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eisenman (Matthias Eisenmann)

Projects (8)

User Details

User Since
Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (416 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Aug 11 2023

eisenman moved T30185: Fix typos in bootstrap variables from In Progress to Done on the challengeR board.
Aug 11 2023, 10:46 AM · challengeR
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER290da626fa7a: Merge branch 'feature/T30185-FixTyposInBootstrapVariables' into develop (authored by eisenman).
Merge branch 'feature/T30185-FixTyposInBootstrapVariables' into develop
Aug 11 2023, 10:41 AM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGERb4e33e1b1849: Fix typos in bootstrap variables (authored by eisenman).
Fix typos in bootstrap variables
Aug 11 2023, 10:39 AM
eisenman renamed T30185: Fix typos in bootstrap variables from Fix typo in bootstrap variables to Fix typos in bootstrap variables.
Aug 11 2023, 10:38 AM · challengeR
eisenman moved T30185: Fix typos in bootstrap variables from Backlog to In Progress on the challengeR board.
Aug 11 2023, 10:16 AM · challengeR
eisenman created T30185: Fix typos in bootstrap variables.
Aug 11 2023, 10:14 AM · challengeR

Aug 10 2023

eisenman closed T29361: [external] Seed does not have an effect on bootstrap samples as Resolved.

I introduced the doRNG package to ensure reproducibility on Windows.

Aug 10 2023, 4:21 PM · challengeR
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER8ff1d38e4bab: Merge tag 'v1.0.5' into develop (authored by eisenman).
Merge tag 'v1.0.5' into develop
Aug 10 2023, 4:18 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGERbeb3b6752ce0: Merge branch 'hotfix/T29361-EnsureReproducibilityWithParallelBootstrapping' (authored by eisenman).
Merge branch 'hotfix/T29361-EnsureReproducibilityWithParallelBootstrapping'
Aug 10 2023, 4:18 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER578547d62c7b: Bump version number (authored by eisenman).
Bump version number
Aug 10 2023, 4:14 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER422fb99ab49a: Introduce doRNG package to ensure reproducibility on Windows (authored by eisenman).
Introduce doRNG package to ensure reproducibility on Windows
Aug 10 2023, 4:05 PM

Aug 9 2023

eisenman moved T28484: [external] Improve documentation on significance ranking from In Progress to Backlog on the challengeR board.
Aug 9 2023, 10:24 AM · challengeR

Mar 31 2023

eisenman added a comment to T29361: [external] Seed does not have an effect on bootstrap samples.

Great @wiesenfa! The test with doRNG passed on Windows and Ubuntu!

Mar 31 2023, 3:29 PM · challengeR

Feb 23 2023

eisenman added a comment to T29361: [external] Seed does not have an effect on bootstrap samples.

I implemented Manuel's suggestions in branch hotfix/T29361-EnsureReproducibilityWithParallelBootstrapping and added corresponding unit tests to test-bootstrap.R.

Feb 23 2023, 10:34 AM · challengeR

Feb 17 2023

eisenman committed rCHALLENGER60b9b2361c72: Replace logo (authored by eisenman).
Replace logo
Feb 17 2023, 5:34 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGERc6bcd6b7b4b7: Add release notes (authored by eisenman).
Add release notes
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER5ec212b57253: Update HI logo (authored by eisenman).
Update HI logo
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER9532b33767be: Update team (authored by eisenman).
Update team
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER31e85e4436c4: Test that parallel bootstrapping raises warning if RNG "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" is not… (authored by eisenman).
Test that parallel bootstrapping raises warning if RNG "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" is not…
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER509a88f13b54: Add reproducibility instruction for parallel bootstrapping (authored by eisenman).
Add reproducibility instruction for parallel bootstrapping
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGERe6203ff3aa81: Adapt examples (authored by eisenman).
Adapt examples
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER1e9d62791f0b: Test that two parallel bootstrappings yield same results (authored by eisenman).
Test that two parallel bootstrappings yield same results
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER0d24efefccc5: Test that two sequential bootstrappings yield same results (authored by eisenman).
Test that two sequential bootstrappings yield same results
Feb 17 2023, 5:26 PM

Oct 13 2022

eisenman moved T29361: [external] Seed does not have an effect on bootstrap samples from Backlog to In Progress on the challengeR board.
Oct 13 2022, 2:44 PM · challengeR
eisenman triaged T29361: [external] Seed does not have an effect on bootstrap samples as High priority.
Oct 13 2022, 2:44 PM · challengeR

Jun 9 2022

eisenman added a comment to T28966: y-axis of blob plots always scaled to 5.

