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Mission Homepage Reorganization
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The homepage is not up-to-date (e.g. some links lead to dead pages) and the documentation has a very confusing structure. This will be a first attempt to reorganize the structure and clean up.

Revisions and Commits

Related Objects

Mentioned In
T27910: 2020 Week 43 (Late October)
T27638: 2020 Week 31
rMITKc2b11310095f: Task T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel-integrationBranch
rMITKa7752cd49b46: Task T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel-integrationBranch
rMITK223881977a1d: Merge branch 'master' into T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel
T27117: [MITKDoc] Revise Matchpoint Algorithm Control Plugin Documentation
T27116: [MITKDoc] Revise Matchpoint Algorithm Browser Plugin Documentation
T27115: [MITKDoc] Revise Matchpoint Frame Correction Plugin Documentation
T27114: [MITKDoc] Revise Matchpoint Mapper Plugin Documentation
T27113: [MITKDoc] Revise Matchpoint Registration Manipulator Plugin Documentation
T27112: [MITKDoc] Revise Matchpoint Registration Evaluator Plugin Documentation
T27111: [MITKDoc] Revise Matchpoint Registration Visualizer Plugin Documentation
T27110: [MITKDoc] Revise Command Line Tool/ Automatisation Plugin Documentation
T27109: [MITKDoc] Revise Properties Plugin Documentation
T27108: [MITKDoc] Revise Remeshing Plugin Documentation
T27107: [MITKDoc] Revise Screenshot Maker Plugin Documentation
T27106: [MITKDoc] Revise Volume Visualization Plugin Documentation
T27105: [MITKDoc] Revise Measurement Plugin Documentation
T27104: [MITKDoc] Revise Modelfit Plugin Documentation
T27103: [MITKDoc] Revise Point Set Interaction Plugin Documentation
T27102: [MITKDoc] Revise Movie Maker Plugin Documentation
T27101: [MITKDoc] Revise Logging Plugin Documentation
T27100: [MITKDoc] Revise DataManager Plugin Documentation
T27099: [MITKDoc] Revise Clipping Plane Plugin Documentation
T27098: [MITKDoc] Revise Image Cropper Plugin Documentation
T27097: [MITKDoc] Revise Statistics Plugin Documentation
T27096: [MITKDoc] Revise MultiLabel Segmentation Utilities Plugin Documentation
T27095: [MITKDoc] Revise MultiLabel Segmentation Plugin Documentation
T27094: [MITKDoc] Revise Segmentation Utilities Plugin Documentation
T27093: [MITKDoc] Revise Segmentation Plugin
T27033: Clean up stale remote branches
rMITK83657a10cd35: Merge branch 'T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel' of ssh://phabricator.
Mentioned Here
rMITK3d5e49433c92: Fixed gcc compile errors

Event Timeline

thomass created this task.

Could it be that there is something wrong with T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel? I created a branch based on it and a review a while ago and the CI system detected compile errors (can't see the error message). But now @kleina has some errors building the diff-branch because of the Pharmacokinetics-Module and the mitkConcentrationCurveGenerator using Ubuntu (probably gcc, which is why did not experience this error). I think 3d5e49433c92 is missing in the TopLevel-branch which @floca added but it was never included in the mentioned branch.

@thomass , @kompan , can you verify that?

kislinsk added a revision: Restricted Differential Revision.Jul 27 2020, 10:45 AM
thomass claimed this task.

Deleted branch from rMITK MITK: bugfix/T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel-integrationBranch.