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Tab button of 2nd view is not correctly rendered
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Assigned To
Authored By
May 11 2024, 12:17 PM
Referenced Files
F3651396: bug_tab2.PNG
May 11 2024, 12:17 PM
F3651393: bug_tab.PNG
May 11 2024, 12:17 PM


How to reproduce:
Option 1:

  1. Open 1 view
  2. Open a 2nd view. The tab button of the first view will be overpainted by the 2nd view. At the place where the 2nd button should be there is a littel rendering artefact.
  3. For 3rd view and more everything works fine.

bug_tab.PNG (123×420 px, 3 KB)

Option 2:

  1. Open 1 view
  2. Open a 2nd view and move it to its own render part.
  3. Open a 3rd view and move it between the two render parts

->as soon as you drop it into the new render part the bug is visible.

bug_tab2.PNG (257×1 px, 21 KB)

If render parts are minimized to an extend that the rerendering of the button row is needed, the tab buttons are also rendered correctly.

Event Timeline

kislinsk triaged this task as Normal priority.

I was surprised not being able to reproduce this issue anymore with my local build. I then tested the snapshot installer and I was able to reproduce. The only difference I see is Qt 6.6.1 (installer) vs. Qt 6.6.2 (local). I will upgrade Qt on our Windows CI clients and check again...

Qt 6.6.3 is the latest version of the Qt 6.6 range. I upgraded e230-nuc03. e230-nuc01 is not accessible via Remote Desktop because of expired credentials, have to upgrade later in office. Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 clients already build with Qt 6.6.2.

Could also verify with Ubuntu and macOS installers that it only seems to happen on the Windows installers with Qt 6.6.1. Close as resolved.