[[mitk/changelog/2021.06 | ๐กจ Previous changelog]] โข [[mitk/changelog/release-v2021.02 | Next changelog ๐กช]]
NOTE: This is a release changelog. It is composed of a selected short list of highlights since the last release v2018.04.2 - split into dedicated user and developer sections. See the past ten [[mitk/changelog | changelogs]] starting from [[mitk/changelog/2020.25]] for a comprehensive, developer-centric overview of changes.
= News for MITK Workbench users =
= News for developers =
- ๐งญ We added navigation links to the top and bottom of the [[https://phabricator.mitk.org/w/mitk/changelog/release-v2021.02/ | Phabricator versions]] of our changelogs. Please use them to flip through the past changelogs for a comprehensive overview of changes.
- ๐ก In this changelog we focus on merging the tables of dependency changes over time and on referencing all relevant API-breaking changes, which are often accompanied by migration guides.
== ๐ Third-party dependency changes ==
NOTE: [[https://docs.mitk.org/2021.02/SupportedPlatformsPage.html | Here]] is the [[https://docs.mitk.org/2021.02/SupportedPlatformsPage.html | list of supported platforms]] for MITK v2021.02.
The following table shows a complete list of changed third-party dependencies. Considerable changes include:
- Minimum required versions of our prerequisites
- CMake 3.18
- Qt 5.12 (5.12.9 on Windows)
- NSIS 3 for building Windows .exe installers
- Major core dependency updates
- VTK 8.1 ๐กช VTK 9 ([[mitk/changelog/2020.47 | migration guide]])
- Replacements
- TinyXML ๐กช TinyXML-2 ([[mitk/changelog/2020.52 | migration guide]])
- ACVD ๐กช OpenMesh ([[mitk/changelog/2020.47 | rationale]])
Some outdated and experimental components of MITK were removed which resulted in the removal of a few dependencies without replacement.
| Dependency | Old version | New version |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ~~ACVD~~ | `3d5ae388` (Dec 19, 2014) | |
| Boost | 1.68 | 1.74 |
| cpprestsdk | | 2.10.16 |
| CMake | 3.10 | 3.18 |
| CppUnit | 1.12.1 | 1.15.1 |
| CTK | `fc06bedc` (Aug 10, 2018) | `7210c5bc` (Nov 08, 2020) |
| DCMQI | `d067f81c` (Jun 26, 2018) | `83f498e9` (Feb 8, 2021) |
| DCMTK | `29f9de10` (Jun 15, 2018) | 3.6.5 |
| GDCM | 2.6.3 | 3.0.8 |
| ~~freeglut~~ | 2.8.1 | |
| ITK | 4.13.1 | 4.13.3 |
| MatchPoint | `24ef6072` (Apr 13, 2018) | `f2a64255` (May 02, 2019) |
| NSIS | 2 | 3 |
| OpenCV | 3.4.1 | 3.4.8 |
| OpenIGTLink | `54df50de` (Aug 21, 2014) | 3.0 |
| OpenMesh | | 8.1 |
| Qt | 5.11.1 | 5.12 (5.12.9 on Windows) |
| Qwt | 6.1.0 | 6.1.5 |
| ~~Raptor~~ | 2.0.15 | |
| ~~Rasqal~~ | 0.9.32 | |
| ~~Redland~~ | 1.0.17 | |
| ~~SimpleITK~~ | `9d510bef` (Mar 1, 2018) | |
| ~~TinyXML~~ | 2.6.2 | |
| TinyXML-2 | | 8.0.0 |
| VTK | 8.1 | 9.0.1 (patched) |
| zlib | `66a75305` | 1.2.11 |
== ๐ฅ API-breaking changes ==
=== Dangerous changes ===
- โ ๏ธ [[mitk/changelog/2020.52 | Migration from TinyXML to TinyXML]] has a few implicit but major pitfalls. Please follow the migration guide thoroughly.
- โ ๏ธ [[mitk/changelog/2020.52 | Render window names]] were changed from `stdmulti.widget[1-4]` to `stdmulti.widget[0-3]`. Since it is only a change of literal strings, this has a high potential to fail unnoticed.
