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Refactoring of "NavigationDataReferenceTransformFilter"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Instead of subclassing "NavigationDataToNavigationDataFilter" and calculating the transform by it's own, the filter now subclasses "NavigationDataLandmarkTransformFilter" and provides the source and target points for the registration to it. The registration itself is done by the "NavigationDataLandmarkTransformFilter".

One or more NavigationDatas can be set to the "NavigationDataReferenceTransformFilter" and if there are less than 3 datas the filter calculates the rest of the required points for the landmark transform.

Event Timeline

[fe9626]: Merge branch 'bug-10311-NavigationDataReferenceTransformFilter'

Merged commits:

2011-12-09 15:09:39 Paul Mercea [6d8f75]
Completed the test for this filter.

2011-12-02 12:20:47 Paul Mercea [993ab3]
Refactored NavigationDataReferenceTransformFilter and adapted test for this filter.

[2eea4b]: Merge branch 'bug-10311-COMPNavigationDataReferenceTransformFilter'

Merged commits:

2011-12-12 11:24:32 Paul Mercea [86f224]
COMP: commented out one test because of external failure, but works local, will check it in a few hours