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Found bug for report with rankThenAggregate
Closed, WontfixPublic


The bug occured when applying

ranking=challenge%>%rankThenAggregate(FUN = mean,
                                              ties.method = "min"

The data contains metric values in which small values are better. The error occurs when creating the report:

Quitting from lines 270-271 (chaos_vol.Rmd) 
Error in object[[by]] == combinations[it, 2] : 
  comparison of these types is not implemented

Event Timeline

I was not able to reproduce this so far. I tried all three tasks from data_matrix.csv that comes with the package. I also added NA. Can you provide more information on the data set? Which report format do you want to generate? Is it working when you set smallBetter=false?

It occured with another data set. Will try to reproduce it after restarting RStudio.

Seemed to work by restarting it a second time.

@aguilera: Perhaps we could add that to the troubleshooting section? (But we have to rename "chaos_vol.Rmd" to "filename.Rmd"

This is strange. This should normally not happen only if there is a strange package interfering . It is helpful to run sessionInfo() or slightly more detailed devtools::session_info() after a bug happened and report that in the task

reinkea claimed this task.