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+++ b/.gitignore
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Scripts for the robust medical instrument segmentation challenge 2019
+## Challenge Robust Medical Instrument Segmentation Challenge 2019
+If you want to learn more about the challenge please visit the following two pages:
+* https://robustmis2019.grand-challenge.org/
+* https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18779625/wiki/591267
+## Helpful scripts
+In this repository we provide useful scripts to enable a faster start with the challenge. Currently we only provide a dataloader for pytorch
diff --git a/evaluation/dice_calculations.py b/evaluation/dice_calculations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e28bd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/dice_calculations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment as hungarian_algorithm
+def compute_dice_coefficient(mask_gt, mask_pred):
+    """Compute soerensen-dice coefficient.
+    compute the soerensen-dice coefficient between the ground truth mask `mask_gt`
+    and the predicted mask `mask_pred`.
+    Args:
+      mask_gt: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The ground truth mask.
+      mask_pred: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The predicted mask.
+    Returns:
+      the dice coeffcient as float. If both masks are empty, the result is NaN
+    """
+    volume_sum = mask_gt.sum() + mask_pred.sum()
+    if volume_sum == 0:
+        return np.NaN
+    volume_intersect = (mask_gt & mask_pred).sum()
+    return 2 * volume_intersect / volume_sum
+def compute_dice_coefficient_per_instance(mask_gt, mask_pred):
+    """Compute instance soerensen-dice coefficient.
+        compute the soerensen-dice coefficient between the ground truth mask `mask_gt`
+        and the predicted mask `mask_pred` for multiple instances.
+        Args:
+          mask_gt: 3-dim Numpy array of type int. The ground truth image, where 0 means background and 1-N is an
+                   instrument instance.
+          mask_pred: 3-dim Numpy array of type int. The predicted mask, where 0 means background and 1-N is an
+                   instrument instance.
+        Returns:
+          a instance dictionary with the dice coeffcient as float.
+        """
+    # get number of labels in image
+    instances_gt = np.unique(mask_gt)
+    instances_pred = np.unique(mask_pred)
+    # create performance matrix
+    performance_matrix = np.zeros((len(instances_gt), len(instances_pred)))
+    masks = []
+    # calculate dice score for each ground truth to predicted instance
+    for counter_gt, instance_gt in enumerate(instances_gt):
+        # create binary mask for current gt instance
+        gt = mask_gt.copy()
+        gt[mask_gt != instance_gt] = 0
+        gt[mask_gt == instance_gt] = 1
+        masks_row = []
+        for counter_pred, instance_pred in enumerate(instances_pred):
+            # make binary mask for current predicted instance
+            prediction = mask_pred.copy()
+            prediction[mask_pred != instance_pred] = 0
+            prediction[mask_pred == instance_pred] = 1
+            # calculate dice
+            performance_matrix[counter_gt, counter_pred] = compute_dice_coefficient(gt, prediction)
+            masks_row.append([gt, prediction])
+        masks.append(masks_row)
+    # assign instrument instances according to hungarian algorithm
+    label_assignment = hungarian_algorithm(performance_matrix * -1)
+    label_nr_gt, label_nr_pred = label_assignment
+    # get performance per instance
+    image_performance = []
+    for i in range(len(label_nr_gt)):
+        instance_dice = performance_matrix[label_nr_gt[i], label_nr_pred[i]]
+        image_performance.append(instance_dice)
+    missing_pred = np.absolute(len(instances_pred) - len(image_performance))
+    missing_gt = np.absolute(len(instances_gt) - len(image_performance))
+    n_missing = np.max([missing_gt, missing_pred])
+    if n_missing > 0:
+        for i in range(n_missing):
+            image_performance.append(0)
+    output = dict()
+    for i, performance in enumerate(image_performance):
+        if i > 0:
+            output["instrument_{}".format(i - 1)] = performance
+        else:
+            output["background"] = performance
+    return output
diff --git a/evaluation/distance_calculations.py b/evaluation/distance_calculations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1545566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/distance_calculations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.ndimage
+# neighbour_code_to_normals is a lookup table.
+# For every binary neighbour code
+# (2x2x2 neighbourhood = 8 neighbours = 8 bits = 256 codes)
+# it contains the surface normals of the triangles (called "surfel" for
+# "surface element" in the following). The length of the normal
+# vector encodes the surfel area.