I like the results when the scales library is used! However, when we find a way to bring back the confidence intervals, also @wiesenfa's latest solution can be used.

Jun 9 2022, 1:31 PM · challengeR

Jun 3 2022

eisenman added a comment to T29167: [dash] Bars and dots don't match in podium plot.

First, I tried the fix with R 3.6 and can confirm that it does not break the functionality there.

Jun 3 2022, 1:00 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR

May 6 2022

eisenman updated subscribers of T29167: [dash] Bars and dots don't match in podium plot.
May 6 2022, 1:06 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR
eisenman added a comment to T29167: [dash] Bars and dots don't match in podium plot.

Could someone with R v4 double-check locally as well?

May 6 2022, 1:05 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR
eisenman added a comment to T29167: [dash] Bars and dots don't match in podium plot.

I checked on my local Windows system (R 3.6.3) and the plots seem to be correct.

podium_plot_correct.PNG (358×757 px, 31 KB)

May 6 2022, 1:04 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR
eisenman triaged T29167: [dash] Bars and dots don't match in podium plot as High priority.
May 6 2022, 12:59 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR

Feb 11 2022

eisenman added a comment to T28966: y-axis of blob plots always scaled to 5.

I have tested this with the provided data. The scaling of the y-axis seems to be correct now. But only the first rank is labeled on the y-axis. Can the other ranks be labeled as well?

Feb 11 2022, 11:26 AM · challengeR

Jan 28 2022

eisenman updated subscribers of T28746: [dash] NaN values cause error.

Thank you for investigating this! In challengeR it is covered in the way that a message is emitted saying "na.treat obligatory if report is intended to be compiled". In order to solve the mentioned issue 2, a strategy for the preferred way to handle it in VISSART should be defined. Should the user be guided to specify the NaN handling strategy? Should the user be able to generate a report but without the plots that require numeric values?

Jan 28 2022, 12:25 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR

Oct 28 2021

eisenman moved T28484: [external] Improve documentation on significance ranking from Backlog to In Progress on the challengeR board.
Oct 28 2021, 4:03 PM · challengeR
eisenman updated subscribers of T28484: [external] Improve documentation on significance ranking.
Oct 28 2021, 4:03 PM · challengeR
eisenman closed T28099: [dash] Indicate progress of file upload as Resolved.
Oct 28 2021, 3:20 PM · webChallengeR

Oct 22 2021

eisenman triaged T28764: [dash] Tab title changes during report generation as Low priority.
Oct 22 2021, 10:28 AM · webChallengeR

Oct 15 2021

eisenman added a comment to T28746: [dash] NaN values cause error.

One solution to approach this issue is to check if NaN values are present in the data. If so, the user should be able to select the NaN handling strategy if necessary (e.g., not for case-based ranking). So what about providing the NaN handling options after the chosen ranking method is known?

Oct 15 2021, 2:51 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR
eisenman triaged T28746: [dash] NaN values cause error as High priority.
Oct 15 2021, 2:44 PM · challengeR, webChallengeR
eisenman triaged T28745: [dash] Add descriptions of ranking methods as High priority.
Oct 15 2021, 2:24 PM · webChallengeR
eisenman closed T28742: challangeR Patch v1.0.3 as Resolved.
Oct 15 2021, 2:12 PM · challengeR
eisenman closed T28710: [Bug] Ggplot warning in various places of the report as Resolved.
Oct 15 2021, 2:12 PM · challengeR
eisenman moved T28742: challangeR Patch v1.0.3 from In Progress to Done on the challengeR board.
Oct 15 2021, 2:12 PM · challengeR
eisenman moved T28742: challangeR Patch v1.0.3 from Backlog to In Progress on the challengeR board.
Oct 15 2021, 12:22 PM · challengeR
eisenman triaged T28742: challangeR Patch v1.0.3 as High priority.
Oct 15 2021, 12:22 PM · challengeR

Sep 29 2021

eisenman added a comment to T28710: [Bug] Ggplot warning in various places of the report.

Successfully checked the proposed fix on a Windows system for downward compatibility (R 3.6.3, ggplot2 3.3.0).

