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Fail to load NIFTI images due to error "itk only supports orthonormal direction cosines"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since ITK 5.3 NIFTI IO is more strict when loading data. Which can lead to problems with data where the axis are not totaly orthonormal (e.g. also due to rounding errors).

With ITK 5.4 the offer a switch in ther NIFTI IO to set the reader into permissive mode.

Proposed solution:

  • We introduce a preference with which you can set permissve mode ON.
  • TBD: does that also work for mini apps?)
  • Overwrite FixedNiftiImageIO::ReadImageInformation: check the preferene and set this->SetPermissiveMode accordingly; then call Superclass::ReadImageInformation

This task can be addressed as soon as ITK 5.4 is out and we have it integrated.

Event Timeline

floca triaged this task as Normal priority.Jul 28 2023, 4:57 PM
floca created this task.
kompan added a subscriber: kompan.

Discussion result: Use permissive mode always switched on. No preferences needed.

kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Moved to
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

This task was closed here on Phabricator since it was migrated to GitLab. Please continue on GitLab.