diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2c02ca6..7db24bf 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,256 +1,260 @@ # RTToolbox RTToolbox is a software library to support quantitative analysis of treatment outcome for radiotherapy. The RTToolbox was designed following object-oriented design (OOD) principles and was implemented in the language C++. Features include: * import of radiotherapy data (e.g. dose distributions and structure sets) from DICOM-RT format and other standard image processing formats * DVH calculation * Dose statistic calculation * arithmetic operations on dose distributions * structure relationship analyses (e.g. fully-contained, partially-contained) * Calculation of dose comparison indices such as Conformity Index (CI), Homogeneity Index (HI) and Conformation Number (CN) * Calculation of biological models including TCP, NTCP, EUD and BED Also, the RTToolbox provides apps e.g. for DVH/Dose Statistic calculation or Dose accumulation that provides a convenient access of RT scenarios without computer-science knowledge. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. ### Prerequisites #### Build system * [CMake](https://cmake.org), version 3.1 or higher #### Compiler * Visual Studio 2013 * Visual Studio 2015 * Visual Studio 2017 * GCC 5.4 Other compiler may work as well, but are not tested. #### Linking Static/Dynamic library support Can be changed with advanced option `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` :warning: building RTToolbox as dynamic library under Windows and as static library under Linux is an experimental feature. #### Third party libraries * [boost](http://www.boost.org ), version 1.64.0 or higher * [DCMTK](http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk.php.en ), with RT support - 3.6.1_20121102 or newer * [ITK](https://itk.org ), version 4.4 or higher (*optional*) * for DoseInterpolation support with ITK transformation or ITK File IO support * [MatchPoint](http://mitk.org/download/thirdparty/MatchPoint_rev1610.tar.gz ), version 0.12 or higher (*optional*) * for DoseInterpolation support with MatchPoint registration objects :information_source: To make sure everything runs smoothly, please make sure that all libraries and the RTToolbox are either compiled with `/MD` or `/MT` flags. ##### Boost +In case you work with Windows, we recommend using the pre-build versions of boost (see https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/ ). + +If you want to build the library yourself, consider the following: + Build (using the same compiler options as RTToolbox, usually `STATIC LINKING` and `x64` architecture). The following components are needed: * `filesystem`, * `system`, * `thread` and * `program_options` * if you plan to build the apps (*optional*) -:information_source: eventually, it might be needed to add the CMake variable `BOOST_LIBRARY_DIR` and set it to the respective library. +:information_source: eventually, it might be needed to add the CMake variable `BOOST_LIBRARYDIR` and set it to the respective library path of boost. For Windows: To build Boost open a command prompt, change to your boost source directory and copy following command(s): Debug: b2 -j12 --with-filesystem --with-system --with-thread --with-program_options --with-date_time --with-atomic --with-chrono toolset=msvc-14.1 address-model=64 variant=debug threading=multi link=shared define=_BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION Release: b2 -j12 --with-filesystem --with-system --with-thread --with-program_options --with-date_time --with-atomic --with-chrono toolset=msvc-14.1 address-model=64 variant=release threading=multi link=shared If you don´t require `program_options` delete `--with-program_options` from the command before executing it. ##### DCMTK For Windows: To compile DCMTK with `/MD` flags (standard for all other libs), you need to patch the CMAKE options of DCMTK (`PathToDCMTK\CMake\dcmtkPrepare.cmake`), either by replacing `"/MT"` with `"/MD"` or by explicitly replacing lines 135 to 171 with the following lines: ``` IF(DCMTK_OVERWRITE_WIN32_COMPILER_FLAGS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # settings for Microsoft Visual Studio IF(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio .*") # get Visual Studio Version STRING(REGEX REPLACE "Visual Studio ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" VS_VERSION "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}") # these settings never change even for C or C++ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "/MDd /Z7 /Od") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "/DNDEBUG /MD /O2") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "/DNDEBUG /MD /O2") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "/DNDEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Od") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "/MDd /Z7 /Od") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "/DNDEBUG /MD /O2") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "/DNDEBUG /MD /O2") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "/DNDEBUG /MDd /Z7 /Od") # specific settings for the various Visual Studio versions IF(VS_VERSION EQUAL 6) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "/nologo /W3 /GX /Gy /YX") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/nologo /W3 /GX /Gy /YX /Zm500") # /Zm500 increments heap size which is needed on some system to compile templates in dcmimgle ENDIF(VS_VERSION EQUAL 6) IF(VS_VERSION EQUAL 7) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "/nologo /W3 /Gy") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/nologo /W3 /Gy") ENDIF(VS_VERSION EQUAL 7) IF(VS_VERSION GREATER 7) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "/nologo /W3 /Gy /EHsc") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/nologo /W3 /Gy /EHsc") ENDIF(VS_VERSION GREATER 7) ENDIF(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio .*") ENDIF(DCMTK_OVERWRITE_WIN32_COMPILER_FLAGS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ``` Then build DCMTK. `BUILD_APPS` can be switched off. ##### ITK Build ITK with default options. :warning: ensure that compiler enables C++11 features by setting `CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11` (default for supported compilers) :warning: Only use one ITK version consistently throughout all libraries and RTToolbox! Otherwise, linker errors will occur. ##### MatchPoint Configure MatchPoint. You need to disable BUILD_TESTING before building it. :warning: ensure that compiler enables C++11 features by setting `CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11` (default for supported compilers) :warning: Only use one ITK version consistently throughout all libraries and RTToolbox! Otherwise, linker errors will occur. ### Building RT-Toolbox * Configure with CMake -* Set `BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR` and `BOOST_DIR` to the main boost directory (where `boost_build.jam` is located). Eventually, you have to set `BOOST_LIBRARY_DIR` to pathToMainBoostDirectory/stage/lib. +* Set `BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR` to the main boost directory. Eventually set `BOOST_LIBRARYDIR` to the respective path (e.g. `/lib64-msvc-14.1\` for Visual Studio 2017 and 64-bit) * Select all packages you like to build (Parameters `BUILD_*` ; e.g. `BUILD_IO_Dicom`). * `BUILD_IO_Dicom`: Reading and writing of DICOM-RT files * `BUILD_IO_HELAX`: Reading of Helax DICOM files * `BUILD_IO_ITK`: Generic reading/writing with ITK * `BUILD_Interpolation`: Dose Interpolation * `BUILD_InterpolationMatchPointTransformation`: Dose Interpolation with Match Point registration support. * `BUILD_Masks`: Voxelization support * `BUILD_Models`: Calculation of dosimetrical models like TCP, NTCP etc. * `BUILD_Apps`: To build the RTTB command line apps (five available) * `BioModelCalc`: calculate the radiobiological effect based on dose * `DoseAcc`: Do dose accumulation * `DoseMap`: Do dose mapping * `DoseTool`: Compute Dose statistics and DVH * `VoxelizerTool`: Voxelize an RTSTRUCT file Some modules of RT-Toolbox are mandatory (e.g. `RTTBCore`) and build automatically. :information_source: enabling `BUILD_All_Modules` builds all modules (except Apps and Testing modules). -:information_source: if you build RTTB with VS dynamic, you must ensure that code that uses RTTB DLLs uses the same stl +:information_source: if you build RTTB with VS dynamic, you must ensure that code that uses RTTB DLLs uses the same STL Set DCMTK_DIR to your dcmtk binary file directory and DCMTK_SOURCE_DIR to your dcmtk source directory. If you want to build RT-Toolbox with ITK and/or MatchPoint set your ITK_DIR to your itk binary file directory and/or MatchPoint_DIR to your binary matchpoint directory. All directory entries left empty do not require a manual input. Finally, Generate the compilation files for your environment and built it. ### Examples Some examples can be found in ´testing/examples´: * `RTBioModelExampleTest`: Computation of Biological model indices (TCP/NTCP) from a given DVH * `RTDoseIndexTest`: Computation of dose indices (Conformation Number, Conformal Index, Conformity index) from a given DVH * `RTDoseStatisticsDicomTest`: Computation of dose statistics (max dose/mean dose/min dose/Dx/Vx) based on dose data for a specified structure * `RTDVHTest`: Computation of statistics (max value/mean value/min value/Dx/Vx) based on a DVH Other examples include: * `DVHCalculatorTest` (`testing/core`): Computation of a DVH from dose and structure * `VoxelizationValidationTest` (`testing/validation`): Computation of a voxelization * `ITKDoseAccessorConverterTest`: (`testing/io/itk`): Saving image RTToolbox image data as an ITK file ## Running the tests [CTest](https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Testing_With_CTest) is used as testing framework. See their documentation for general testing questions. :information_source: The used testing library Litmus is build automatically. :warning: currently, you have access to testing data only with ssh. That means that a [phabricator](https://phabricator.mitk.org/) account and access to `RTTB-data` repository is mandatory. Please contact rttb(at)dkfz.de for further information. Enabling testing is done as follows: * Enable `BUILD_TESTING` * Configure with CMake * Enable tests of interest * Generate CMake configuration * Run tests (build `RUN_TESTS` project or call `ctest` in commandline) to ensure that everything is correct. :information_source: `BUILD_Tester_All` builds all test modules. ## Contributing Please add a github issue and send a pull request if you want to contribute. ## Versioning We use the Ubuntu Release versioning scheme. v2017.02 was released in February 2017. We aim at releasing stable versions once a year. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/RTTB/tags). ## Authors See the list of [contributors](https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/RTTB/contributors) who participated in this project. ## License This project is licensed under the BSD License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details ## Contact Software Development for Integrated Diagnostics and Therapy (SIDT), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. Web: https://www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/en/mic/research/SIDT/sidt_projects.html E-mail: rttb(at)dkfz.de ## Acknowledgments * **Billie Thompson** - *Template of the readme* - [PurpleBooth](https://github.com/PurpleBooth) diff --git a/apps/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/CMakeLists.txt index 37d61b6..427ffcd 100644 --- a/apps/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/apps/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ MESSAGE(STATUS "processing RTToolbox apps") #extract and build ArgumentParsingLib include(ExternalProject) message(STATUS "ArgumentParsingLib will be automatically downloaded and built.") set(ArgumentParsingLib_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/external/ArgumentParsingLib-src") set(ArgumentParsingLib_BUILD_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/external/ArgumentParsingLib-build") set(ArgumentParsingLib_CMAKE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/external/ArgumentParsingLib-cmake") IF(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) SET(ARG_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON) ELSE(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) SET(ARG_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) ENDIF(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) ExternalProject_Add( ArgumentParsingLib URL ${RTToolbox_SOURCE_DIR}/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/ArgumentParsingLib.tar.gz - URL_HASH SHA1=f8b18b107af82f9e62324c21b967ab925972b8de + URL_HASH SHA1=6E55D67860D3F571D5EAB393F4AF70AD63DAE377 SOURCE_DIR ${ArgumentParsingLib_SOURCE_DIR} BINARY_DIR ${ArgumentParsingLib_BUILD_DIR} PREFIX ${ArgumentParsingLib_CMAKE_DIR} INSTALL_COMMAND "" UPDATE_COMMAND "" CMAKE_ARGS -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR:STRING=${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=${ARG_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS} ) OPTION(BUILD_App_DoseAcc "Determine if the demo application DoseAcc will be generated." ON) IF(BUILD_App_DoseAcc) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(DoseAcc) ENDIF() OPTION(BUILD_App_DoseMap "Determine if the application DoseMap will be generated." ON) IF(BUILD_App_DoseMap) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(DoseMap) ENDIF() OPTION(BUILD_App_DoseTool "Determine if the application DoseTool will be generated." ON) IF(BUILD_App_DoseTool) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(DoseTool) ENDIF() OPTION(BUILD_App_VoxelizerTool "Determine if the application VoxelizerTool will be generated." ON) IF(BUILD_App_VoxelizerTool) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(VoxelizerTool) ENDIF() OPTION(BUILD_App_BioModelCalc "Determine if the demo application BioModelCalc will be generated." ON) IF(BUILD_App_BioModelCalc) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(BioModelCalc) ENDIF() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_ArgumentParsingLib_Config.cmake b/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_ArgumentParsingLib_Config.cmake index 56cf660..77765d3 100644 --- a/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_ArgumentParsingLib_Config.cmake +++ b/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_ArgumentParsingLib_Config.cmake @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ArgumentParsingLib is built automatically. Just set include dir and link directories #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(ArgumentParsingLib_INCLUDE_DIR ${ArgumentParsingLib_SOURCE_DIR}/main) set(ArgumentParsingLib_LIBRARY_DIR ${ArgumentParsingLib_BUILD_DIR}/main) -set(ArgumentParsingLib_Boost_INCLUDE_DIR ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) +set(ArgumentParsingLib_Boost_INCLUDE_DIR ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(ArgumentParsingLib_Boost_LIBRARY_DIR ${Boost_LIBRARYDIR}) set(ArgumentParsingLib_Boost_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) LIST(APPEND ALL_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${ArgumentParsingLib_INCLUDE_DIR} ${ArgumentParsingLib_Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) LIST(APPEND ALL_LIBRARIES "${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}ArgumentParsingLib${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") LINK_DIRECTORIES(${ArgumentParsingLib_LIBRARY_DIR} ${ArgumentParsingLib_Boost_LIBRARY_DIR}) diff --git a/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_BoostBinaries_Config.cmake b/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_BoostBinaries_Config.cmake index d24e82e..d0f34ec 100644 --- a/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_BoostBinaries_Config.cmake +++ b/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_BoostBinaries_Config.cmake @@ -1,34 +1,19 @@ -IF(NOT BoostBinaries_FOUND) - - IF(DEFINED Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) - IF(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) - SET(Boost_INCLUDE_DIR "${RTToolbox_BINARY_DIR}/${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}") - ENDIF(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) - ENDIF(DEFINED Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) - IF(NOT DEFINED RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) OPTION(RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST "RTTB should use a boost which is available in the MITK superbuild external projects structure." