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MITK snapshots/2024-05-02 Workbench not restarting
Closed, InvalidPublic


There have been problems reported for a user whilst using MITK snapshot snapshots/2024-05-02 under windows. When downloading MITK and opening the MITK Workbench all works fine. But when closing the Workbench and re-opening it, the Workbench did not start anymore, even after 5 minutes. There was no error message and the user could only see the windows cmd shell saying that MITKWokbench.exe is run. After re-downloading the same behaviour is seen.
I will let him know when MITK v2024.06 is released and he will check if the problem still persists.

Event Timeline

kompan renamed this task from MITK snapshots/2023-12-06 Workbench not restarting to MITK snapshots/2024-05-02 Workbench not restarting.May 17 2024, 11:23 AM
kompan updated the task description. (Show Details)
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

As no such issue is already known to us there won't be any difference in the upcoming release. A little bit more information would be useful here. What version of Windows? Blocked/scanned by anti malware software/virus scanner? Where did they install MITK? User rights? What's the exact terminal output? What about the command-line apps?

  • Windows Edition: Windows 11 Home
  • MITK Blocked /Scanned: When starting the MitkWorkbench.bat file the Windows system does not let it run intially. A window appears "Windowps protects your PC- Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an ungecognised app from starting- Running this app might put your PC at risk." Then the option "Run anyway" was selected.
  • Installation location: in C drive ( Desktop)
  • Exact terminal output: Command window with a large amount of text appears when the software runs; otherwise, only the first paragraph ("C:\Users\....\bin\MitkWokbench.exe") appears in the command screen.

Particular Problem: "Say you have worked 3-5 hours with MITK in the morning and closed it. Then, if you want to open it again in the evening, then the software does not open; I can only see the command window does not open, I can only see the command window. Then deleting the current one if I again extract the zip folder, runs smoothly just like before."

kislinsk triaged this task as Low priority.

I close this task as invalid. We were not able to reproduce this issue at all and we never heard of if by anyone else. Feel free to reopen the task if there's a reliable recipe for reproduction.