+# created by compute_surface_area_lookup_table.ipynb using the
+# marching_cube algorithm, see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_cubes
+neighbour_code_to_normals = [
+  [[0,0,0]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.0]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,-0.0],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[0.5,0.0,0.0]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,-0.5],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.375,0.375,0.375],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.375,0.375,0.375],[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.25,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.375,-0.375,0.375],[-0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[0.375,-0.375,-0.375],[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.0,-0.5,0.0]],
+  [[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.0],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.375,-0.375,-0.375],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.375,0.375,-0.375],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.0]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.375,-0.375,0.375],[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,-0.25],[0.375,-0.375,-0.375],[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,-0.25]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,-0.25]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[-0.375,0.375,0.375],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,-0.5],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,-0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.375,-0.375,0.375],[-0.25,0.25,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,-0.0],[0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.375,-0.375,0.375],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.375,-0.375,0.375],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,-0.0],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.0],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.0],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,-0.0],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[-0.375,-0.375,0.375],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.375,-0.375,0.375],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,-0.0],[0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.375,-0.375,0.375],[-0.25,0.25,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.0,0.5]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,-0.5],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[-0.375,0.375,0.375],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,-0.25]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.25,0.0,-0.25]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,-0.25],[0.375,-0.375,-0.375],[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.375,-0.375,0.375],[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,0.5],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,-0.25,0.25]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.0]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.0]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.375,0.375,-0.375],[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.375,-0.375,-0.375],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.0],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.0,-0.5,0.0]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.0,0.5,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[0.375,-0.375,-0.375],[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.25,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.0,0.0,0.5],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.375,-0.375,0.375],[-0.0,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[0.125,0.125,-0.125],[0.25,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[0.0,0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.375,0.375,0.375],[0.0,0.25,-0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.375,0.375,0.375],[0.0,-0.25,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,0.0,-0.5],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.5,0.0],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125],[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.0,-0.25,-0.25],[0.0,0.25,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[0.5,0.0,0.0]],
+  [[-0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,0.125,-0.125]],
+  [[0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,-0.25,0.0]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,0.0],[-0.25,-0.25,0.25],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,0.0,0.25],[-0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125],[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.5,0.0,-0.0],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125],[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.0,-0.25],[0.25,0.0,0.25]],
+  [[0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[-0.25,-0.25,0.0],[0.25,0.25,-0.0]],
+  [[-0.125,-0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0.125,0.125,0.125]],
+  [[0,0,0]]]
+def compute_surface_distances(mask_gt, mask_pred, spacing_mm):
+    """Compute closest distances from all surface points to the other surface.
+    Finds all surface elements "surfels" in the ground truth mask `mask_gt` and
+    the predicted mask `mask_pred`, computes their area in mm^2 and the distance
+    to the closest point on the other surface. It returns two sorted lists of
+    distances together with the corresponding surfel areas. If one of the masks
+    is empty, the corresponding lists are empty and all distances in the other
+    list are `inf`
+    Args:
+      mask_gt: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The ground truth mask.
+      mask_pred: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The predicted mask.
+      spacing_mm: 3-element list-like structure. Voxel spacing in x0, x1 and x2
+          direction
+    Returns:
+      A dict with
+      "distances_gt_to_pred": 1-dim numpy array of type float. The distances in mm
+          from all ground truth surface elements to the predicted surface,
+          sorted from smallest to largest
+      "distances_pred_to_gt": 1-dim numpy array of type float. The distances in mm
+          from all predicted surface elements to the ground truth surface,
+          sorted from smallest to largest
+      "surfel_areas_gt": 1-dim numpy array of type float. The area in mm^2 of
+          the ground truth surface elements in the same order as
+          distances_gt_to_pred
+      "surfel_areas_pred": 1-dim numpy array of type float. The area in mm^2 of
+          the predicted surface elements in the same order as
+          distances_pred_to_gt
+    """
+    # compute the area for all 256 possible surface elements
+    # (given a 2x2x2 neighbourhood) according to the spacing_mm
+    neighbour_code_to_surface_area = np.zeros([256])
+    for code in range(256):
+        normals = np.array(neighbour_code_to_normals[code])
+        sum_area = 0
+        for normal_idx in range(normals.shape[0]):
+            # normal vector
+            n = np.zeros([3])
+            n[0] = normals[normal_idx, 0] * spacing_mm[1] * spacing_mm[2]
+            n[1] = normals[normal_idx, 1] * spacing_mm[0] * spacing_mm[2]
+            n[2] = normals[normal_idx, 2] * spacing_mm[0] * spacing_mm[1]
+            area = np.linalg.norm(n)
+            sum_area += area
+        neighbour_code_to_surface_area[code] = sum_area
+    # compute the bounding box of the masks to trim
+    # the volume to the smallest possible processing subvolume
+    mask_all = mask_gt | mask_pred
+    bbox_min = np.zeros(3, np.int64)
+    bbox_max = np.zeros(3, np.int64)
+    # max projection to the x0-axis
+    proj_0 = np.max(np.max(mask_all, axis=2), axis=1)
+    idx_nonzero_0 = np.nonzero(proj_0)[0]
+    if len(idx_nonzero_0) == 0:
+        return {"distances_gt_to_pred": np.array([]),
+                "distances_pred_to_gt": np.array([]),
+                "surfel_areas_gt": np.array([]),
+                "surfel_areas_pred": np.array([])}
+    bbox_min[0] = np.min(idx_nonzero_0)
+    bbox_max[0] = np.max(idx_nonzero_0)
+    # max projection to the x1-axis
+    proj_1 = np.max(np.max(mask_all, axis=2), axis=0)
+    idx_nonzero_1 = np.nonzero(proj_1)[0]
+    bbox_min[1] = np.min(idx_nonzero_1)
+    bbox_max[1] = np.max(idx_nonzero_1)
+    # max projection to the x2-axis
+    proj_2 = np.max(np.max(mask_all, axis=1), axis=0)
+    idx_nonzero_2 = np.nonzero(proj_2)[0]
+    bbox_min[2] = np.min(idx_nonzero_2)
+    bbox_max[2] = np.max(idx_nonzero_2)
+    print("bounding box min = {}".format(bbox_min))
+    print("bounding box max = {}".format(bbox_max))
+    # crop the processing subvolume.
