diff --git a/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py b/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py index 19ec8ee..ba7b41e 100644 --- a/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py +++ b/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py @@ -1,164 +1,160 @@ # DKFZ # # # Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, # Division of Medical Image Computing. # All rights reserved. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See LICENSE import os import copy import logging import numpy as np from pprint import pformat from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, STATUS_OK, STATUS_FAIL, Trials from hyppopy.globals import DEBUGLEVEL from hyppopy.solver.HyppopySolver import HyppopySolver from hyppopy.BlackboxFunction import BlackboxFunction LOG = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) LOG.setLevel(DEBUGLEVEL) class HyperoptSolver(HyppopySolver): def __init__(self, project=None): HyppopySolver.__init__(self, project) self._searchspace = None def loss_function(self, params): for name, p in self._searchspace.items(): if p["domain"] != "categorical": if params[name] < p["data"][0]: params[name] = p["data"][0] if params[name] > p["data"][1]: params[name] = p["data"][1] status = STATUS_FAIL try: loss = self.blackbox(**params) if loss is not None: status = STATUS_OK else: loss = 1e9 except Exception as e: LOG.error("execution of self.blackbox(**params) failed due to:\n {}".format(e)) status = STATUS_FAIL loss = 1e9 cbd = copy.deepcopy(params) cbd['iterations'] = self._trials.trials[-1]['tid'] + 1 cbd['loss'] = loss cbd['status'] = status cbd['book_time'] = self._trials.trials[-1]['book_time'] cbd['refresh_time'] = self._trials.trials[-1]['refresh_time'] if isinstance(self.blackbox, BlackboxFunction) and self.blackbox.callback_func is not None: - # cbd = copy.deepcopy(params) - # cbd['iterations'] = self._trials.trials[-1]['tid'] + 1 - # cbd['loss'] = loss - # cbd['status'] = status self.blackbox.callback_func(**cbd) if self._visdom_viewer is not None: self._visdom_viewer.update(cbd) return {'loss': loss, 'status': status} def execute_solver(self, searchspace): LOG.debug("execute_solver using solution space:\n\n\t{}\n".format(pformat(searchspace))) self.trials = Trials() try: self.best = fmin(fn=self.loss_function, space=searchspace, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=self.max_iterations, trials=self.trials) except Exception as e: msg = "internal error in hyperopt.fmin occured. {}".format(e) LOG.error(msg) raise BrokenPipeError(msg) def convert_searchspace(self, hyperparameter): self._searchspace = hyperparameter solution_space = {} for name, content in hyperparameter.items(): param_settings = {'name': name} for key, value in content.items(): if key == 'domain': param_settings['domain'] = value elif key == 'data': param_settings['data'] = value elif key == 'type': param_settings['dtype'] = value solution_space[name] = self.convert(param_settings) return solution_space def convert(self, param_settings): name = param_settings["name"] domain = param_settings["domain"] dtype = param_settings["dtype"] data = param_settings["data"] assert isinstance(data, list), "precondition violation. data of type {} not allowed!".format(type(data)) assert len(data) >= 2, "precondition violation, data must be of length 2, [left_bound, right_bound]" assert isinstance(domain, str), "precondition violation. domain of type {} not allowed!".format(type(domain)) assert isinstance(dtype, str), "precondition violation. dtype of type {} not allowed!".format(type(dtype)) if domain == "uniform": if dtype == "float" or dtype == "double": return hp.uniform(name, data[0], data[1]) elif dtype == "int": data = list(np.arange(int(data[0]), int(data[1] + 1))) return hp.choice(name, data) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) elif domain == "loguniform": if dtype == "float" or dtype == "double": if data[0] == 0: data[0] += 1e-23 assert data[0] > 0, "precondition Violation, a < 0!" assert data[0] < data[1], "precondition Violation, a > b!" assert data[1] > 0, "precondition Violation, b < 0!" lexp = np.log(data[0]) rexp = np.log(data[1]) assert lexp is not np.nan, "precondition violation, left bound input error, results in nan!" assert rexp is not np.nan, "precondition violation, right bound input error, results in nan!" return hp.loguniform(name, lexp, rexp) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) elif domain == "normal": if dtype == "float" or dtype == "double": mu = (data[1] - data[0]) / 2.0 sigma = mu / 3 return hp.normal(name, data[0] + mu, sigma) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) elif domain == "categorical": if dtype == 'str': return hp.choice(name, data) elif dtype == 'bool': data = [] for elem in data: if elem == "true" or elem == "True" or elem == 1 or elem == "1": data.append(True) elif elem == "false" or elem == "False" or elem == 0 or elem == "0": data.append(False) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}, unknown bool type value".