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MITK v2023.04.2
Updated 166 Days AgoPublic

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NOTE: This is a hotfix changelog. It is limited to the description of the fixed issues of the original release MITK v2023.04.

Saving segmentations as DICOM-SEG led to data loss

MITK v2023.04 introduced a critical bug that skipped the first label when saving a segmentation as DICOM-SEG. The bug is fixed in the MITK v2023.04.2 hotfix release.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that saving segmentations as DICOM-SEG is still considered experimental in MITK and has strings attached including several possibilities to crash, wrong label names and arrangements in label groups. We strongly advise to still save segmentations as NRRD files until we announce official DICOM-SEG support in MITK.

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Last Edited
Nov 13 2023, 11:36 AM