+    # we need to zeropad the cropped region with 1 voxel at the lower,
+    # the right and the back side. This is required to obtain the "full"
+    # convolution result with the 2x2x2 kernel
+    cropmask_gt = np.zeros((bbox_max - bbox_min) + 2, np.uint8)
+    cropmask_pred = np.zeros((bbox_max - bbox_min) + 2, np.uint8)
+    cropmask_gt[0:-1, 0:-1, 0:-1] = mask_gt[bbox_min[0]:bbox_max[0] + 1,
+                                    bbox_min[1]:bbox_max[1] + 1,
+                                    bbox_min[2]:bbox_max[2] + 1]
+    cropmask_pred[0:-1, 0:-1, 0:-1] = mask_pred[bbox_min[0]:bbox_max[0] + 1,
+                                      bbox_min[1]:bbox_max[1] + 1,
+                                      bbox_min[2]:bbox_max[2] + 1]
+    # compute the neighbour code (local binary pattern) for each voxel
+    # the resultsing arrays are spacially shifted by minus half a voxel in each axis.
+    # i.e. the points are located at the corners of the original voxels
+    kernel = np.array([[[128, 64],
+                        [32, 16]],
+                       [[8, 4],
+                        [2, 1]]])
+    neighbour_code_map_gt = scipy.ndimage.filters.correlate(cropmask_gt.astype(np.uint8), kernel, mode="constant",
+                                                            cval=0)
+    neighbour_code_map_pred = scipy.ndimage.filters.correlate(cropmask_pred.astype(np.uint8), kernel, mode="constant",
+                                                              cval=0)
+    # create masks with the surface voxels
+    borders_gt = ((neighbour_code_map_gt != 0) & (neighbour_code_map_gt != 255))
+    borders_pred = ((neighbour_code_map_pred != 0) & (neighbour_code_map_pred != 255))
+    # compute the distance transform (closest distance of each voxel to the surface voxels)
+    if borders_gt.any():
+        distmap_gt = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(~borders_gt, sampling=spacing_mm)
+    else:
+        distmap_gt = np.Inf * np.ones(borders_gt.shape)
+    if borders_pred.any():
+        distmap_pred = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(~borders_pred, sampling=spacing_mm)
+    else:
+        distmap_pred = np.Inf * np.ones(borders_pred.shape)
+    # compute the area of each surface element
+    surface_area_map_gt = neighbour_code_to_surface_area[neighbour_code_map_gt]
+    surface_area_map_pred = neighbour_code_to_surface_area[neighbour_code_map_pred]
+    # create a list of all surface elements with distance and area
+    distances_gt_to_pred = distmap_pred[borders_gt]
+    distances_pred_to_gt = distmap_gt[borders_pred]
+    surfel_areas_gt = surface_area_map_gt[borders_gt]
+    surfel_areas_pred = surface_area_map_pred[borders_pred]
+    # sort them by distance
+    if distances_gt_to_pred.shape != (0,):
+        sorted_surfels_gt = np.array(sorted(zip(distances_gt_to_pred, surfel_areas_gt)))
+        distances_gt_to_pred = sorted_surfels_gt[:, 0]
+        surfel_areas_gt = sorted_surfels_gt[:, 1]
+    if distances_pred_to_gt.shape != (0,):
+        sorted_surfels_pred = np.array(sorted(zip(distances_pred_to_gt, surfel_areas_pred)))
+        distances_pred_to_gt = sorted_surfels_pred[:, 0]
+        surfel_areas_pred = sorted_surfels_pred[:, 1]
+    return {"distances_gt_to_pred": distances_gt_to_pred,
+            "distances_pred_to_gt": distances_pred_to_gt,
+            "surfel_areas_gt": surfel_areas_gt,
+            "surfel_areas_pred": surfel_areas_pred}
+def compute_average_surface_distance(surface_distances):
+    distances_gt_to_pred = surface_distances["distances_gt_to_pred"]
+    distances_pred_to_gt = surface_distances["distances_pred_to_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_gt = surface_distances["surfel_areas_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_pred = surface_distances["surfel_areas_pred"]
+    average_distance_gt_to_pred = np.sum(distances_gt_to_pred * surfel_areas_gt) / np.sum(surfel_areas_gt)
+    average_distance_pred_to_gt = np.sum(distances_pred_to_gt * surfel_areas_pred) / np.sum(surfel_areas_pred)
+    return (average_distance_gt_to_pred, average_distance_pred_to_gt)
+def compute_robust_hausdorff(surface_distances, percent):
+    distances_gt_to_pred = surface_distances["distances_gt_to_pred"]
+    distances_pred_to_gt = surface_distances["distances_pred_to_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_gt = surface_distances["surfel_areas_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_pred = surface_distances["surfel_areas_pred"]
+    if len(distances_gt_to_pred) > 0:
+        surfel_areas_cum_gt = np.cumsum(surfel_areas_gt) / np.sum(surfel_areas_gt)
+        idx = np.searchsorted(surfel_areas_cum_gt, percent / 100.0)
+        perc_distance_gt_to_pred = distances_gt_to_pred[min(idx, len(distances_gt_to_pred) - 1)]
+    else:
+        perc_distance_gt_to_pred = np.Inf
+    if len(distances_pred_to_gt) > 0:
+        surfel_areas_cum_pred = np.cumsum(surfel_areas_pred) / np.sum(surfel_areas_pred)
+        idx = np.searchsorted(surfel_areas_cum_pred, percent / 100.0)
+        perc_distance_pred_to_gt = distances_pred_to_gt[min(idx, len(distances_pred_to_gt) - 1)]
+    else:
+        perc_distance_pred_to_gt = np.Inf
+    return max(perc_distance_gt_to_pred, perc_distance_pred_to_gt)
+def compute_surface_overlap_at_tolerance(surface_distances, tolerance_mm):
+    distances_gt_to_pred = surface_distances["distances_gt_to_pred"]
+    distances_pred_to_gt = surface_distances["distances_pred_to_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_gt = surface_distances["surfel_areas_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_pred = surface_distances["surfel_areas_pred"]
+    rel_overlap_gt = np.sum(surfel_areas_gt[distances_gt_to_pred <= tolerance_mm]) / np.sum(surfel_areas_gt)
+    rel_overlap_pred = np.sum(surfel_areas_pred[distances_pred_to_gt <= tolerance_mm]) / np.sum(surfel_areas_pred)
+    return (rel_overlap_gt, rel_overlap_pred)
+def compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, tolerance_mm):
