Diffusion MITK c81e8573c93b

Squashed 'Core/CppMicroServices/' changes from 21f878f..fbb9ebd


Squashed 'Core/CppMicroServices/' changes from 21f878f..fbb9ebd

fbb9ebd Fix gcc MacOS namespace issue.
0e972ba Don't link already linked static module to test driver.
bc72d20 Use more complicated dummy code to silence ranlib on MacOS.
b365df1 Use Release configuration for ctest scripting.
55ede79 Moved include guard to the top.
6a8fa76 Removed wrong assertion about possible resource children.
72fe8d7 Avoid name clashes on Windows when linking static libraries.
29a5c3a Fixed Clang warning about using result of assignment.
8255605 Unregister listeners in case of test exceptions.
b1e45dd Use C calling convention for import module function.
fc41759 Improved documentation of usFunctionAddResources.
b46dbc9 Removed unnecessary MODULE_NAME argument.
84e7358 Moved doxygen header, footer, and css to top-level doc dir.
ababfdc Fixed small Doxygen issues.
69969b7 Merge branch '15-resources-without-loading-modules' into development
cf35e09 Fixed Windows warnings.
4d0df57 Create a non-empty cpp file as output from the custom command.
7ed807e Merge branch '24-optional-declare-service-interface-macro' into development
4b9d792 Fixed some coverity scan issues.
1527ea5 Provide a default service interface id for any type.
9fc6ba6 Merge branch '15-resources-without-loading-modules' into development
1ac36fe Handle zip archives explicitly in the resource compiler.
6f4ea90 The resources system is now based on full ZIP archives.
2619c6b Merge branch '22-log-levels' into development
488b0c0 Don't log auto-load infos but record it in a property instead.
ad74798 Added configurable logging levels.
ac626b3 Control the construction order of static objects.
33aed4d Check for valid tracker pointer.
238490b Fixed some Coverity issues.
31787f5 Merge branch '13-last-modified-time-for-resources' into development
474d74c Added documention for GetLastModifiedTime().
299028c Coverity support is now in the coverity_scan branch.
16cfd0f Merge branch '21-rework-static-module-system' into development
85baaff Only exclude example code, not its documentation.
202a168 Fixed doxygen warnings.
425d8fb Take build configuration into account during testing.
4fbd91b Static modules now get their own initialization code.
6075511 Merge branch '12-json-formatting-of-any' into development
b2275f0 Improved Any::ToString() and ToJSON() methods and added a unit test.
70c85f4 Added warning about possible error causes
8497221 Fixed warning regarding comparison of unequal types
ec33f04 Avoid Clang warnings/error about unused variables.
13fa870 Removed unused US_MODULE_SUPPORT_ENABLED macro.
2249b15 Merge branch '20-event-listener-example-module' into development
27d8c2a Use the correct type for the OBJECTCLASS property. Fixes issue #20.
8886807 Merge branch '19-declare-service-interface-with-qt' into development
8d4d0d1 Do not specialize the qobject_cast template for service interfaces.
4e3ca4b Merge branch '17-better-load-libary-diagnostics' into development
3c21855 Merge branch '14-sub-project-support' into development
fddc9b5 Use dlerror() for better diagnostics if dlopen() failed.
d0222e4 Stub for the GetLastModified() method.
f4eca95 Added ToJSON() method for retreiving a JSON string of the Any content.
96cf50b Fixed copyright header.
3526d14 Generalized infrastructure for creating sub-projects.

git-subtree-dir: Core/CppMicroServices
git-subtree-split: fbb9ebd771bfae2186cd221948e52ec6ab679c0b


zelzerAuthored on Oct 13 2014, 2:03 AM
rMITK4353da678d86: Squashed 'Core/CppMicroServices/' changes from 6bf9dd4..21f878f