diff --git a/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py b/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py index 84f4403..0f304b2 100644 --- a/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py +++ b/hyppopy/Solver/HyperoptSolver.py @@ -1,150 +1,158 @@ # DKFZ # # # Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center, # Division of Medical and Biological Informatics. # All rights reserved. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See LICENSE.txt or http://www.mitk.org for details. # # Author: Sven Wanner (s.wanner@dkfz.de) import os import copy import logging import numpy as np from pprint import pformat from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, STATUS_OK, STATUS_FAIL, Trials from hyppopy.globals import DEBUGLEVEL from hyppopy.solver.HyppopySolver import HyppopySolver from hyppopy.BlackboxFunction import BlackboxFunction LOG = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) LOG.setLevel(DEBUGLEVEL) class HyperoptSolver(HyppopySolver): def __init__(self, project=None): HyppopySolver.__init__(self, project) + self._searchspace = None def loss_function(self, params): + for name, p in self._searchspace.items(): + if p["domain"] != "categorical": + if params[name] < p["data"][0]: + params[name] = p["data"][0] + if params[name] > p["data"][1]: + params[name] = p["data"][1] status = STATUS_FAIL try: loss = self.blackbox(**params) if loss is not None: status = STATUS_OK else: loss = 1e9 except Exception as e: LOG.error("execution of self.blackbox(**params) failed due to:\n {}".format(e)) status = STATUS_FAIL loss = 1e9 if isinstance(self.blackbox, BlackboxFunction) and self.blackbox.callback_func is not None: cbd = copy.deepcopy(params) cbd['iterations'] = self._trials.trials[-1]['tid'] + 1 cbd['loss'] = loss cbd['status'] = status self.blackbox.callback_func(**cbd) return {'loss': loss, 'status': status} def execute_solver(self, searchspace): LOG.debug("execute_solver using solution space:\n\n\t{}\n".format(pformat(searchspace))) self.trials = Trials() try: self.best = fmin(fn=self.loss_function, space=searchspace, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=self.max_iterations, trials=self.trials) except Exception as e: msg = "internal error in hyperopt.fmin occured. {}".format(e) LOG.error(msg) raise BrokenPipeError(msg) def convert_searchspace(self, hyperparameter): + self._searchspace = hyperparameter solution_space = {} for name, content in hyperparameter.items(): param_settings = {'name': name} for key, value in content.items(): if key == 'domain': param_settings['domain'] = value elif key == 'data': param_settings['data'] = value elif key == 'type': param_settings['dtype'] = value solution_space[name] = self.convert(param_settings) return solution_space def convert(self, param_settings): name = param_settings["name"] domain = param_settings["domain"] dtype = param_settings["dtype"] data = param_settings["data"] assert isinstance(data, list), "precondition violation. data of type {} not allowed!".format(type(data)) assert len(data) >= 2, "precondition violation, data must be of length 2, [left_bound, right_bound]" assert isinstance(domain, str), "precondition violation. domain of type {} not allowed!".format(type(domain)) assert isinstance(dtype, str), "precondition violation. dtype of type {} not allowed!".format(type(dtype)) if domain == "uniform": if dtype == "float" or dtype == "double": return hp.uniform(name, data[0], data[1]) elif dtype == "int": data = list(np.arange(int(data[0]), int(data[1] + 1))) return hp.choice(name, data) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) elif domain == "loguniform": if dtype == "float" or dtype == "double": if data[0] == 0: data[0] += 1e-23 assert data[0] > 0, "precondition Violation, a < 0!" assert data[0] < data[1], "precondition Violation, a > b!" assert data[1] > 0, "precondition Violation, b < 0!" lexp = np.log(data[0]) rexp = np.log(data[1]) assert lexp is not np.nan, "precondition violation, left bound input error, results in nan!" assert rexp is not np.nan, "precondition violation, right bound input error, results in nan!" return hp.loguniform(name, lexp, rexp) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) elif domain == "normal": if dtype == "float" or dtype == "double": mu = (data[1] - data[0]) / 2.0 sigma = mu / 3 return hp.normal(name, data[0] + mu, sigma) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) elif domain == "categorical": if dtype == 'str': return hp.choice(name, data) elif dtype == 'bool': data = [] for elem in data: if elem == "true" or elem == "True" or elem == 1 or elem == "1": data.append(True) elif elem == "false" or elem == "False" or elem == 0 or elem == "0": data.append(False) else: msg = "cannot convert the type {} in domain {}, unknown bool type value".format(dtype, domain) LOG.error(msg) raise LookupError(msg) return hp.choice(name, data) else: msg = "Precondition violation, domain named {} not available!".format(domain) LOG.error(msg) raise IOError(msg)