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MITKFileConverter multiple output index before last extension
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Currently MITKFileConverter adds an index to the output path if multiple output files will be saved. The index is added in front of the first '.' found in the file name.

I propose to change it to add the index in front of, what ITK calls, the last extension. So the last '.' in the file name.

The problem occured e.g. in AVID where several dot can happen and then the index is not in front of the real file extension anymore.

Event Timeline

floca triaged this task as Normal priority.Tue, Jun 25, 9:17 AM
floca created this task.
floca moved this task from Backlog to MITK Meeting on the Request for Discussion board.

Wouldn't that break support of compressed files like foo.nii.gz for example?

damn. you are right. Than i will revert it and change AVID to add in front of the first '.'.