There is a separate page describing the general design of QmitkInteractiveSegmentation: \ref QmitkInteractiveSegmentationTechnicalPage
This class takes a 3D mitk::Image as input and tries to replace one slice in it with the second input image, which is specified
by calling SetSliceImage with a 2D mitk::Image.
Two parameters determine which slice is replaced: the "slice dimension" is that one, which is constant for all points in the plane, e.g. transversal would mean 2.
The "slice index" is the slice index in the image direction you specified with "affected dimension". Indices count from zero.
This class works with all kind of image types, the only restrictions being that the input is 3D, and the slice image is 2D.
If requested by SetCreateUndoInformation(true), this class will create instances of ApplyDiffImageOperation for the undo stack.
These operations will (on user request) be executed by DiffImageApplier to perform undo.