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) return hp.choice(name, data) else: msg = "Precondition violation, domain named {} not available!".format(domain) LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) diff --git a/hyppopy/Solver/HyppopySolver.py b/hyppopy/Solver/HyppopySolver.py index 864985d..957ddaf 100644 --- a/hyppopy/Solver/HyppopySolver.py +++ b/hyppopy/Solver/HyppopySolver.py @@ -1,342 +1,341 @@ # DKFZ # # # Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, # Division of Medical Image Computing. # All rights reserved. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See LICENSE import abc import os import copy import types import logging import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd from hyperopt import Trials from hyppopy.globals import DEBUGLEVEL from hyppopy.VisdomViewer import VisdomViewer from hyppopy.HyppopyProject import HyppopyProject from hyppopy.BlackboxFunction import BlackboxFunction from hyppopy.VirtualFunction import VirtualFunction - from hyppopy.globals import DEBUGLEVEL, DEFAULTITERATIONS LOG = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) LOG.setLevel(DEBUGLEVEL) class HyppopySolver(object): """ The HyppopySolver class is the base class for all solver addons. It defines virtual functions a child class has to implement to deal with the front-end communication, orchestrating the optimization process and ensuring a proper process information storing. The key idea is that the HyppopySolver class defines an interface to configure and run an object instance of itself independently from the concrete solver lib used to optimize in the background. To achieve this goal an addon developer needs to implement the abstract methods 'convert_searchspace', 'execute_solver' and 'loss_function_call'. These methods abstract the peculiarities of the solver libs to offer, on the user side, a simple and consistent parameter space configuration and optimization procedure. The method 'convert_searchspace' transforms the hyppopy parameter space description into the solver lib specific description. The method loss_function_call is used to handle solver lib specifics of calling the actual blackbox function and execute_solver is executed when the run method is invoked und takes care of calling the solver lib solving routine. """ def __init__(self, project=None): self._idx = None self._best = None self._trials = None self._blackbox = None self._max_iterations = None self._project = project self._total_duration = None self._solver_overhead = None self._time_per_iteration = None self._accumulated_blackbox_time = None self._has_maxiteration_field = True self._visdom_viewer = None @abc.abstractmethod def convert_searchspace(self, hyperparameter): """ This function gets the unified hyppopy-like parameterspace description as input and, if necessary, should convert it into a solver lib specific format. The function is invoked when run is called and what it returns is passed as searchspace argument to the function execute_solver. :param hyperparameter: [dict] nested parameter description dict e.g. {'name': {'domain':'uniform', 'data':[0,1], 'type':'float'}, ...} :return: [object] converted hyperparameter space """ raise NotImplementedError('users must define convert_searchspace to use this class') @abc.abstractmethod def execute_solver(self, searchspace): """ This function is called immediatly after convert_searchspace and get the output of the latter as input. It's purpose is to call the solver libs main optimization function. :param searchspace: converted hyperparameter space """ raise NotImplementedError('users must define execute_solver to use this class') @abc.abstractmethod def loss_function_call(self, params): """ This function is called within the function loss_function and encapsulates the actual blackbox function call in each iteration. The function loss_function takes care of the iteration driving and reporting, but each solver lib might need some special treatment between the parameter set selection and the calling of the actual blackbox function, e.g. parameter converting. :param params: [dict] hyperparameter space sample e.g. {'p1': 0.123, 'p2': 3.87, ...