent( EIDNO ); // Re-enable VTK interactor (may have been disabled previously) if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) { renderWindowInteractor->Enable(); } } this->HandleEvent( newStateEvent ); // Colorized surface at current picked position m_SurfaceColorizationCenter = m_CurrentPickedPoint; ok = true; break; } case AcDESELECTOBJECT: { // Color object white m_DataNode->SetColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); // Colorize surface / wireframe as inactive this->ColorizeSurface( m_PolyData, m_SurfaceColorizationCenter, COLORIZATION_CONSTANT, -1.0 ); ok = true; break; } case AcSELECTPICKEDOBJECT: { // Color object red m_DataNode->SetColor( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); // Colorize surface / wireframe dependend on distance from picked point this->ColorizeSurface( m_PolyData, m_SurfaceColorizationCenter, COLORIZATION_GAUSS ); ok = true; break; } case AcINITMOVE: { // Store current picked point m_InitialPickedPoint = m_CurrentPickedPoint; m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint = m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint; if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) { vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeDisplayToWorld( renderWindowInteractor->GetInteractorStyle()->GetCurrentRenderer(), m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[0], m_InitialPickedDisplayPoint[1], 0.0, //m_InitialInteractionPickedPoint[2], m_InitialPickedPointWorld ); } // Make deep copy of vtkPolyData interacted on m_OriginalPolyData->DeepCopy( m_PolyData ); ok = true; break; } case AcMOVE: { if ( renderWindowInteractor != NULL ) { vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeDisplayToWorld( renderWindowInteractor->GetInteractorStyle()->GetCurrentRenderer(), m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[0], m_CurrentPickedDisplayPoint[1], 0.0, //m_InitialInteractionPickedPoint[2], m_CurrentPickedPointWorld ); } // Calculate mouse move in 3D space mitk::Vector3D interactionMove; interactionMove[0] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[0] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[0]; interactionMove[1] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[1] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[1]; interactionMove[2] = m_CurrentPickedPointWorld[2] - m_InitialPickedPointWorld[2]; // Transform mouse move into geometry space data->UpdateOutputInformation(); // make sure that the Geometry is up-to-date mitk::Point3D origin; origin.Fill( 0.0 ); - m_Geometry->WorldToIndex( interactionMove, interactionMove ); + mitk::Vector3D interactionMoveIndex; + m_Geometry->WorldToIndex( interactionMove, interactionMoveIndex ); // Get picked point and transform into local coordinates mitk::Point3D pickedPoint; m_Geometry->WorldToIndex( m_InitialPickedPoint, pickedPoint ); mitk::Vector3D v1 = pickedPoint.GetVectorFromOrigin(); - mitk::Vector3D v2 = m_ObjectNormal * (interactionMove * m_ObjectNormal); + mitk::Vector3D v2 = m_ObjectNormal * (interactionMoveIndex * m_ObjectNormal); vtkPoints *originalPoints = m_OriginalPolyData->GetPoints(); vtkPoints *deformedPoints = m_PolyData->GetPoints(); double denom = m_GaussSigma * m_GaussSigma * 2; double point[3]; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < deformedPoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i ) { // Get original point vtkFloatingPointType *originalPoint = originalPoints->GetPoint( i ); mitk::Vector3D v0; v0[0] = originalPoint[0]; v0[1] = originalPoint[1]; v0[2] = originalPoint[2]; // Calculate distance of this point from line through picked point double d = itk::CrossProduct( m_ObjectNormal, (v1 - v0) ).GetNorm(); mitk::Vector3D t = v2 * exp( - d * d / denom ); point[0] = originalPoint[0] + t[0]; point[1] = originalPoint[1] + t[1]; point[2] = originalPoint[2] + t[2]; deformedPoints->SetPoint( i, point ); } // Make sure that surface is colorized at initial picked position // as long as we are in deformation state m_SurfaceColorizationCenter = m_InitialPickedPoint; m_PolyData->Modified(); m_Surface->Modified(); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); ok = false; break; } case AcMODIFY: { // Check if we have an mitk::WheelEvent const mitk::WheelEvent *we = dynamic_cast< const mitk::WheelEvent * >( stateEvent->GetEvent() ); if ( we == NULL ) { ok = true; break; } m_GaussSigma += (double) (we->GetDelta()) / 20;; if ( m_GaussSigma < 10.0 ) { m_GaussSigma = 10.0; } else if ( m_GaussSigma > 128.0 ) { m_GaussSigma = 128.0; } // Colorize surface / wireframe dependend on sigma and distance from picked point this->ColorizeSurface( m_PolyData, m_SurfaceColorizationCenter, COLORIZATION_GAUSS ); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll( mitk::RenderingManager::REQUEST_UPDATE_3DWINDOWS ); ok = true; break; } default: return Superclass::ExecuteAction( action, stateEvent ); } return ok; } bool mitk::SurfaceDeformationInteractor3D::ColorizeSurface( vtkPolyData *polyData, const Point3D &pickedPoint, int mode, double scalar ) { if ( polyData == NULL ) { return false; } vtkPoints *points = polyData->GetPoints(); vtkPointData *pointData = polyData->GetPointData(); if ( pointData == NULL ) { return false; } vtkDataArray *scalars = pointData->GetScalars(); if ( scalars == NULL ) { return false; } if ( mode == COLORIZATION_GAUSS ) { // Get picked point and transform into local coordinates mitk::Point3D localPickedPoint; m_Geometry->WorldToIndex( pickedPoint, localPickedPoint ); mitk::Vector3D v1 = localPickedPoint.GetVectorFromOrigin(); double denom = m_GaussSigma * m_GaussSigma * 2; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < points->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i ) { // Get original point vtkFloatingPointType *point = points->GetPoint( i ); mitk::Vector3D v0; v0[0] = point[0]; v0[1] = point[1]; v0[2] = point[2]; // Calculate distance of this point from line through picked point double d = itk::CrossProduct( m_ObjectNormal, (v1 - v0) ).GetNorm(); double t = exp( - d * d / denom ); scalars->SetComponent( i, 0, t ); } } else if ( mode == COLORIZATION_CONSTANT ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pointData->GetNumberOfTuples(); ++i ) { scalars->SetComponent( i, 0, scalar ); } } polyData->Modified(); pointData->Update(); return true; }