+    distances_gt_to_pred = surface_distances["distances_gt_to_pred"]
+    distances_pred_to_gt = surface_distances["distances_pred_to_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_gt = surface_distances["surfel_areas_gt"]
+    surfel_areas_pred = surface_distances["surfel_areas_pred"]
+    overlap_gt = np.sum(surfel_areas_gt[distances_gt_to_pred <= tolerance_mm])
+    overlap_pred = np.sum(surfel_areas_pred[distances_pred_to_gt <= tolerance_mm])
+    surface_dice = (overlap_gt + overlap_pred) / (
+            np.sum(surfel_areas_gt) + np.sum(surfel_areas_pred))
+    return surface_dice
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/evaluation/mean_average_precision_calculations.py b/evaluation/mean_average_precision_calculations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5de1cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/mean_average_precision_calculations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import numpy as np
+from pandas import DataFrame
+from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment as hungarian_algorithm
+def compute_iou(mask_gt, mask_pred):
+    """
+        Compute the intersection over union (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index)
+        compute the intersectin over union between the ground truth mask `mask_gt`
+        and the predicted mask `mask_pred`.
+        Args:
+        mask_gt: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The ground truth mask.
+        mask_pred: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The predicted mask.
+        Returns:
+        the iou coeffcient as float. If both masks are empty, the result is 0
+    """
+    mask_gt = mask_gt.astype('bool')
+    mask_pred = mask_pred.astype('bool')
+    overlap = mask_gt * mask_pred  # Logical AND
+    union = mask_gt + mask_pred  # Logical OR
+    iou = overlap.sum() / float(union.sum())  # Treats "True" as 1,
+    return iou
+def compute_statistics(mask_gt, mask_pred):
+    """
+        Compute Statistic
+        compute statistics (TP, FP, FN, precision, recall) between the ground truth mask `mask_gt`
+        and the predicted mask `mask_pred`.
+        TP = True positive (defined as an iou>=0.03)
+        FP = False positive
+        FN = False negative
+        precision = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive)
+        recall = true_positive / (true_positive + false_negative)
+        Args:
+        mask_gt: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The ground truth mask.
+        mask_pred: 3-dim Numpy array of type bool. The predicted mask.
+        Returns:
+        output = dict(
+            true_positive=true_positive,
+            false_positive=false_positive,
+            false_negative=false_negative,
+            precision=precision,
+            recall=recall
+        )
+    """
+    # define constants
+    min_iou_for_match = 0.03
+    # get number of labels in image
+    instances_gt = list(np.unique(mask_gt))
+    instances_pred = list(np.unique(mask_pred))
+    # remove background
+    instances_gt = instances_gt[1:]
+    instances_pred = instances_pred[1:]
+    # create performance matrix
+    performance_matrix = np.zeros((len(instances_gt), len(instances_pred)))
+    masks = []
+    # calculate dice score for each ground truth to predicted instance
+    for counter_gt, instance_gt in enumerate(instances_gt):
+        # create binary mask for current gt instance
+        gt = mask_gt.copy()
+        gt[mask_gt != instance_gt] = 0
+        gt[mask_gt == instance_gt] = 1
+        masks_row = []
+        for counter_pred, instance_pred in enumerate(instances_pred):
+            # make binary mask for current predicted instance
+            prediction = mask_pred.copy()
+            prediction[mask_pred != instance_pred] = 0
+            prediction[mask_pred == instance_pred] = 1
+            # calculate iou
+            # show_image(gt, prediction)
+            iou = compute_iou(gt, prediction)
+            performance_matrix[counter_gt, counter_pred] = iou
+            masks_row.append([gt, prediction])
+        masks.append(masks_row)
+    # delete all matches smaller than threshold
+    performance_matrix[performance_matrix < min_iou_for_match] = 0
+    # assign instrument instances according to hungarian algorithm
+    label_assignment = hungarian_algorithm(performance_matrix * -1)
+    label_nr_gt, label_nr_pred = label_assignment
+    # get performance per instance
+    true_positive_list = []
+    for i in range(len(label_nr_gt)):
+        instance_iou = performance_matrix[label_nr_gt[i], label_nr_pred[i]]
+        true_positive_list.append(instance_iou)
+    true_positive_list = list(filter(lambda a: a != 0, true_positive_list))  # delete all 0s assigned to a label
+    true_positive = len(true_positive_list)
+    false_negative = len(instances_gt) - true_positive
+    false_positive = len(instances_pred) - true_positive
+    try:
+        precision = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive)
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+        precision = 0
+    try:
+        recall = true_positive / (true_positive + false_negative)
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+        recall = 0
+    output = dict(
+        true_positive=true_positive,
+        false_positive=false_positive,
+        false_negative=false_negative,
+        precision=precision,
+        recall=recall
+    )
+    return output
+def compute_mean_average_precision(statistic_list):
+    """
+        Compute the mean average precision:
+        (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaluation_measures_(information_retrieval)#Mean_average_precision)
+        We define average precision as Area under Curve AUC)
+        https://medium.com/@jonathan_hui/map-mean-average-precision-for-object-detection-45c121a31173
+        Args:
+        statistic_list: 1-dim list, containing statistics dicts (dict definition, see function compute_statistics).
