diff --git a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/USNavigationMarkerPlacement.h b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/USNavigationMarkerPlacement.h index c638743171..aee83dbf2b 100644 --- a/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/USNavigationMarkerPlacement.h +++ b/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.igt.app.echotrack/src/internal/USNavigationMarkerPlacement.h @@ -1,238 +1,234 @@ /*=================================================================== The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. All rights reserved. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef USNAVIGATIONMARKERPLACEMENT_H #define USNAVIGATIONMARKERPLACEMENT_H #include #include "IO/mitkUSNavigationLoggingBackend.h" #include "Widgets/QmitkUSNavigationProcessWidget.h" #include "mitkNavigationDataRecorder.h" #include "mitkNodeDisplacementFilter.h" #include "mitkUSImageLoggingFilter.h" #include #include #include #include namespace itk { template class SmartPointer; } namespace mitk { class USNavigationStepTimer; class USNavigationExperimentLogging; } namespace Ui { class USNavigationMarkerPlacement; } class QmitkUSAbstractNavigationStep; class QmitkUSNavigationStepPunctuationIntervention; class QmitkStdMultiWidget; class QTimer; class QSignalMapper; /** * \brief View for navigated marker placement using the combined modality. * This view utilizes the QmitkUSNavigationProcessWidget to do the navigation * process. It can be switched between widgets for marker placement and widgets * for punctuation. * * An experiment mode allows for logging results, durations and the ultrasound * images. */ class USNavigationMarkerPlacement : public QmitkAbstractView { Q_OBJECT protected slots: /** * \brief Called periodically to update the rendering. * The standard multi widget is changed to fit the navigation process once it * is available and a reinit on the ultrasound image is done for a new image * node. */ void OnTimeout(); /** * \brief Called periodically during an experiment for logging the ultrasound images. */ void OnImageAndNavigationDataLoggingTimeout(); /** * \brief Initializes anything neccessary for an experiment. * The user is asked for a directory for storing the results and the logging * is started. */ void OnStartExperiment(); /** * \brief Stops logging and saves everything to the file system. */ void OnFinishExperiment(); void OnCombinedModalityChanged(itk::SmartPointer); /** * \brief Switches the navigation step widgets if the navigation application was changed. */ void OnSettingsChanged(itk::SmartPointer); /** * \brief Updates the timer for the navigation steps durations every time the active navigation step changes. */ void OnActiveNavigationStepChanged(int); /** Initializes the next navigation step */ void OnNextNavigationStepInitialization(int); /** * \brief The data node is given to the experiment logging and scene is saved to the file system. */ void OnIntermediateResultProduced(const itk::SmartPointer); void OnAddAblationZone(int size); void OnEnableNavigationLayout(); void OnResetStandardLayout(); void OnChangeLayoutClicked(); void OnChangeAblationZone(int id, int newSize); void OnRenderWindowSelection(); void OnRefreshView(); public: static const char *DATANAME_TUMOUR; static const char *DATANAME_TARGETSURFACE; static const char *DATANAME_ZONES; static const char *DATANAME_TARGETS; static const char *DATANAME_TARGETS_PATHS; static const char *DATANAME_REACHED_TARGETS; explicit USNavigationMarkerPlacement(); ~USNavigationMarkerPlacement(); virtual void CreateQtPartControl(QWidget *parent); static const std::string VIEW_ID; void OnCombinedModalityPropertyChanged(const std::string &, const std::string &); protected: /** * \brief A reinit on the ultrasound image is performed every time the view gets the focus. */ virtual void SetFocus(); /** * \brief Helper function which performs a reinit on the ultrasound image. */ void ReinitOnImage(); + /** * \brief Sets the multiwidget to two windows, axial on top and 3D render window on the bottom. */ virtual void SetTwoWindowView(); /** * \brief Helper function for being able to serialize the 2d ultrasound image. */ void Convert2DImagesTo3D(mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer nodes); - /** - * \brief Helper function for being able to serialize the 2d ultrasound image. - */ - void Convert2DImagesTo3D(mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer nodes); - void UpdateToolStorage(); void CreateOverlays(); QWidget *m_Parent; QmitkUSNavigationProcessWidget::NavigationStepVector m_NavigationSteps; QTimer *m_UpdateTimer; QTimer *m_ImageAndNavigationDataLoggingTimer; QmitkStdMultiWidget *m_StdMultiWidget; itk::SmartPointer m_CombinedModality; bool m_ReinitAlreadyDone; bool m_IsExperimentRunning; std::string m_CurrentApplicationName; itk::SmartPointer m_NavigationStepTimer; itk::SmartPointer m_ExperimentLogging; QPixmap m_IconRunning; QPixmap m_IconNotRunning; QString m_ResultsDirectory; QString m_ExperimentName; QString m_ExperimentResultsSubDirectory; std::vector m_NavigationStepNames; // stores the names of the navigation steps which are currently used (for logging purposes) mitk::USNavigationLoggingBackend m_LoggingBackend; mitk::USImageLoggingFilter::Pointer m_USImageLoggingFilter; mitk::NavigationDataRecorder::Pointer m_NavigationDataRecorder; // records navigation data files mitk::NodeDisplacementFilter::Pointer m_TargetNodeDisplacementFilter; mitk::NodeDisplacementFilter::Pointer m_AblationZonesDisplacementFilter; std::vector m_AblationZonesVector; int m_NeedleIndex; int m_MarkerIndex; int m_SceneNumber; itk::SmartPointer m_WarnOverlay; //To get tool storage mitk::NavigationDataSource::Pointer m_NavigationDataSource; mitk::NavigationToolStorage::Pointer m_CurrentStorage; QWidget *m_Parent; QTimer *m_UpdateTimer; QTimer *m_ImageAndNavigationDataLoggingTimer; QmitkStdMultiWidget *m_StdMultiWidget; bool m_ReinitAlreadyDone; bool m_IsExperimentRunning; itk::SmartPointer m_NavigationStepTimer; itk::SmartPointer m_ExperimentLogging; mitk::NodeDisplacementFilter::Pointer m_AblationZonesDisplacementFilter; QPixmap m_IconRunning; QPixmap m_IconNotRunning; mitk::USImageLoggingFilter::Pointer m_USImageLoggingFilter; mitk::NavigationDataRecorder::Pointer m_NavigationDataRecorder; // records navigation data files int m_SceneNumber; itk::SmartPointer m_WarnOverlay; int m_NeedleIndex; int m_MarkerIndex; private: mitk::MessageDelegate2 m_ListenerDeviceChanged; Ui::USNavigationMarkerPlacement *ui; }; #endif // USNAVIGATIONMARKERPLACEMENT_H