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) ENDIF(NOT DEFINED RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) IF(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) SET(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS OFF) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) ELSE(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) SET(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) ENDIF(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR RTTB_USE_MITK_BOOST) SET(BOOST_MIN_VERSION "1.64.0") FIND_PACKAGE(Boost ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem system thread ${RTTB_Boost_ADDITIONAL_COMPONENT} QUIET) - LIST(APPEND ALL_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - LIST(APPEND ALL_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) - link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}) - - MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CLEAR Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) - - SET(BoostBinaries_FOUND TRUE) - -ENDIF(NOT BoostBinaries_FOUND) - - - + if(Boost_LIBRARIES) + LIST(APPEND ALL_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + LIST(APPEND ALL_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) + link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}) + endif() diff --git a/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_Boost_Config.cmake b/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_Boost_Config.cmake index 74effdf..3670d99 100644 --- a/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_Boost_Config.cmake +++ b/cmake/PackageDepends/RTTB_Boost_Config.cmake @@ -1,17 +1,5 @@ -IF(NOT Boost_FOUND) - - IF(DEFINED Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) - IF(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) - SET(Boost_INCLUDE_DIR "${RTToolbox_BINARY_DIR}/${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}") - ENDIF(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) - ENDIF(DEFINED Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) - SET(BOOST_MIN_VERSION "1.64.0") FIND_PACKAGE(Boost ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED QUIET) LIST(APPEND ALL_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - - MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CLEAR Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) - -ENDIF(NOT Boost_FOUND) diff --git a/code/masks/CMakeLists.txt b/code/masks/CMakeLists.txt index 9267d7b..a107409 100644 --- a/code/masks/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/code/masks/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ MESSAGE (STATUS "processing RTToolbox boost mask") -SET(RTTB_Boost_ADDITIONAL_COMPONENT thread) RTTB_CREATE_MODULE(RTTBMask DEPENDS RTTBCore PACKAGE_DEPENDS BoostBinaries) IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fext-numeric-literals") ENDIF() diff --git a/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/ArgumentParsingLib.tar.gz b/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/ArgumentParsingLib.tar.gz index 3b6e1ff..d7610aa 100644 Binary files a/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/ArgumentParsingLib.tar.gz and b/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/ArgumentParsingLib.tar.gz differ diff --git a/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/CMakeLists.txt b/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/CMakeLists.txt index 88555f0..f6d7ffa 100644 --- a/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/utilities/ArgumentParsingLib/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1 FATAL_ERROR) project(ArgumentParsingLib) # Disallow compilers that don't support the necessary C++11 features (since the property CXX_STANDARD doesn't work with MSVC) if(MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1800) message(FATAL_ERROR "The C++11 features in this project require Visual Studio 2013 or higher") endif() set(BUILD_TESTS false CACHE BOOL "Build tests") set(MAIN_DIR main) set(TEST_DIR test) # Sources AND tests both need boost, so include it here IF (WIN32) SET(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) ELSE() SET(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS OFF) ENDIF() find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS program_options) -include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) +include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}) add_subdirectory(${MAIN_DIR}) add_subdirectory(${TEST_DIR}) # Create a file by which this project can be found CONFIGURE_FILE(${ArgumentParsingLib_SOURCE_DIR}/ArgumentParsingLibConfig.cmake.in ${ArgumentParsingLib_BINARY_DIR}/ArgumentParsingLibConfig.cmake @ONLY IMMEDIATE) \ No newline at end of file