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Surfaces are rendered only in timestep 0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Loaded data:

  • a 3D binary image -> Surface : computed with 'Create Smooth polygon model'
  • a 3D+t image

Now when changing the timesteps through the ImageNavigator, the 3D image is displayed at each step, but the surface only in the timestep t=0.

In case there is a rule, that 3D objects should be displayed in ALL timesteps of the current TSGeometry, then it should apply for all geometry objects.

Event Timeline

The Problem is not a rendering issue but a problem with the time geometry. The generated Time Geometry seems to have the wrong time information.

User goetzm has pushed new remote branch:


[90cd9a]: Merge branch 'bug-17780-CorrectTimeGeometryAfterSurfaceGeneration'

Merged commits:

2014-05-14 15:56:43 Michael Goetz [2fc428]
Update TimeGeometry Information

Necessary because otherwise the 3D-interpolation is shown in the wrong
time steps.