} :return: [float] loss """ raise NotImplementedError('users must define convert_searchspace to use this class') def loss_function(self, **params): """ This function is called each iteration with a selected parameter set. The parameter set selection is driven by the solver lib itself. The purpose of this function is to take care of the iteration reporting and the calling of the callback_func is available. As a developer you might want to overwrite this function completely (e.g. HyperoptSolver) but then you need to take care for iteration reporting for yourself. The alternative is to only implement loss_function_call (e.g. OptunitySolver). :param params: [dict] hyperparameter space sample e.g. {'p1': 0.123, 'p2': 3.87, ...} :return: [float] loss """ self._idx += 1 vals = {} idx = {} for key, value in params.items(): vals[key] = [value] idx[key] = [self._idx] trial = {'tid': self._idx, 'result': {'loss': None, 'status': 'ok'}, 'misc': { 'tid': self._idx, 'idxs': idx, 'vals': vals }, 'book_time': datetime.datetime.now(), 'refresh_time': None } try: loss = self.loss_function_call(params) trial['result']['loss'] = loss trial['result']['status'] = 'ok' if loss == np.nan: trial['result']['status'] = 'failed' except Exception as e: LOG.error("computing loss failed due to:\n {}".format(e)) loss = np.nan trial['result']['loss'] = np.nan trial['result']['status'] = 'failed' trial['refresh_time'] = datetime.datetime.now() self._trials.trials.append(trial) cbd = copy.deepcopy(params) cbd['iterations'] = self._idx cbd['loss'] = loss cbd['status'] = trial['result']['status'] cbd['book_time'] = trial['book_time'] cbd['refresh_time'] = trial['refresh_time'] if isinstance(self.blackbox, BlackboxFunction) and self.blackbox.callback_func is not None: self.blackbox.callback_func(**cbd) if self._visdom_viewer is not None: self._visdom_viewer.update(cbd) return loss def run(self, print_stats=True): """ This function starts the optimization process. :param print_stats: [bool] en- or disable console output """ self._idx = 0 self.trials = Trials() if self._has_maxiteration_field: if 'solver_max_iterations' not in self.project.__dict__: msg = "Missing max_iteration entry in project, use default {}!".format(DEFAULTITERATIONS) LOG.warning(msg) print("WARNING: {}".format(msg)) setattr(self.project, 'solver_max_iterations', DEFAULTITERATIONS) self._max_iterations = self.project.solver_max_iterations start_time = datetime.datetime.now() try: search_space = self.convert_searchspace(self.project.hyperparameter) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to convert searchspace, error: {}".format(e) LOG.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) try: self.execute_solver(search_space) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to execute solver, error: {}".format(e) LOG.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) end_time = datetime.datetime.now() dt = end_time - start_time days = divmod(dt.total_seconds(), 86400) hours = divmod(days[1], 3600) minutes = divmod(hours[1], 60) seconds = divmod(minutes[1], 1) milliseconds = divmod(seconds[1], 0.001) self._total_duration = [int(days[0]), int(hours[0]), int(minutes[0]), int(seconds[0]), int(milliseconds[0])] if print_stats: self.print_best() self.print_timestats() def get_results(self): """ This function returns a complete optimization history as pandas DataFrame and a dict with the optimal parameter set. :return: [DataFrame], [dict] history and optimal parameter set """ assert isinstance(self.trials, Trials), "precondition violation, wrong trials type! Maybe solver was not yet executed?" results = {'duration': [], 'losses': [], 'status': []} pset = self.trials.trials[0]['misc']['vals'] for p in pset.keys(): results[p] = [] for n, trial in enumerate(self.trials.trials): t1 = trial['book_time'] t2 = trial['refresh_time'] results['duration'].append((t2 - t1).microseconds / 1000.0) results['losses'].append(trial['result']['loss']) results['status'].append(trial['result']['status'] == 'ok') losses = np.array(results['losses']) results['losses'] = list(losses) pset = trial['misc']['vals'] for p in pset.items(): results[p[0]].append(p[1][0]) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results), self.best def print_best(self): print("\n") print("#" * 40) print("### Best Parameter Choice ###") print("#" * 40) for name, value in self.best.items(): print(" - {}\t:\t{}".format(name, value)) print("\n - number of iterations\t:\t{}".format(self.trials.trials[-1]['tid']+1)) print(" - total time\t:\t{}d:{}h:{}m:{}s:{}ms".format(self._total_duration[0], self._total_duration[1], self._total_duration[2], self._total_duration[3], self._total_duration[4])) print("#" * 40) def compute_time_statistics(self): dts = [] for trial in self._trials.trials: if 'book_time' in trial.keys() and 'refresh_time' in trial.keys(): dt = trial['refresh_time'] - trial['book_time'] dts.append(dt.total_seconds()) self._time_per_iteration = np.mean(dts) * 1e3 self._accumulated_blackbox_time = np.sum(dts) * 1e3 tmp = self.total_duration - self._accumulated_blackbox_time self._solver_overhead = int(np.round(100.0 / (self.total_duration+1e-12) * tmp)) def