MITK always loads images as short. When loading unsigned short images, for example, the higher numbers are interpreted as negative ones.
Classes affected: QtDicomBrowserView and mitkDataNodeFactory.
MITK always loads images as short. When loading unsigned short images, for example, the higher numbers are interpreted as negative ones.
Classes affected: QtDicomBrowserView and mitkDataNodeFactory.
[SVN revision 22384]
FIX (#3722): Used itk::DICOMImageIO2 to find out the pixel type before loading the whole image.
We should port this changes to mitkDataNodeFactory and adapt the DicomBrowser to use the load mechanism direct from there.
[SVN revision 22385]
ENH (#3722): Added a default caso in order to cover the unknown pixel warnings and to get rid of the compiler warning.
[SVN revision 22555]
FIX (#3722): Same solution used for the Dicom browser was brought to the DataNodeFactory. A common class for loading Dicom files was created.