+        Returns:
+        the area_under_curve as float
+        )
+    """
+    # create data frame
+    data_frame = DataFrame(columns=["true_positive", "false_positive", "false_negative", "precision", "recall"])
+    # add data
+    data_frame = data_frame.append(statistic_list)
+    data_frame = data_frame.reset_index()
+    # interpolate precision with highest recall for precision
+    data_frame = data_frame.sort_values(by="recall", ascending=False)
+    precision_interpolated = []
+    current_highest_value = 0
+    for index, row in data_frame.iterrows():
+        if row.precision > current_highest_value:
+            current_highest_value = row.precision
+        precision_interpolated.append(current_highest_value)
+    data_frame['precision_interpolated'] = precision_interpolated
+    # get changes in interpolated precision curve
+    data_frame_grouped = data_frame.groupby("recall")
+    changes = []
+    for item in data_frame_grouped.groups.items():
+        current_recall = item[0]
+        idx_precision = item[1][0]
+        current_precision_interpolated = data_frame.loc[idx_precision].precision_interpolated
+        change = dict(recall=current_recall, precision_interpolated=current_precision_interpolated)
+        changes.append(change)
+    # add end and starting point
+    if changes[0]["recall"] != 0.0:
+        changes.insert(0, dict(recall=0, precision_interpolated=changes[0]["precision_interpolated"]))
+    if current_recall < 1:
+        changes.append(dict(recall=1, precision_interpolated=current_precision_interpolated))
+    # calculate area under curve
+    area_under_curve = 0
+    for i in range(1, len(changes)):
+        precision_area = (changes[i]["recall"] - changes[i - 1]["recall"]) * changes[i]["precision_interpolated"]
+        area_under_curve += precision_area
+    return area_under_curve
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/img1/instrument_instances.png b/evaluation/test/images/img1/instrument_instances.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c0dec
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/img1/instrument_instances.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/img1/raw.png b/evaluation/test/images/img1/raw.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15296cb
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/img1/raw.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/img2/instrument_instances.png b/evaluation/test/images/img2/instrument_instances.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5ad9ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/img2/instrument_instances.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/img2/raw.png b/evaluation/test/images/img2/raw.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b90477
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/img2/raw.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/img3/instrument_instances.png b/evaluation/test/images/img3/instrument_instances.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84c3c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/img3/instrument_instances.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/img3/raw.png b/evaluation/test/images/img3/raw.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c42c19e
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/img3/raw.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_1.png b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b0dbb
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_1.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_2.png b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ed473b
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_2.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_3.png b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd275b
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/annotation_3.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_1.png b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cb7c10
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_1.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_2.png b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f582e
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_2.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_3.png b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a31d18
Binary files /dev/null and b/evaluation/test/images/test_map/gt_3.png differ
diff --git a/evaluation/test/test_detection_metric.py b/evaluation/test/test_detection_metric.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2759407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/test/test_detection_metric.py
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+import unittest
+import numpy as np
+from evaluation.mean_average_precision_calculations import compute_mean_average_precision, compute_iou, \
+    compute_statistics
+class TestMAPCalculation(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_intersection_over_union(self):
+        # define ground truth
+        gt_1 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        gt_2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        # full intersection
+        expected_iou_1 = 1
+        pred_1 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        # one missing
+        expected_iou_2 = 0.8888888
+        pred_2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        # just one intersected
+        expected_iou_3 = 0.11111
+        pred_3 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        # no intersection
+        expected_iou_4 = 0
+        pred_4 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]], np.uint8)
+        # empty prediction
+        expected_iou_5 = 0
+        pred_5 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        delta = 0.0005
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_iou(mask_gt=gt_1, mask_pred=pred_1), expected_iou_1, delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_iou(mask_gt=gt_1, mask_pred=pred_2), expected_iou_2, delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_iou(mask_gt=gt_1, mask_pred=pred_3), expected_iou_3, delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_iou(mask_gt=gt_1, mask_pred=pred_4), expected_iou_4, delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_iou(mask_gt=gt_1, mask_pred=pred_5), expected_iou_5, delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_iou(mask_gt=gt_2, mask_pred=pred_4), expected_iou_4, delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_iou(mask_gt=gt_2, mask_pred=pred_5), expected_iou_5, delta=delta)
