(NOTE) This is about my PhD project in the field of forensic radiology and computer science based in Heidelberg. Hence the abbreviation CSI-HD*.
Since this platform is used to manage and organise most of my work, you can track my latest activities (if you are a member to this project and logged in). However, tasks and solutions of general interest are available to the public.
===== Nerver start a PhD without an awesome Meme =====
Source image from which I modified the text ([[http://www.biggercheese.com/index.php?comic=701 | here ]])
Picture licensed under Creative Commons License ([[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ | Link ]])
*//Technically, "Crime Scene Investigation" (CSI) is not exactly matching my topic, however colleagues and laymen instantly understand in which field I am working, when I use the term "CSI". //