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[Perfusion] Error when loading AIF from csv file in DCE MR Perfusion DataFit View
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When loading the AIF from a csv file an error occurs. MITK does no crash though. In the checklist it was reported under Ubuntu 22.04 that the MITK Exception showed "cannot convert string to double". I could not recreate this error under Windows 10 but encountered a different MITK Exception: "Error while refreshing input data for visualization. Size of data and input image time grid differ. Invalid data name: AIF".

Event Timeline

kompan triaged this task as Normal priority.May 10 2024, 10:24 AM
kompan created this task.
kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Moved to
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

This task was closed here on Phabricator since it was migrated to GitLab. Please continue on GitLab.