=== Behavioral changes ===
- The default mechanisms of [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | assembling DICOM images]] from a collection of files or a folder changed
=== Documentation changes ===
- Implementation files like .cpp files are now excluded from the doxygen parser
=== Build system changes ===
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.52 | ITK dependencies]] of modules and plugins were completely redone
- The [[mitk/changelog/2020.52 | PACKAGE_DEPENDS]] mechanism (third-party dependencies of modules and plugins) was overhauled for many dependencies like Boost, OpenMesh, OpenMP, OpenSSL, or Python3
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | Auto-load modules]] are not allowed as link-time dependencies anymore
- The [[mitk/changelog/2020.39 |SUBPROJECTS]] parameter of `mitk_create_module()` is not parsed anymore
=== Other API-breaking changes ===
- ๐ Modules
- ๐ Core
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | DataNode]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | LevelWindowManager]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | RenderingManager]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.27 | SliceNavigationController]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | UIDGenerator]]
- ๐ CommandLine
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | CommandLineParser]]
- ๐ ContourModel
- [[mitk/changelog/2021.04 | ContourModel]]
- ๐ DataTypesExt
- [[mitk/changelog/2021.04 | CompressedImageContainer]]
- ๐ DICOMReader ๐กช ๐ DICOM
- ๐ DICOMReaderServices ๐กช ๐ DICOM/autoload/DICOMImageIO
- ๐ DicomRT ๐กช ๐ RT
- ๐ DicomRTIO ๐กช ๐ RT/autoload/DICOMRTIO
- ๐ DicomUI ๐กช ๐ DICOMUI
- ๐ ImageStatistics
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.47 | ExtendedLabelStatisticsImageFilter]]
- ๐ QtWidgets
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.47 | QmitkRenderWindow]] (also [[mitk/changelog/2020.52 | here]] and [[mitk/changelog/2021.06 | here]])
- [[mitk/changelog/2021.06 | QmitkRenderWindowMenu]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | StdMultiWidget]]
- ๐ [[mitk/changelog/2020.47 | Remeshing]]
- ๐ Segmentation
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.36 | AutoSegmentationTool]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2021.04 | DiffSliceOperation]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2021.04 | SegTool2D]]
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.36 | Tool]]
- ๐ Plugins
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.common
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | IRenderWindowPartStrategy]]
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.ext.stdmultiwidgeteditor
- [[mitk/changelog/2020.25 | QmitkStdMultiWidgetEditor]]
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.segmentation
- QmitkDeformableClippingPlaneView ๐กช ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.deformableclippingplane
=== Removed modules, plugins, and classes ===
NOTE: [[https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/MITK-Diffusion | MITK Diffusion]] moved into a separate MITK extension.
- ๐ Modules
- ๐ Biophotonics
- ๐ BiophotonicsHardware
- ๐ DataTypesExt
- ๐ Mesh
- ๐ MeshUtil
- ๐ MapperExt
- ๐ MeshMapper2D
- ๐ MeshVtkMapper3D
- ๐ PhotoacousticsAlgorithms
- ๐ PhotoacousticsHardware
- ๐ PhotoacousticsLib
- ๐ PlanarFigureSegmentation
- ๐ RDF
- ๐ SpectroCam
- ๐ US
- ๐ USDiPhASDeviceCustomControls
- ๐ USHardwareDiPhAS
- ๐ USUI
- ๐ QmitkUSControlsCustomDiPhASDeviceWidget
- ๐ Plugins
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.lasercontrol
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.photoacoustics.imageprocessing
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.photoacoustics.pausmotioncompensation
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.photoacoustics.pausviewer
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.photoacoustics.simulation
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.photoacoustics.spectralunmixing
- ๐ org.mitk.gui.qt.spectrocamrecorder
[[mitk/changelog/2021.06 | ๐กจ Previous changelog]] โข [[mitk/changelog/release-v2021.02 | Next changelog ๐กช]]