+        self.assertTrue(np.isnan(compute_iou(mask_gt=pred_5, mask_pred=pred_5)))
+    def test_detection_statistics(self):
+        # define images
+        img_1 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        img_2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        img_3 = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        img_4 = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0],
+                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0],
+                          [0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                          [0, 4, 4, 0, 2, 2, 0],
+                          [5, 5, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0],
+                          [5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], np.uint8)
+        # statistics
+        # precision = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive)
+        # recall = true_positive / (true_positive + false_negative)
+        result_test_case_1 = compute_statistics(mask_gt=img_1, mask_pred=img_1)
+        expectation_test_case_1 = dict(
+            true_positive=0,
+            false_positive=0,
+            false_negative=0,
+            precision=0,
+            recall=0
+        )
+        result_test_case_2 = compute_statistics(mask_gt=img_1, mask_pred=img_2)
+        expectation_test_case_2 = dict(
+            true_positive=0,
+            false_positive=1,
+            false_negative=0,
+            precision=0,
+            recall=0
+        )
+        result_test_case_3 = compute_statistics(mask_gt=img_2, mask_pred=img_1)
+        expectation_test_case_3 = dict(
+            true_positive=0,
+            false_positive=0,
+            false_negative=1,
+            precision=0,
+            recall=0
+        )
+        result_test_case_4 = compute_statistics(mask_gt=img_3, mask_pred=img_2)
+        expectation_test_case_4 = dict(
+            true_positive=0,
+            false_positive=1,
+            false_negative=2,
+            precision=0,
+            recall=0
+        )
+        result_test_case_5 = compute_statistics(mask_gt=img_3, mask_pred=img_4)
+        expectation_test_case_5 = dict(
+            true_positive=2,
+            false_positive=3,
+            false_negative=0,
+            precision=2 / (2 + 3),
+            recall=2 / (2 + 0)
+        )
+        result_test_case_6 = compute_statistics(mask_gt=img_4, mask_pred=img_4)  # expect fp=0, tp=2, fn=3
+        expectation_test_case_6 = dict(
+            true_positive=5,
+            false_positive=0,
+            false_negative=0,
+            precision=1,
+            recall=1
+        )
+        self.assertDictEqual(result_test_case_1, expectation_test_case_1)
+        self.assertDictEqual(result_test_case_2, expectation_test_case_2)
+        self.assertDictEqual(result_test_case_3, expectation_test_case_3)
+        self.assertDictEqual(result_test_case_4, expectation_test_case_4)
+        self.assertDictEqual(result_test_case_5, expectation_test_case_5)
+        self.assertDictEqual(result_test_case_6, expectation_test_case_6)
+    def test_mean_average_precision(self):
+        statistics_list_1 = [
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=1.0,
+                 recall=0.2),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=1.0,
+                 recall=0.4),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.67,
+                 recall=0.4),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=0.4),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.4,
+                 recall=0.4),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=0.6),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.57,
+                 recall=0.8),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=0.8),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.44,
+                 recall=0.8),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=1.0)
+        ]
+        statistics_list_2 = [
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=1.0,
+                 recall=0.090909),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=0.090909),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.666667,
+                 recall=0.166667),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.75,
+                 recall=0.230769),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.6,
+                 recall=0.230769),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.666667,
+                 recall=0.285714),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.714286,
+                 recall=0.33333),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.75,
+                 recall=0.375),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.66667,
+                 recall=0.375),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.7,
+                 recall=0.411765),
+        ]
+        statistics_list_3 = [
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=1.0,
+                 recall=0.33),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=0.33),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.67,
+                 recall=0.67),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=0.67),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.4,
+                 recall=0.67),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.5,
+                 recall=1.0),
+            dict(true_positive=0,
+                 false_positive=0,
+                 false_negative=0,
+                 precision=0.43,
+                 recall=1.0),
+        ]
+        delta = 0.0005
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_mean_average_precision(statistics_list_1), (0.4*1.0+0.4*0.57+0.2*0.5), delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_mean_average_precision(statistics_list_2), (0.09*1+0.285*0.75+0.625*0.7), delta=delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(compute_mean_average_precision(statistics_list_3), 0.33*1+0.34*0.67+0.33*0.5, delta=delta)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/evaluation/test/test_distances.py b/evaluation/test/test_distances.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3177894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/test/test_distances.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import unittest
