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Mousover Renderwindow hides all other windows of ExtApp
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When the mouse is going over a renderwindow, the ExtApp Mainwindow is forcing itself to be on the Top of all other ExtpApp Windows.

This is bad, when you need to interact with small popup windows.

e.g. in the segmentation bundle
rightlclick on node - threshold. it is nearly impossible to interact with the popup. By clicking "New Segmentation" you get popup for the name selection which is also hiding when the mouse goes over a renderwindow.

Event Timeline

[41bceb]: Merge branch 'bug-11777-mouseOverBug'

Merged commits:

2012-05-02 16:19:00 Bastian Graser [d9ccb9]
Threshold GUI Dialog is now having a parent. This way, it can be a modal (stays on top) dialog within the MainApplication.

There are a number of Dialogs in the MainApplication.

e.g. Preference Dialog, About Dialog, Color Dialog, etc.

Most of them work fine and are modal (always on top of the main applcation, blocking input from the main Application). This only works, when you give the dialog the MainApplication as parent widget.

This was not the case for the Threshold GUI Dialog. We corrected this.

However, there might be other cases, where Dialogs are created. In that case it is important to give the MainApplication as parentwidget. eg: the stdmultiwidget or if that is not available, call the static function QApplication::activeWindow().

The console is still disappearing, but there is also no reason for it to be on top of the main application, since there is no input or interaction.