Had problems using the DOCKER version. No download of gradle possible because of proxy.
Manual installation following https://wiki.xnat.org/documentation/getting-started-with-xnat/xnat-installation-guide:
Install Tomcat following: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-tomcat-8-5-on-centos-7/ (user tomcat_local, pwd: e230)
-> We found out XNAT actually wants tomcat 9... using this link https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-tomcat-9-on-centos-7
The user tomcat_local is a local user (thank you captain obvious) without bash interaction. If you want to switch to this user in the terminal use:
su tomcat_local -s /bin/sh
This user needs access to /opt/tomcat_local/latest, which we gave him with
chmod -R 777 /opt/tomcat_local
Ok... that did not work at all.. lets try to use vagrant:
- Install vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads)
- Install git (already done)
- Install Virtualbox (follow https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-install-virtualbox-centos-7)
- sudo yum update
- sudo yum install –y patch gcc kernel-headers kernel-devel make perl wget
- sudo reboot
- sudo wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/el/virtualbox.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d
- sudo yum install VirtualBox-6.1 (or most recent version) -> (be careful, you cannot test it via starting Virtualbox on the terminal, because there is no display connected.)
- Clone and install xnat-vagrant