+import numpy as np
+from imageio import imread
+# single pixels, 2mm away
+from evaluation.dice_calculations import compute_dice_coefficient
+from evaluation.distance_calculations import compute_surface_distances, compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance, \
+    compute_average_surface_distance, compute_robust_hausdorff, compute_surface_overlap_at_tolerance
+class TestDiceCalculation(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.delta = 0.0005
+    def test_surface_dice(self):
+        path = "images\\img{}\\instrument_instances.png".format(3)
+        # read image
+        x = imread(path)
+        # make image binary
+        x[x < 0.5] = 0
+        x[x >= 0.5] = 1
+        mask_gt = np.reshape(x,x.shape + (1,))
+        surface_distances = compute_surface_distances(mask_gt, mask_gt, (1,1,1))
+        surface_dice = compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(surface_dice, 1.0, delta=self.delta)
+    def test_single_pixels_2mm_away(self):
+        mask_gt = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        mask_pred = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        mask_gt[50, 60, 70] = 1
+        mask_pred[50, 60, 72] = 1
+        surface_distances = compute_surface_distances(mask_gt, mask_pred, spacing_mm=(3, 2, 1))
+        surface_dice_1mm = compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        volumetric_dice = compute_dice_coefficient(mask_gt, mask_pred)
+        print("surface dice at 1mm:      {}".format(surface_dice_1mm))
+        print("volumetric dice:          {}".format(volumetric_dice))
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(surface_dice_1mm, 0.5, delta=self.delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(volumetric_dice, 0.0, delta=self.delta)
+    def test_two_cubes(self):
+        # two cubes. cube 1 is 100x100x100 mm^3 and cube 2 is 102x100x100 mm^3
+        mask_gt = np.zeros((100, 100, 100), np.uint8)
+        mask_pred = np.zeros((100, 100, 100), np.uint8)
+        spacing_mm = (2, 1, 1)
+        mask_gt[0:50, :, :] = 1
+        mask_pred[0:51, :, :] = 1
+        surface_distances = compute_surface_distances(mask_gt, mask_pred, spacing_mm)
+        expected_average_distance_gt_to_pred = 0.836145008498
+        expected_volumetric_dice = 2. * 100 * 100 * 100 / (100 * 100 * 100 + 102 * 100 * 100)
+        surface_dice_1mm = compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        volumetric_dice = compute_dice_coefficient(mask_gt, mask_pred)
+        print("surface dice at 1mm:      {}".format(compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)))
+        print("volumetric dice:          {}".format(compute_dice_coefficient(mask_gt, mask_pred)))
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(surface_dice_1mm, expected_average_distance_gt_to_pred, delta=self.delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(volumetric_dice, expected_volumetric_dice, delta=self.delta)
+    def test_empty_mask_in_pred(self):
+        # test empty mask in prediction
+        mask_gt = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        mask_pred = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        mask_gt[50, 60, 70] = 1
+        # mask_pred[50,60,72] = 1
+        surface_distances = compute_surface_distances(mask_gt, mask_pred, spacing_mm=(3, 2, 1))
+        average_surface_distance = compute_average_surface_distance(surface_distances)
+        hausdorf_100 = compute_robust_hausdorff(surface_distances, 100)
+        hausdorf_95 = compute_robust_hausdorff(surface_distances, 95)
+        surface_overlap_1_mm = compute_surface_overlap_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        surface_dice_1mm = compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        volumetric_dice = compute_dice_coefficient(mask_gt, mask_pred)
+        print("average surface distance: {} mm".format(average_surface_distance))
+        print("hausdorff (100%):         {} mm".format(hausdorf_100))
+        print("hausdorff (95%):          {} mm".format(hausdorf_95))
+        print("surface overlap at 1mm:   {}".format(surface_overlap_1_mm))
+        print("surface dice at 1mm:      {}".format(surface_dice_1mm))
+        print("volumetric dice:          {}".format(volumetric_dice))
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(surface_dice_1mm, 0.0, delta=self.delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(volumetric_dice, 0.0, delta=self.delta)
+    def test_empty_mask_in_gt(self):
+        # test empty mask in ground truth
+        mask_gt = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        mask_pred = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        # mask_gt[50,60,70] = 1
+        mask_pred[50, 60, 72] = 1
+        surface_distances = compute_surface_distances(mask_gt, mask_pred, spacing_mm=(3, 2, 1))
+        average_surface_distance = compute_average_surface_distance(surface_distances)
+        hausdorf_100 = compute_robust_hausdorff(surface_distances, 100)
+        hausdorf_95 = compute_robust_hausdorff(surface_distances, 95)
+        surface_overlap_1_mm = compute_surface_overlap_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        surface_dice_1mm = compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        volumetric_dice = compute_dice_coefficient(mask_gt, mask_pred)
+        print("average surface distance: {} mm".format(average_surface_distance))
+        print("hausdorff (100%):         {} mm".format(hausdorf_100))
+        print("hausdorff (95%):          {} mm".format(hausdorf_95))
+        print("surface overlap at 1mm:   {}".format(surface_overlap_1_mm))
+        print("surface dice at 1mm:      {}".format(surface_dice_1mm))
+        print("volumetric dice:          {}".format(volumetric_dice))
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(surface_dice_1mm, 0.0, delta=self.delta)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(volumetric_dice, 0.0, delta=self.delta)
+    def test_empty_mask_in_gt_and_pred(self):
