diff --git a/Modules/Pharmacokinetics/src/Models/mitkTwoStepLinearModel.cpp b/Modules/Pharmacokinetics/src/Models/mitkTwoStepLinearModel.cpp
index 3771a4885a..6a5b96262b 100644
--- a/Modules/Pharmacokinetics/src/Models/mitkTwoStepLinearModel.cpp
+++ b/Modules/Pharmacokinetics/src/Models/mitkTwoStepLinearModel.cpp
@@ -1,193 +1,184 @@
 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
 All rights reserved.
 Use of this source code is governed by a 3-clause BSD license that can be
 found in the LICENSE file.
 #include "mitkTwoStepLinearModel.h"
+#include <mitkIOUtil.h>
 const std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::MODELL_NAME = "Two Step Linear Model";
 const std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::NAME_PARAMETER_y1 = "BaseValue";
 const std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::NAME_PARAMETER_a1 = "Slope_1";
 const std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::NAME_PARAMETER_t = "Change_Point";
 const std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::NAME_PARAMETER_a2 = "Slope_2";
 const unsigned int mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::POSITION_PARAMETER_y1 = 0;
 const unsigned int mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::POSITION_PARAMETER_t  = 1;
 const unsigned int mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::POSITION_PARAMETER_a1 = 2;
 const unsigned int mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::POSITION_PARAMETER_a2 = 3;
 const unsigned int mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS = 4;
 std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetModelDisplayName() const
   return MODELL_NAME;
 std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetModelType() const
   return "Generic";
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::FunctionStringType mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetFunctionString() const
   return "Slope_1*t+Y_intercept_1 if t<Change_Point; Slope_2*t+Y_intercept_2 if ChangePoint<=t";
 std::string mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetXName() const
   return "x";
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetParameterNames() const
   ParameterNamesType result;
   return result;
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetNumberOfParameters() const
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetDerivedParameterNames() const
   ParameterNamesType result;
   return result;
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetNumberOfDerivedParameters() const
   return 4;
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::ComputeModelfunction(const ParametersType& parameters) const
   //Model Parameters
-  double     t = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_t] ;
-  double     a1 = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a1] ;
-  double     a2 = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a2] ;
-  double     b1 = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_y1] ;
-  double     b2 = (a1 - a2)*t + b1;
+  const auto t = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_t] ;
+  const auto a1 = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a1] ;
+  const auto a2 = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a2] ;
+  const auto b1 = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_y1] ;
+  const auto b2 = (a1 - a2)*t + b1;
   ModelResultType signal(m_TimeGrid.GetSize());
   TimeGridType::const_iterator timeGridEnd = m_TimeGrid.end();
   ModelResultType::iterator signalPos = signal.begin();
   for (TimeGridType::const_iterator gridPos = m_TimeGrid.begin(); gridPos != timeGridEnd; ++gridPos, ++signalPos)
       if((*gridPos) < t)
           *signalPos = a1*(*gridPos)+b1;
           *signalPos = a2*(*gridPos)+b2;
   return signal;
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::ParameterNamesType mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetStaticParameterNames() const
   ParameterNamesType result;
   return result;
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::ParametersSizeType  mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetNumberOfStaticParameters() const
   return 0;
 void mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::SetStaticParameter(const ParameterNameType& /*name*/,
     const StaticParameterValuesType& /*values*/)
   //do nothing
 mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::StaticParameterValuesType mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::GetStaticParameterValue(
   const ParameterNameType& /*name*/) const
   StaticParameterValuesType result;
   //do nothing
   return result;
 mitk::ModelBase::DerivedParameterMapType mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::ComputeDerivedParameters(
   const mitk::ModelBase::ParametersType& parameters) const
-    double     t = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_t] ;
-    double     a1 = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a1] ;
-    double     a2 = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a2] ;
-    double     b1 = (double) parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_y1] ;
-    double     b2 = (a1 - a2) * t + b1;
+    const auto t = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_t] ;
+    const auto a1 = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a1] ;
+    const auto a2 = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_a2] ;
+    const auto b1 = parameters[POSITION_PARAMETER_y1] ;
+    const auto b2 = (a1 - a2) * t + b1;
     unsigned int timeSteps = m_TimeGrid.GetSize();
-    double Taq = 0;
-    Taq = m_TimeGrid.GetElement(timeSteps-1);
-    double Sfin = a2 * Taq + b2;
+    const double taq = (m_TimeGrid.empty() == false) ? (m_TimeGrid.GetElement(timeSteps - 1)) : (mitkThrow() << "An exception occured because time grid is empty, method can't continue.");
+    const double sfin = a2 * taq + b2;
-    double Smax;
-    if (a2 <= 0)
-    {
-      Smax = a1 * t + b1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      Smax = Sfin;
-    }
+    const double smax = (a2 <= 0) ? (a1 * t + b1) : (sfin);
-    double AUC = a1/2*(t*t)+b1*t
-                 +a2/2*(Taq*Taq-t*t)+b2*(Taq-t);
+    const double auc = a1/2*(t*t)+b1*t
+                 +a2/2*(taq*taq-t*t)+b2*(taq-t);
     DerivedParameterMapType result;
-    result.insert(std::make_pair("AUC", AUC));
-    result.insert(std::make_pair("FinalUptake", Sfin));
-    result.insert(std::make_pair("Smax", Smax));
+    result.insert(std::make_pair("AUC", auc));
+    result.insert(std::make_pair("FinalUptake", sfin));
+    result.insert(std::make_pair("Smax", smax));
     result.insert(std::make_pair("y-intercept2", b2));
     return result;
 itk::LightObject::Pointer mitk::TwoStepLinearModel::InternalClone() const
   TwoStepLinearModel::Pointer newClone = TwoStepLinearModel::New();
   return newClone.GetPointer();