diff --git a/code/io/itk/rttbGenericImageReader.h b/code/io/itk/rttbGenericImageReader.h
index 74c0f22..a240d20 100644
--- a/code/io/itk/rttbGenericImageReader.h
+++ b/code/io/itk/rttbGenericImageReader.h
@@ -1,158 +1,159 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // MatchPoint - DKFZ translational registration framework
 // Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),
 // Software development for Integrated Diagnostics and Therapy (SIDT).
 // See mapCopyright.txt or
 // http://www.dkfz.de/en/sidt/projects/MatchPoint/copyright.html
 // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
 // PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
 #include "rttbImageReader.h"
 namespace rttb
 	namespace io
 		namespace itk
+			using LightObject = ::itk::LightObject;
+			template<class T> using ObjectFactory = ::itk::ObjectFactory<T>;
 			/** @class ImageReader
 			* @brief Helper class manages the generic loading (unspecified dimension and pixel type) of 2D/3D images ...
 			* GenericImageReader uses the ImageReader class and dispatches the dimension and pixel type information from the specified image file.
 			* GenericImageReader supports 2D and 3D images and the following pixel types:
 			* - (unsigned) char
 			* - (unsigned) short
 			* - (unsigned) int
 			* - (unsigned) long
 			* - float
 			* - double
 			* .
 			* Due to the fact that it builds upon the itk io infrastructure, all formats supported by ITK
 			* can be read.
 			* For further information regarding the usage see documentation of ImageReader.
 			* @sa ImageReader
 			* @note code copied from MatchPoint, see documentation (http://sourceforge.net/projects/matchpoint/)
 			class GenericImageReader : public ::itk::Object
 				using Self = rttb::io::itk::GenericImageReader;
 				using Superclass = ::itk::Object;
 				using Pointer = ::itk::SmartPointer<Self>;
 				using ConstPointer = ::itk::SmartPointer<const Self>;
-				using LightObject = ::itk::LightObject;
-				template<class T> using ObjectFactory = ::itk::ObjectFactory<T>;
 				itkTypeMacro(GenericImageReader, ::itk::Object);
 				using GenericOutputImageType = ::itk::DataObject;
 				using LoadedPixelType = ::itk::IOPixelEnum;
 				using LoadedComponentType = ::itk::IOComponentEnum;
 				using MetaDataDictionaryArrayType = std::vector< ::itk::MetaDataDictionary>;
 				/** Loaded Image.*/
 				GenericOutputImageType::Pointer _spImage;
 				/** The file name of the image. */
 				FileNameString  _fileName;
 				/** The upper limit for the searching of series files in the path.*/
 				unsigned int _upperSeriesLimit{255};
 				/** Indicates if the image data is up to date or should be read again.*/
 				bool _upToDate{false};
 				/** Defines if the specified image file is part of a series and the
 				* whole series should be read into one image. Only relevant for 3D images.*/
 				ImageSeriesReadStyle::Type _seriesReadStyle{ImageSeriesReadStyle::Default};
 				unsigned int _loadedDimensions;
 				LoadedPixelType _loadedPixelType;
 				LoadedComponentType _loadedComponentType;
 				std::string _loadedComponentTypeStr;
 				std::string _loadedPixelTypeStr;
 				MetaDataDictionaryArrayType _dictionaryArray;
 				/** Loads the image. First identifies pixel type and dimension and then deligates according
 				 * to the pixel type.
 				  * @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If no ImageIO is found.
 				  * @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If dimension of the image is not supported. Only 2D/3D is supported.
 				  * @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If pixel type is not supported. Currently only scalar pixels are supported.
 				void load();
 				/** Loads an scalar image.
 				  * @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If pixel component type is not supported.
 				template <unsigned int IDimension>
 				void loadScalar();
 				//template <unsigned int IDimension>
 				//void loadRGB();
 				/** Function to access the member variable _FileName. _FileName represents the filename of the
 				* headerfile. The path must be included, the file extension may left away.
 				* @return File name of the header file.*/
 				const FileNameString&  getFileName() const;
 				/** Function to access the member variable _FileName. _FileName represents the filename of the
 				* headerfile. The path must be included, the file extension may left away.
 				* @param [in] sFileName The file name of the header file.*/
 				void setFileName(const FileNameString&  sFileName);
 				/** Function to access the member variable _upperSeriesLimit. _upperSeriesLimit represents
 				* the upper limit for the series file search.
 				* @return The upper limit of the series search.*/
 				const unsigned int getUpperSeriesLimit() const;
 				/** Function to access the member variable _upperSeriesLimit. _upperSeriesLimit represents
 				* the upper limit for the series file search. Changing the series limit out dates the ImageReader.
 				* @remark It is only relevant if series style is set to "Numeric".
 				* @param [in] upperLimit The upper limit of the header file.*/
 				void setUpperSeriesLimit(const unsigned int upperLimit);
 				/** Function to access the member variable _seriesReadStyle (see member description for more information).*/
 				const ImageSeriesReadStyle::Type getSeriesReadStyle() const;
 				/** Function to access the member variable _seriesReadStyle (see member description for more information).
 				* Changing the style out dates the ImageReader.*/
 				void setSeriesReadStyle(ImageSeriesReadStyle::Type readStyle);
 				/** Function loads the image if needed and returns the data.
 				* @return Pointer to loaded image.
 				* @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If no ImageIO is found.
 				* @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If dimension of the image is not supported. Only 2D/3D is supported.
 				* @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If pixel type is not supported. Currently only scalar pixels are supported.
 				* @exception map::core::ExceptionObject If pixel component type is not supported.
 				GenericOutputImageType*  GetOutput(unsigned int& loadedDimensions, LoadedPixelType& loadedPixelType,
 				                                   LoadedComponentType& loadedComponentType);
 				/** Function returns the reference to the meta data dictionary(ies) of the latest file(s) loaded by this class.
 				 * Array may be empty if no MetaDictionary exists.*/
 				const MetaDataDictionaryArrayType& getMetaDictionaryArray();
 				~GenericImageReader() override;
 		}//end namespace itk
 	}//end namespace io
 }//end namespace rttb