print_timestats(self): print("\n") print("#" * 40) print("### Timing Statistics ###") print("#" * 40) print(" - per iteration: {}ms".format(int(self.time_per_iteration*1e4)/10000)) print(" - total time: {}d:{}h:{}m:{}s:{}ms".format(self._total_duration[0], self._total_duration[1], self._total_duration[2], self._total_duration[3], self._total_duration[4])) print("#" * 40) print(" - solver overhead: {}%".format(self.solver_overhead)) def start_viewer(self, port=8097, server="http://localhost"): try: self._visdom_viewer = VisdomViewer(self._project, port, server) except Exception as e: import warnings warnings.warn("Failed starting VisdomViewer. Is the server running? If not start it via $visdom") LOG.error("Failed starting VisdomViewer: {}".format(e)) self._visdom_viewer = None @property def project(self): return self._project @project.setter def project(self, value): if not isinstance(value, HyppopyProject): msg = "Input error, project_manager of type: {} not allowed!".format(type(value)) LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) self._project = value @property def blackbox(self): return self._blackbox @blackbox.setter def blackbox(self, value): if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType) or isinstance(value, BlackboxFunction) or isinstance(value, VirtualFunction): self._blackbox = value else: self._blackbox = None msg = "Input error, blackbox of type: {} not allowed!".format(type(value)) LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) @property def best(self): return self._best @best.setter def best(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): msg = "Input error, best of type: {} not allowed!".format(type(value)) LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) self._best = value @property def trials(self): return self._trials @trials.setter def trials(self, value): self._trials = value @property def max_iterations(self): return self._max_iterations @max_iterations.setter def max_iterations(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): msg = "Input error, max_iterations of type: {} not allowed!".format(type(value)) LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) if value < 1: msg = "Precondition violation, max_iterations < 1!" LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) self._max_iterations = value @property def total_duration(self): return (self._total_duration[0]*86400 + self._total_duration[1] * 3600 + self._total_duration[2] * 60 + self._total_duration[3]) * 1000 + self._total_duration[4] @property def solver_overhead(self): if self._solver_overhead is None: self.compute_time_statistics() return self._solver_overhead @property def time_per_iteration(self): if self._time_per_iteration is None: self.compute_time_statistics() return self._time_per_iteration @property def accumulated_blackbox_time(self): if self._accumulated_blackbox_time is None: self.compute_time_statistics() return self._accumulated_blackbox_time diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 86e56cc..2311210 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ bayesian-optimization>=1.0.1 hyperopt>=0.1.2 matplotlib>=3.0.3 numpy>=1.16.2 optuna>=0.9.0 Optunity>=1.1.1 pandas>=0.24.2 pytest>=4.3.1 scikit-learn>=0.20.3 scipy>=1.2.1 +visdom>= diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index 41fcd66..a155b8b 100644 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -1,54 +1,55 @@ import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages with open('README.md') as f: readme = f.read() with open('LICENSE') as f: license = f.read() -VERSION = "" +VERSION = "" ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) new_init = [] with open(os.path.join(ROOT, *("hyppopy", "__init__.py")), "r") as infile: for line in infile: new_init.append(line) for n in range(len(new_init)): if new_init[n].startswith("__version__"): split = line.split("=") new_init[n] = "__version__ = '" + VERSION + "'\n" with open(os.path.join(ROOT, *("hyppopy", "__init__.py")), "w") as outfile: outfile.writelines(new_init) setup( name='hyppopy', version=VERSION, description='Hyper-Parameter Optimization Toolbox for Blackboxfunction Optimization', long_description=readme, # if you want, put your own name here # (this would likely result in people sending you emails) author='Sven Wanner', author_email='s.wanner@dkfz.de', url='', license=license, packages=find_packages(exclude=('tests', 'doc')), package_data={}, # the requirements to install this project. # Since this one is so simple this is empty. install_requires=[ 'bayesian-optimization>=1.0.1', 'hyperopt>=0.1.2', 'matplotlib>=3.0.3', 'numpy>=1.16.2', 'optuna>=0.9.0', 'Optunity>=1.1.1', 'pandas>=0.24.2', 'pytest>=4.3.1', 'scikit-learn>=0.20.3', - 'scipy>=1.2.1' + 'scipy>=1.2.1', + 'visdom>=' ], )