Sep 29 2021, 7:31 PM · challengeR

Aug 2 2021

eisenman renamed T27891: [shiny] fix bootstrapping choice in new report from fix bootstrapping choice in new report to [shiny] fix bootstrapping choice in new report.
Aug 2 2021, 10:39 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27839: [shiny] Second report cannot be downloaded from Second report cannot be downloaded to [shiny] Second report cannot be downloaded.
Aug 2 2021, 10:39 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27829: [shiny] Disabling button "Next" when a text field is empty from Disabling button "Next" when a text field is empty to [shiny] Disabling button "Next" when a text field is empty.
Aug 2 2021, 10:39 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27822: [shiny] Type of files can be changed in the file dialog from Type of files can be changed in the file dialog to [shiny] Type of files can be changed in the file dialog.
Aug 2 2021, 10:39 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27821: [shiny] Cookie notification disappears when pressing "Esc" from Cookie notification disappears when pressing "Esc" to [shiny] Cookie notification disappears when pressing "Esc".
Aug 2 2021, 10:38 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27779: [shiny] Clarifications on page "Configure ranking" from Clarifications on page "Configure ranking" to [shiny] Clarifications on page "Configure ranking".
Aug 2 2021, 10:38 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27786: [shiny] Navigation from page "Uncertainty analysis" to "Generate report" without option selected from Navigation from page "Uncertainty analysis" to "Generate report" without option selected to [shiny] Navigation from page "Uncertainty analysis" to "Generate report" without option selected.
Aug 2 2021, 10:38 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27780: [shiny] Links should open in new tabs from Links should open in new tabs to [shiny] Links should open in new tabs.
Aug 2 2021, 10:38 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27788: [shiny] Several blocks for configuration of data structure appear when switching from options "head" and "all" from Several blocks for configuration of data structure appear when switching from options "head" and "all" to [shiny] Several blocks for configuration of data structure appear when switching from options "head" and "all".
Aug 2 2021, 10:37 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27761: [shiny] Prevent generation of report if field "name" is empty from Prevent generation of report if field "name" is empty to [shiny] Prevent generation of report if field "name" is empty.
Aug 2 2021, 10:37 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27757: [shiny] Contradicting instruction on page "Uncertainty analysis" from Contradicting instruction on page "Uncertainty analysis" to [shiny] Contradicting instruction on page "Uncertainty analysis".
Aug 2 2021, 10:37 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27783: [shiny] Typo in waiting pop-up from Typo in waiting pop-up to [shiny] Typo in waiting pop-up.
Aug 2 2021, 10:37 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27764: [shiny] Detect early when insufficient number of columns are loaded from Detect early when insufficient number of columns are loaded to [shiny] Detect early when insufficient number of columns are loaded.
Aug 2 2021, 10:37 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27833: [shiny] Clicks on button "Privacy and data protection policy" replicates text from Clicks on button "Privacy and data protection policy" replicates text to [shiny] Clicks on button "Privacy and data protection policy" replicates text.
Aug 2 2021, 10:35 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27842: [shiny] Error while generating single-task report from Error while generating single-task report to [shiny] Error while generating single-task report.
Aug 2 2021, 10:35 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27765: [shiny] Make sure that column specified for metric values has numeric values from Make sure that column specified for metric values has numeric values to [shiny] Make sure that column specified for metric values has numeric values.
Aug 2 2021, 10:35 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27758: [shiny] Remove "next" button from page "Generate report" from Remove "next" button from page "Generate report" to [shiny] Remove "next" button from page "Generate report".
Aug 2 2021, 10:35 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27766: [shiny] Update workflow figure from Update workflow figure to [shiny] Update workflow figure.
Aug 2 2021, 10:34 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27838: [shiny] Add configuration option to indicate order of metric values from Add configuration option to indicate order of metric values to [shiny] Add configuration option to indicate order of metric values.
Aug 2 2021, 10:34 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27835: [shiny] Change order of ranking configuration from Change order of ranking configuration to [shiny] Change order of ranking configuration.
Aug 2 2021, 10:33 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman placed T27782: [shiny] Success notification may be hidden up for grabs.
Aug 2 2021, 10:27 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27828: [shiny] Error message when wrong type in text field from Error message when wrong type in text field to [shiny] Error message when wrong type in text field.
Aug 2 2021, 10:27 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman updated subscribers of T27828: [shiny] Error message when wrong type in text field.
Aug 2 2021, 10:26 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27782: [shiny] Success notification may be hidden from Success notification may be hidden to [shiny] Success notification may be hidden.
Aug 2 2021, 10:26 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27827: [shiny] Disabling button "Next" when checkbox "configure" is checked but nothing has been picked from Disabling button "Next" when checkbox "configure" is checked but nothing has been picked to [shiny] Disabling button "Next" when checkbox "configure" is checked but nothing has been picked.
Aug 2 2021, 10:25 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27889: [shiny] display error notification when trying generating already opened report from display error notification when trying generating already opened report to [shiny] display error notification when trying generating already opened report.
Aug 2 2021, 10:25 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27905: [shiny] Investigate download failure from Investigate download failure to [shiny] Investigate download failure.
Aug 2 2021, 10:19 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman updated subscribers of T27932: [shiny] Metric value column cannot be selected.
Aug 2 2021, 10:19 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27932: [shiny] Metric value column cannot be selected from Metric value column cannot be selected to [shiny] Metric value column cannot be selected.
Aug 2 2021, 10:19 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27933: [shiny] Bootstrapping is performed even if it was disabled from Bootstrapping is performed even if it was disabled to [shiny] Bootstrapping is performed even if it was disabled.
Aug 2 2021, 10:18 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman renamed T27942: [shiny] Handle path separator characters in report name from Handle path separator characters in report name to [shiny] Handle path separator characters in report name.
Aug 2 2021, 10:18 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman moved T27828: [shiny] Error message when wrong type in text field from In Progress to Backlog on the webChallengeR board.
Aug 2 2021, 10:17 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman moved T27782: [shiny] Success notification may be hidden from In Progress to Backlog on the webChallengeR board.
Aug 2 2021, 10:17 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman moved T27827: [shiny] Disabling button "Next" when checkbox "configure" is checked but nothing has been picked from In Progress to Backlog on the webChallengeR board.
Aug 2 2021, 10:16 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman moved T28094: [dash] Develop web app based on Dash from In Progress to Done on the webChallengeR board.
Aug 2 2021, 10:16 AM · webChallengeR
eisenman updated subscribers of T28094: [dash] Develop web app based on Dash.
Aug 2 2021, 10:09 AM · webChallengeR

