>>! In T27506, @floca wrote:
> All tools have to check for the following usage scenario:
> - segmentation on a 3D image
> - 3D segmentation (static) on a 4D (dynamic) image
> - 4D segmentation on a 4D image
> - All this with an image which time geometry does not start at 0 ms (e.g. MITK-Data/3D+t-ITKIO-TestData/LinearModel_4D_arbitrary_time_geometry.nrrd)
> What the segmentation should look like/how it is generated must be specified per tool. But for all tools the following post conditions should apply:
> - Tools can be activated, used /confirmed.
> - The timestep of the reference image stays the same and is not changed by starting the segmentation.
> - Using the tool does not change the geometry of the segmentation (so 3D stays 3D and 4D segs are still 4D segs after the tool usage).
> Extend the segmentation check lists accordingly.
**Edit**: New todos for the current release
[x] Align the content of the checklist with the latest features of the MITK (only release-relevant features / plugins)
[] Find appropriate data for the GUI tests and define them in the checklist
[] Use the checklist to test the GUI functionality and open tasks for failed test
[] Note down GUI tests that can be automated in the feature (e.g. put into basic module tests)