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Usage of ToolStorage with wrong tracking device type leads to crash on connect in TrackingToolbox
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When creating a tool storage that does not correspont to the currently physically connected tracking device (e.g. Polaris connected, Aurora in ToolStorage), TrackingToolbox crashes when pressing connect.

A caught exception with the according error message would be the better solution.

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-16344-WrongTrackingDeviceTypeLeadsToCrashInTrackingToolbox

[5b9d97]: Merge branch 'bug-16344-WrongTrackingDeviceTypeLeadsToCrashInTrackingT

Merged commits:

2013-11-26 14:12:46 Esther Wild [004650]
Moved first usage of m_TrackingDeviceSource below the check for NULL