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Fix automatic determination of MITK_OPENSSL_SSL_DLL on older CMake versions
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We try to automatically find the OpenSSL DLLs on Windows based on the library files and set MITK_OPENSSL_SSL_DLL and MITK_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_DLL accordingly. However, in older versions of CMake the path variables we use (e.g. OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY) do not contain a single path as expected but multiple paths for debug and release versions, like: "optimized;<path_to_release_library>;debug;<path_to_debug_library>".

This prevented a successful run of our Windows snapshot installer CI client, since MITK_OPENSSL_SSL_DLL and MITK_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_DLL ended up being empty. Verifying apps during the package step will then fail since they cannot resolve the runtime dependency to OpenSSL.