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2022 Week 43 (Late October)
Updated 637 Days AgoPublic

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๐Ÿ›  Third-party dependency changes


โœจ New features

  • Segmentation
    • New GrowCut tool for semi-automatic segmentations
    • Position and size of the New/Rename Label dialog is preserved now
    • New additional shortcut for renaming labels: ALT + double click
    • Improved UI of several tools
  • Pixel value information moved from the status bar into a new dedicated Pixel Value plugin
  • New "Tip of the Day" feature in the Welcome page
  • View Navigator is shown by default now
  • Increased initial window size of the workbench
  • Improved themed icon of the standard display editor
  • New Turbo colormap

๐Ÿ› Bugfixes

  • Segmentation
    • Fixed invalid states of the Segmentation View GUI for certain selection scenarios
    • Fixed wrong label access of several tools regarding time steps and layers
    • Fixed undo/redo behavior of paintbrush tools
    • Fixed a crash in nnU-Net tool when download of pretrained models is immediately stopped
    • "Show only selected nodes" preference is applied immediately now
  • Extreme level window ranges do no longer result in crashes
  • Fixed a crash when loading MITK scene files with empty data
  • Fixed an issue in the data storage backend where predicates were ignored in certain cases
  • Welcome and Help pages are also shown on Ubuntu 22.04 now
  • Fixed wrong RAM usage reports on Linux and macOS
  • Fixed partially hidden OK button in selection dialog
  • Fixed F1 help access to View Navigator

๐Ÿ”ฅ API-breaking changes

In an ongoing cleanup effort, many deprecated or unused classes, methods, and other code snippets were removed or refactored. Migration should be straight forward if necessary at all.

In case you experience any trouble while doing so, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Last Edited
Oct 29 2022, 12:41 AM