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MITK (and Windows) crashes when trying to save as PNG
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Load attached 2D Image.
Save as PNG file.

Event Timeline

For an (yet) unknown reason the memory consumption increases VERY rapidly. So be aware of this fact when testing.

The memory problem occurs in the itk::NumericFileNameWriter called inside of

template < typename TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension >
void _mitkItkPictureWrite

at this point:

line 53: writer->SetFileNames(numericFileNameWriter->GetFileNames());

The image passed to the _mitkItkPictureWrite method is correctly initialized, i.e. the Region.Size and Region.Index have both valid entries.

Change request written. Requesting core modification flag.

[e77086]: Merge branch 'bug-11512-PNG-2DFileWriter-MemoryLeak'

Merged commits:

2012-05-10 12:59:23 Jan Hering [b09f27]
Adding new mitkImageWriterTest instance

2012-05-09 18:17:29 Jan Hering [07d14c]
Enhancing ImageWriterTest to test saving of 2D PNG images

2012-05-09 18:16:23 Jan Hering [499201]
Fixing memory leak in case of 2D images

  • splitting the control flow to separate processing 2D and 3D images

and to remove the access to uninitialized memory

[c71db6]: Merge branch 'bug-11512-PNG-2DFileWriter-MemoryLeak'

Merged commits:

2012-05-10 13:27:19 Jan Hering [21789f]
Correcting test label typo

Issue solved, test running on all nightly clients. Closing bug.