May 7 2021

eisenman created T28484: [external] Improve documentation on significance ranking.
May 7 2021, 4:45 PM · challengeR

May 6 2021

eisenman closed T28482: challangeR Patch v1.0.2 as Resolved.
May 6 2021, 7:16 PM · challengeR
eisenman moved T28482: challangeR Patch v1.0.2 from In Progress to Done on the challengeR board.
May 6 2021, 7:15 PM · challengeR
eisenman closed T28465: Wrong numer of algorithms shown in report summary as Resolved.
May 6 2021, 7:15 PM · challengeR
eisenman closed T28453: [external] Error when all metric values are the same as Resolved.
May 6 2021, 7:15 PM · challengeR
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER962cff05d226: Merge branch 'release/T28482-v1.0.2' (authored by eisenman).
Merge branch 'release/T28482-v1.0.2'
May 6 2021, 7:08 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER503cd659b1a1: Merge tag 'v1.0.2' into develop (authored by eisenman).
Merge tag 'v1.0.2' into develop
May 6 2021, 7:08 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER54e3fd8d7184: Bump version number (authored by eisenman).
Bump version number
May 6 2021, 7:05 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGER9863d7e12065: Add release notes (authored by eisenman).
Add release notes
May 6 2021, 7:05 PM
eisenman moved T28482: challangeR Patch v1.0.2 from Backlog to In Progress on the challengeR board.
May 6 2021, 6:42 PM · challengeR
eisenman renamed T28453: [external] Error when all metric values are the same from bug when all metric values are the same to [external] Error when all metric values are the same.
May 6 2021, 6:41 PM · challengeR
eisenman triaged T28482: challangeR Patch v1.0.2 as High priority.
May 6 2021, 6:40 PM · challengeR

Apr 26 2021

eisenman moved T28465: Wrong numer of algorithms shown in report summary from In Progress to Done on the challengeR board.
Apr 26 2021, 12:07 PM · challengeR
eisenman committed rCHALLENGERa60677ce9cb2: Merge branch 'feature/T28465-FixNumberOfAlgorithms' into develop (authored by eisenman).
Merge branch 'feature/T28465-FixNumberOfAlgorithms' into develop
Apr 26 2021, 12:05 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGERd972cd37263d: Fix typo (authored by eisenman).
Fix typo
Apr 26 2021, 12:01 PM
eisenman committed rCHALLENGERe03b3780a56c: Fix extraction of algorithm count (authored by eisenman).
Fix extraction of algorithm count
Apr 26 2021, 12:01 PM
eisenman moved T28465: Wrong numer of algorithms shown in report summary from Backlog to In Progress on the challengeR board.
Apr 26 2021, 11:50 AM · challengeR
eisenman triaged T28465: Wrong numer of algorithms shown in report summary as High priority.
Apr 26 2021, 11:50 AM · challengeR