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Crosshair visualization does not correspond to index coordinates in status bar
Closed, InvalidPublic


Go to \\ad\fs\E13-Date\3M3 Demodaten\Organsegmentierung (Daniel M.)\
and load

  • Perform Global Reinit
  • Zoom in until you see big pixels
  • click around WITHIN one pixel
  • You will see in the status bar different values for index and Pixelvalue, though you clicked in the same pixel. Even though these values changed, the crosshair might be at the same position.

This seems wrong, but the desired beavior is unclear. Should be clarified.

Event Timeline

kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:33 PM
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:37 PM
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.