+        # test both masks empty
+        mask_gt = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        mask_pred = np.zeros((128, 128, 128), np.uint8)
+        # mask_gt[50,60,70] = 1
+        # mask_pred[50,60,72] = 1
+        surface_distances = compute_surface_distances(mask_gt, mask_pred, spacing_mm=(3, 2, 1))
+        average_surface_distance = compute_average_surface_distance(surface_distances)
+        hausdorf_100 = compute_robust_hausdorff(surface_distances, 100)
+        hausdorf_95 = compute_robust_hausdorff(surface_distances, 95)
+        surface_overlap_1_mm = compute_surface_overlap_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        surface_dice_1mm = compute_surface_dice_at_tolerance(surface_distances, 1)
+        volumetric_dice = compute_dice_coefficient(mask_gt, mask_pred)
+        print("average surface distance: {} mm".format(average_surface_distance))
+        print("hausdorff (100%):         {} mm".format(hausdorf_100))
+        print("hausdorff (95%):          {} mm".format(hausdorf_95))
+        print("surface overlap at 1mm:   {}".format(surface_overlap_1_mm))
+        print("surface dice at 1mm:      {}".format(surface_dice_1mm))
+        print("volumetric dice:          {}".format(volumetric_dice))
+        self.assertTrue(np.isnan(surface_dice_1mm))
+        self.assertTrue(np.isnan(volumetric_dice))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/evaluation/test/test_instance_dice.py b/evaluation/test/test_instance_dice.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d764f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/test/test_instance_dice.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import unittest
+from imageio import imread
+from evaluation.dice_calculations import compute_dice_coefficient, compute_dice_coefficient_per_instance
+class TestDiceCalculation(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_dice_coefficient(self):
+        # paths
+        x_path = "images/img{}/instrument_instances.png".format(1)
+        y_path = "images/img{}/instrument_instances.png".format(2)
+        # read images
+        x = imread(x_path)
+        y = imread(y_path)
+        # make images binary
+        x[x < 0.5] = 0
+        x[x >= 0.5] = 1
+        y[y < 0.5] = 0
+        y[y >= 0.5] = 1
+        # calculate dice
+        dice = compute_dice_coefficient(x, y)
+        # check if correct
+        expected_dice = 0.011
+        delta = 0.0005
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(dice, expected_dice, delta=delta)
+    def test_multiple_instance_dice_coefficient(self):
+        # paths
+        x_path = "images/img{}/instrument_instances.png".format(2)
+        y_path = "images/img{}/instrument_instances.png".format(3)
+        # read images
+        x = imread(x_path)
+        y = imread(y_path)
+        # calculate instance dice
+        instance_dice_scores = compute_dice_coefficient_per_instance(x, y)
+        # check if correct
+        expected_dice_scores = dict(background=0.8789, instrument_0=0, instrument_1=0.1676)
+        delta = 0.0005
+        for dice_key, expected_dice_key in zip(instance_dice_scores, expected_dice_scores):
+            dice = instance_dice_scores[dice_key]
+            expected_dice = expected_dice_scores[expected_dice_key]
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(dice, expected_dice, delta=delta)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/synapse/download_data.py b/synapse/download_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52fb4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/download_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+1. Create an account for synapse
+2. Register for the Challenge: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18779624/wiki/591266
+3. Install the synapse client: `pip install synapseclient`
+4. Insert the files_synapse_id as project_id below
+5.  Add your credentials at the end of the script
+6. Run the script and get the data
+7. Have fun :-)
+import synapseclient
+import synapseutils
+def download_data(email, password, local_folder,project_id):
+    print("Start downloading")
+    # login to Synapse
+    syn = synapseclient.login(email=email, password=password, rememberMe=True)
+    # download all the files in folder files_synapse_id to a local folder
+    all_files = synapseutils.syncFromSynapse(syn, entity=project_id, path=local_folder)
+    print("Finished downloading")
+if __name__ is "main":
+    # settings
+    project_id = "syn20575265"
+    local_folder = "<local folder>"
+    email = "<email>"
+    password = "<password>"
+    # download data
+    download_data(email, password, local_folder, project_id)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse/download_docker.py b/synapse/download_docker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb610e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/download_docker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import synapseclient as sc
+import docker
+email = "<EMAIL>"
+password = "<PASSWORD>"
+project_id = "syn20575265"
+evaluation_queues = [9614245, 9614272, 9614273]
+# login to synapse
+syn = sc.login(email=email, password=password)
+# get docker env
+client = docker.from_env()
+# download dockers
+for evaluation_queue in evaluation_queues:
+    for submission in syn.getSubmissions(evaluation_queue):
+        try:
+            docker_name=submission["dockerRepositoryName"]
+            print(f"Download {docker_name}")
+            client.images.pull(docker_name)
+        except KeyError:
+            pass #print("Invalid submission, skip")
+        except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:
+            print(f"Not allowed to download the docker {docker_name}")
diff --git a/synapse/run_docker.sh b/synapse/run_docker.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43e544e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/run_docker.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+DOCKER_NAME="docker.synapse.org/syn20685953/cami_siat_8.30:latest" # example docker name
+#DOCKER_COMMAND='nvidia-docker run --ipc=host -v "'$INPUT_FOLDER'/:/input" -v "'$OUTPUT_FOLDER':/output" $DOCKER_NAME /usr/local/bin/run_network.sh'
+sudo docker run --ipc=host -v $INPUT_FOLDER/:/input -v $OUTPUT_FOLDER:/output $DOCKER_NAME /usr/local/bin/run_network.sh