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beautify log console
Closed, ResolvedPublic


the log console should have additional icons for errors warnings etc.

Event Timeline

[ed6b20]: Merge branch 'bug-11215-beautify-log-console'

Merged commits:

2012-03-10 21:12:56 Michael Mueller [cd7349]
customized blueberry console with nice icons and an ShowAdvancedFields mode. if not activated only level and message will be shown. the value is made persistent through the pref service

2012-03-10 16:17:05 Michael Mueller [923568]
begin beautifying

[a6b932]: Merge branch 'bug-11215-beautify-log-console'

Merged commits:

2012-03-20 15:54:52 Michael Mueller [a0d830]
added icon text, made last column stretch